296 research outputs found

    Restrictions on Foreign Investment: Developments in United States Law

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    Shuttering the New Star Chamber: Toward a Populist Strategy Against Criminal Equity in the Family Court

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    Representing a return to criminal equity, the American domestic violence restraining order system evokes the Anglo-American cultural memory of the Star Chamber. Turkey’s recent withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention, the Council of Europe’s counterpart to the United States’ Violence Against Women Act, is part of a larger populist opposition to “gender ideology” that is unlikely to take hold in the United States. Hopefully, however, it will inspire a populist movement in the United States that draws upon a commitment to traditional notions of due process and the preservation of parent–child relationships to put an end to at least some of the nation’s domestic violence restraining order schemes. Such a movement would find ample lessons in the ultimately successful struggle around the turn of the last century against the use of labor injunctions

    Migration from the Russian north during the transition period

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    One unintended consequence of Russia's transition to a market economy has been a massive out-migration from the Northern periphery. The major causes of this out-migration have been price liberalization which make the cost of fuel, food, and other consumer goods in the North more expensive; the fiscal decentralization which shifted the burden of local revenue and expenditure responsibility to Northern regions; and a shift in Russia's approach to the development of its Arctic and sub-arctic regions. Among reasons given for leaving by recent migrants from the North included the fact that they always viewed their stay in north as temporary and that it had become senseless to stay there. The study makes a conceptual comparison between the Northern development strategy that existed during Soviet period and that which is evolving under market conditions. Then the Russian North and other Northern regions elsewhere in the world are compared. The major section examines patterns of migration in the Russian North during the transition period beginning, and emphasizes the Northern development strategy existing during the Soviet period. Next are described the levels, direction, age-sex composition, educational, occupational characteristics, and mechanisms of Northern migration trends. Analysis is then done of Northern migration trends in order to determine the causes of this mass migration. The final section attempts to determine the possible future levels of migration from the North.Earth Sciences&GIS,National Governance,Regional Rural Development,Banks&Banking Reform,Health Monitoring&Evaluation

    Restrictions on Foreign Investment: Developments in United States Law

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    The Changing Spatial Distribution of the Population of the Former Soviet Union

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    When it existed, the Soviet Union was a closed economic and migration space with tightly-controlled movement of goods, people, and ideas across its borders. It was also an ethnically complex region with 130 different nationalities, fifty-three with territorially-based ethnic homelands, of which fifteen became the successor states to the Soviet Union. The breakup of the Soviet Union, the transition towards market economies, and the liberalization of the societies have together greatly impacted the lives of people in the region. Many found themselves in countries or regions with dramatically shrunken economies or as ethnic minorities in newly independent states and many have chosen migration as a strategy of adaptation to the new circumstances in which they found themselves. Using established migration theory, this dissertation examines the causes of migration among the fifteen successor states since 1991. The main test was to compare the relative impact of economic factors versus ethnic factors driving migration movements in the post-Soviet space. The results showed that while some of the movements could be classified as people migrating to their ethnic homelands, a majority could be explained by neoclassical economic theories of migration and the large income differentials that have resulted from the economic transition. Other theories that have been found to explain migration in other world migration systems were found to also be applicable in the former Soviet Union

    Polityczne implikacje edukacji literackiej. Analiza spisów lektur obowiązujących w liceach po 1989 roku

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    Analyzes of educational discourse often prove that knowledge transmitted to individuals in the course of education is knowledge constructed and “prepared” in accordance with the interests of dominating groups. This article deals with the problem of reading canons of high school students announced by the government after 1989. The first part of the article describes the main tool of control of educational discourse by the state – the core curriculum; subsequent parts present the analysis of changes in the reading list made by subsequent governments of the Third Republic; the last part, based on press discourse, attempts to interpret some of these changes. Analizy dyskursu edukacyjnego niejednokrotnie dowodzą, że wiedza przekazywana jednostkom w toku edukacji jest wiedzą konstruowaną, „spreparowaną” odpowiednio do interesów grup dominujących. Niniejszy artykuł podejmuje problem spisów lektur obowiązujących licealistów, które ogłaszane były przez odpowiednie organy państwowe po 1989 roku. Pierwsza część artykułu opisuje główne narzędzie kontroli dyskursu edukacyjnego przez państwo − podstawę programową. Części kolejne stanowią analizę zmian, jakich w zakresie spisu lektur dokonywały kolejne rządy III RP. Ostatnia natomiast podejmuje próbę interpretacji, w oparciu o dyskurs prasowy, niektórych z tych zmian.

    Chorzy w podeszłym wieku leczeni dializą otrzewnową

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    Przewlekła choroba nerek dotyczy coraz większej grupy pacjentów, między innymi chorych w podeszłym wieku. Wielu z nich wymaga wdrożenia leczenia nerkozastępczego, z racji schyłkowej niewydolności nerek, a liczba dializowanych w Polsce w ostatniej dekadzie znacznie wzrosła. W związku z tym nefrolodzy stają przed problemem wyboru metody dializy u chorych powyżej 65. roku życia. Celem niniejszego artykułu było wykazanie, że u osób starszych - pomimo wielu obciążeń - z powodzeniem można stosować dializę otrzewnową jako formę leczenia nerkozastępczego

    Harmonogram konferencji, sympozjów oraz kongresów nefrologicznych i transplantacyjnych w roku 2014

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    We are giving over to the hands of „Forum Nefrologiczne” readers schedule of the nephrological and transplant meetings which will be organized in Poland and throught the world during a year 2014. Information about these conferences we collected directly from organizers and/or from data available on the appropriate internet website. We do hope that presented time-table would be helpful while nephrologists, transplant specialists or doctors of other specialities will start planning their scientific and educational activities in 2014.W ręce Czytelników „Forum Nefrologicznego” oddajemy harmonogram spotkań nefrologicznych oraz transplantacyjnych, które będą się odbywały w Polsce i na świecie w 2014 roku. Informacje dotyczące tych konferencji uzyskano albo bezpośrednio od organizatorów, albo z danych dostępnych na odpowiednich forach internetowych. Mamy nadzieję, że zaprezentowany przez nas harmonogram okaże się przydatny w planowaniu aktywności naukowych i edukacyjnych w tym zakresie przez gremium zainteresowanych nefrologów, transplantologów oraz lekarzy innych specjalności w roku 2014