2,618 research outputs found

    Method of detecting oxygen in a gas

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    The presence of oxygen in a gas is detected by contacting an article, such as a film, comprising poly(ethylenenaphthalene-dicarboxylate) with a gas and simultaneously exposing the article to ultraviolet light. The article is subsequently heated and the presence of oxygen in the gas is indicated by thermoluminescence

    Resolution changes in lithium-drifted silicon semiconductor detectors irradiated with 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 MeV electrons

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    Electron irradiation effect on resolution of lithium-drifted silicon semiconductor detector

    Measurements of bremsstrahlung produced by 0.75 and 1.25 mev electrons incident on typical apollo wall sections

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    Bremsstrahlung measurements on Apollo spacecraft wall sections irradiated with 0.75 and 1.25 MeV electrons from electron accelerato

    Laser cooling in the Penning trap: an analytical model for cooling rates in the presence of an axializing field

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    Ions stored in Penning traps may have useful applications in the field of quantum information processing. There are, however, difficulties associated with the laser cooling of one of the radial motions of ions in these traps, namely the magnetron motion. The application of a small radio-frequency quadrupolar electric potential resonant with the sum of the two radial motional frequencies has been shown to couple these motions and to lead to more efficient laser cooling. We present an analytical model that enables us to determine laser cooling rates in the presence of such an 'axializing' field. It is found that this field leads to an averaging of the laser cooling rates for the two motions and hence improves the overall laser cooling efficiency. The model also predicts shifts in the motional frequencies due to the axializing field that are in qualitative agreement with those measured in recent experiments. It is possible to determine laser cooling rates experimentally by studying the phase response of the cooled ions to a near resonant excitation field. Using the model developed in this paper, we study the expected phase response when an axializing field is present.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    Dynamics of axialized laser-cooled ions in a Penning trap

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    We report the experimental characterization of axialization - a method of reducing the magnetron motion of a small number of ions stored in a Penning trap. This is an important step in the investigation of the suitability of Penning traps for quantum information processing. The magnetron motion was coupled to the laser-cooled modified cyclotron motion by the application of a near-resonant oscillating quadrupole potential (the "axialization drive"). Measurement of cooling rates of the radial motions of the ions showed an order-of-magnitude increase in the damping rate of the magnetron motion with the axialization drive applied. The experimental results are in good qualitative agreement with a recent theoretical study. In particular, a classical avoided crossing was observed in the motional frequencies as the axialization drive frequency was swept through the optimum value, proving that axialization is indeed a resonant effect.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Issue in Child Health: Can a new paediatric sub-specialty improve child health in South Africa?

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    Compared with other middle-income countries, child health in South Africa is in a poor state, and should be addressed by focusing on the healthcare needs of all children across a system or region. Paediatricians have had little effect on this situation, partly because their training is not aligned with South African needs. The proposed re-engineering of primary healthcare will belimited by the skewed distribution of staff and the lack of suitable skills. A ‘community’ placement during specialist training, and the creation of a sub-specialty in Community Paediatrics and Child Health, could address the skills shortage and possibly attract health personnel to under-served areas through creating an appropriate career path. This proposal would also support the Department of Health’s encouraging plans to re-engineer primary healthcare

    Characterization of defect structures in nanocrystalline materials by X-ray line profile analysis

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    X-ray line profile analysis is a powerful alternative tool for determining dislocation densities, dislocation type, crystallite and subgrain size and size-distributions, and planar defects, especially the frequency of twin boundaries and stacking faults. The method is especially useful in the case of submicron grain size or nanocrystalline materials, where X-ray line broadening is a well pronounced effect, and the observation of defects with very large density is often not easy by transmission electron microscopy. The fundamentals of X-ray line broadening are summarized in terms of the different qualitative breadth methods, and the more sophisticated and more quantitative whole pattern fitting procedures. The efficiency and practical use of X-ray line profile analysis is shown by discussing its applications to metallic, ceramic, diamond-like and polymer nanomaterials

    The Power of Duples (in Self-Assembly): It's Not So Hip To Be Square

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    In this paper we define the Dupled abstract Tile Assembly Model (DaTAM), which is a slight extension to the abstract Tile Assembly Model (aTAM) that allows for not only the standard square tiles, but also "duple" tiles which are rectangles pre-formed by the joining of two square tiles. We show that the addition of duples allows for powerful behaviors of self-assembling systems at temperature 1, meaning systems which exclude the requirement of cooperative binding by tiles (i.e., the requirement that a tile must be able to bind to at least 2 tiles in an existing assembly if it is to attach). Cooperative binding is conjectured to be required in the standard aTAM for Turing universal computation and the efficient self-assembly of shapes, but we show that in the DaTAM these behaviors can in fact be exhibited at temperature 1. We then show that the DaTAM doesn't provide asymptotic improvements over the aTAM in its ability to efficiently build thin rectangles. Finally, we present a series of results which prove that the temperature-2 aTAM and temperature-1 DaTAM have mutually exclusive powers. That is, each is able to self-assemble shapes that the other can't, and each has systems which cannot be simulated by the other. Beyond being of purely theoretical interest, these results have practical motivation as duples have already proven to be useful in laboratory implementations of DNA-based tiles
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