689 research outputs found

    Electric-Magnetic Duality Rotations in Non-Linear Electrodynamics

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    We show that there is a function of one variable's worth of Lagrangians for a single Maxwell field coupled to gravity whose equations of motion admit electric-magnetic duality. Such Lagrangians are given by solutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation for timelike geodesics in Witten's two-dimensional black hole. Among them are the Born-Infeld Lagrangian which arises in open string theory. We investigate the effect of the axion and the dilaton in the open superstring case and we show that this theory loses its electric-magnetic duality invariance when one considers the higher order electromagnetic field terms. We discuss some implications for black holes in string theory and an extension to 2k2k-forms in 4k4k spacetime dimensions.Comment: 27 pages Latex. Revised version including new section on open string theory in which we find the inclusion of the axion breaks the electric-magnetic duality symmetry when one considers higher order electomagnetic field terms. To appear in Nucl Phys

    Depinning of a superfluid vortex line by Kelvin waves

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    We measure the interaction of a single superfluid vortex with surface irregularities. While vortex pinning in superconductors usually becomes weaker at higher temperatures, we find the opposite behavior. The pinning steadily increases throughout our measurement range, from 0.15Tc to over 0.5Tc. We also find that moving the other end of the vortex decreases the pinning, so we propose Kelvin waves along the vortex as a depinning mechanism.Comment: 5 figures; substantial revision including 2 new figure

    A Compact Beam Stop for a Rare Kaon Decay Experiment

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    We describe the development and testing of a novel beam stop for use in a rare kaon decay experiment at the Brookhaven AGS. The beam stop is located inside a dipole spectrometer magnet in close proximity to straw drift chambers and intercepts a high-intensity neutral hadron beam. The design process, involving both Monte Carlo simulations and beam tests of alternative beam-stop shielding arrangements, had the goal of minimizing the leakage of particles from the beam stop and the resulting hit rates in detectors, while preserving maximum acceptance for events of interest. The beam tests consisted of measurements of rates in drift chambers, scintilation counter hodoscopes, a gas threshold Cherenkov counter, and a lead glass array. Measurements were also made with a set of specialized detectors which were sensitive to low-energy neutrons, photons, and charged particles. Comparisons are made between these measurements and a detailed Monte Carlo simulation.Comment: 39 pages, 14 figures, submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Method

    An updated analysis of NN elastic scattering data to 1.6 GeV

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    An energy-dependent and set of single-energy partial-wave analyses of NNNN elastic scattering data have been completed. The fit to 1.6~GeV has been supplemented with a low-energy analysis to 400 MeV. Using the low-energy fit, we study the sensitivity of our analysis to the choice of πNN\pi NN coupling constant. We also comment on the possibility of fitting npnp data alone. These results are compared with those found in the recent Nijmegen analyses. (Figures may be obtained from the authors upon request.)Comment: 17 pages of text, VPI-CAPS-7/

    Vapour pressure deficit modulates hydraulic function and structure of tropical rainforests under nonlimiting soil water supply

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    Atmospheric conditions are expected to become warmer and drier in the future, but little is known about how evaporative demand influences forest structure and function independently from soil moisture availability, and how fast-response variables (such as canopy water potential and stomatal conductance) may mediate longer-term changes in forest structure and function in response to climate change. We used two tropical rainforest sites with different temperatures and vapour pressure deficits (VPD), but nonlimiting soil water supply, to assess the impact of evaporative demand on ecophysiological function and forest structure. Common species between sites allowed us to test the extent to which species composition, relative abundance and intraspecific variability contributed to site-level differences. The highest VPD site had lower midday canopy water potentials, canopy conductance (gc), annual transpiration, forest stature, and biomass, while the transpiration rate was less sensitive to changes in VPD; it also had different height–diameter allometry (accounting for 51% of the difference in biomass between sites) and higher plot-level wood density. Our findings suggest that increases in VPD, even in the absence of soil water limitation, influence fast-response variables, such as canopy water potentials and gc, potentially leading to longer-term changes in forest stature resulting in reductions in biomass

    A straw drift chamber spectrometer for studies of rare kaon decays

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    We describe the design, construction, readout, tests, and performance of planar drift chambers, based on 5 mm diameter copperized Mylar and Kapton straws, used in an experimental search for rare kaon decays. The experiment took place in the high-intensity neutral beam at the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron of Brookhaven National Laboratory, using a neutral beam stop, two analyzing dipoles, and redundant particle identification to remove backgrounds

    Human phosphodiesterase 4D7 (PDE4D7) expression is increased in TMPRSS2-ERG-positive primary prostate cancer and independently adds to a reduced risk of post-surgical disease progression

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    Background:There is an acute need to uncover biomarkers that reflect the molecular pathologies, underpinning prostate cancer progression and poor patient outcome. We have previously demonstrated that in prostate cancer cell lines PDE4D7 is downregulated in advanced cases of the disease. To investigate further the prognostic power of PDE4D7 expression during prostate cancer progression and assess how downregulation of this PDE isoform may affect disease outcome, we have examined PDE4D7 expression in physiologically relevant primary human samples.Methods:About 1405 patient samples across 8 publically available qPCR, Affymetrix Exon 1.0 ST arrays and RNA sequencing data sets were screened for PDE4D7 expression. The TMPRSS2-ERG gene rearrangement status of patient samples was determined by transformation of the exon array and RNA seq expression data to robust z-scores followed by the application of a threshold >3 to define a positive TMPRSS2-ERG gene fusion event in a tumour sample.Results:We demonstrate that PDE4D7 expression positively correlates with primary tumour development. We also show a positive association with the highly prostate cancer-specific gene rearrangement between TMPRSS2 and the ETS transcription factor family member ERG. In addition, we find that in primary TMPRSS2-ERG-positive tumours PDE4D7 expression is significantly positively correlated with low-grade disease and a reduced likelihood of progression after primary treatment. Conversely, PDE4D7 transcript levels become significantly decreased in castration resistant prostate cancer (CRPC).Conclusions:We further characterise and add physiological relevance to PDE4D7 as a novel marker that is associated with the development and progression of prostate tumours. We propose that the assessment of PDE4D7 levels may provide a novel, independent predictor of post-surgical disease progression

    Thin-shell wormholes with a generalized Chaplygin gas in Einstein-Born-Infeld theory

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    We construct spherically symmetric thin-shell wormholes supported by a generalized Chaplygin gas in Born-Infeld electrodynamics coupled to Einstein gravity, and we analyze their stability under radial perturbations. For different values of the Born-Infeld parameter and the charge, we compare the results with those obtained in a previous work for Maxwell electrodynamics. The stability region in the parameter space reduces and then disappears as the value of the Born-Infeld parameter is modified in the sense of a larger departure from Maxwell theory.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures; v2: improved versio

    Experimental observation of open structures in elemental magnesium at terapascal pressures

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    Investigating how solid matter behaves at enormous pressures, such as those found in the deep interiors of giant planets, is a great experimental challenge. Over the past decade, computational predictions have revealed that compression to terapascal pressures may bring about counter-intuitive changes in the structure and bonding of solids as quantum mechanical forces grow in influence1,2,3,4,5,6. Although this behaviour has been observed at modest pressures in the highly compressible light alkali metals7,8, it has not been established whether it is commonplace among high-pressure solids more broadly. We used shaped laser pulses at the National Ignition Facility to compress elemental Mg up to 1.3 TPa, which is approximately four times the pressure at the Earth’s core. By directly probing the crystal structure using nanosecond-duration X-ray diffraction, we found that Mg changes its crystal structure several times with non-close-packed phases emerging at the highest pressures. Our results demonstrate that phase transformations of extremely condensed matter, previously only accessible through theoretical calculations, can now be experimentally explored

    Control of Rayleigh-Taylor instability by vertical vibration in large aspect ratio containers

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    We consider a horizontal heavy fluid layer supported by a light, immiscible one in a wide (as compared to depth) container, which is vertically vibrated intending to counterbalance the Rayleigh-Taylor instability of the flat, rigid-body vibrating state. In the simplest case when the density and viscosity of the lighter fluid are small compared to their counterparts in the heavier fluid, we apply a long wave, weakly nonlinear analysis that yields a generalized Cahn-Hilliard equation for the evolution of the fluid interface. This equation shows that the stabilizing effect of vibration is like that of surface tension, and is used to analyze the linear stability of the flat state, the local bifurcation at the instability threshold and some global existence and stability properties concerning the steady states without dry spots. The analysis is extended to two cases of practical interest. Namely, (a) the viscosity of one of the fluids is much smaller than that of the other one, and (b) the densities and viscosities of both fluids are quite close to each other