1,261 research outputs found

    Precipitation in the Alaska central Arctic

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2015Environmental change currently stimulates much of the interest in high-latitude hydrologic studies, as northern areas are expected to be strongly impacted by warming. This thesis consists of a comprehensive assessment of solid and liquid precipitation throughout the Alaska Central Arctic. The founding hypothesis are: (1) the spatial distribution of snow and warm season precipitation are linearly related to elevation, (2) annual precipitation inputs are dominated by warm season precipitation when potential moisture sources are ice free, and (3) moisture responsible for snow-producing storms is primarily advected through atmospheric circulation. To verify the validity of the hypothesis, the temporal variability and spatial distribution of snow and warm season precipitation were extensively measured. Snowpack patterns were established using over 1000 snow surveys from end-of-winter field campaigns. The snowpack distribution patterns were similar from year to year and relatively independent of elevation, with roughly an average of 100 mm of snow water equivalent (SWE) from the Arctic Coast to the Brooks Range divide. For the same 1500 m change in elevation, warm season precipitation has a large orographic change, which increases more than 240 mm. Warm season precipitation was evaluated using 31 meteorological stations and although a strong spatial distribution was found, no discernible long-term trends were identified in the somewhat limited 29 year data set. The accumulation of end-of-winter SWE and warm season precipitation measurements were combined to evaluate the distribution of annual precipitation. Annual precipitation varies temporally and spatially over the Alaska Central Arctic. At high elevations, 70% of the annual precipitation is liquid, while at low elevations, liquid precipitation only represents 40% of the annual budget and end-of winter SWE becomes the dominate precipitation contributor. Moisture responsible for snow-producing storms was found to originate from different sources depending on the time of year and ice cover conditions. North originating moisture is three times more likely to occur during the fall when sea ice is thin, or nonexistent. Mid-winter moisture was found to advect into the Arctic from the south. The timing and travel pathways of snowfall events were determined using an atmospheric model (HYSPLIT) and supplemental surface analysis charts

    The Complexity of Computing the Size of an Interval

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    Given a p-order A over a universe of strings (i.e., a transitive, reflexive, antisymmetric relation such that if (x, y) is an element of A then |x| is polynomially bounded by |y|), an interval size function of A returns, for each string x in the universe, the number of strings in the interval between strings b(x) and t(x) (with respect to A), where b(x) and t(x) are functions that are polynomial-time computable in the length of x. By choosing sets of interval size functions based on feasibility requirements for their underlying p-orders, we obtain new characterizations of complexity classes. We prove that the set of all interval size functions whose underlying p-orders are polynomial-time decidable is exactly #P. We show that the interval size functions for orders with polynomial-time adjacency checks are closely related to the class FPSPACE(poly). Indeed, FPSPACE(poly) is exactly the class of all nonnegative functions that are an interval size function minus a polynomial-time computable function. We study two important functions in relation to interval size functions. The function #DIV maps each natural number n to the number of nontrivial divisors of n. We show that #DIV is an interval size function of a polynomial-time decidable partial p-order with polynomial-time adjacency checks. The function #MONSAT maps each monotone boolean formula F to the number of satisfying assignments of F. We show that #MONSAT is an interval size function of a polynomial-time decidable total p-order with polynomial-time adjacency checks. Finally, we explore the related notion of cluster computation.Comment: This revision fixes a problem in the proof of Theorem 9.

    Black hole candidate XTE J1752-223: Swift observations of canonical states during outburst

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    We present Swift broadband observations of the recently discovered black hole candidate, X-ray transient, XTE J1752-223, obtained over the period of outburst from October 2009 to June 2010. From Swift-UVOT data we confirm the presence of an optical counterpart which displays variability correlated, in the soft state, to the X-ray emission observed by Swift-XRT. The optical counterpart also displays hysteretical behaviour between the states not normally observed in the optical bands, suggesting a possible contribution from a synchrotron emitting jet to the optical emission in the rising hard state. We offer a purely phenomenological treatment of the spectra as an indication of the canonical spectral state of the source during different periods of the outburst. We find that the high energy hardness-intensity diagrams over two separate bands follows the canonical behavior, confirming the spectral states. Our XRT timing analysis shows that in the hard state there is significant variability below 10Hz which is more pronounced at low energies, while during the soft state the level of variability is consistent with being minimal. These properties of XTE J1752-223 support its candidacy as a black hole in the Galactic centre region.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures; MNRAS in pres

    GX 339-4: back to life

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    We report preliminary results of a RossiXTE campaign on the 2002 outburst of the black-hole candidate GX 339-4. We show power density spectra of five observations during the early phase of the outburst. The first four power spectra show a smooth transition between a Low State and a Very High State. The fifth power spectrum resembles a High State, but a strong 6 Hz QPO appears suddenly within 16 seconds.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures; to appear in Proceedings of the 4th Microquasar Workshop, eds. Ph Durouchoux, Y. Fuchs and J. Rodriguez, published by the Center for Space Physics: Kolkat

    Wind morphology around cool evolved stars in binaries: the case of slowly accelerating oxygen-rich outflows

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    The late stellar evolutionary phases of low and intermediate-mass stars are strongly constrained by their mass-loss rates. The wind surrounding cool evolved stars frequently shows non-spherical features, thought to be due to an unseen companion orbiting the donor star. We study the morphology of the circumbinary envelope, in particular around oxygen-rich asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars. We run a grid of 70 3D hydrodynamics simulations of a progressively accelerating wind propagating in the Roche potential formed by a mass-loosing evolved star in orbit with a main sequence companion. We resolve the flow structure both in the immediate vicinity of the secondary, where bow shocks, outflows and wind-captured disks form, and up to 40 orbital separations, where spiral arms, arcs and equatorial density enhancements develop. When the companion is deeply engulfed in the wind, the lower terminal wind speeds and more progressive wind acceleration around oxygen-rich AGB stars make them more prone than carbon-rich AGB stars to display more disturbed outflows, a disk-like structure around the companion and a wind concentrated in the orbital plane. In these configurations, a large fraction of the wind is captured by the companion which leads to a significant shrinking of the orbit over the mass-loss timescale, if the donor star is at least a few times more massive than its companion. Provided the companion has a mass of at least a tenth of the mass of the donor star, it can compress the wind in the orbital plane up to large distances. Our grid of models covers a wide scope of configurations function of the dust chemical content, the terminal wind speed relative to the orbital speed, the extension of the dust condensation region around the cool evolved star and the mass ratio. It provides a frame of reference to interpret high-resolution maps of the outflows surrounding cool evolved stars

    INTEGRAL/RossiXTE high-energy observation of a state transition of GX 339-4

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    On 2004 August 15, we observed a fast (shorter than 10 hours) state transition in the bright black-hole transient GX 339-4 simultaneously with RossiXTE and INTEGRAL. This transition was evident both in timing and spectral properties. Combining the data from PCA, HEXTE and IBIS, we obtained good quality broad-band (3-200 keV) energy spectra before and after the transition. These spectra indicate that the hard component steepened. Also, the high-energy cutoff that was present at ~70 keV before the transition was not detected after the transition. This is the first time that an accurate determination of the broad-band spectrum across such a transition has been measured on a short time scale. It shows that, although some spectral parameters do not change abruptly through the transition, the high-energy cutoff increases/disappears rather fast. These results constitute a benchmark on which to test theoretical models for the production of the hard component in these systems.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS (9 pages, 6 figures

    Evaluating Spectral Models and the X-ray States of Neutron-Star X-ray Transients

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    We propose a hybrid model to fit the X-ray spectra of atoll-type X-ray transients in the soft and hard states. This model uniquely produces luminosity tracks that are proportional to T^4 for both the accretion disk and boundary layer. The model also indicates low Comptonization levels for the soft state, gaining a similarity to black holes in the relationship between Comptonization level and the strength of integrated rms variability in the power density spectrum. The boundary layer appears small, with a surface area that is roughly constant across soft and hard states. This result may suggestion that the NS radius is smaller than its inner-most stable circular orbit.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in the Ap

    The correlation timescale of the X-ray flux during the outbursts of soft X-ray transients

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    Recent studies of black hole and neutron star low mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) show a positive correlation between the X-ray flux at which the low/hard(LH)-to-high/soft(HS) state transition occurs and the peak flux of the following HS state. By analyzing the data from the All Sky Monitor (ASM) onboard the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE), we show that the HS state flux after the source reaches its HS flux peak still correlates with the transition flux during soft X-ray transient (SXT) outbursts. By studying large outbursts or flares of GX 339-4, Aql X-1 and 4U 1705-44, we have found that the correlation holds up to 250, 40, and 50 d after the LH-to-HS state transition, respectively. These time scales correspond to the viscous time scale in a standard accretion disk around a stellar mass black hole or a neutron star at a radius of ~104-5 Rg, indicating that the mass accretion rates in the accretion flow either correlate over a large range of radii at a given time or correlate over a long period of time at a given radius. If the accretion geometry is a two-flow geometry composed of a sub-Keplerian inflow or outflow and a disk flow in the LH state, the disk flow with a radius up to ~105 Rg would have contributed to the nearly instantaneous non-thermal radiation directly or indirectly, and therefore affects the time when the state transition occurs.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Emotional reactions to deviance in groups: the relation between number of angry reactions, felt rejection, and conformity

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    How many members of a group need to express their anger in order to influence a deviant group member's behavior? In two studies, we examine whether an increase in number of angry group members affects the extent to which a deviant individual feels rejected, and we investigate downstream effects on conformity. We show that each additional angry reaction linearly increases the extent to which a deviant individual feels rejected, and that this relation is independent of the total number of majority members (Study 1). This felt rejection is then shown to lead to anti-conformity unless two conditions are met: (1) the deviant is motivated to seek reacceptance in the group, and (2) conformity is instrumental in gaining reacceptance because it is observable by the majority (Study 2). These findings show that angry reactions are likely to trigger anti-conformity in a deviant, but they are also consistent with a motivational account of conformity, in which conformity is strategic behavior aimed at gaining reacceptance from the group
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