47 research outputs found

    Low atrial septal pacing with dual-chamber pacemakers reduces atrial fibrillation in sick sinus syndrome

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    SummaryBackgroundSick sinus syndrome (SSS) is often complicated with the additional presence of atrial fibrillation (AF). Atrial septal pacing, compared with right atrial appendage (RAA) pacing, shortens the atrial conduction time and reduces the dispersion of the refractoriness. However, low atrial septal (LAS) pacing's efficacy for preventing AF in SSS remains controversial in Japan.Methods and resultsWe analyzed 95 consecutive patients with SSS who underwent dual-chamber pacemaker implantations. Forty-two patients (44%) had a history of AF at the time of the pacemaker implantation. In the group without a history of AF, LAS pacing was performed in 17 patients, and RAA pacing in 36 patients. In the group with a history of AF, LAS pacing was performed in 15 patients, and RAA pacing in 27 patients. We evaluated whether LAS pacing prevented the development of de novo AF and the persistence of AF after pacemaker implantations. No significant differences were found in the baseline characteristics between the RAA and LAS groups regardless of an AF history. During a 1-year follow-up period, in the SSS patients without a history of AF, 19.0% (7/36) of the RAA group developed de novo AF, however, 5.9% (1/17) of the LAS group developed de novo AF (p=0.20). On the other hand, in the SSS patients with a history of AF, 22.0% (6/27) of the RAA group developed persistent AF, but none of the LAS group developed any persistent AF (p=0.049). There were no post-operative complications related to the LAS pacing.ConclusionsLAS pacing is safe and feasible. LAS pacing may prevent the progression to persistent AF in SSS patients with dual-chamber pacemakers

    (Curvature)^2-Terms for Supergravity in Three Dimension

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    We investigate the effect of (Curvature)^2-terms on N=1 and N=2 supergravity in three dimensions. We use the off-shell component fields (e_\mu{}^m, \psi_\mu, S) for N=1 and (e_\mu{}^m, \psi_\mu, \psi_\mu^*, A_\mu, B, B^*) for N=2 supergravity. The S, A_\mu and B are respectively a real scalar, a real vector and a complex scalar auxiliary fields. Both for N=1 and N=2, only two invariant actions for (Curvature)^2-terms exist, while only the actions with (Scalar Curvature)^2 are free of negative energy ghosts. Interestingly, the originally non-physical graviton and gravitino fields start propagating, together with the scalar field S for the N=1 case, or the complex scalar B and the longitudinal component \partial_\mu A^\mu for N=2. These new propagating fields form two new physical massive supermultiplets of spins (1/2,0) with 2 x (1+1) degrees of freedom for the N=1 case, and two physical massive N=2 supermultiplets of spins (1/2,1/2,0,0) with 2 x (2+2) degrees of freedom for the N=2 case.Comment: 14 pages, no figure

    Polyoxyethylene hydrogenated castor oil modulates benzalkonium chloride toxicity: comparison of acute corneal barrier dysfunction induced by travoprost Z and travoprost.

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    To determine the element that modulates benzalkonium chloride (BAC) toxicity by using a new electrophysiological method to evaluate acute corneal barrier dysfunction induced by travoprost Z with sofZia (Travatan Z(®)), travoprost with 0.015% BAC (Travatan(®)), and its additives

    Mitochonic Acid 5 (MA-5) Facilitates ATP Synthase Oligomerization and Cell Survival in Various Mitochondrial Diseases

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    Mitochondrial dysfunction increases oxidative stress and depletes ATP in a variety of disorders. Several antioxidant therapies and drugs affecting mitochondrial biogenesis are undergoing investigation, although not all of them have demonstrated favorable effects in the clinic. We recently reported a therapeutic mitochondrial drug mitochonic acid MA-5 (Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 2015). MA-5 increased ATP, rescued mitochondrial disease fibroblasts and prolonged the life span of the disease model “Mitomouse” (JASN, 2016). To investigate the potential of MA-5 on various mitochondrial diseases, we collected 25 cases of fibroblasts from various genetic mutations and cell protective effect of MA-5 and the ATP producing mechanism was examined. 24 out of the 25 patient fibroblasts (96%) were responded to MA-5. Under oxidative stress condition, the GDF-15 was increased and this increase was significantly abrogated by MA-5. The serum GDF-15 elevated in Mitomouse was likewise reduced by MA-5. MA-5 facilitates mitochondrial ATP production and reduces ROS independent of ETC by facilitating ATP synthase oligomerization and supercomplex formation with mitofilin/Mic60. MA-5 reduced mitochondria fragmentation, restores crista shape and dynamics. MA-5 has potential as a drug for the treatment of various mitochondrial diseases. The diagnostic use of GDF-15 will be also useful in a forthcoming MA-5 clinical trial

    カーネーション ノ カブツキバナ ト キリバナ ニ オケル カイカ ナラビニ ヒンシツ ホジ キカン ノ サイ ト トウ ガンユヨウリョウ ノ カンケイ

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    カーネーション`ノラ\u27の株つき花と切り花を用いて,花の品質保持期間の差異と糖含有量との関係を調査した。その結果,株つき花の品質保持期間は21日,花径の最大値は73mmに達したのに対して,切り花では8日で64mmであった。株つき花の新鮮重は8日目まで直線的に増加し,その後の21日目までほぼ一定の値を示したのに対して,切り花では2日目から6日目までほぼ一定した値を示した後,低下した。切り花の花弁のフルクトース,グルコース含有量は4日目までは株つき花とほぼ同程度の含有量であったが,8日目以後スクロースを除いて低下したのに対して,株つき花では8日目から21日目にかけてほぼ一定の値を示し,切り花よりも高い値で推移した。葉身部と茎の糖含量では株つき花と切り花の間には著しい差が認められなかったが,株つき花では花の品質保持期間終了後にスクロースとフルクトース含有量が増加した。以上の結果,カーネーションの株つき花と切り花の品質保持期間の差は,主として糖の供給量の違いによるものと推測された。We compared the longevity and content of soluble carbohydrates in cut flower with intact flower of carnation \u27Nora\u27. The longevity of cut flower and intact flower was 8 and 21 days, and flower diameter at full bloom was 7.3cm and 6.4cm, respectively. Fresh weight in flower organ of the cut flower increased to 6 days and then decreased, on the other hand, that of the intact flower increased linearly during first 8 days and was constant thereafter to 21 days. Fructose and glucose contents in petals of the cut flower increased slowly in the first 6 days and then decreased to 14 days linearly, but those of the intact flower increased rapidly to 8 days and kept those high levels to 21 days. Sucrose content in leaves of the intact flower decreased to 14 days, and then increased in 21 days significantly, however that of the cut flower decreased to the end of the experiment (14 days). Sucrose and glucose contents in stem of the cut flower and intact flower decreased to 8 days and 14 days, respectively, and then increased in 14 days and 21 days, respectively. These results suggest that difference in longevity and diameter of flower between cut and intact flower are attributed to sugars supplied from the plant

    コウリテン ニ オケル スタンダードカーネーション キリバナ ノ ヒンシツ ヒョウカ ト ヒンシツ ホジ キカン タイナイ スイブンリツ オヨビ キカンベツ トウ ガンユウリョウ ノ カンケイ

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    1999年5月21日に株式会社大田花きに出荷されたスタンダードカーネーション`フランセスコ\u27の中から,国内産の最高級品(A)と中級品(B)及びオランダからの輸入品(C)を入手し,小売店主の品質評価と切り花の形状,体内水分および器官別糖含有量並びに花の品質保持期間の関係について調査した。1.小売店の品質評価はA, C, Bの順であったが,花の品質保持期間はAが10日間で最も長く,Cが9日でBは6日間と短かった。AとCの花弁の乾物率は12日目から急激に上昇した。2.花弁のフルクトース含有量は乾物100mg当たりでAが10.0mg, BとCが8.2mgであったが,AとCでは試験期間中比較的緩やかに低下したのに対して,Bは急激に低下した。グルコース含有量はAが8.2mg, Bが6.0mg, Cが4.3mgであったが,3日後まで急激に低下した。3.全切り花の花弁からAgが検出されたことから,STS処理を行ったスタンダードカーネーションにおいても,購入時の花弁の含水率並びにフルクトースとグルコース含有量の高さが,切り花品質に大きく影響すると推測された。Cut flowers of the standard type carnation \u27Francisco\u27 graded as : high (A) and low (B) produced in Japan, and middle (C) produced in the Netherlands in a flower market were investigated with respect to their vase life, fresh weight, and water and sugar contents in the floral organs. 1. Vase life in A, B and C were 10, 5 and 8 days, respectively : flower diameter of A and C increased during the first 6 days of the experiment and then petals of A and C incurled from 11 days and 9 days respectively, and the diameter of B increased during the first 3 days and then incurled from 6 days. Dry weight percent in flower of B increased sharply from 9 days to the end of the experiment (15 days), and that of A and C increased from 12 days. 2. Petals of A, B and C contained fructose 8.2 to 10mg/100mg dry weight (DW) at the beginning of the experiment, and then in A and C decreased constantly to 2mg/100mg DW throughout the experiment, and in B decreased to 2mg/100mg DW in the first 6 days. Glucose contents in the petals decreased from 8mg/100mg to 4mg/100mg DW in A, 6mg/100mg to 2mg/100mg DW in B and 4mg/100mg to 1mg/100mg DW in C in the first 3 days of the experiment. 3. These results indicate that the high water content percent with high fructose and glucose contents in the petals contribute to long vase life in standard carnation

    カーネーション キリバナ ノ ヒンシツ ホジ ニ オヨボス ケイジョウ トウ ガンユウリョウ ノ エイキョウ ナラビニ バイヨウチュウ ノ キオン オヨビ ニッシャリョウ ト ノ カンケイ

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    1999年2月から6月まで毎月1回,同一温室から収穫されたスタンダード・タイプ・カーネーション`フランシスコ\u27の切り花の形状,品質保持期間並びに期間別糖含有量を調査すると共に,品質保持と温室内気象条件の関係について調査した。1.切り花の生体重は2, 3月が大きくこれ以後6月まで低下したが,品質保持期間は3月が4.7日と短く,5月が5.9日で最も長かった。2.5月収穫の花弁のフルクトースとグルコース含有量は各々10mg, 6.5mg・100mg^DWで最も高く,3月は6.0mg, 4.8mg・100mg^DWと低かった。3.切り花収穫前10日間と11日から20日までの日中並びに夜間の平均気温と切り花の品質保持期間の間に有意な相関関係が認められ,回帰式から夜温14℃前後,昼温22℃前後が栽培の適温と推定された。We obtained carnation cut flowers \u27Fransisco\u27 from a greenhouse on the first Monday every month in February to June, and investigated the relationship between vase life and content of sugars in the cut flowers. Correlations between the longevity of vase life and temperatures in the greenhouse and amount of solar radiation during the growing period were also investigated. 1. Fresh weight and stem diameter of the cut flowers were highest in February and March, and decreased from April to June. Mean vase life was shortest in March (4.5 days) and longest in May (5.9 days). 2. Fructose and glucose contents in petals were highest in May (10.0mg and 6.5mg・100mg^ DW) and lowest in March (6.0mg and 4.8mg・100mg^ DW). 3. The vase life of carnation was highly correlated with day-time or night-time mean temperatures in 20 days to harvest, and it was estimated that the optimum growing temperature for long vase life of the cut flower was around 22℃ in day-time and 14℃ in night-time


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