1,057 research outputs found

    Upseeriston hallinnollinen opetus valtion henkilökuntakoulutukselle asetettujen tavoitteiden valossa tarkasteltuna

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    Perusteeksi kirjoittaja toteaa, ettÀ "Tulo- ja menoarvion perusteluissa vuodelle 1970 katsottiin vÀlttÀmÀttömÀksi ryhtyÀ pikaisiin toimenpiteisiin valtion virkamiesten jatko- ja tÀydennyskoulutuksen saattamiseksi koulutustarvetta vastaavalle tasolle." HÀnen mukaansa tÀssÀ tutkimuksessa vertaillaan puolustusvoimien upseeriston ensisijaisesti rauhanajan tehtÀvien hoidon hallinnollista opetusta muilla hallinnonaloilla annettavaan hallinnolliseen koulutukseen. Tutkimuksen perusteena on kirjoittajan Sotakorkeakoulun huollon ja hallinnon koulutusta kÀsittelevÀÀ diplomityötÀ varten kerÀÀmÀ aineisto. Muiden hallinnonalojen henkilökuntakoulutusta selventÀvÀ aineisto perustuu Valtion Koulutuskeskuksessa annettavaa opetukseen. EnsimmÀisessÀ luvussa kÀsitellÀÀn mitÀ hallinnollisella koulutuksella tarkoitetaan vertailussa olevissa koulutusryhmissÀ.Toisessa kuvussa, "Hallinnollisen opetuksen tarve", tuodaan muun muassa esille kyselyyn perustunut tilasto upseerien hallinnollisten tehtÀvien mÀÀrÀstÀ. Kolmannessa luvussa tarkastellaan ajankohdan hallinnollista opetusta. Tarkastelussa on Valtion koulutuskeskuksen kurssien mÀÀrÀ sekÀ upseerien hallinnollisen opetuksen tuntimÀÀrÀt eri kurssitasoilla, huollon tÀydennyskoulutus ja koulutus joukko-osastoissa johtopÀÀtöksineen. Seuraavissa luvuissa tarkastellaan hallinnollisen opetuksen riittÀvyyttÀ sekÀ esitetÀÀn erÀitÀ nÀkökohtia hallinnollisen opetuksen kehittÀmiseksi. Artikkelin tiivistelmÀssÀ korostetaan muun muassa huoltohallinnon opetuksen tuntimÀÀrÀn riittÀmÀttömyyttÀ virkauran jatkokursseilla

    New biocide active substances:needs and challenges in the EU as viewed by industry

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    Emerging regulatory initiatives in the EU are driving towards more environmentally safe chemicals, used as such or in a wide range of products and applications. The aim of the regulations is also to foster and support the emergence of new or safer alternatives and to drive innovations thereof. Biocides are chemicals, which are used in a vast and steadily growing number of applications in order to preserve product safety and quality, however, the number of the Active Substances (AS) used in biocides is decreasing in the EU concurrent with the implementation of the Biocidal Product Directive (BPD). Accordingly, the present study attempts to elucidate views of representatives of the biocide industry in order to identify some of the present drivers and challenges of new AS development in the different biocide application areas, with emphasis on the economic feasibility of safer biocide development in the future. Notably, the costs of vertebrate testing are a major factor in development of new AS. Therefore, an evaluation of the costs of such tests and their total proportion of total AS development costs is also discussed. Industry expectations for the implementation of the BPD and impacts thereof are presented.<br

    School-related stress among sixth-grade students - associations with academic buoyancy and temperament

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    The present study examined to what extent sixth-grade students’ academic buoyancy and temperament contributed to their school-related stress. A total of 845 students rated their school-related stress at the beginning and end of the school year and their academic buoyancy at the beginning of the year. Parents rated students’ effortful control and negative affectivity. The results showed that high academic buoyancy, high effortful control, and low negative affectivity at the beginning of the school year were related to lower school-related stress at the end of the school year, after controlling for gender, GPA, and previous level of stress. Effortful control and negative affectivity had no significant interaction effect with academic buoyancy on students’ school-related stress. The findings of the study suggest that interventions aiming at supporting students’ academic buoyancy may also decrease their feelings of school stress. In particular, students with high negative affectivity or low effortful control may need training in stress management skills

    Suicides in Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people following hospital admission for suicidal ideation and self-harm: A retrospective cohort data linkage study from the Northern Territory

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    Purpose: This study aimed to explore risk factors for suicide in Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people following hospital admission for suicidal ideation and self-harm in the Northern Territory, Australia to help clarify opportunities for improved care and intervention for these population groups. Methods: Individuals with at least one hospital admission involving suicidal ideation and/or self-harm between 1 July 2001 and 31 December 2013 were retrospectively recruited and followed up using linked mortality records to 31 December 2014. Survival analyses stratified by Indigenous status identified socio-demographic and clinical characteristics from index hospital admissions associated with suicide. Results: Just over half of the 4391 cohort members identified as Aboriginal (n = 2304; 52.4%). By 2014, 281 deaths were observed comprising 68 suicides, representing a 2.6% and 2.0% probability of suicide for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people, respectively. After adjusting for other characteristics, a higher risk of suicide was associated with male sex (Aboriginal adjusted hazard ratio: 4.14; 95% confidence interval: [1.76, 9.75]; non-Aboriginal adjusted hazard ratio: 5.96; 95% confidence interval: [1.98, 17.88]) and repeat hospital admissions involving self-harm (Aboriginal adjusted hazard ratio: 1.37; 95% confidence interval: [1.21, 1.55]; non-Aboriginal adjusted hazard ratio: 1.29; 95% confidence interval: [1.10, 1.51]). Severe mental disorders were associated with a four times higher risk of suicide (adjusted hazard ratio: 4.23; 95% confidence interval: [1.93, 9.27]) in Aboriginal people only. Conclusion: The findings highlight non-clinical risk factors for suicide that suggest the need for comprehensive psychosocial assessment tailored to Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people hospitalised with suicidal ideation or self-harm. Implementing appropriate management and aftercare within a broader public health framework is needed to support recovery and reduce long-term suicide risk in the community, especially for Aboriginal people and males

    Microfluidics for Production of Particles : Mechanism, Methodology, and Applications

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    In the past two decades, microfluidics-based particle production is widely applied for multiple biological usages. Compared to conventional bulk methods, microfluidic-assisted particle production shows significant advantages, such as narrower particle size distribution, higher reproducibility, improved encapsulation efficiency, and enhanced scaling-up potency. Herein, an overview of the recent progress of the microfluidics technology for nano-, microparticles or droplet fabrication, and their biological applications is provided. For both nano-, microparticles/droplets, the previously established mechanisms behind particle production via microfluidics and some typical examples during the past five years are discussed. The emerging interdisciplinary technologies based on microfluidics that have produced microparticles or droplets for cellular analysis and artificial cells fabrication are summarized. The potential drawbacks and future perspectives are also briefly discussed.Peer reviewe

    Properties and chemical modifications of lignin : Towards lignin-based nanomaterials for biomedical applications

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    Biorenewable polymers have emerged as an attractive alternative to conventional metallic and organic materials for a variety of different applications. This is mainly because of their biocompatibility, biodegradability and low cost of production. Lignocellulosic biomass is the most promising renewable carbon-containing source on Earth. Depending on the origin and species of the biomass, lignin consists of 20-35% of the lignocellulosic biomass. After it has been extracted, lignin can be modified through diverse chemical reactions. There are different categories of chemical modifications, such as lignin depolymerization or fragmentation, modification by synthesizing new chemically active sites, chemical modification of the hydroxyl groups, and the production of lignin graft copolymers. Lignin can be used for different industrial and biomedical applications, including biofuels, chemicals and polymers, and the development of nanomaterials for drug delivery but these uses depend on the source, chemical modifications and physicochemical properties. We provide an overview on the composition and properties, extraction methods and chemical modifications of lignin in this review. Furthermore, we describe different preparation methods for lignin-based nanomaterials with antioxidant UV-absorbing and antimicrobial properties that can be used as reinforcing agents in nanocomposites, in drug delivery and gene delivery vehicles for biomedical applications. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Intraoperative transimpedance and spread of excitation profile correlations with a lateral-wall cochlear implant electrode array

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    A limiting factor of cochlear implant technology is the spread of electrode-generated intracochlear electrical field (EF) leading to spread of neural excitation (SOE). In this study, we investigated the relation of the spread of the intracochlear EF, assessed via transimpedance matrix (TIM), and SOE. A total of 43 consecutive patients (ages 0.7-82 years; 31.0 +/- 25.7 years, mean +/- SD) implanted with a Cochlear Nucleus CI522 or CI622 cochlear implant with Slim Straight electrode array (altogether 51 ears) were included in the study. Cochlear nerve was visualized for all patients in preoperative imaging and there were no cochlear anomalies in the study sample. The stimulated electrodes were in the basal, middle, and apical parts of the electrode array (electrode numbers 6, 11, and 19, respectively). The stimulation level was 210 CL on average for the TIM measurement and always 230 CL for the SOE measurement. Approximately 90% of the individual TIM and SOE profiles correlated with each other ( p < .05; r = 0.61- 0.99). Also, the widths of the TIM and SOE peaks, computed at 50% of the maximum height, exhibited a weak correlation ( r = 0.39, p = .007). The 50% widths of TIM and SOE were the same only in the apical part of the electrode array; in the basal part SOE was wider than TIM, and in the middle part TIM was wider than SOE ( p < .01 and p = .048, respectively). Within each measurement, TIM 50% widths were different between all three parts of the electrode array, while for SOE, only the basal electrode differed from the middle electrode. Finally, the size of the cochlea and the 50% widths of TIM and SOE had the strongest correlation in the middle part of the electrode array ( r = -0.63, and -0.37, respectively). Our results suggest that there is a correlation between the spread of intracochlear EF and neural SOE at least in the apical part of the electrode array used in this study, and that larger cochleae are associated with more focused TIM and SOE. (c) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Role of concerted atomic movements on the diffusion of small islands on fcc(100) metal surfaces

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    The master equation formalism is used to analytically calculate the center-of-mass diffusion coefficient for small two-dimensional islands on fcc(100) metal surfaces. We consider the case of Cu on Cu(100) containing up to nine atoms, with energetics obtained from semiempirical interaction potentials. In the case where only single-particle processes are taken into account, the analytic results agree well with previous Monte Carlo simulation data. However, when recently proposed many-particle processes are included, in some cases the diffusion coefficients increase by an order of magnitude at room temperatures. Qualitatively, the oscillatory behavior of diffusion as a function of the island size is not affected by the many-particle processes.Peer reviewe
