17 research outputs found

    Vision and GPS based autonomous landing of an unmanned aerial vehicle

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    A control system for autonomous landing of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)with high precision has been developed. The UAV is a medium sized model he-licopter. Measurements from a GPS, a camera and a compass are fused with anextended Kalman filter for state estimation of the helicopter. Four PID-controllers,one for each control signal of the helicopter, are used for the helicopter control.During the final test flights fifteen landings were performed with an average land-ing accuracy of 35 cm.    A bias in the GPS measurements makes it impossible to land the helicopter withhigh precision using only the GPS. Therefore, a vision system using a camera anda pattern provided landing platform has been developed. The vision system givesaccurate measurement of the 6-DOF pose of the helicopter relative the platform.These measurements are used to guide the helicopter to the landing target. Inorder to use the vision system in real time, fast image processing algorithms havebeen developed. The vision system can easily match up the with the camera framerate of 30 Hz.Ett kontrolsystem för att autonomt landa en modellhelikopter har utvecklats.Mätdata från en GPS, en kamera samt en kompass fusioneras med ett Extend-ed Kalman Filter för tillståndsestimering av helikoptern. Fyra PID-regulatorer,en för varje kontrolsignal på helikoptern, har används för regleringen. Under densista provflygningen gjordes tre landingar av vilken den minst lyckade slutade35 cm från målet.    På grund av en drift i GPS-mätningarna är det omöjligt att landa helikopternmed hög precision med bara en GPS. Därför har ett bildbehandlingssystem som an-vänder en kamera samt ett mönster på platformen utvecklats. Bidbehandlingssys-temet mäter positionen och orienteringen av helikoptern relativt platformen. Dessamätningar används kompensera för GPS-mätningarnas drift. Snabba bildbehan-dlingsalgoritmer har utvecklats för att kunna använda bildbehandlingssystemet irealtid. Systemet är mycket snabbare än 30 bilder per sekund vilket är kameranshastighet

    Vision and GPS based autonomous landing of an unmanned aerial vehicle

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    A control system for autonomous landing of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)with high precision has been developed. The UAV is a medium sized model he-licopter. Measurements from a GPS, a camera and a compass are fused with anextended Kalman filter for state estimation of the helicopter. Four PID-controllers,one for each control signal of the helicopter, are used for the helicopter control.During the final test flights fifteen landings were performed with an average land-ing accuracy of 35 cm.    A bias in the GPS measurements makes it impossible to land the helicopter withhigh precision using only the GPS. Therefore, a vision system using a camera anda pattern provided landing platform has been developed. The vision system givesaccurate measurement of the 6-DOF pose of the helicopter relative the platform.These measurements are used to guide the helicopter to the landing target. Inorder to use the vision system in real time, fast image processing algorithms havebeen developed. The vision system can easily match up the with the camera framerate of 30 Hz.Ett kontrolsystem för att autonomt landa en modellhelikopter har utvecklats.Mätdata från en GPS, en kamera samt en kompass fusioneras med ett Extend-ed Kalman Filter för tillståndsestimering av helikoptern. Fyra PID-regulatorer,en för varje kontrolsignal på helikoptern, har används för regleringen. Under densista provflygningen gjordes tre landingar av vilken den minst lyckade slutade35 cm från målet.    På grund av en drift i GPS-mätningarna är det omöjligt att landa helikopternmed hög precision med bara en GPS. Därför har ett bildbehandlingssystem som an-vänder en kamera samt ett mönster på platformen utvecklats. Bidbehandlingssys-temet mäter positionen och orienteringen av helikoptern relativt platformen. Dessamätningar används kompensera för GPS-mätningarnas drift. Snabba bildbehan-dlingsalgoritmer har utvecklats för att kunna använda bildbehandlingssystemet irealtid. Systemet är mycket snabbare än 30 bilder per sekund vilket är kameranshastighet

    Marknadsföringsmixens fortsatta betydelse, med hänsyn till digitaliseringen. : En systematisk litteraturstudie

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    Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att diskutera hur marknadsföringsmixen kunnat bevarat sin betydelse över tid inom området marknadsföring, med hänsyn till de förändringar som digitaliseringen inneburit. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en systematisk litteraturstudie. Studien baserades på över 50 vetenskapliga artiklar som är relevanta för syftet. Artiklarna samlades in via akademiska databaser. Resultat: Studien visar på att marknadsföringsmixen fortsatt är en aktuell modell inom marknadsföring tack vare sin pedagogiska enkelhet och förmåga att anpassa sig till rådande förutsättningar. De fyra P:na står fortsatt för Produkt, Pris, Plats och Påverkan men förändringen ligger i vad som innefattas i de ständigt växande och föränderliga subkategorierna. Det som motståndarna till marknadsföringsmixen menar är dess svaghet, att kriterierna som de olika kategorierna vilar på aldrig blivit specificerade, tycks också vara modellens styrka. Utan den efterfrågade specificeringen kan de fyra P:na anpassas efter användaren och de förhållanden som råder, vilket har gjort att den bevarat sin betydelse trots digitaliseringen och de nya förutsättningarna.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to discuss how the marketing mix could have retained its importance over time in the field of marketing, in consideration of changes that digitalization meant. Method: The study is conducted as a systematic literature study. The study is based on more than 50 scientific articles relevant to the purpose. The articles were collected through academic databases. Result: The articles show that the marketing mix is still an up-to-date marketing tool thanks to its educational simplicity and ability to adapt to the prevailing conditions. The four P:s still stand for Product, Price, Place and Promotion, but the change lies in what is included in the ever-growing and changing subcategories. What the opponents of the marketing mix mean is its weakness, that the criteria that the different categories rest on have never been specified, also seems to be its greatest strength. Without the requested specification, the four P:s can be adapted to the user and the conditions prevailing, which has made it survive in spite of digitization and the new conditions

    Evaluation of heat sensors in public places : As an aid to the pandemic of Covid-19

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    The restrictions that have been introduced with the Covid-19 pandemic has led to stores having less customers and stores shutting down. There is a need to track people's occupancy in public places so there could be more people in those places but still following the restrictions. This study evaluates and compares three different heat sensors to see if they could be used for this. The three heat sensors that have been used in this study are both low-cost and low-resolution sensors. The choice of low-resolution heat sensors is important to not intrude on people's privacy. In this study, there were three different experiments performed on all the three sensors. The experiments were done to see how sunlight could affect the sensors, what advantages, and disadvantages there are by placing the sensors in different positions, and how good the sensors are at separating people. The collected results gave a good basis to answer the research questions and better understand the sensors chosen in this research. The results also showed that the sensors can be used as an aid against a pandemic when restrictions must be kept. In the discussion we talk about how the sensors performed in different experiments and how they performed against each other. Our chosen method is also discussed and what we think were good and what went wrong so others do not repeat our mistakes. The paper ends with our conclusions and suggestions for future work

    Marknadsföringsmixens fortsatta betydelse, med hänsyn till digitaliseringen. : En systematisk litteraturstudie

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    Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att diskutera hur marknadsföringsmixen kunnat bevarat sin betydelse över tid inom området marknadsföring, med hänsyn till de förändringar som digitaliseringen inneburit. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en systematisk litteraturstudie. Studien baserades på över 50 vetenskapliga artiklar som är relevanta för syftet. Artiklarna samlades in via akademiska databaser. Resultat: Studien visar på att marknadsföringsmixen fortsatt är en aktuell modell inom marknadsföring tack vare sin pedagogiska enkelhet och förmåga att anpassa sig till rådande förutsättningar. De fyra P:na står fortsatt för Produkt, Pris, Plats och Påverkan men förändringen ligger i vad som innefattas i de ständigt växande och föränderliga subkategorierna. Det som motståndarna till marknadsföringsmixen menar är dess svaghet, att kriterierna som de olika kategorierna vilar på aldrig blivit specificerade, tycks också vara modellens styrka. Utan den efterfrågade specificeringen kan de fyra P:na anpassas efter användaren och de förhållanden som råder, vilket har gjort att den bevarat sin betydelse trots digitaliseringen och de nya förutsättningarna.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to discuss how the marketing mix could have retained its importance over time in the field of marketing, in consideration of changes that digitalization meant. Method: The study is conducted as a systematic literature study. The study is based on more than 50 scientific articles relevant to the purpose. The articles were collected through academic databases. Result: The articles show that the marketing mix is still an up-to-date marketing tool thanks to its educational simplicity and ability to adapt to the prevailing conditions. The four P:s still stand for Product, Price, Place and Promotion, but the change lies in what is included in the ever-growing and changing subcategories. What the opponents of the marketing mix mean is its weakness, that the criteria that the different categories rest on have never been specified, also seems to be its greatest strength. Without the requested specification, the four P:s can be adapted to the user and the conditions prevailing, which has made it survive in spite of digitization and the new conditions

    Kommunikation med patienter som har afasi till följd av stroke : En litteraturöversikt

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    Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturöversikt var att beskriva hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalens upplevelser av kommunikation med patienter som drabbats av afasi till följd av stroke. Vidare var syftet att beskriva vad det kunde finnas för hinder för en god kommunikation dem emellan. Ett ytterligare syfte var att beskriva de faktorer som kunde underlätta kommunikation mellan hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal och patienter som har afasi till följd av stroke. Metod: Artikelsökning till denna litteraturöversikt gjordes i PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane och Vård i Norden. Artiklarna var publicerade mellan åren 2000-2010 samt skrivna på svenska eller engelska. Huvudresultat: En fungerande vårdrelation var en grundförutsättning för att bedriva en god omvårdnad. För skapandet av denna vårdrelation behövdes en lugn, stödjande och avslappnande miljö. Asymmetri förekom i olika varianter i kommunikation mellan hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal och patienter med afasi. Hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal upplevde både negativa och positiva känslor i interaktionen med patienten. Slutsats: Att plötsligt förlora sin kommunikationsförmåga genom det verbala språket har påvisats vara en tragedi för den drabbade. Det ställde krav på hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalen vars uppgift var att bevara patientens autonomi och integritet. För att både hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal samt patienter skulle må bra och kunna kommunicera så framkom det att strokeenheter kunde vara betydelsefulla

    Mapping and comparison of working methods to handle cost of poor quality in the logistics process

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    This bachelor thesis has been done in cooperation with IKEA of Sweden in Älmhult. It is about a mapping and comparison study of how different companies handle their cost of poor quality (COPQ) in their logistics processes. In this study, we have collaborated with Electrolux, Gekås and Rusta. IKEA has a high COPQ, this means when poor quality occurs in their processes. This has attracted much attention in recent years and there is room for improvement. The part of the value chain chosen in this project is the logistics process. The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to map IKEA´s logistics process, then compare IKEA´s way of working with other companies through a benchmarking study and finally come up with areas for improvement. This gave the questions: How does IKEA's operate in their logistics process today and handle their cost of poor quality? How do our other partners operate and handle their logistics processes and cost of poor quality? What are the similarities and differences between the different companies? To find out how IKEA operates in their logistics process today, it was decided to make a corporate visit to one of IKEA's CDC:s. Here, a questionnaire has been used to get the information that was needed. Later this questionnaire formed the basis for the survey that was used to gather information from our other partners. To gather information from our partners, we have used benchmarking. This was done to see how our other partner organizations operate today and how they work accordingly to this study. The first step of the benchmarking, was to send out the survey to our partners. Later we followed up with personal interviews and visits. The collected data from the different companies formed the basis of the status report of them all. In the analysis, IKEA has been compared to each of our different partners and a summary of the analysis has been made. With the analysis finished, it has been clear that IKEA has some problems in their logistic process and that the cost of poor quality can decrease. This gave us some areas that IKEA can make improvements in. After that conclusion, forklift damages and packaging design are two areas that IKEA can make big improvements in. Detta examensarbete har gjorts tillsammans med IKEA of Sweden i Älmhult. Det handlarom en kartläggning och jämförelse av hur olika företag hanterar sinakvalitetsbristkostnader inom logistikprocessen. Våra samarbetspartners i dettaarbetet är Electrolux, Gekås och Rust

    Probe diffusion in κ-carrageenan gels determined by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching

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    The effects of free volume and heterogeneity on probe diffusion in κ-carrageenan gels were determined by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) and rheology. By changing the ionic conditions, biopolymer concentration and end temperature, different microstructures and aggregation kinetics in the κ-carrageenan gels were evaluated. The results of the FRAP measurements were compared to transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and nuclear magnetic resonance diffusometry (NMRd) data from previous studies. The results showed that the free diffusion rates of the probe (FITC dextran) in water were influenced by both temperature and ionic conditions. The free diffusion values were used for normalization of the diffusion rates in the κ-carrageenan gel measurements. The compatibility between FITC dextran with different molecular weights (10 and 500 kDa) and κ-carrageenan was evaluated. The results showed that the larger FITC dextran probe phase separates; therefore only the 10 kDa FITC dextran probe was used in the FRAP experiments. FRAP measurements and NMRd probe diffusion in combination with TEM in κ-carrageenan revealed that the void space, degree of aggregation and heterogeneity influence the probe diffusion rate. The κ-carrageenan gelation was analyzed at different end temperatures using rheology and FRAP. The FITC dextran probe diffusion was not influenced by κ-carrageenan aggregation, regardless of rheological gelation kinetics and storage modulus near the gel point. This indicates that the average void space between the gel strands is larger than the size of the probe. Good correlation between the microstructure and the probe diffusion rate in κ-carrageenan gel with different ionic conditions and constant biopolymer concentration were obtained with TEM and FRAP

    Effect of Gelatin Gelation Kinetics on Probe Diffusion Determined by FRAP and Rheology

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    The time-dependent diffusion and mechanical properties of gelatin in solution, in the gel state, and during the sol/gel transition were determined using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) and rheology. The parameters in the experimental design were 2% w/w and 5% w/w gelatin concentration; 15, 20, and 25 degrees C end quench temperatures; and Na-2-fluorescein, 10 kDa FITC-dextran, and 500 kDa FITC-dextran as diffusion probes. The samples were monitored in solution at 60 degrees C, during quenching, for 75 min at end quench temperatures and after 1, 7, and 14 days of storage at the end quench temperature. The effect of temperature on the probe diffusion was normalized by determining the free diffusion of the probes in pure water for the different temperatures. The results gained by comparing FRAP and rheology showed that FRAP is able to capture structural changes in the gelatin before gelation occurs, which was interpreted as a formation of transient networks. This was clearly seen for 2% w/w gelatin and 20 and 25 degrees C end quench temperatures. The structural changes during sol/gel transition are detected only by the larger probes, giving information about the typical length scales in the gelatin structure. The normalized diffusion rate increased after 7 and 14 days of storage. This increase was most pronounced for fluorescein but was also seen for the larger probes