18,809 research outputs found

    Integrating knowledge and control into hypermedia-based training environments: Experiments with HyperCLIPS

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    The issues of knowledge representation and control in hypermedia-based training environments are discussed. The main objective is to integrate the flexible presentation capability of hypermedia with a knowledge-based approach to lesson discourse management. The instructional goals and their associated concepts are represented in a knowledge representation structure called a 'concept network'. Its functional usages are many: it is used to control the navigation through a presentation space, generate tests for student evaluation, and model the student. This architecture was implemented in HyperCLIPS, a hybrid system that creates a bridge between HyperCard, a popular hypertext-like system used for building user interfaces to data bases and other applications, and CLIPS, a highly portable government-owned expert system shell

    How to Grow Strawberries in the Home Garden

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    Bramble Fruit Culture

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    Kinesthetic control simulator

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    A kinesthetic control simulator is reported that has a flat base upon which rests a support structure having a lower spherical surface for rotation on the base plate with columns which support a platform above the support structure at a desired location with respect to the center of curvature of the spherical surface. A handrail is at approximately the elevation of the hips of the operator above the platform with a ring attached to the support structure which may be used to limit the angle of tilt. Five degree freedom-of-motion can be obtained by utilizing an air pad structure for support of the control simulator

    Heat protection apparatus Patent

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    Development of thermal insulation system for wing and control surfaces of hypersonic aircraft and reentry vehicle

    Process control and recovery in the Link Monitor and Control Operator Assistant

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    This paper describes our approach to providing process control and recovery functions in the Link Monitor and Control Operator Assistant (LMCOA). The focus of the LMCOA is to provide semi-automated monitor and control to support station operations in the Deep Space Network. The LMCOA will be demonstrated with precalibration operations for Very Long Baseline Interferometry on a 70-meter antenna. Precalibration, the task of setting up the equipment to support a communications link with a spacecraft, is a manual, time consuming and error-prone process. One problem with the current system is that it does not provide explicit feedback about the effects of control actions. The LMCOA uses a Temporal Dependency Network (TDN) to represent an end-to-end sequence of operational procedures and a Situation Manager (SM) module to provide process control, diagnosis, and recovery functions. The TDN is a directed network representing precedence, parallelism, precondition, and postcondition constraints. The SM maintains an internal model of the expected and actual states of the subsystems in order to determine if each control action executed successfully and to provide feedback to the user. The LMCOA is implemented on a NeXT workstation using Objective C, Interface Builder and the C Language Integrated Production System

    INTERP3: A computer routine for linear interpolation of trivariate functions defined by nondistinct unequally spaced variables

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    A report on the computer routine INTERP3 is presented. The routine is designed to linearly interpolate a variable which is a function of three independent variables. The variables within the parameter arrays do not have to be distinct, or equally spaced, and the array variables can be in increasing or decreasing order

    Study to design and develop remote manipulator systems

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    A description is given of part of a continuing effort both to develop models for and to augment the performance of humans controlling remote manipulators. The project plan calls for the performance of several standard tasks with a number of different manipulators, controls, and viewing conditions, using an automated performance measuring system; in addition, the project plan calls for the development of a force-reflecting joystick and supervisory display system

    Factors that may affect job satisfaction and commitment to the career within the profession of Athletic Training.

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    The primary goal of this study was to analyze factors that may affect the longevity and commitment of a career within the profession of athletic training. Aspects that were assessed include salary, perceived value, scheduling, hours worked, work demands, available leisure time, parenting, and family responsibilities.1 Previous research focused heavily on work life balance in the athletic training profession. More specifically, what challenges certified athletic trainers (ATs) face within their workplace that may cause conflict in establishing as well as maintaining work life balance and its impact on retention of ATs in the profession. Literature supports many ATs experienced burnout among all settings such as secondary schools, collegiate, clinical, and even amongst graduate students gaining a clinical experience.1,2 Burnout may contribute to the job satisfaction and commitment to the profession when difficulties are faced beyond the control of the AT.3 The data in this study was evaluated to determine if any trends are present among aspects of the online survey. The survey was composed of questions related to factors effecting job satisfaction and commitment. There were multiple significant findings found within the study, specifically when discussing the motivation levels throughout the career of an athletic trainer comparing beginning the profession to current time. Additionally, the aspects such as perceived value in the workplace, relationship with partnered healthcare professionals, scheduling, and personal leisure were found to have the largest impact on ATs retention

    Computer programs for shielding problems in manned space vehicles

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    Computer programs for shielding problems in manned space vehicles - proton penetration code
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