128 research outputs found

    Inositol hexaphosphate-induced cellular response in myeloid leukemia cells is mediated by nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase activation

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    OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to identify the role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase, in inositol hexaphosphate (IP6)-induced metabolic disruption in human leukemia PLB-985 cells. METHODS: PLB-985 and X chromosome linked gp91-phox gene knockout (X-CGD) cells were treated with 5, 10, or 20 mM IP6 for 24 to 72 h. Cell growth was assayed using a highly water-soluble tetrazolium salt. The rate of apoptotic and necrotic cell death was determined with an Annexin V-fluorescein isothiocyanate/propidium iodide kit. The expression of CD11b as a marker of monocytic property and of LC3 as an autophagy marker was tested, using flow cytometry combined with fluorescent antibodies. RESULTS: Treatment with 5 and 10 mM IP6 for 24 h was found to suppress the growth of both cell lines, though the effect was more dramatic in PLB-985 cells. After 6-h treatment with 20 mM IP6, the necrosis rate of PLB-985 cells was significantly greater than that of X-CGD cells. Further, after 72-h treatment with 10 mM IP6, CD11b expression was observed in PLB-985 cells but inhibited in X-CGD cells. Autophagy monitoring after 6-h treatment with 10 mM IP6 revealed that LC3 expression was suppressed in PLB-985 cells, whereas it was somewhat increased in X-CGD cells. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that NADPH oxidase activation mediates IP6-induced metabolic disruption associated with necrosis, differentiation, cell growth, and autophagy in PLB-985 cells

    Characteristics of a half-wave rectified brushless synchronous generator

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    The paper proposes the half-wave rectified brushless synchronous generator and analyzes the basic characteristics using the finite element method. It is based on the half-wave rectified excitation theory and doesn\u27t need brush and slip ring system or permanent magnets for field excitation.7th International Power Electronics Conference, IPEC-Hiroshima - ECCE Asia 2014; Hiroshima; Japan; 18 May 2014 through 21 May 201

    Porencephaly in a Cynomolgus Monkey (Macaca Fascicularis)

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    Porencephaly was observed in a female cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis) aged 5 years and 7 months. The cerebral hemisphere exhibited diffuse brownish excavation with partial defects of the full thickness of the hemispheric wall, and it constituted open channels between the lateral ventricular system and arachnoid space. In addition, the bilateral occipital lobe was slightly atrophied. Histopathologically, fibrous gliosis was spread out around the excavation area and its periphery. In the roof tissue over the cavity, small round cells were arranged in the laminae. They seemed to be neural or glial precursor cells because they were positive for Musashi 1 and negative for NeuN and GFAP. In the area of fibrous gliosis, hemosiderin or lipofuscin were deposited in the macrophages, and activated astroglias were observed extensively around the excavation area

    CLE Peptides can Negatively Regulate Protoxylem Vessel Formation via Cytokinin Signaling

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    Cell–cell communication is critical for tissue and organ development. In plants, secretory CLAVATA3/EMBRYO SURROUNDING REGION-related (CLE) peptides function as intercellular signaling molecules in various aspects of tissue development including vascular development. However, little is known about intracellular signaling pathways functioning in vascular development downstream of the CLE ligands. We show that CLE peptides including CLE10, which is preferentially expressed in the root vascular system, inhibit protoxylem vessel formation in Arabidopsis roots. GeneChip analysis displayed that CLE10 peptides repressed specifically the expression of two type-A Arabidopsis Response Regulators (ARRs), ARR5 and ARR6, whose products act as negative regulators of cytokinin signaling. The arr5 arr6 roots exhibited defective protoxylem vessel formation. These results indicate that CLE10 inhibits protoxylem vessel formation by suppressing the expression of type-A ARR genes including ARR5 and ARR6. This was supported by the finding that CLE10 did not suppress protoxylem vessel formation in a background of arr10 arr12, a double mutant of type-B ARR genes. Thus, our results revealed cross-talk between CLE signaling and cytokinin signaling in protoxylem vessel formation in roots. Taken together with the indication that cytokinin signaling functions downstream of the CLV3/WUS signaling pathway in the shoot apical meristem, the cross-talk between CLE and cytokinin signaling pathways may be a common feature in plant development

    Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma of Unknown Primary Complicated with Pulmonary Tumor Thrombotic Microangiopathy and Krukenberg Tumor

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    Pulmonary tumor thrombotic microangiopathy (PTTM) is a rare disease that shows hypoxia with severe pulmonary hypertension related to malignant tumor. Diagnosis is difficult due to rapid clinical progression and the need to demonstrate pathological findings from lung biopsy. A 64-year-old woman visited our hospital with hypoxia and pulmonary hypertension. Diffuse granular shadows in the centrilobular area and ground-glass shadows in both lungs and left ovarian tumor were found on radiological imaging. PTTM was suspected, but pulmonary artery blood aspiration by right cardiac catheter failed to detect cancer cells. We could not obtain lung or ovary biopsies because of hypoxia or pulmonary hypertension. The patient died due to respiratory failure. Signet ring cell carcinoma of unknown primary, PTTM, and Krukenberg tumor were diagnosed on autopsy. Since early diagnosis facilitates adequate treatment, physicians should not miss the opportunity for biopsy in cases of suspected PTTM

    The Lectures on the Development of Teaching Plans and Teaching Materials Tried in the Science Education Class in Master's Course, Okayama University

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    岡山大学大学院教育学研究科の理科教育専攻の講義として、教材開発・授業案開発をテーマとした新しい講義を試みたのでその報告を行う。本講義は、理科教育講座に所属する大学院生、理科教育講座の大学教員、附属学校の理科関係の教諭が三者協働で進めることが特徴である。課題設定、教材開発を含めた実践準備および実践を院生チームを組み遂行させ、さらに経験や専門性の異なる人材と論議を重ねて活動を進めることを通じ、将来、協働で学校現場の課題提案・解決を行うことのできる能力を養うことを目標とした。This is a report of the new type of lectures on the development of teaching plans and teaching materials attempted in the science class in the Master's Course, Okayama University. The lectures were conducted in collaboration of the graduate students and the academic staffs in the science education course, and the science teachers of the attached school of Okayama University. The graduate students were grouped into two teams of five or six people, assigned to decide on themes, prepare and practice the development of teaching plans and teaching materials. They conducted their activities discussing problems with people of different experience and specialty, thus developing the ability to jointly propose and solve problems at schools in future