122 research outputs found

    ALBATROSS cruise report

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    This proposal seeks support for a study of the influence of the Scotia Sea on global ocean circulation. During a 35 day research cruise using RRS James Clark Ross, we shall undertake a high quality hydrographic and tracer survey of the southwest Atlantic in the form of an enclosed box. This box incorporates repeats of three hydrographic sections completed during the last decade, so we shall detect any changes in water mass properties. It crosses the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) twice and so enables us to quantify its transport. The Scotia Sea is a region believed to exhibit intense water mass modi?cation. Deep waters from the Weddell Sea escape through narrow passages into the Argentine Basin and are also entrained into the eastward flowing ACC. Deep waters flowing east through Drake Passage are believed to undergo freshening and cooling in the Scotia Sea. When taken together with previous hydrographic sections, our survey will complete a set of boxes, so we shall use inverse techniques to determine horizontal and surface fluxes of heat and freshwater in the Weddell Sea, Scotia Sea and Southwest Atlantic. Thus we shall quantify the r^ole of the Scotia Sea in the ocean-atmosphere climate system

    Dynamical ocean forcing of the Madden-Julian Oscillation at lead times of up to five months

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    We show that a simple three-dimensional ocean model linearised about a resting basic state can accurately simulate the dynamical ocean response to wind forcing by the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO). This includes the propagation of equatorial waves in the Indian Ocean, from the generation of oceanic equatorial Kelvin waves to the arrival of downwelling oceanic equatorial Rossby waves in the western Indian Ocean, where they have been shown to trigger MJO convective activity. Simulations with idealised wind forcing suggest that the latitudinal width of this forcing plays a crucial role in determining the potential for such feedbacks. Forcing the model with composite MJO winds accurately captures the global ocean response, demonstrating that the observed ocean dynamical response to the MJO can be interpreted as a linear response to surface wind forcing. The model is then applied to study “primary” Madden-Julian events, which are not immediately preceded by any MJO activity nor by any apparent atmospheric triggers, but have been shown to coincide with the arrival of downwelling oceanic equatorial Rossby waves. Case study simulations show how this oceanic equatorial Rossby wave activity is partly forced by reflection of an oceanic equatorial Kelvin wave triggered by a westerly wind burst 140 days previously, and partly directly forced by easterly wind stress anomalies around 40 days prior to the event. This suggests predictability for primary Madden-Julian events on times scales of up to five months, following the re-emergence of oceanic anomalies forced by winds almost half a year earlier

    The causes of full ocean depth interannual variability in Drake Passage

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    In recent years a number of large scale modes of Southern Hemisphere climate variability have been observed, most notably the Southern Annular Mode (SAM, e.g. Thompson and Solomon, 2002), the Pacific South American modes (PSA, e.g. Mo and Peagle, 2001), the Antarctic Dipole (e.g. Martinson and Ianuzzi, 2003), the Antarctic Circumpolar Wave (e.g. White and Peterson, 1996), and of course the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). All have pronounced effects over or in the Southern Ocean, and may be expected to account for a significant part of the interannual variability observed there. Most studies analyse these phenomena from a large-scale point of view, often by extracting modes from Southern Hemisphere atmospheric and oceanic fields using various mathematical techniques. In this study we have taken an alternative approach, and tried to understand the causes of the full ocean depth variability in Drake Passage observed in the WOCE SR1b repeat hydrographic sections (Cunningham et al. 2003)

    Biogeochemical variability in the southern Ross Sea as observed by a glider deployment

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    High-resolution autonomous glider data (including temperature, salinity, fluorescence, and optical backscatter) collected during the 2010-2011 austral summer identified variations in phytoplankton biomass along two glider sections near 76 degrees 40\u27S. Sea surface temperatures were warmer during the latter, westward section, while mixed layer depths were deeper. Substantial quantities of Modified Circumpolar Deep Water, identified by neutral density criteria, were located within both sections. Chlorophyll (Chl) concentrations computed from fluorescence exhibited daily quenching near the surface, and deep chlorophyll concentrations at 200 m became periodically elevated, suggesting substantial export on small space and time scales. The concentrations of particulate organic carbon (POC) computed from backscatter increased abruptly during the latter, westward section, concurrent with a decrease in chlorophyll. These higher POC:Chl ratios were not strongly correlated with presence of MCDW or with shallower mixed layer depths, but were strongly associated with higher surface temperatures and wind speed. The observed POC:Chl increase suggests a marked spatial and temporal transition between a Phaeocystis antarctica-dominated assemblage characterized by modest POC:Chl ratios to a diatom-dominated assemblage. Finally, a subsampling analysis highlights the capability of high-resolution glider data to resolve these biological/physical parameter correlations that are not discernible from lower frequency data typical of traditional cruise stations. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Ocean processes at the Antarctic continental slope

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    The Antarctic continental shelves and slopes occupy relatively small areas, but, nevertheless, are important for global climate, biogeochemical cycling and ecosystem functioning. Processes of water mass transformation through sea ice formation/melting and ocean-atmosphere interaction are key to the formation of deep and bottom waters as well as determining the heat flux beneath ice shelves. Climate models, however, struggle to capture these physical processes and are unable to reproduce water mass properties of the region. Dynamics at the continental slope are key for correctly modelling climate, yet their small spatial scale presents challenges both for ocean modelling and for observational studies. Cross-slope exchange processes are also vital for the flux of nutrients such as iron from the continental shelf into the mixed layer of the Southern Ocean. An iron-cycling model embedded in an eddy-permitting ocean model reveals the importance of sedimentary iron in fertilizing parts of the Southern Ocean. Ocean gliders play a key role in improving our ability to observe and understand these small-scale processes at the continental shelf break. The Gliders: Excellent New Tools for Observing the Ocean (GENTOO) project deployed three Seagliders for up to two months in early 2012 to sample the water to the east of the Antarctic Peninsula in unprecedented temporal and spatial detail. The glider data resolve small-scale exchange processes across the shelf-break front (the Antarctic Slope Front) and the front\u27s biogeochemical signature. GENTOO demonstrated the capability of ocean gliders to play a key role in a future multi-disciplinary Southern Ocean observing system

    Ocean temperature and salinity components of the Madden-Julian oscillation observed by Argo floats

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    New diagnostics of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) cycle in ocean temperature and, for the first time, salinity are presented. The MJO composites are based on 4 years of gridded Argo float data from 2003 to 2006, and extend from the surface to 1,400 m depth in the tropical Indian and Pacific Oceans. The MJO surface salinity anomalies are consistent with precipitation minus evaporation fluxes in the Indian Ocean, and with anomalous zonal advection in the Pacific. The Argo sea surface temperature and thermocline depth anomalies are consistent with previous studies using other data sets. The near-surface density changes due to salinity are comparable to, and partially offset, those due to temperature, emphasising the importance of including salinity as well as temperature changes in mixed-layer modelling of tropical intraseasonal processes. The MJO-forced equatorial Kelvin wave that propagates along the thermocline in the Pacific extends down into the deep ocean, to at least 1,400 m. Coherent, statistically significant, MJO temperature and salinity anomalies are also present in the deep Indian Ocean

    Variability in Basal Melting Beneath Pine Island Ice Shelf on Weekly to Monthly Timescales

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    Ocean-driven basal melting of Amundsen Sea ice shelves has triggered acceleration, thinning, and grounding line retreat on many West Antarctic outlet glaciers. Here we present the first year-long (2014) record of basal melt rate at sub-weekly resolution from a location on the outer Pine Island Ice Shelf. Adjustment of the upper thermocline to local wind forced variability in the vertical Ekman velocity is the dominant control on basal melting at weekly to monthly timescales. Atmosphere-ice-ocean surface heat fluxes or changes in advection of modified Circumpolar Deep Water play no discernible role at these timescales. We propose that during other years, a deepening of the thermocline in Pine Island Bay driven by longer timescale processes may have suppressed the impact of local wind forcing on high-frequency upper thermocline height variability and basal melting. This highlights the complex interplay between the different processes and their timescales that set the basal melt rate beneath Pine Island Ice Shelf

    Extensive dissolution of live pteropods in the Southern Ocean

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    The carbonate chemistry of the surface ocean is rapidly changing with ocean acidification, a result of human activities. In the upper layers of the Southern Ocean, aragonite—a metastable form of calcium carbonate with rapid dissolution kinetics—may become undersaturated by 2050 (ref. 2). Aragonite undersaturation is likely to affect aragonite-shelled organisms, which can dominate surface water communities in polar regions. Here we present analyses of specimens of the pteropod Limacina helicina antarctica that were extracted live from the Southern Ocean early in 2008. We sampled from the top 200m of the water column, where aragonite saturation levels were around 1, as upwelled deep water is mixed with surface water containing anthropogenic CO2. Comparing the shell structure with samples from aragonite-supersaturated regions elsewhere under a scanning electron microscope, we found severe levels of shell dissolution in the undersaturated region alone. According to laboratory incubations of intact samples with a range of aragonite saturation levels, eight days of incubation in aragonite saturation levels of 0.94– 1.12 produces equivalent levels of dissolution. As deep-water upwelling and CO2 absorption by surface waters is likely to increase as a result of human activities2,4, we conclude that upper ocean regions where aragonite-shelled organisms are affected by dissolution are likely to expand

    A seasonal cycle in the export of bottom water from the Weddell Sea

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    Dense water formed over the Antarctic continental shelf rapidly descends into the deep ocean where it spreads throughout the global ocean as Antarctic Bottom Water1, 2. The coldest and most voluminous component of this water mass is Weddell Sea bottom water1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Here we present observations over eight years of the temperature and salinity stratification in the lowermost ocean southeast of the South Orkney Islands, marking the export of Weddell Sea bottom water. We observe a pronounced seasonal cycle in bottom temperatures, with a cold pulse in May/June and a warm one in October/November, but the timing of these phases varies each year. We detect the coldest bottom water in 1999 and 2002, whereas there was no cold phase in 2000. On the basis of current velocities and water mass characteristics, we infer that the pulses originate from the southwest Weddell Sea. We propose that the seasonal fluctuations of Weddell Sea bottom-water properties are governed by the seasonal cycle of the winds over the western margin of the Weddell Sea. Interannual fluctuations are linked to the variability of the wind-driven Weddell Sea gyre and hence to large-scale climate phenomena such as the Southern Annular Mode and El Niño/Southern Oscillation
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