1,623 research outputs found

    Mandibular ameloblastoma. A review of the literature and presentation of six cases

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    El ameloblastoma es un tumor odontogénico benigno de origen epitelial sin inducción en el tejido conectivo. En el tratamiento del mismo se debe valorar el tipo clínico (sólido y multiquístico, uniquístico, periférico), la localización y el tamaño del tumor, así como la edad del paciente. Recientemente se han publicado algunos artículos con el fin de actualizar los conocimientos y actitudes terapéuticas frente al ameloblastoma. Se presentan seis casos de pacientes afectos de ameloblastomas localizados en la mandíbula, tratados en los últimos siete años. Se aportan datos acerca de su aparición clínica, sus características histológicas, el manejo terapéutico realizado que consistió en la extirpación de la lesión, fresado perilesional del hueso o resección en bloque, según el tipo de ameloblastoma. Finalmente analizamos el seguimiento y la aparición de recidivas en los pacientes presentados. El objetivo de este artículo es revisar los conceptos respecto al ameloblastoma que se han publicado recientemente y valorar su influencia en la actitud del clínico a la hora de actuar frente a esta patología, tomando como punto de partida para ilustrar está discusión la presentación de nuestra experiencia respectoal ameloblastoma.Ameloblastoma is a benign odontogenic tumour of epithelial origin without induction in the connective tissue. In treating this type of tumour, it is important to assess the clinical type (solid, multicystic, unicystic, peripheral), localisation, and size of the tumour as well as age of the patient. Articles have recently been published with the purpose of providing updated knowledge and therapeutic approaches to ameloblastoma. We present six cases of patients with localised mandibular ameloblastoma who were treated during the last seven years. We present data on clinical appearance, histological characteristics, and therapeutic approach that was used, which included excision of the lesion, perilesional drilling of the bone, or block resection, according to the type of ameloblastoma. Lastly, we analysed follow-up measures and the rate of recurrence in these patients. The aim of this paper is to review the concepts relating to ameloblastoma that have been published recently and to assess their influence on the clinical attitude taken when facing this pathology, using our experience with ameloblastoma as a starting point to illu strate this discussion

    Gas permeability, fractional free volume and molecular kinetic diameters: The effect of thermal rearrangement on ortho-hydroxy polyamide membranes loaded with a porous polymer network

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    Producción CientíficaMixed-matrix membranes (MMMs) consisting of an ortho-hydroxy polyamide (HPA) matrix, and variable loads of a porous polymer network (PPN) were thermally treated to induce the transformation of HPA to polybenzoxazole (β-TR-PBO). Two different HPAs were synthesized to be used as a matrix, 6FCl-APAF and tBTpCl-APAF, while the PPN used as a filler was prepared by reacting triptycene and trifluoroacetophenone. The permeability of He, H2, N2, O2, CH4 and CO2 gases through these MMMs are analyzed as a function of the fraction of free volume (FFV) of the membrane and the kinetic diameter of the gas, allowing for the evaluation of the free volume. Thermal rearrangement entails an increase in the FFV. Both before and after thermal rearrangement, the free volume increases with the PPN content very similarly for both polymeric matrices. It is shown that there is a portion of free volume that is inaccessible to permeation (occluded volume), probably due to it being trapped within the filler. In fact, permeability and selectivity change below what could be expected according to densities, when the fraction of occluded volume increases. A higher filler load increases the percentage of inaccessible or trapped free volume, probably due to the increasing agglomeration of the filler. On the other hand, the phenomenon is slightly affected by thermal rearrangement. The fraction of trapped free volume seems to be lower for membranes in which the tBTpCl-APAF is used as a matrix than for those with a 6FCl-APAF matrix, possibly because tBTpCl-APAF could approach the PPN better. The application of an effective medium theory for permeability allowed us to extrapolate for a 100% filler, giving the same value for both thermally rearranged and non-rearranged MMMs. The pure filler could also be extrapolated by assuming the same tendency as in the Robeson’s plots for MMMs with low filler content.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación/Agencia Estatal de Investigación/10.13039/501100011033 y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) - (projects PID2019- 109403RBC21, PID2019-109403RBC22 y EQC2019-006481-P)Junta de Castilla y León y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) - (grant CLU2017-09, UIC082, VA088G19)Universidad de Valladolid - (PROYEMER-2021-05

    Hydrogen recovery by mixed matrix membranes made from 6FCl-APAF HPA with different contents of a porous polymer network and their thermal rearrangement

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    Producción CientíficaMixed matrix membranes (MMMs) consisting of a blend of a hydroxypolyamide (HPA) matrix and variable loads of a porous polymer network (PPN) were thermally treated to induce the transformation of HPA to polybenzoxazole (β-TR-PBO). Here, the HPA matrix was a hydroxypolyamide having two hexafluoropropyilidene moieties, 6FCl-APAF, while the PPN was prepared by reacting triptycene (TRP) and trifluoroacetophenone (TFAP) in a superacid solution. The most probable size of the PPN particles was 75 nm with quite large distributions. The resulting membranes were analyzed by SEM and AFM. Up to 30% PPN loads, both SEM and AFM images confirmed quite planar surfaces, at low scale, with limited roughness. Membranes with high hydrogen permeability and good selectivity for the gas pairs H2/CH4 and H2/N2 were obtained. For H2/CO2, selectivity almost vanished after thermal rearrangement. In all cases, their hydrogen permeability increased with increasing loads of PPN until around 30% PPN with ulterior fairly abrupt decreasing of permeability for all gases studied. Thermal rearrangement of the MMMs resulted in higher permeabilities but lower selectivities. For all the membranes and gas pairs studied, the balance of permeability vs. selectivity surpassed the 1991 Robeson’s upper bound, and approached or even exceeded the 2008 line, for MMMs having 30% PPN loads. In all cases, the HPA-MMMs before thermal rearrangement provided good selectivity versus permeability compromise, similar to their thermally rearranged counterparts but in the zone of high selectivity. For H2/CH4, H2/N2, these nonthermally rearranged MMMs approach the 2008 Robeson’s upper bound while H2/CO2 gives selective transport favoring H2 on the 1991 Robeson’s bound. Thus, attending to the energy cost of thermal rearrangement, it could be avoided in some cases especially when high selectivity is the target rather than high permeability.Gobierno de España - (Projects PID2019- 109403RBC21/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, PID2019-109403RBC22/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and EQC2019-006481-P)Junta de Castilla y León y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) - (Projects CLU2017-09, UIC082, VA088G19

    Preliminary Analysis for Identification of Priority Species of Small Pelagic Shared Stocks in GSA01 And GSA03 (Alborán Sea)

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    Small pelagic resources and particularly sardine (Sardina pilchardus) and anchovy (Engraulis encrasicholus) represent an important fishery activity for the countries bordering the Alboran Sea. This paper aims at contributing to the identification of priority species of small pelagic shared stocks in GSA01 and GSA03 (northern and southern Alboran Sea GFCM regions) for carrying out joint stock assessments and promoting new management measures that would allow the sustainability of the resources and its exploitation. The WG on small pelagic shared stocks met twice during 2011 progressing in analysing the available data on the stocks and its exploitation and building a common data base. Moreover a comparative analysis on sardine landings data from 2003-2010 in GSA01 and GSA03 was carried out explaining that the exploitation pattern in sub-areas (GSAs 01 and 03) is different but the total length-frequency distribution of sardine exploited by each country appears to be similar. A tentative in applying a LCA analysis of the Moroccan and Spanish data on sardine using different biological parameters and with the VIT software was unsuccessful but orientated for future works of the W

    Treatment of peripheral nerves injuries. Trends in surgical treatment

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    Las lesiones nerviosas son habituales en cualquier medio hospitalario. La alta incidencia de estas lesiones y el elevado número de secuelas asociadas a las mismas las hace un problema de salud pública. Proporcionar un tratamiento satisfactorio con un pronóstico funcional aceptable es aún una asignatura pendiente para la medicina actual. Generalmente, los nervios periféricos se lesionan de forma aguda en el contexto de accidentes de tráfico, heridas por arma de fuego o por arma blanca, amputaciones totales o parciales de cualquier miembro o, simplemente, una herida incisa producida en un ambiente doméstico o laboral. Hoy día las opciones terapéuticas de las que dispone el cirujano para reparar este tipo de lesiones son muy limitadas con una recuperación funcional lenta y exigua en un porcentaje elevado de casos. La progresión de las ciencias médicas y biológicas ha permitido el desarrollo de nuevas técnicas y métodos de Ingeniería Tisular que proyectan avances en la terapia para este tipo de lesiones nerviosas que hasta ahora, se han asociado a una recuperación insatisfactoria, y a veces inexistente.Nerve damage is common in any hospital environment. The high incidence of these injuries and the high number of aftermath associated makes them a public health problem. To provide a successful treatment with acceptable functional prognosis is still a pending issue for modern medicine. Generally, peripheral nerves are injured acutely in the context of traffic accidents, gunshot wounds or stab, or partial amputation of any member or simply an incised wound produced at home or business. Today, the therapeutic options available to the surgeon to repair such injuries are very limited with a slow and meager functional recovery in a high percentage of cases. The progression of biological and medical sciences has enabled the development of new techniques and methods Tissue Engineering that project advances in therapy for this type of nerve damage so far, have been associated with an unsatisfactory recovery, and sometimes nonexistent

    Evaluation of a Mixing versus a Cycling Strategy of Antibiotic Use in Critically-Ill Medical Patients: Impact on Acquisition of Resistant Microorganisms and Clinical Outcomes

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare the effect of two strategies of antibiotic use (mixing vs. cycling) on the acquisition of resistant microorganisms, infections and other clinical outcomes. METHODS: Prospective cohort study in an 8-bed intensive care unit during 35- months in which a mixing-cycling policy of antipseudomonal beta-lactams (meropenem, ceftazidime/piperacillin-tazobactam) and fluoroquinolones was operative. Nasopharyngeal and rectal swabs and respiratory secretions were obtained within 48h of admission and thrice weekly thereafter. Target microorganisms included methicillin-resistant S. aureus, vancomycin-resistant enterococci, third-generation cephalosporin-resistant Enterobacteriaceae and non-fermenters. RESULTS: A total of 409 (42%) patients were included in mixing and 560 (58%) in cycling. Exposure to ceftazidime/piperacillin-tazobactam and fluoroquinolones was significantly higher in mixing while exposure to meropenem was higher in cycling, although overall use of antipseudomonals was not significantly different (37.5/100 patient-days vs. 38.1/100 patient-days). There was a barely higher acquisition rate of microorganisms during mixing, but this difference lost its significance when the cases due to an exogenous Burkholderia cepacia outbreak were excluded (19.3% vs. 15.4%, OR 0.8, CI 0.5-1.1). Acquisition of Pseudomonas aeruginosa resistant to the intervention antibiotics or with multiple-drug resistance was similar. There were no significant differences between mixing and cycling in the proportion of patients acquiring any infection (16.6% vs. 14.5%, OR 0.9, CI 0.6-1.2), any infection due to target microorganisms (5.9% vs. 5.2%, OR 0.9, CI 0.5-1.5), length of stay (median 5 d for both groups) or mortality (13.9 vs. 14.3%, OR 1.03, CI 0.7-1.3). CONCLUSIONS: A cycling strategy of antibiotic use with a 6-week cycle duration is similar to mixing in terms of acquisition of resistant microorganisms, infections, length of stay and mortality

    Acquisition of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and its resistance phenotypes in critically-ill medical patients: role of colonization pressure and antibiotic exposure

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    The objective of this work was to investigate the risk factors for the acquisition of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and its resistance phenotypes in critically ill patients, taking into account colonization pressure. METHODS: We conducted a prospective cohort study in an 8-bed medical intensive care unit during a 35-month period. Nasopharyngeal and rectal swabs and respiratory secretions were obtained within 48 hours of admission and thrice weekly thereafter. During the study, a policy of consecutive mixing and cycling periods of three classes of antipseudomonal antibiotics was followed in the unit. RESULTS: Of 850 patients admitted for ≥ 3 days, 751 (88.3%) received an antibiotic, 562 of which (66.1%) were antipseudomonal antibiotics. A total of 68 patients (8%) carried P. aeruginosa upon admission, and among the remaining 782, 104 (13%) acquired at least one strain of P. aeruginosa during their stay. Multivariate analysis selected shock (odds ratio (OR) = 2.1; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.2 to 3.7), intubation (OR = 3.6; 95% CI, 1.7 to 7.5), enteral nutrition (OR = 3.6; 95% CI, 1.8 to 7.6), parenteral nutrition (OR = 3.9; 95% CI, 1.6 to 9.6), tracheostomy (OR = 4.4; 95% CI, 2.3 to 8.3) and colonization pressure >0.43 (OR = 4; 95% CI, 1.2 to 5) as independently associated with the acquisition of P. aeruginosa, whereas exposure to fluoroquinolones for >3 days (OR = 0.4; 95% CI, 0.2 to 0.8) was protective. In the whole series, prior exposure to carbapenems was independently associated with carbapenem resistance, and prior amikacin use predicted piperacillin-tazobactam, fluoroquinolone and multiple-drug resistance. CONCLUSIONS: In critical care settings with a high rate of antibiotic use, colonization pressure and non-antibiotic exposures may be the crucial factors for P. aeruginosa acquisition, whereas fluoroquinolones may actually decrease its likelihood. For the acquisition of strains resistant to piperacillin-tazobactam, fluoroquinolones and multiple drugs, exposure to amikacin may be more relevant than previously recognized

    Izaña Atmospheric Research Center. Activity Report 2019-2020

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    Editors: Emilio Cuevas, Celia Milford and Oksana Tarasova.[EN]The Izaña Atmospheric Research Center (IARC), which is part of the State Meteorological Agency of Spain (AEMET), is a site of excellence in atmospheric science. It manages four observatories in Tenerife including the high altitude Izaña Atmospheric Observatory. The Izaña Atmospheric Observatory was inaugurated in 1916 and since that date has carried out uninterrupted meteorological and climatological observations, contributing towards a unique 100-year record in 2016. This reports are a summary of the many activities at the Izaña Atmospheric Research Center to the broader community. The combination of operational activities, research and development in state-of-the-art measurement techniques, calibration and validation and international cooperation encompass the vision of WMO to provide world leadership in expertise and international cooperation in weather, climate, hydrology and related environmental issues.[ES]El Centro de Investigación Atmosférica de Izaña (CIAI), que forma parte de la Agencia Estatal de Meteorología de España (AEMET), representa un centro de excelencia en ciencias atmosféricas. Gestiona cuatro observatorios en Tenerife, incluido el Observatorio de Izaña de gran altitud, inaugurado en 1916 y que desde entonces ha realizado observaciones meteorológicas y climatológicas ininterrumpidas y se ha convertido en una estación centenaria de la OMM. Estos informes resumen las múltiples actividades llevadas a cabo por el Centro de Investigación Atmosférica de Izaña. El liderazgo del Centro en materia de investigación y desarrollo con respecto a las técnicas de medición, calibración y validación de última generación, así como la cooperación internacional, le han otorgado una reputación sobresaliente en lo que se refiere al tiempo, el clima, la hidrología y otros temas ambientales afines

    Associations of hypomagnesemia in patients seeking a first treatment of alcohol use disorder

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    Introduction: Hypomagnesemia (hypoMg) has not yet been extensively studied in alcohol use disorder (AUD) . We hypothesize that chronic, excessive alcohol consumption favors oxidative stress and pro-inflammatory alterations that may be exacerbated by hypoMg. The objective of this study was to analyze the prevalence and associations of hypoMg in AUD.Patients and Methods: Cross-sectional study in patients admitted for a first treatment of AUD in six tertiary centers between 2013 and 2020. Socio-demographic, alcohol use characteristics, and blood parameters were ascertained at admission.Results: 753 patients (71% men) were eligible; age at admission was 48 years [IQR, 41-56 years]. Prevalence of hypoMg was 11.2%, higher than that observed for hypocalcemia (9.3%), hyponatremia (5.6%), and hypokalemia (2.8%). HypoMg was associated with older age, longer duration of AUD, anemia, higher erythrocyte sedimen-tation rate, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, glucose levels, advanced liver fibrosis (FIB-4 >= 3.25) and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) < 60 mL/min. In multivariate analysis, advanced liver fibrosis (OR, 8.91; 95% CI, 3.3-23.9) and eGFR < 60 mL (OR, 5.2; 95% CI, 1.0-26.2) were the only factors associated with hypoMg.Conclusions: Mg deficiency in AUD is associated with liver damage and glomerular dysfunction suggesting that both comorbidities should be assessed in the course of serum hypoMg

    Doñana. Acta vertebrata. vol 21 (2)

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    Requerimientos ambientales de Microtus arvalis asturianus Miller, 1908 (Rodentia, Arvicolidae) en la Península Ibérica.Dinámica anual de la comunidad de paseriformes en un salador litoral del sudeste Ibérico.Helminthfauna of canidae and felidae in the Montseny massif (Catalonia, Spain)Métodos de sujección utilizados por dos especies de alcaudones (Lanius excubitor y L. collurio) para almacenar alimentoSelección del microhábitat en una población de Podarcis bocagei del noroeste ibéricoConducta de puesta, de eclosión y de los recién nacidos en Podarciis bocagei.Nota sobre alimentación de mochuelo (Athene noctua, L. Aves: Strigiformes).Micromamíferos utilizando nidos abandonados de aves como almacenes de alimento y lugares comedorAcerca de la dieta primaveral de perros asilvestrados (Canis familiaris) en una localidad del sureste ibérico.Localización del fartet, Aphanius iberus, en la cuenca del rio Adra (Almeria, sudeste ibérico).Estimación de la dieta de la garcilla bueyera a partir del análisis de regurgitaciones de pollos: problemas debidos a la digestión diferencial de las presas.Peer reviewe