101 research outputs found

    σ54 (σL) plays a central role in carbon metabolism in the industrially relevant Clostridium beijerinckii

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    International audiencethe solventogenic C. beijerinckii DSM 6423, a microorganism that naturally produces isopropanol and butanol, was previously modified by random mutagenesis. In this work, one of the resulting mutants was characterized. this strain, selected with allyl alcohol and designated as the AA mutant, shows a dominant production of acids, a severely diminished butanol synthesis capacity, and produces acetone instead of isopropanol. Interestingly, this solvent-deficient strain was also found to have a limited consumption of two carbohydrates and to be still able to form spores, highlighting its particular phenotype. sequencing of the AA mutant revealed point mutations in several genes including CIBE_0767 (sigL), which encodes the σ 54 sigma factor. Complementation with wild-type sigL fully restored solvent production and sugar assimilation and Rt-qpCR analyses revealed its transcriptional control of several genes related to solventogensis, demonstrating the central role of σ 54 in C. beijerinckii DSM 6423. Comparative genomics analysis suggested that this function is conserved at the species level, and this hypothesis was further confirmed through the deletion of sigL in the model strain C. beijerinckii NCIMB 8052. In the context of worldwide energy transition, research for alternatives to fossil fuels has become a priority. In particular, the replacement of petrochemistry by a low carbon emission industry has been a major challenge as our global consumption of petrochemicals keeps on increasing 1. The valorization of plant biomass to synthesize ethanol by microbial fermentation has already been pioneered for biofuel production 2 and could therefore be applied to bio-based chemistry 3. A few strains from the Clostridium genus are naturally able to produce isopropanol and butanol 4,5 , two compounds that could be used as biochemical and biofuel, respectively. However, those organisms are not producing these metabolites in quantities compatible with an economically viable industrial process 6. However, with the increasing availability of efficient genetic tools in Clostridia 7 , metabolic engineering approaches could be undertaken to enhance solvent productivity. Clostridium beijerinckii DSM 6423 (NRRL B-593) is the only natural isopropanol-butanol producing strain whose genome and transcriptome have been investigated 8. It may therefore be the best candidate for genetic engineering, although its particular physiology is still poorly understood. For this purpose, gaining additional knowledge on metabolism regulation in this strain would greatly benefit future optimization efforts. In particular, identifying the molecular effectors controlling solvent production may provide valuable insights to define adequate genetic engineering strategies. As no genetic toolbox was available for this particular strain, MĂĄtĂ© de Gerando and coworkers performed random mutagenesis coupled with genome shuffling to increase isopropanol productivity by selecting isopropanol-tolerant strains 9. In this work, random mutagenesis followed by allyl alcohol selection also generated an interesting mutant, further referred to as AA mutant. This strain mainly produces acids, shows no isopropanol production and a strongly attenuated butanol synthesis capacity. These results are consistent with those obtained in Clostridium acetobutylicum DSM 1792, in which mutants obtained in the presence of allyl alcohol-precursor of the highly toxic acrolein molecule in the reaction catalyzed by alcohol dehydrogenases-permitted the selection of butanol-deficient strains 10. Nevertheless, in both cases the key mutated genes causing these phenotypes have not been clearly identified

    Monitored eCLIP: high accuracy mapping of RNA-protein interactions

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    International audienceCLIP-seq methods provide transcriptome-wide snapshots of RNA-protein interactions in live cells. Reverse transcriptases stopping at cross-linked nucleotides sign for RNA-protein binding sites. Reading through cross-linked positions results in false binding site assignments. In the 'monitored enhanced CLIP' (meCLIP) method, a barcoded biotiny-lated linker is ligated at the 5 end of cross-linked RNA fragments to purify RNA prior to the reverse transcription. cDNAs keeping the barcode sequence correspond to reverse transcription read-throughs. Read through occurs in unpredictable proportions, representing up to one fourth of total reads. Filtering out those reads strongly improves reliability and precision in protein binding site assignment

    A fluorescent reporter system for anaerobic thermophiles

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    Owing to their inherent capacity to make invisible biological processes visible and quantifiable, fluorescent reporter systems have numerous applications in biotechnology. For classical fluorescent protein systems (i.e., GFP and derivatives), chromophore maturation is O2-dependent, restricting their applications to aerobic organisms. In this work, we pioneered the use of the oxygen-independent system FAST (Fluorescence Activating and absorption Shifting tag) in the thermophilic anaerobe Thermoanaerobacter kivui. We developed a modular cloning system that was used to easily clone a library of FAST expression cassettes in an E. coli—Thermoanaerobacter shuttle plasmid. FAST-mediated fluorescence was then assessed in vivo in T. kivui, and we observed bright green and red fluorescence for cells grown at 55°C. Next, we took advantage of this functional reporter system to characterize a set of homologous and heterologous promoters by quantifying gene expression, expanding the T. kivui genetic toolbox. Low fluorescence at 66°C (Topt for T. kivui) was subsequently investigated at the single-cell level using flow cytometry and attributed to plasmid instability at higher temperatures. Adaptive laboratory evolution circumvented this issue and drastically enhanced fluorescence at 66°C. Whole plasmid sequencing revealed the evolved strain carried functional plasmids truncated at the Gram-positive origin of replication, that could however not be linked to the increased fluorescence displayed by the evolved strain. Collectively, our work demonstrates the applicability of the FAST fluorescent reporter systems to T. kivui, paving the way for further applications in thermophilic anaerobes

    Differentiation of calcified regions and iron deposits in the ageing brain on conventional structural MR images:Calcium and Iron on Conventional MRI

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    Purpose: In the human brain, minerals such as iron and calcium accumulate increasingly with age. They typically appear hypointense on T2*‐weighted MRI sequences. This study aims to explore the differentiation and association between calcified regions and noncalcified iron deposits on clinical brain MRI in elderly, otherwise healthy subjects. Materials and Methods: Mineral deposits were segmented on co‐registered T1‐ and T2*‐weighted sequences from 100 1.5 Tesla MRI datasets of community‐dwelling individuals in their 70s. To differentiate calcified regions from noncalcified iron deposits we developed a method based on their appearance on T1‐weighted images, which was validated with a purpose‐designed phantom. Joint T1‐ and T2*‐weighted intensity histograms were constructed to measure the similarity between the calcified and noncalcified iron deposits using a Euclidean distance based metric. Results: We found distinct distributions for calcified regions and noncalcified iron deposits in the cumulative joint T1‐ and T2*‐weighted intensity histograms across all subjects (correlations ranging from 0.02 to 0.86; mean = 0.26 ± 0.16; t = 16.93; P < 0.001) consistent with differences in iron and calcium signal in the phantom. The mean volumes of affected tissue per subject for calcified and noncalcified deposits were 236.74 ± 309.70 mm3 and 283.76 ± 581.51 mm3; respectively. There was a positive association between the mineral depositions (ÎČ = 0.32, P < 0.005), consistent with existing literature reports. Conclusion: Calcified mineral deposits and noncalcified iron deposits can be distinguished from each other by signal intensity changes on conventional 1.5T T1‐weighted MRI and are significantly associated in brains of elderly, otherwise healthy subjects

    Early treatment versus expectative management of patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants

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    _Background:_ Much controversy exists about the optimal management of a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in preterm infants, especially in those born at a gestational age (GA) less than 28weeks. No causal relationship has been proven between a (haemodynamically significant) PDA and neonatal complications related to pulmonary hyperperfusion and/or systemic hypoperfusion. Although studies show conflicting results, a common understanding is that medical or surgical treatment of a PDA does not seem to reduce the risk of major neonatal morbidities and mortality. As the PDA might have closed spontaneously, treated children are potentially exposed to iatrogenic adverse effects. A conservative approach is gaining interest worldwide, although convincing evidence to support its use is lacking. _Methods:_ This multicentre, randomised, non-inferiority trial is conducted in neonatal intensive care units. The study population consists of preterm infants (GA1.5mm. Early treatment (between 24 and 72h postnatal age) with the cyclooxygenase inhibitor(COXi) ibuprofen (IBU) is compared with an expectative management (no intervention intended to close a PDA). The primary outcome is the composite of mortality, and/or necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) Bell stage ≄ IIa, and/or bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) defined as the need for supplemental oxygen, all at a postmenstrual age (PMA) of 36weeks. Secondary outcome parameters are short term sequelae of cardiovascular failure, comorbidity and adverse events assessed during hospitalization and long-term neurodevelopmental outcome assessed at a corrected age of 2 years. Consequences regarding health economics are evaluated by cost effectiveness analysis and budget impact analysis. _Discussion:_ As a conservative approach is gaining interest, we investigate whether in preterm infants, born at a GA less than 28weeks, with a PDA an expectative management is non-inferior to early treatment with IBU regarding to the composite outcome of mortality and/or NEC and/or BPD at a PMA of 36weeks

    Le rÎle des représentations et de la confiance en soi dans l'apprentissage de l'expression orale en langue étrangÚre

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    La confrontation des rĂ©sultats du questionnaire et de nos hypothĂšses permet de tirer trois enseignements : l’influence directe de la perception des expĂ©riences d’apprentissage sur la confiance en sa capacitĂ© d’expression orale est limitĂ©e. Cette perception est imbriquĂ©e dans un ensemble de reprĂ©sentations plus large dont l’influence semble plus significative. On peut prĂ©ciser nĂ©anmoins que plus la mĂ©thode d’apprentissage s’attachera Ă  construire un pont solide entre l’acquisition d’un niveau tremplin et sa rĂ©utilisation en situation-objectif, plus elle sera reconnue et apprĂ©ciĂ©e par les apprenants. Il existe un triangle d’interactions fort entre la confiance en son expression orale, le niveau de langue estimĂ© et la gestion Ă©motionnelle des reprĂ©sentations. L’acquisition rapide d’un niveau linguistique tremplin et la construction d’un lien fort avec sa rĂ©utilisation en contexte-objectif constitueront alors un critĂšre Ă©motionnel et motivationnel dĂ©terminant de la rĂ©ussite d’un apprentissage. La crĂ©ation de ce lien fort passera par la mise en place d’activitĂ©s et d’un contexte de travail exigeants et favorisant des activitĂ©s interactives et au plus proche de la rĂ©alitĂ© linguistique Ă  venir pour les apprenants. Ces analyses demandent nĂ©anmoins Ă  ĂȘtre contextualisĂ©es et ne peuvent en l’état prĂȘter Ă  gĂ©nĂ©ralisation : elles sont tirĂ©es de verbalisations d’un panel d’expatriĂ©s en immersion linguistique dont les expĂ©riences et le vĂ©cu sont spĂ©cifiques et difficilement extrapolables

    Maurice Schumann, un élu du Nord, entre démocratie chrétienne et gaullisme (1945-1998)

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    À la LibĂ©ration, le pays dĂ©couvre l’homme dont la voix anonyme a entretenu l’espĂ©rance pendant les annĂ©es noires de l’occupation, comme porte-parole du gĂ©nĂ©ral de Gaulle. À l’initiative de Georges Bidault, il est Ă©lu prĂ©sident national du Mouvement RĂ©publicain populaire (MRP) lors de son congrĂšs constitutif, en novembre 1944. Ce nouveau parti appartient Ă  la famille dĂ©mocrate d’inspiration chrĂ©tienne, Ă  laquelle Maurice Schumann appartenait dĂšs avant-guerre, comme membre de la Jeune RĂ©publiqu..

    Clostridium beijerinckii DSM 6423, an emerging platform strain for solvent bioproduction

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    Clostridium beijerinckii DSM 6423 est une souche bactĂ©rienne atypique capable de fermenter une variĂ©tĂ© de substrats et de produire naturellement un mĂ©lange de solvants composĂ© d’isopropanol, de butanol et d’éthanol (IBE). MalgrĂ© ce potentiel, des limitations subsistent pour son utilisation dans un procĂ©dĂ© de synthĂšse d’isopropanol biosourcĂ©. En particulier, sa faible sĂ©lectivitĂ© envers cet alcool et sa faible tolĂ©rance au mĂ©lange de solvants rĂ©duisent la quantitĂ© de produits rĂ©cupĂ©rables. Ces dĂ©fauts pourraient ĂȘtre corrigĂ©s par des modifications ciblĂ©es du gĂ©nome de cette souche, mais ceci passe par le dĂ©veloppement d’outils gĂ©nĂ©tiques, jusqu’à prĂ©sent inexistants pour cette bactĂ©rie, et une meilleure comprĂ©hension de son mĂ©tabolisme. Dans ce contexte, une premiĂšre thĂšse rĂ©alisĂ©e Ă  IFPEN a permis d’établir sa carte gĂ©nĂ©tique et d’isoler de premiers mutants prĂ©sentant une tolĂ©rance accrue Ă  l’isopropanol.Dans la continuitĂ© de ces premiers rĂ©sultats, les travaux de thĂšse prĂ©sentĂ©s dans ce manuscrit se sont d’abord attachĂ©s Ă  dĂ©velopper des outils de gĂ©nĂ©tique ciblĂ©e performants. L’utilisation de plasmides Dam- Dcm- a permis pour la premiĂšre fois de transformer ce microorganisme avec succĂšs, ouvrant la voie au dĂ©veloppement d’un outil basĂ© sur la technologie CRISPR-Cas9, qui rĂ©volutionne l’ingĂ©nierie gĂ©nĂ©tique en modifiant les gĂ©nomes de maniĂšre itĂ©rative et sans laisser de trace. Comme preuve de concept, les 2 gĂšnes CIBE_0562 (upp) et CIBE_3859 (catB) ont Ă©tĂ© inactivĂ©s. Cette deuxiĂšme modification a rendu ce micro-organisme sensible au thiamphĂ©nicol et compatible avec un systĂšme CRISPR Ă  deux plasmides dĂ©veloppĂ© prĂ©cĂ©demment Ă  IFPEN pour modifier le gĂ©nome d’une souche solvantogĂšne de rĂ©fĂ©rence, Clostridium acetobutylicum. AprĂšs suppression du plasmide endogĂšne pNF2, les efficacitĂ©s de transformation de la souche ont Ă©tĂ© drastiquement accrues, nous permettant ainsi d’obtenir une souche plateforme ∆catB ∆pNF2 qui pourra constituer le point de dĂ©part de la construction d’une souche performante pour la production d’isopropanol.ParallĂšlement au dĂ©veloppement de ces outils gĂ©nĂ©tiques, ma thĂšse s’est Ă©galement consacrĂ©e Ă  la caractĂ©risation du microorganisme par plusieurs approches. La premiĂšre a consistĂ© Ă  dĂ©terminer l’impact de diffĂ©rents substrats, modĂšles ou industriels, sur les performances et le mĂ©tabolisme de la souche. AprĂšs sĂ©lection de trois substrats (glucose, saccharose, mĂ©lasse de betterave), un procĂ©dĂ© de fermentation continue a Ă©tĂ© mis au point pour isoler les deux Ă©tats physiologiques caractĂ©ristiques d’une fermentation IBE, puis couplĂ© Ă  une analyse multi-omiques. Les rĂ©sultats prĂ©liminaires, s’appuyant sur les donnĂ©es obtenues par protĂ©omique, soulignent l’impact trĂšs important de l’utilisation de substrats industriels sur la croissance.DeuxiĂšmement, une approche transcriptomique, le Capp-Switch sequencing, a Ă©tĂ© employĂ©e pour cartographier, Ă  l’échelle du gĂ©nome, l’ensemble des sites d’initiation de la transcription (TSS) pour la souche DSM 6423 et deux autres souches solvantogĂšnes de rĂ©fĂ©rence. Une analyse comparative des TSS a notamment rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© une rĂ©gulation diffĂ©rentielle de l’opĂ©ron de synthĂšse du butyryl-CoA entre les espĂšces C. beijerinckii et C. acetobutylicum.Bien que non prĂ©vu au dĂ©but de ce travail, le sĂ©quençage d’un mutant obtenu lors de travaux prĂ©cĂ©dents et incapable de produire de l’isopropanol (souche AA), puis la reconstruction de son phĂ©notype dans une souche modĂšle de C. beijerinckii, a par ailleurs rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© le rĂŽle fondamental du facteur σ54 pour le contrĂŽle des voies de synthĂšse des solvants et d’assimilation de sucres alternatifs.En conclusion, en approfondissant nos connaissances sur C. beijerinckii DSM 6423 et en permettant des modifications ciblĂ©es de son gĂ©nome, ma thĂšse s’inscrit dans un ensemble de travaux menĂ©s Ă  IFPEN visant Ă  faire de cette souche un organisme modĂšle pour la fermentation IBE, permettant Ă  terme la bioproduction d’isopropanol Ă  Ă©chelle industrielle.Clostridium beijerinckii DSM 6423 is an atypical bacterial strain which can ferment a wide array of substrates and naturally produce a solvent mixture composed of isopropanol, butanol and ethanol (IBE). Despite its potential, the prospect of using this microorganism for a biobased isopropanol synthesis process remains limited. In particular, its poor selectivity to this alcohol and its weak tolerance to the solvent mixture reduce isopropanol recoverability, although these drawbacks might be alleviated by targeted genome editing approaches. For this matter, developing genetic tools, that were until this work inexistent for this bacterium, and increasing our knowledge of its metabolism are important steps. In this context, a first IFPEN thesis did the ground work by drawing its genetic map and isolating isopropanol-tolerant mutants.Based on this context, my thesis first aimed at developing efficient targeted genetic tools for this relevant strain. Use of Dam- Dcm- plasmids permitted for the first time the successful transformation of this microorganism, enabling the development of a reusable, scarless, genome editing tool based on the CRISPR-Cas9 technology. As a proof of concept, the 2 genes CIBE_0562 (upp) and CIBE_3859 (catB) were inactivated. This second modification made the strain sensitive to thiamphenicol and allowed the use of a dual-plasmid CRISPR system that had previously been engineered in IFPEN to modify the genome of a reference solventogenic species: Clostridium acetobutylicum. After the deletion of the pNF2 endogenous plasmid, transformation efficiencies were drastically increased, resulting in a ∆catB ∆pNF2 platform strain that may be used in the future to construct an efficient strain for isopropanol production.In addition to the development of these genetic tools, my thesis also aimed at characterizing the microorganism by different approaches. Firstly, we studied the impact of several model or industrial carbon sources on the strain performances and on its metabolism. Focusing on three substrates (glucose, sucrose, beetroot molasse), a continuous fermentation process was next designed to isolate the two IBE-characteristic physiological states and coupled to a multi-omic analysis. Proteomics preliminary results highlight the severe impacts of industrial substrates on growth.Secondly, the Capp-Switch sequencing transcriptomic approach was used to map transcription start sites (TSS) at the genome scale for the DSM 6423 strain and two other reference solventogenic strains. A comparative TSS analysis notably revealed a differential regulation of the butyryl-CoA synthesis operon between the C. beijerinckii and C. acetobutylicum species.Although initially not planned at the beginning of this work, the sequencing of the AA strain, one of the mutants that were obtained in the first thesis and that is unable to produce isopropanol, as well as a targeted genome approach reproducing its phenotype in a C. beijerinckii model strain, also revealed the crucial role of σ54 in controlling solvent synthesis and alternative sugar uptake pathways.To conclude, by deepening our knowledge on C. beijerinckii DSM 6423 and by allowing targeted genome editing approaches, my thesis is involved in a series of work conducted at IFPEN that aim at making this strain an IBE fermentation model organism, in order to use it for the bioproduction of isopropanol at the industrial scale
