40 research outputs found

    Assessment of urban-scale potential for solar PV generation and consumption

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    The rise of grid electricity price and a growing awareness of climate change is resulting in an increasing number of photovoltaic facilities installed in buildings. Electricity market regulation and climatic conditions, in particular solar radiation, are the main factors that determine the economic viability of a photovoltaic facility. This paper describes a method for evaluating the potential for photovoltaic (PV) production and self-consumption for the building stock of a particular city. A GIS 3D city map is used to calculate solar irradiation. Building-level electricity use is calculated based on building type, geometry and other characteristic inferred from building age, taking the cadastre GIS as main input. The methodology identifies the realistic potential for rooftop photovoltaic installations, as well as the optimum size to be installed from an economic perspective. To represent different regulations that can affect economic viability of PV installations, calculations should adapt for the specific installation conditions and regulatory situation, as for example self-consumption and net metering. The proposed methodology is applied to a case study in Irun (Spain), where results for potential of PV generation and self-consumption for the building stock are presented. The results offer public administration a realistic view of economically viable PV potential for the city and allow to analyse different mechanisms to promote their installations. It also serves for individual electricity consumers to evaluate and optimize new photovoltaic energy facilities. Finally, it serves policy makers to estimate the repercussion of electricity market regulations on the economic viability of PV systems.The work described in this article is partially funded by the PLANHEAT project, Grant Agreement Number 723757, 2016-2019, as part of the call H2020-EE-2016-RIA-IA. This study was also supported by “Irungo Udala - Ayuntamiento de Irun” who collaborated in the data acquisition and funding

    Mejora de la predicción de la resistencia y rigidez de la madera estructural con el método de ultrasonidos combinado con parámetros de clasificación visual

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    The present study explores the possibility of using longitudinal ultrasound transmission to evaluate the bending strength and modulus of elasticity in structural timber made from the two species most commonly found in Spanish construction and rehabilitation works: Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Laricio pine (Pinus nigra Arn.). An analysis of 1305 Scots pine and 852 Laricio pine beams shows that ultrasound transmission velocity alone can predict neither the bending strength nor the modulus of elasticity and that other predictive variables are required.A series of models are proposed based on ultrasound transmission velocity measurements, the relative size of the largest face and edge knots, length and density. After running models for each species individually and for the two jointly, a single model is found to be suitable for both. The models proposed explain from 63 to 73 per cent of bending strength and modulus of elasticity variability.Se analiza la posibilidad de aplicar la técnica de transmisión longitudinal de ultrasonidos para la evaluación de la resistencia y módulo de elasticidad a flexión de la madera estructural de las dos especies de mayor interés constructivo y más amplia presencia en obras de rehabilitación: el pino silvestre (Pinus sylvestris L.) y el pino laricio (Pinus nigra Arn.). Trabajando sobre un total de 1.305 vigas de pino silvestre y 852 de pino laricio se concluye que por sí sola la velocidad de transmisión de ultrasonidos no es un buen predictor ni de la resistencia ni del módulo de elasticidad en flexión, necesitando el complemento de otras variables predictoras. Se proponen diversos modelos basados en la medición de la velocidad de transmisión de ultrasonidos, de los diámetros relativos del nudo máximo de cara y de canto, de la longitud y de la densidad. Los modelos se proponen tanto a nivel especie como global, comprobándose que es posible emplear un modelo único para ambas especies. Los modelos propuestos son capaces de explicar entre el 63 y el 73% de la variabilidad de la resistencia y módulo de elasticidad a flexión

    Diagnostic and therapeutic uses of nanomaterials in the brain

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    Nanomedicine has recently emerged as an exciting tool able to improve the early diagnosis and treatment of a variety of intractable or age-related brain disorders. The most relevant properties of nanomaterials are that they can be engineered in such a way that they can cross the blood brain barrier, with the final aim of targeting specific cells and molecules and to act as vehicles for drugs. Potentially beneficial properties of nanotherapeutics derived from its unique characteristics include improved efficacy, safety, sensitivity and personalization compared to conventional medicines. In this review, recent advances in available nanostructures and nanomaterials for brain applications will be described. Then, the latest nanotechnological applications for the treatment and diagnosis of neurological disorders, mainly brain tumors and neurodegenerative diseases, will be reviewed. Recent investigations of the neurotoxicity of the nanomaterial both in vitro and in vivo will be summarized. Finally, the ongoing challenges that have to be meet if new nanomedical products are to be put on the market will be discussed and some future directions will be outlined

    Ultra high performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry method for cyclosporine a quantification in biological samples and lipid nanosystems

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    Cyclosporine A (CyA) is an immunosuppressant cyclic undecapeptide used for the prevention of organ transplant rejection and in the treatment of several autoimmune disorders. An ultra high performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry method (UHPLC–MS/MS) to quantify CyA in lipid nanosystems and mouse biological matrices (whole blood, kidneys, lungs, spleen, liver, heart, brain, stomach and intestine) was developed and fully validated. Chromatographic separation was performed on an Acquity UPLC® BEH C18 column with a gradient elution consisting of methanol and 2 mM ammonium acetate aqueous solution containing 0.1% formic acid at a flow rate of 0.6 mL/min. Amiodarone was used as internal standard (IS). Retention times of IS and CyA were 0.69 min and 1.09 min, respectively. Mass spectrometer operated in electrospray ionization positive mode (ESI+) and multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) transitions were detected, m/z 1220.69 → 1203.7 for CyA and m/z 646 → 58 for IS. The extraction method from biological samples consisted of a simple protein precipitation with 10% trichloroacetic acid aqueous solution and acetonitrile and 5 μL of supernatant were directly injected into the UHPLC–MS/MS system. Linearity was observed between 0.001 μg/mL–2.5 μg/mL (r ≥ 0.99) in all matrices. The precision expressed in coefficient of variation (CV) was below 11.44% and accuracy in bias ranged from −12.78% to 7.99% including methanol and biological matrices. Recovery in all cases was above 70.54% and some matrix effect was observed. CyA was found to be stable in post-extraction whole blood and liver homogenate samples exposed for 6 h at room temperature and 72 h at 4 °C. The present method was successfully applied for quality control of lipid nanocarriers as well as in vivo studies in BALB/c mice

    Muscle mass to visceral fat ratio is an important predictor of the metabolic syndrome in college students

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    This study aimed to evaluate the associations between the muscle mass to visceral fat (MVF) ratio and cardiometabolic risk factors in a large population of college students in Colombia and to propose cut-off points of this index for the metabolic syndrome (MetS). A total of 1464 young adults recruited from the FUPRECOL (Asociación de la Fuerza Prensil con Manifestaciones Tempranas de Riesgo Cardiovascular en Jóvenes y Adultos Colombianos) study were categorised into four groups based on their MVF ratio. Muscle mass and visceral fat level of the participants were measured using a bioelectrical impedance analysis. Cardiometabolic risk factors including lifestyle characteristics, anthropometry, blood pressure and biochemical parameters were assessed. The prevalence of moderate to severe obesity, hypertension and the MetS was higher in subjects in quartile (Q)1 (lower MVF ratio) (P less than 0·001). ANCOVA revealed that the subjects in Q1 had higher cardiometabolic disturbances, including altered anthropometry, blood pressure, muscle strength and biochemical parameters after adjusting for age and sex compared with young adults in higher MVF ratio quartiles (P less than 0·001). Muscular mass and physical activity levels were significantly lower in subjects with a lower MVF ratio (P less than 0·001). The receiver operating characteristic curve analyses indicated that in men the best MVF ratio cut-off point for detecting the MetS was 18·0 (AUC 0·83, sensitivity 78 % and specificity 77 %) and for women, the MVF ratio cut-off point was 13·7 (AUC 0·85, sensitivity 76 % and specificity 87 %). A lower MVF ratio is associated with a higher risk cardiometabolic profile in early adulthood, supporting that the MVF ratio could be used as a complementary screening tool that may help clinicians identify young adults at high cardiometabolic risk. © The Authors 2018

    Nanosistemas a base de poliésteres

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    Amplia presentacion de los: Nanosistemas a base de poliésteres, desarrollando todas las posibilidades de estos compuestos que constituyen tal vez los polímeros mas frecuentemente utilizados por estar, algunos de ellos, autorizado su empleo por las agen- cias regulatorias

    Active commuting to and from university, obesity and metabolic syndrome among Colombian university students

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    Background: There is limited evidence concerning how active commuting (AC) is associated with health benefits in young. The aim of the study was to analyze the relationship between AC to and from campus (walking) and obesity and metabolic syndrome (MetS) in a sample of Colombian university students. Methods: A total of 784 university students (78.6% women, mean age = 20.1 ± 2.6 years old) participated in the study. The exposure variable was categorized into AC (active walker to campus) and non-AC (non/infrequent active walker to campus: car, motorcycle, or bus) to and from the university on a typical day. MetS was defined in accordance with the updated harmonized criteria of the International Diabetes Federation criteria. Results: The overall prevalence of MetS was 8.7%, and it was higher in non-AC than AC to campus. The percentage of AC was 65.3%. The commuting distances in this AC from/to university were 83.1%, 13.4% and 3.5% for < 2 km, 2- 5 km and > 5 km, respectively. Multiple logistic regressions for predicting unhealthy profile showed that male walking commuters had a lower probability of having obesity [OR = 0.45 (CI 95% 0.25–0.93)], high blood pressure [OR = 0.26 (CI 95% 0.13–0.55)] and low HDL cholesterol [OR = 0.29 (CI 95% 0.14–0.59)] than did passive commuters. Conclusions: Our results suggest that in young adulthood, a key life-stage for the development of obesity and MetS, AC could be associated with and increasing of daily physical activity levels, thereby promoting better cardiometabolic health.This study was part of the project entitled “Body Adiposity Index and Biomarkers of Endothelial and Cardiovascular Health in Adults”, which was funded by Centre for Studies on Measurement of Physical Activity, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universidad del Rosario (Code N° FIUR DNBG001) and Universidad de Boyacá (Code N° RECT 60)

    Effectiveness and Safety of rhIGF-1 Therapy in Children: The European Increlex® Growth Forum Database Experience.

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    BACKGROUND/AIMS: We report data from the EU Increlex® Growth Forum Database (IGFD) Registry, an ongoing, open-label, observational study monitoring clinical practice use of recombinant human insulin-like growth factor-1 (rhIGF-1) therapy in children. METHODS: Safety and effectiveness data on rhIGF-1 treatment of 195 enrolled children with growth failure were collected from December 2008 to September 2013. RESULTS: Mean ± SD (95% CI) height velocity during first year of rhIGF-1 treatment was 6.9 ± 2.2 cm/year (6.5; 7.2) (n = 144); in prepubertal patients naïve to treatment, this was 7.3 ± 2.0 cm/year (6.8; 7.7) (n = 81). Female sex, younger age at start of rhIGF-1 therapy, and lower baseline height SDS predicted first-year change in height SDS. The most frequent targeted treatment-emergent adverse events (% patients) were hypoglycemia (17.6%, predictors: young age, diagnosis of Laron syndrome, but not rhIGF-1 dose), lipohypertrophy (10.6%), tonsillar hypertrophy (7.4%), injection site reactions (6.4%), and headache (5.9%). Sixty-one serious adverse events (37 related to rhIGF-1 therapy) were reported in 31 patients (16.5%). CONCLUSION: Safety and effectiveness data on use of rhIGF-1 in a 'real-world' setting were similar to those from controlled randomized trials. Severe growth phenotype and early start of rhIGF-1 improved height response and predicted risk of hypoglycemia

    Bonding strength test method assessment for Cross-Laminated Timber Derived Stressed-Skin Panels (CLT SSP)

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    Different methods, including bending tests and small and medium size shear tests, were used to assess the skin to stringer glue line shear strength of Radiata Pine Cross-Laminated Timber Derived Stressed-Skin Panels (CLT SSP). Bending test shear strengths were estimated using the mechanically jointed beam theory (gamma method) for Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) panels with modifications in the layers’ effective widths, and then compared with results from the small and medium size shear tests. Small and medium size shear tests proved to be possible methods for assessing bonding strength for factory production control. The small shear tests provided lower strength values and higher scatter results than those gathered from the medium size tests. The mean shear strength results obtained from bending tests were inferior to the values obtained from the small and medium size specimens. The bending tests proved necessary for assessing the mechanical behaviour of CLT SSP. © 2017, RILEM