13 research outputs found

    Finger-vein individuals identification on massive databases

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    In massive biometric identification, response times highlydepend on the searching algorithms. Traditional systems operate with databases of up to 10,000 records. In large databases, with an increasing number of simultaneous queries, the system response time is a critical factor. This work proposes a GPU-based implementation for the matching process of finger-vein massive identification. Experimental resultss how that our approach solves up to 256 simultaneous queries on large databases achieving up to 136x.Instituto de Investigación en InformáticaInstituto de Investigación en Informátic

    MSDeepAMR: antimicrobial resistance prediction based on deep neural networks and transfer learning

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    IntroductionAntimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global health problem that requires early and effective treatments to prevent the indiscriminate use of antimicrobial drugs and the outcome of infections. Mass Spectrometry (MS), and more particularly MALDI-TOF, have been widely adopted by routine clinical microbiology laboratories to identify bacterial species and detect AMR. The analysis of AMR with deep learning is still recent, and most models depend on filters and preprocessing techniques manually applied on spectra.MethodsThis study propose a deep neural network, MSDeepAMR, to learn from raw mass spectra to predict AMR. MSDeepAMR model was implemented for Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Staphylococcus aureus under different antibiotic resistance profiles. Additionally, a transfer learning test was performed to study the benefits of adapting the previously trained models to external data.ResultsMSDeepAMR models showed a good classification performance to detect antibiotic resistance. The AUROC of the model was above 0.83 in most cases studied, improving the results of previous investigations by over 10%. The adapted models improved the AUROC by up to 20% when compared to a model trained only with external data.DiscussionThis study demonstrate the potential of the MSDeepAMR model to predict antibiotic resistance and their use on external MS data. This allow the extrapolation of the MSDeepAMR model to de used in different laboratories that need to study AMR and do not have the capacity for an extensive sample collection

    Heap-based Algorithms to Accelerate Fingerprint Matching on Parallel Platforms

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    Nowadays, fingerprint is the most used biometric trait for individuals identification. In this area, the state-of-the-art algorithms are very accurate, but when the database contains millions of identities, an acceleration of the algorithm is required. From these algorithms, Minutia Cylinder-Code (MCC) stands out for its good results in terms of accuracy, however its efficiency in computational time is not high. In this work, we propose to use two different parallel platforms to accelerate fingerprint matching process by using MCC: (1) a multi-core server, and (2) a Xeon Phi coprocessor. Our proposal is based on heaps as auxiliary structure to process the global similarity of MCC. As heap-based algorithms are exhaustive (all the elements are accessed), we also explored the use an indexing algorithm to avoid comparing the query against all the fingerprints of the database. Experimental results show an improvement up to 97.15x of speed-up, which is competitive compared to other state-of-the-art algorithms in GPU and FPGA. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work for fingerprint identification using a Xeon Phi coprocessor.Instituto de Investigación en Informátic

    Heap-based Algorithms to Accelerate Fingerprint Matching on Parallel Platforms

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    Nowadays, fingerprint is the most used biometric trait for individuals identification. In this area, the state-of-the-art algorithms are very accurate, but when the database contains millions of identities, an acceleration of the algorithm is required. From these algorithms, Minutia Cylinder-Code (MCC) stands out for its good results in terms of accuracy, however its efficiency in computational time is not high. In this work, we propose to use two different parallel platforms to accelerate fingerprint matching process by using MCC: (1) a multi-core server, and (2) a Xeon Phi coprocessor. Our proposal is based on heaps as auxiliary structure to process the global similarity of MCC. As heap-based algorithms are exhaustive (all the elements are accessed), we also explored the use an indexing algorithm to avoid comparing the query against all the fingerprints of the database. Experimental results show an improvement up to 97.15x of speed-up, which is competitive compared to other state-of-the-art algorithms in GPU and FPGA. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work for fingerprint identification using a Xeon Phi coprocessor.Instituto de Investigación en Informátic

    Comparative analysis of exhaustive searching on a massive finger-vein database over multi-node/multi-core and multi-GPU platforms

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    When searching on unstructured data (video, images, etc.), response times are a critical factor. In this work we propose an implementation on two types of multi-GPU and multi-node/multi-core platforms, for massive searches. The presented method aims to reduce the time involved in the search process by solving simultaneous queries over the system and a database of millions of elements. The results show that the multi-GPU approach is 1.6 times superior to the multi-node/multi-core algorithm. Moreover, in both algorithms the speedup is directly proportional to the number of nodes reaching 156x for 4 GPUs, and 87x in the case of the hybrid multi-node/multi-core algorithm.Instituto de Investigación en Informátic

    Vertical Jump Data from Inertial and Optical Motion Tracking Systems

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    Motion capture (MOCAP) is a widely used technique to record human, animal, and object movement for various applications such as animation, biomechanical assessment, and control systems. Different systems have been proposed based on diverse technologies, such as visible light cameras, infrared cameras with passive or active markers, inertial systems, or goniometer-based systems. Each system has pros and cons that make it usable in different scenarios. This paper presents a dataset that combines Optical Motion and Inertial Systems, capturing a well-known sports movement as the vertical jump. As a reference system, the optical motion capture consists of six Flex 3 Optitrack cameras with 100 FPS. On the other hand, we developed an inertial system consisting of seven custom-made devices based on the IMU MPU-9250, which includes a three-axis magnetometer, accelerometer and gyroscope, and an embedded Digital Motion Processor (DMP) attached to a microcontroller mounted on a Teensy 3.2 with an ARM Cortex-M4 processor with wireless operation using Bluetooth. The purpose of taking IMU data with a low-cost and customized system is the deployment of applications that can be performed with similar hardware and can be adjusted to different areas. The developed measurement system is flexible, and the acquisition format and enclosure can be customized. The proposed dataset comprises eight jumps recorded from four healthy humans using both systems. Experimental results on the dataset show two usage examples for measuring joint angles and COM position. The proposed dataset is publicly available online and can be used in comparative algorithms, biomechanical studies, skeleton reconstruction, sensor fusion techniques, or machine learning models

    Individuals Identification Based on Palm Vein Matching under a Parallel Environment

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    Biometric identification and verification are essential mechanisms in modern society. Palm vein recognition is an emerging biometric technique, which has several advantages, especially in terms of security against forgery. Contactless palm vein systems are more suitable for real-world applications, but two of the major challenges of the state-of-the-art contributions are image deformations and time efficiency. In the present work, we propose a new method for palm vein recognition by combining DAISY descriptor and the Coarse-to-fine PatchMatch (CPM) algorithm in a parallel matching process. Our proposal aims at providing an effective and efficient technique to obtain similarity of palm vein images considering their displacements as discriminatory information. Extensive evaluation on three publicly available databases demonstrates that the discriminability of the proposed approach reaches the state-of-the-art results while it is considerably superior in time efficiency

    Fingerprint Classification through Standard and Weighted Extreme Learning Machines

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    Fingerprint classification is a stage of biometric identification systems that aims to group fingerprints and reduce search times and computational complexity in the databases of fingerprints. The most recent works on this problem propose methods based on deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) by adopting fingerprint images as inputs. These networks have achieved high classification performances, but with a high computational cost in the network training process, even by using high-performance computing techniques. In this paper, we introduce a novel fingerprint classification approach based on feature extractor models, and basic and modified extreme learning machines (ELMs), being the first time that this approach is adopted. The weighted ELMs naturally address the problem of unbalanced data, such as fingerprint databases. Some of the best and most recent extractors (Capelli02, Hong08, and Liu10), which are based on the most relevant visual characteristics of the fingerprint image, are considered. Considering the unbalanced classes for fingerprint identification schemes, we optimize the ELMs (standard, original weighted, and decay weighted) in terms of the geometric mean by estimating their hyper-parameters (regularization parameter, number of hidden neurons, and decay parameter). At the same time, the classic accuracy and penetration-rate metrics are computed for comparison purposes with the superior CNN-based methods reported in the literature. The experimental results show that weighted ELM with the presence of the golden-ratio in the weighted matrix (W-ELM2) overall outperforms the rest of the ELMs. The combination of the Hong08 extractor and W-ELM2 competes with CNNs in terms of the fingerprint classification efficacy, but the ELMs-based methods have been demonstrated their extremely fast training speeds in any context

    A Review of Convolutional Neural Network Applied to Fruit Image Processing

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    Agriculture has always been an important economic and social sector for humans. Fruit production is especially essential, with a great demand from all households. Therefore, the use of innovative technologies is of vital importance for the agri-food sector. Currently artificial intelligence is one very important technological tool widely used in modern society. Particularly, Deep Learning (DL) has several applications due to its ability to learn robust representations from images. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) is the main DL architecture for image classification. Based on the great attention that CNNs have had in the last years, we present a review of the use of CNN applied to different automatic processing tasks of fruit images: classification, quality control, and detection. We observe that in the last two years (2019–2020), the use of CNN for fruit recognition has greatly increased obtaining excellent results, either by using new models or with pre-trained networks for transfer learning. It is worth noting that different types of images are used in datasets according to the task performed. Besides, this article presents the fundamentals, tools, and two examples of the use of CNNs for fruit sorting and quality control

    AttenGait: Gait recognition with attention and rich modalities

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    Embargado hasta 18/04/2026Current gait recognition systems employ different types of manual attention mechanisms, like horizontal cropping of the input data to guide the training process and extract useful gait signatures for people identification. Typically, these techniques are applied using silhouettes as input, which limits the learning capabilities of the models. Thus, due to the limited information provided by silhouettes, state-of-the-art gait recognition approaches must use very simple and manually designed mechanisms, in contrast to approaches proposed for other topics such as action recognition. To tackle this problem, we propose AttenGait, a novel model for gait recognition equipped with trainable attention mechanisms that automatically discover interesting areas of the input data. AttenGait can be used with any kind of informative modalities, such as optical flow, obtaining state-of-the-art results thanks to the richer information contained in those modalities. We evaluate AttenGait on two public datasets for gait recognition: CASIA-B and GREW; improving the previous state-of-the-art results on them, obtaining 95.8% and 70.7% average accuracy, respectivel