4,718 research outputs found

    A Biological Investigation on Plethodon Larselli

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    The purpose of this study is to increase the presently-lacking biological knowledge of P. larselli. A study was made, therefore, on this species relative to its geographical distribution, habitat, dehydration and rehydration rates, response to induction with varying concentrations of a gonadotropic hormone, and blood serum analysis by cellulose acetate electrophoresis. In addition, the findings of this investigation will help elucidate the relationship between P. larselli and P. vehiculum

    Hearing voices, dissociation and the self: a functional-analytic perspective

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    Item does not contain fulltextIn the current paper, we review existing models of the aetiology of voice hearing. We summarise the argument and evidence that voice hearing is primarily a dissociative process, involving critical aspects of self. We propose a complementary perspective on these phenomena that is based on a modern behavioural account of complex behaviour, known as Relational Frame Theory (RFT). This type of approach to voice hearing concerns itself with: the functions served for the individual by this voice hearing; the necessary history, such as trauma, that establishes these functions; and the relevant dissociative processes involving self and others. In short, we propose a trauma-dissociation developmental trajectory in which trauma impacts negatively on the development of self, through the process of dissociation. Using the RFT concept of relations of perspective-taking, our dissociation model purports that trauma gives rise to more co-ordination than distinction relations between self and others, thus weaking an individual's sense of a distinct self. Voice hearing experiences, therefore, reflect an individual's perceptions of self and others, and may indicate impairments in the natural psychological boundaries between these critical related concepts. One clinical implication suggested by this model is that therapeutic 'intervention' should understand the behaviours associated with a sense of self that is fragile and threatened by others. Relations with self and others should be a key focus of therapy, as well as interventions designed to enhance a coherent distinct sense of self.20 p

    1861 - Bread and the Newspaper - Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

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    Document citation: Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr., “Bread and the Newspaper,” Atlantic Monthly (Vol. 8: No. 47), September 1861.https://scholarworks.uni.edu/nhomefront/1011/thumbnail.jp

    Growth and optical characterisation of multilayers of InGaN quantum dots

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    We report on the growth (using metal-organic vapour phase epitaxy) and optical characterization of single and multiple layers of InGaN quantum dots (QDs), which were formed by annealing InGaN epilayers at the growth temperature in nitrogen. The size and density of the nanostructures have been found to be fairly similar for uncapped single and three layer QD samples if the GaN barriers between the dot layers are grown at the same temperature as the InGaN epilayer. The distribution of nanostructure heights of the final QD layer of three is wider and is centred around a larger size if the GaN barriers are grown at two temperatures (first a thin layer at the dot growth temperature, then a thicker layer at a higher temperature). Micro-photoluminescence studies at 4.2 K of capped samples have confirmed the QD nature of the capped nanostructures by the observation of sharp emission peaks with full width at half maximum limited by the resolution of the spectrometer. We have also observed much more QD emission per unit area in a sample with three QD layers, than in a sample with a single QD layer, as expected

    Threat vigilance and intrinsic amygdala connectivity

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    A well-documented amygdala-dorsomedial prefrontal circuit is theorized to promote attention to threat (“threat vigilance”). Prior research has implicated a relationship between individual differences in trait anxiety/vigilance, engagement of this circuitry, and anxiogenic features of the environment (e.g., through threat-of-shock and movie-watching). In the present study, we predicted that—for those scoring high in self-reported anxiety and a behavioral measure of threat vigilance—this circuitry is chronically engaged, even in the absence of anxiogenic stimuli. Our analyses of resting-state fMRI data (N = 639) did not, however, provide evidence for such a relationship. Nevertheless, in our planned exploratory analyses, we saw a relationship between threat vigilance behavior (but not self-reported anxiety) and intrinsic amygdala-periaqueductal gray connectivity. Here, we suggest this subcortical circuitry may be chronically engaged in hypervigilant individuals, but that amygdala-prefrontal circuitry may only be engaged in response to anxiogenic stimuli

    Anxiety Shapes Amygdala-Prefrontal Dynamics During Movie Watching

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    Background: A well-characterized amygdala–dorsomedial prefrontal circuit is thought to be crucial for threat vigilance during anxiety. However, engagement of this circuitry within relatively naturalistic paradigms remains unresolved. // Methods: Using an open functional magnetic resonance imaging dataset (Cambridge Centre for Ageing Neuroscience; n = 630), we sought to investigate whether anxiety correlates with dynamic connectivity between the amygdala and dorsomedial prefrontal cortex during movie watching. // Results: Using an intersubject representational similarity approach, we saw no effect of anxiety when comparing pairwise similarities of dynamic connectivity across the entire movie. However, preregistered analyses demonstrated a relationship between anxiety, amygdala-prefrontal dynamics, and anxiogenic features of the movie (canonical suspense ratings). Our results indicated that amygdala-prefrontal circuitry was modulated by suspense in low-anxiety individuals but was less sensitive to suspense in high-anxiety individuals. We suggest that this could also be related to slowed habituation or amplified anticipation. Moreover, a measure of threat-relevant attentional bias (accuracy/reaction time to fearful faces) demonstrated an association with connectivity and suspense. // Conclusions: Overall, this study demonstrated the presence of anxiety-relevant differences in connectivity during movie watching, varying with anxiogenic features of the movie. Mechanistically, exactly how and when these differences arise remains an opportunity for future research

    Un voyage stéréoscopique

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    Nous voici au pied de Charing Cross. Vous vous rappelez, naturellement, l’histoire de cette belle statue Ă©questre de Charles Ier, laquelle, aprĂšs avoir Ă©tĂ© condamnĂ©e par le Parlement Ă  ĂȘtre vendue et dĂ©truite, fut en rĂ©alitĂ© enterrĂ©e et sauvĂ©e par le chaudronnier qui l’acheta, pour reparaĂźtre aprĂšs la Restauration. À gauche, les mots familiers de “ Morley’s Hotel ” dĂ©signent un Ă©difice d’environ huit fenĂȘtres de large, oĂč le voyageur plĂ©bĂ©ien peut s’asseoir pour contempler, en face, Northumbe..

    Un voyage stéréoscopique

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    Nous voici au pied de Charing Cross. Vous vous rappelez, naturellement, l’histoire de cette belle statue Ă©questre de Charles Ier, laquelle, aprĂšs avoir Ă©tĂ© condamnĂ©e par le Parlement Ă  ĂȘtre vendue et dĂ©truite, fut en rĂ©alitĂ© enterrĂ©e et sauvĂ©e par le chaudronnier qui l’acheta, pour reparaĂźtre aprĂšs la Restauration. À gauche, les mots familiers de “ Morley’s Hotel ” dĂ©signent un Ă©difice d’environ huit fenĂȘtres de large, oĂč le voyageur plĂ©bĂ©ien peut s’asseoir pour contempler, en face, Northumbe..

    Drug shortage management in Alabama hospital pharmacies

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify effective strategies used by Alabama hospitals to manage drug shortages. Moreover, this study aims to determine if there are any relationships among hospital size, utilization of a standard policy for drug shortage management and perceived usefulness of standard procedures for drug shortages. Methods: A paper survey was mailed to 129 hospital pharmacies in Alabama (per the Alabama Hospital Association directory). The survey consisted of 5 demographic questions, questions involving perception of current medication shortages, sources of information about shorted drugs, and frequency of discussion at P&T committee meetings. Most importantly, the survey contained questions about the use of a standard policy for handling drug shortages, the effectiveness of the policy if one is used, and an open-ended question asking the recipient to describe the policy being used. Results: A response rate of 55% was achieved as 71 surveys were completed and returned. Approximately 70% of the survey respondents described the current drug shortage issue as a top priority in their pharmacy department. The pharmacy distributor served as the primary source of information regarding drug shortages for 45% of the facilities. There is a direct relationship between size of hospital and likelihood of utilization of a standard policy or procedure for drug shortage management among the sample. The smaller facilities of the sample perceived their management strategies as effective more frequently than the larger hospitals. Conclusion: Common components of effective management strategies included extensive communication of shortage details and the ability to locate alternative products. The use of portable technology (e.g., Smart phones and tablets) along with mobile applications may emerge as popular means for communicating drug product shortage news and updates within a facility or healthcare system.   Type: Original Researc
