672 research outputs found

    The Cathedral and the bazaar: (de)centralising certitude in river basin management

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    From integrated to expedient: an adaptive framework for river basin management in developing countries

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    Water resource management / River basin management / Water allocation / Case studies / Africa South of Sahara / Great Ruaha River Basin

    Maternal and infant infections stimulate a rapid leukocyte response in breastmilk

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    Breastmilk protects infants against infections; however, specific responses of breastmilk immune factors to different infections of either the mother or the infant are not well understood. Here, we examined the baseline range of breastmilk leukocytes and immunomodulatory biomolecules in healthy mother/infant dyads and how they are influenced by infections of the dyad. Consistent with a greater immunological need in the early postpartum period, colostrum contained considerable numbers of leukocytes (13–70% out of total cells) and high levels of immunoglobulins and lactoferrin. Within the first 1–2 weeks postpartum, leukocyte numbers decreased significantly to a low baseline level in mature breastmilk (0–2%) (P\u3c0.001). This baseline level was maintained throughout lactation unless the mother and/or her infant became infected, when leukocyte numbers significantly increased up to 94% leukocytes out of total cells (P\u3c0.001). Upon recovery from the infection, baseline values were restored. The strong leukocyte response to infection was accompanied by a more variable humoral immune response. Exclusive breastfeeding was associated with a greater baseline level of leukocytes in mature breastmilk. Collectively, our results suggest a strong association between the health status of the mother/infant dyad and breastmilk leukocyte levels. This could be used as a diagnostic tool for assessment of the health status of the lactating breast as well as the breastfeeding mother and infant

    Genomic variations define divergence of water/wildlife-associated Campylobacter jejuni niche specialists from common clonal complexes

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    Although the major food-borne pathogen Campylobacter jejuni has been isolated from diverse animal, human and environmental sources, our knowledge of genomic diversity in C. jejuni is based exclusively on human or human food-chain-associated isolates. Studies employing multilocus sequence typing have indicated that some clonal complexes are more commonly associated with particular sources. Using comparative genomic hybridization on a collection of 80 isolates representing diverse sources and clonal complexes, we identified a separate clade comprising a group of water/wildlife isolates of C. jejuni with multilocus sequence types uncharacteristic of human food-chain-associated isolates. By genome sequencing one representative of this diverse group (C. jejuni 1336), and a representative of the bank-vole niche specialist ST-3704 (C. jejuni 414), we identified deletions of genomic regions normally carried by human food-chain-associated C. jejuni. Several of the deleted regions included genes implicated in chicken colonization or in virulence. Novel genomic insertions contributing to the accessory genomes of strains 1336 and 414 were identified. Comparative analysis using PCR assays indicated that novel regions were common but not ubiquitous among the water/wildlife group of isolates, indicating further genomic diversity among this group, whereas all ST-3704 isolates carried the same novel accessory regions. While strain 1336 was able to colonize chicks, strain 414 was not, suggesting that regions specifically absent from the genome of strain 414 may play an important role in this common route of Campylobacter infection of humans. We suggest that the genomic divergence observed constitutes evidence of adaptation leading to niche specialization

    Linking in situ Crystallisation and Magma Replenishment via Sill Intrusion in the Rum Western Layered Intrusion, NW Scotland

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    The construction of layered mafic-ultramafic intrusions has traditionally been attributed to gravity driven accumulation, involving the mechanical settling of crystals onto the magma chamber floor, at the interface between the crystal mush at the base and overlying replenishing magma, such that the layered sequence of cumulates (i.e., the crystal mush) at the floor aggrades upwards. The Rum Western Layered Intrusion (WLI) is a ~250 m sequence of layered peridotite cumulates comprising the structurally lowest portion of the Rum Layered Suite (RLS). As such, it is taken to represent the oldest sequence in the RLS and has been assumed to young upwards. The WLI hosts the largest proportion of harrisite, a cumulate composed of skeletal olivine that formed by in situ crystallisation, in the Rum layered intrusion. Harrisite layers in the WLI ubiquitously exhibit extremely irregular upward-oriented apophyses, up to several metres high and metres across, alongside laterally extensive dome-like structures; features consistent with intrusive, sill-like emplacement of harrisite. The distribution and abundance of harrisite therefore points to chaotic sill-like emplacement of the magmas that produced at least half of the WLI cumulate. This probably occurred various ambient crystal mush temperatures and punctuated intervals during cumulate formation. The harrisite layers are associated with numerous Cr-spinel seams occurring along the tops, bases, and interiors of these layers, suggesting they formed in situ alongside harrisite sills within the crystal mush. Detailed quantitative textural and mineral chemical analysis of Cr-spinel seams support a simple in situ crystallisation process for their formation. It is suggested the Cr-spinel seams form within melt channels that develop along the same hot tears that allowed the harrisite parental melts to enter the crystal mush. The chemistry and texture of Cr-spinel is controlled by the volume of through-flow of melt through the melt channel. Where melt flux through channels was high, sulphide and platinumgroup minerals are more abundant, highlighting the key economic implications of this model for the platinum-group element enrichment of chromitite horizons in layered intrusions. We also highlight the role of infiltration metasomatism at multiple levels of the WLI, where porous percolation of interstitial melt and reactive liquid flow played a key role in cumulate formation, supporting the notion of layered intrusion growth by incremental sill emplacement

    Least Economic Cost Regional Water Supply Planning – Optimising Infrastructure Investments and Demand Management for South East England’s 17.6 Million People

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    This paper presents a deterministic capacity expansion optimisation model designed for large regional or national water supply systems. The annual model selects, sizes and schedules new options to meet predicted demands at minimum cost over a multi-year time horizon. Options include: supply-side schemes, demand management (water conservation) measures and bulk transfers. The problem is formulated as a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) optimisation model. Capital, operating, carbon, social and environmental costs of proposed discrete schemes are considered. User-defined annual water saving profiles for demand management schemes are allowed. Multiple water demand scenarios are considered simultaneously to ensure the supply–demand balance is preserved across high demand conditions and that variable costs are accurately assessed. A wide range of supplementary constraints are formulated to consider the interdependencies between schemes (pre-requisite, mutual exclusivity, etc.). A two-step optimisation scheme is introduced to prevent the infeasibilities that inevitably appear in real applications. The model was developed for and used by the ‘Water Resources in the South East’ stakeholder group to select which of the 316 available supply schemes (including imports) and 511 demand management options (considering 272 interdependencies) are to be activated to serve the inhabitants of South East of England. Selected schemes are scheduled and sized over a 25 year planning horizon. The model shows demand management options can play a significant role in the region’s water supply and should be considered alongside new supplies and regional transfers. Considering demand management schemes reduced overall total discounted economic costs by 10 % and removed two large reservoirs from the least-cost plan. This case-study optimisation model was built using a generalised data management software platform and solved using a mixed integer linear programme

    Climate and southern Africa's water-energy-food nexus

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    In southern Africa, the connections between climate and the water-energy-food nexus are strong. Physical and socioeconomic exposure to climate is high in many areas and in crucial economic sectors. Spatial interdependence is also high, driven for example, by the regional extent of many climate anomalies and river basins and aquifers that span national boundaries. There is now strong evidence of the effects of individual climate anomalies, but associations between national rainfall and Gross Domestic Product and crop production remain relatively weak. The majority of climate models project decreases in annual precipitation for southern Africa, typically by as much as 20% by the 2080s. Impact models suggest these changes would propagate into reduced water availability and crop yields. Recognition of spatial and sectoral interdependencies should inform policies, institutions and investments for enhancing water, energy and food security. Three key political and economic instruments could be strengthened for this purpose; the Southern African Development Community, the Southern African Power Pool, and trade of agricultural products amounting to significant transfers of embedded water

    Budding yeast ATM/ATR control meiotic double-strand break (DSB) levels by down-regulating Rec114, an essential component of the DSB-machinery

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    An essential feature of meiosis is Spo11 catalysis of programmed DNA double strand breaks (DSBs). Evidence suggests that the number of DSBs generated per meiosis is genetically determined and that this ability to maintain a pre-determined DSB level, or "DSB homeostasis", might be a property of the meiotic program. Here, we present direct evidence that Rec114, an evolutionarily conserved essential component of the meiotic DSB-machinery, interacts with DSB hotspot DNA, and that Tel1 and Mec1, the budding yeast ATM and ATR, respectively, down-regulate Rec114 upon meiotic DSB formation through phosphorylation. Mimicking constitutive phosphorylation reduces the interaction between Rec114 and DSB hotspot DNA, resulting in a reduction and/or delay in DSB formation. Conversely, a non-phosphorylatable rec114 allele confers a genome-wide increase in both DSB levels and in the interaction between Rec114 and the DSB hotspot DNA. These observations strongly suggest that Tel1 and/or Mec1 phosphorylation of Rec114 following Spo11 catalysis down-regulates DSB formation by limiting the interaction between Rec114 and DSB hotspots. We also present evidence that Ndt80, a meiosis specific transcription factor, contributes to Rec114 degradation, consistent with its requirement for complete cessation of DSB formation. Loss of Rec114 foci from chromatin is associated with homolog synapsis but independent of Ndt80 or Tel1/Mec1 phosphorylation. Taken together, we present evidence for three independent ways of regulating Rec114 activity, which likely contribute to meiotic DSBs-homeostasis in maintaining genetically determined levels of breaks

    Between feminism and anorexia: An autoethnography

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    Critical feminist work on eating disorders has grown substantially since its establishment in the 1980s, and has increasingly incorporated the use of anorexic stories, voices and experiences. Yet rarely do such accounts offer the anorexic a space to respond to the now established feminist conceptions of the problem which structure the books or articles in which they appear. Anorexic, or recovered anorexic, voices are used by the researcher to interpret the role played by gender, even whilst the subjects are invited to respond to and critique, medical and popular discourses on the disorder. This lack of dialogue is all the more striking in the context of the feminist aim to fight ‘back against the tendency to silence anorexic women’s’ own interpretations of their starving, treatment and construction (Saukko, 2008: 34). As someone who suffered from anorexia for 20 years, this article offers an autoethnographic account of my experience of encountering the feminist literature on anorexia in a bid to speak back, or enter into a dialogue between feminist politics and eating disorder experience

    Citizenship and Inclusion: Rethinking the Analytical Category of Noncitizenship

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    The paper problematises the category of noncitizenship. It traces its trajectory in accounts of inclusive citizenship and argues that it is difficult to theorise it as a distinct theoretical category outside of citizenship. To support this argument, the paper distinguishes between a pluralist, political and democratic variant of accounts of inclusive citizenship and it shows how they all end up reducing noncitizenship to a journey to citizenship. To overcome this limit, the paper develops the idea of subversive politicisation and suggests that injustices and inequalities can be challenged without falling back on the vocabulary of citizenship
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