16 research outputs found

    Natural aging and reversion behavior of Al-Cu-Li-Ag-Mg alloy Weldalite (tm) 049

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    This study was initiated to understand the natural aging and reversion behavior of Weldalite (trademark) 049 in tempers without cold work. Of particular interest are: (1) the microstructural basis for the high strength in the T4 condition; (2) an explanation of the reversion phenomenon; and (3) the effect of re-aging at room temperature after a reversion treatment. Mechanical properties were measured and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis performed at various stages of microstructural development during aging, reversion, and subsequent re-aging

    Structure and properties during aging of an Al-Cu-Li-Ag-Mg alloy, Weldalite (tm) 049

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    An Al-Cu-Li-Ag-Mg alloy, Weldalite (trademark) 049, was recently introduced as an ultra-high strength alloy (7000 MPa yield strength in artificially aged tempers) with good weldability. In addition, the alloy exhibits an extraordinary natural aging response (440 MPa yield strength (YS) in the unstretch condition) and a high ductility reversion condition which may be useful as a cold-forming temper. In contrast to other Al-Li alloys, these properties can essentially be obtained with or without a stretch or other coldworking operation prior to aging. Preliminary studies have revealed that the T4 temper (no stretch, natural age) is strengthened by a combination of GP zones and delta prime (Al3Li). The T6 temper (no stretch, aged at 180 C to peak strength) was reported to be strengthened primarily by T(sub 1) phase (Al2CuLi) with a minor presence of a theta prime like (Al2Cu) phase. On the other hand, a similar but lower solute containing alloy was reported to contain omega, (stoichiometry unknown), theta prime, and S prime in the peak strength condition. The purpose of this study is to further elucidate the strengthening phases in Weldalite (trademark) 049 in the unstretched tempers, and to follow the development of the microstructure from the T4 temper through reversion (180 C for 5 to 45 minutes) to the T6 temper

    Global energy governance : a review and research agenda

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    Over the past few years, global energy governance (GEG) has emerged as a major new field of enquiry in international studies. Scholars engaged in this field seek to understand how the energy sector is governed at the global level, by whom and with what consequences. By focusing on governance, they broaden and enrich the geopolitical and hard-nosed security perspectives that have long been, and still are, the dominant perspectives through which energy is analysed. Though still a nascent field, the literature on GEG is thriving and continues to attract the attention of a growing number of researchers. This article reviews the GEG literature as it has developed over the past 10 years. Our aim is to highlight both the progress and limitations of the field, and to identify some opportunities for future research. The article proceeds as follows. First, it traces the origins of the GEG literature (section “Origins and roots of GEG research”). The subsequent sections deal with the two topics that have received the most attention in the GEG literature: Why does energy need global governance (section “The goals and rationale of global energy governance”)? And, who governs energy (section “Mapping the global energy architecture”)? We then address a third question that has received far less attention: How well or poor is energy governed (section “Evaluating global energy governance”)? In our conclusions (section “Conclusions and outlook”), we reflect on the current state of GEG, review recent trends and innovations, and identify some questions that warrant future consideration by scholars. This article is published as part of a thematic collection on global governance