17 research outputs found

    Respuesta empresarial al eWOM en alojamientos de turismo rural

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    [EN] Purpose– Companies are adopting a more active role in managing their online reputations by using electronic word of mouth (eWOM) and often responding directly to customer reviews. Therefore, companies need to understand the effects of management responses to customer reviews. This study aims to explore whether it is worth responding to reviews and whether expressing gratitude enhances the effects of review responses. Design/methodology/approach– This study uses customer reviews and management response data from a sample of 766 Spanish rural lodging establishments listed on Toprural (www.toprural.com). Analyses are undertaken with NVivo andSmartPLS. Findings– Responding to negative reviews improves lodging establishments’average ratings, but responding to positive reviews has no significant direct effect. Expressing gratitude in responses positively moderates the effects of review responses; this moderating effect is more significant for responses to negative than to positive reviews. Originality/value– Previous research provides contradictory evidence about the positive outcomes of a company’s responses; it also does not address expressions of gratitude. This research provides evidence of the direct effects of management response quantity on ratings. It also expands current research on the content characteristics of these responses. The contextual setting for this research, rural tourism, is a key driver of sustainable rural development and a sector in which eWOM is especially relevant; thus, correctly managing the eWOM phenomenon become scrucial. [ES] Propósito Al objeto de mejorar su reputación online, las empresas progresivamente están adoptando un papel más activo ante las reseñas online de los clientes, ofreciendo respuestas online a dichas reseñas. Por tanto, es necesario que las empresas conozcan mejor los efectos de responder online. Este estudio examina si resulta beneficioso responder a las reseñas y si expresar agradecimiento potencia el efecto de responder. Diseño/metodología/enfoque A partir de datos sobre reseñas online de clientes y respuestas de la empresa, correspondientes a una muestra de 766 alojamientos de turismo rural de Toprural (www.toprural.com), se realizan análisis con NVivo y SmartPLS. Resultados Responder a reseñas negativas mejora las puntuaciones medias del establecimiento en Toprural. Sin embargo, responder a reseñas positivas no tiene un efecto directo significativo. Además, expresar agradecimiento en las respuestas modera positivamente el efecto de responder. No obstante, esta moderación es más intensa en el caso de respuestas a reseñas negativas frente a las reseñas positivas. Originalidad/valor La investigación previa aporta evidencia contradictoria sobre los efectos de la intensidad de respuesta empresarial a las reseñas online; además, no se ocupa de la expresión de gratitud en particular. Este estudio aporta luz respecto al efecto directo de la intensidad de respuesta sobre las puntuaciones online y amplía la investigación actual sobre las características de contenido de las respuestas. El marco de estudio, el turismo rural, se considera clave para un desarrollo rural sostenible y constituye un escenario donde el boca-oído electrónico es especialmente importante; en consecuencia, gestionar correctamente el fenómeno es crucial

    Changes in nutritional quality-related traits of quinoa seeds under different storage conditions

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    Within the context of climate change and its impact on global food security, seed storage has become key, as it ensures long-term food and next-season seed preservation. Aiming at evaluating quality-related changes in quinoa seeds over storage time, different storage temperatures (–20, 4, 12, 25, and 37°C) and humidity conditions (use of silica gel or not) were studied and different seed nutritional parameters were evaluated at different points during a year of storage. Also, to determine if these variations could be conditioned by the genotype used, two quinoa cultivars were compared. The results proved that quinoa seed quality is highly dependent on the storage temperature but is not consistently affected by the use of silica gel if the seed moisture content (SMC) is kept between 5 and 12%. Furthermore, quality can be maintained and even improved by keeping SMC lower than 12% and storage temperatures low (4°C). Under these conditions (at 4°C in hermetic packaging with or without silica gel), and after 12 months of storage, there was an increase in amino acids like isoleucine, serine, arginine, glycine, and glutamic acid and in seed viability and germination. On the contrary, quinoa seeds stored at 37°C showed an accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) which was related to a lower antioxidant capacity and a reduction in the contents of essential amino acids like isoleucine, lysine, histidine, and threonine, resulting in a delayed and reduced germination capacity, and, therefore, lower seed quality. Besides, quality-related differences appeared between cultivars highlighting differences linked to the genotype. Overall, this work demonstrates that optimal storage temperatures and SMC can preserve or even improve quinoa seed nutritional quality, which in turn can impact food safety and agricultureThis work was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN, Spain) (PID2019-105748RA-I00), the Comunidad de Madrid-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (SI1/PJI/2019-00124), the CYTED (ValSe-Food 119RT0567), the FPI-UAM Fellowship Programme 2019 (to SG-R), the Ayundante de Investigación CM Programme (to IM-G), and the Ramón y Cajal Programme 2019 (to M

    La influencia de la página web y de la clasificación de estrellas como señales de calidad en la intención de reserva: análisis del efecto moderador de la búsqueda de variedad

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    [EN] Purpose– The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of booking website (hotel or third-party) characteristics and hotel star-rating classification, as signals of quality, on travelers’ relationships with hotels or hotel chains, taking into account the moderating effectof travelers’ tendencies to seek variety. Design/methodology/approach– Totestthehypothesizedrelationships, structural equation modeling was performed. A multi-group analysis was also conducted to test the moderating effect of travelers’variety seeking. Findings– Both booking website quality and star rating improve customer satisfaction with specific experiences at hotels and behavioral intentions toward hotels. The results also show that travelers’ varietyseeking levels (low/high) exert a moderating effect on their overall relationships with hotels, and quality signals are morerelevantfor those whoareless inclined to seek variety in their travel experiences. Originality/value– This paper analyzes the importance of quality signals on travelers’ relationships with hotels in an electronic shopping environment. Furthermore, the influence of travelers’ variety-seeking in the hotel sector in particular is studied. For hotel managers, a better knowledge of this personality trait can help to apply successful segmentation strategies. [ES] Propósito– Este estudio analiza la influencia de las características del sitio web de reserva-web propia del hotel o de un tercero- y del número de estrellas del hotel, como señales de calidad, en la relación del cliente con el hotel o cadena, teniendo en cuenta el efecto moderador de la tendencia del viajero a buscar variedad. Diseño/metodología/enfoque– Para probar las hipótesis, se llevo a cabo un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM). También se realizó un análisis multi-grupo para probar el efecto moderador de la búsqueda de variedad del viajero. Resultados– Tanto la calidad del sitio web de reserva como las estrellas favorecen la satisfacción del cliente con la experiencia concreta en el hotel y, finalmente, las intenciones de comportamiento hacia el hotel. Además, el análisis muestra que el nivel de búsqueda de variedad del viajero (bajo/alto) ejerce un efecto moderador en su relación global con el hotel y que las señales parecen ser mas relevantes para los individuos con menor tendencia a buscar variedad en sus experiencias de viaje. Originalidad/valor– Este trabajo analiza la importancia de las señales de calidad en la relación de los viajeros con los hoteles en un entorno de compra electrónica. Además, se estudia la influencia de la búsqueda de variedad de los viajeros en el sector hotelero en particular. Un mejor conocimiento de este rasgo de la personalidad puede ayudar a los gerentes de hotel a aplicar estrategias de segmentación exitosas

    Corporate sustainability transitions: Are there differences between what companies say and do and what ESG ratings say companies do?

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    [EN] The existing literature agrees that companies’ sustainability concerns are related to stakeholders’ sustainability awareness. However, these studies disagree on how this relationship occurs. Some suggest that companies strategically decide to be more sustainable, expecting that stakeholders’ recognition of their efforts will generate competitive advantage (inside-out perspective). However, others suggest that companies’ sustainability awareness (and actions) increases only in response to stakeholder requests (outside-in perspective). Each perspective offers different views on how much stakeholders should trust the available information sources about companies’ sustainability performance—what companies say (e.g., sustainability reports) and what ESG ratings companies present—because obtaining direct information about what companies do may be difficult for external stakeholders. In exploring how these theories support each other, we suggest strong structuration theory as a helpful tool for integrating inside-out and outside-in perspectives. We argue that these perspectives are complementaries instead of opposites, propose a framework to approach empirical settings, and apply the said framework to analyze the Cerrado Manifesto case, a zero-deforestation initiative led by private organizations, mainly European, on the Brazilian Cerrado biome. Using different information sources, we apply SmartPLS to test the relationship between what companies say, do, and what ESG ratings say they do, additionally investigating the influence of social pressure, institutional environment, and controversies around companies. The results show no direct relationship between what ESG ratings say companies do and manifesto-signing (what companies do), but show an indirect effect through reporting (what companies say). A positive relationship was found between ESG rating and reporting, and between reporting and manifesto-signing. Significant relationships were found between the pressure received construct and both manifesto-signing and reporting. The proposed framework, integrating inside-out and outside-in perspectives, explains a company’s manifesto-signing

    Effects on the “self-organization- satisfaction” relationship of changes in the economic context

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    [ES] Noting increasingly independent traveling by tourists, as well as changes on the tourist activity worldwide due to the 2008 economic crisis, this study analyzes the relationships between an economic crisis, tourist’s self-organization in trip planning, and tourist’s trip satisfaction. Data from a panel (2006–2011) on how residents in Spain complete their accommodation and transport bookings are used, including data on their trip satisfaction. The study identifies a negative relationship between the 2008 economic crisis and trip satisfaction, a positive relationship between self-organization and satisfaction, as well as positive moderating effects of the crisis on the relationship between self-organization and satisfaction