37 research outputs found

    A Structure result for bricks in Heisenberg groups

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    We show that for a sufficiently big \textit{brick} BB of the (2n+1)(2n+1)-dimensional Heisenberg group HnH_n over the finite field Fp\mathbb{F}_p, the product set BBB\cdot B contains at least B/p|B|/p many cosets of some non trivial subgroup of HnH_n

    On arithmetic sums of Cantor-type sequences of integers

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    We are looking for integer sets that resemble classical Cantor set and investigate the structure of their sum sets. Especially we investigate FS(B)FS(B) the subset sum of sequence type B={pnα}n=0B=\{\lfloor p^n\alpha\rfloor\}^\infty_{n=0}. When p=2p=2, then we prove FS(B)+FS(B)=NFS(B)+FS(B)=\N by analogy with the Cantor set, and some structure theorem for p>2p>2Comment: comments are welcom

    Estimation of function's supports under arithmetic constraints

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    The well-known supp(f)supp(f^G|supp(f)||supp(\widehat{f}|\geq |G| inequality gives lower estimation of each supports. In the present paper we give upper estimation under arithmetic constrains. The main notion will be the additive energy which plays a central role in additive combinatorics. We prove an uncertainty inequality that shows a trade-off between the total changes of the indicator function of a subset AF2nA\subseteq \mathbb F^n_2 and the additive energy of AA and the Fourier spectrum.Comment: 8 pages, Submitted to the journal "ADAM" in December 202

    A note on Freiman models in Heisenberg groups

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    Green and Ruzsa recently proved that for any s2s\ge2, any small squaring set AA in a (multiplicative) abelian group, i.e. AA<KA|A\cdot A|<K|A|, has a Freiman ss-model: it means that there exists a group GG and a Freiman ss-isomorphism from AA into GG such that G<f(s,K)A|G|<f(s,K)|A|. In an unpublished note, Green proved that such a result does not necessarily hold in non abelian groups if s64s\ge64. The aim of this paper is improve Green's result by showing that it remains true under the weaker assumption s6s\ge6

    Iterated compositions of linear operations on sets of positive upper density

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    Starting from a result of Stewart, Tijdeman and Ruzsa on iterated difference sequences, we introduce the notion of iterated compositions of linear operations. We prove a general result on the stability of such compositions (with bounded coefficients) on sets of integers having a positive upper density

    On Boolean functions defined on bracket sequences

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    On subset sums of pseudo–recursive sequences

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    Let a0 = a 2 N, fMig1i =1 be an infinite set of integers and fb1; b2; : : : ; bkg be a finite set of integers. We say that faig1 i=0 is a pseudo-recursive sequence if an+1 = Mn+1an + bjn+1 (bjn+1 2 fb1; b2; : : : bkg) holds. In the first part of the paper, we investigate the subset sum of a generalized version of A := fan = b2nc : n = 0; 1; 2; : : : g, which is a special pseudorecursive sequence. In the second part, we use A for an encryption algorith

    Additív és multiplikatív számelmélet = Additive and multiplicative number theory

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    1. A Goldbach-sejtésről: Ismert a páros Golbach-sejtéssel kapcsolatban, hogy majdnem minden páros szám esetén igaz a páros Goldbach-sejtés. A pályázat keretei között a korábbi eredményeket Pintz János lényegesen megjavította, megmutatva, hogy a kivételek száma X-ig legfeljebb O(X^{2/3}). A páros Goldbach-sejtés irányában Linnik bizonyította, hogy van olyan K korlát, hogy bármely elég nagy páros szám előáll két prímszám és legfeljebb K darab 2-hatvány összegeként. Pintz János és Ruzsa Imre kutatásai eredményeként sikerült csökkenteni a K-ra a felső korlátot (K=8). 2. Konzekutív prímszámok hézagairól Jelölje d_k a (k+1)-edik és a k-ik prímszám differenciáját. Pintz János, Goldstonnal és Yildirimmel a szitamódszereket továbbfejlesztve, bebizonyította, hogy d_k végtelen sok k esetén legfeljebb (log k)^{1/2}(log log k)^2 nagyságrendű. 3. Néhány diofantikus egyenletről Balog és Ono elliptikus görbékhez hozzárendelt algebrai objektumok, nevezetesen az ideálosztályok csoportja és a Safarevics-Tate csoport szerkezetével foglalkoztak. Ez a 2m^k=p_1+p_2 egyenlet megoldhatóságára vezet, ahol p_1 és p_2 prímek. 4. Hilbert-kockákkal kapcsolatos kérdések. Hegyvári N. és Sándor Cs. Hilbert kockák dimenziójára és különböző halmazokban való előfordulását vizsgálja. 5. Freiman-típusú kérdések Elekes György és Ruzsa Imre vizsgálta kicsi összeghalmazok Freiman-féle elméletét arra az esetre, amikor nem az összes összeget képezzük, hanem egy adott gráfban összekötött szám-párokat adjuk össze. | 1. On Goldbach-conjecture The exceptional Goldbach-set is defined as a set of all even numbers which cannot be written as a sum of two prime numbers. The best known result is O(X^{0.92}) up to X. During the period of our project Pintz improved it to O(X^{2/3}). As an approximation to the Goldbach conjecture Linnik examined the problem that for which K will be true that every large integer is a sum of two primes and at most K powers of two. Using the GRH Pintz and Ruzsa proved that K is at most 7, and K is at most 8 without any hypothesis. The best known results were 2250 and 200 respectively. 2. On consecutive gaps of the sequence of prime numbers Let d_k be the gap between the k^th and the (k+1)^th primes. Pintz (with Goldston és Yildirim) proved that d_k<c(log k)^{1/2}(log log k)^2 for infinitely many k. 3. On a diofantine equation The paper of A. Balog and K. Ono studies the structure of class group of imaginary quadratic fields. The study is closely connected to the solvability of 2m^k=p_1+p_2, where k is fixed, m is an integer and p_1, p_2 are primes. 4. On Hilbert cubes Hegyvári and Sándor investigated the dimension and the structure of Hilbert cubes in certain sets. 5. Freiman-type questions Let A be a finite set and let G be a finite graph on the vertices {1,2,?card(A)}. A restricted addition A+_G A is the set of all elements which can be written as a_i +a_j if and only if (i,j) in E(G). Elekes and Ruzsa proved that if G is strongly connected then the sumset is 'small'

    Additive structure of difference sets and a theorem of Følner

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    A theorem of Folner asserts that for any set A subset of Z of positive upper density there is a Bohr neigbourhood B of 0 such that B \ (Lambda - Lambda) has zero density. We use this result to deduce some consequences about the structure of difference sets of sets of integers having a positive upper density