616 research outputs found

    Systematic review of brucellosis in the Middle East: disease frequency in ruminants and humans and risk factors for human infection

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    This paper considers the problem of finding global states incoming to a specified global state in a Boolean network, which may be useful for pre-processing of finding a sequence of control actions for a Boolean network and for identifying the basin of attraction for a given attractor, We show that this problem is NP-hard in general along with related theoretical results, On the other hand, we present algorithms that are much faster than the naive exhaustive search-based algorithm. ©2007 IEEE.link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Evaluation of a power driven residue manager for no-till drills

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    The main operational problem in direct drilling of paddy straw residue is the accumulation and wrapping of loose straw within/on the tines and frame of no-till drills and traction problems with the ground wheel. A residue management equipment (RME) is developed to cut and remove paddy straw away from furrow openers of the no-till drill. The equipment consisted of nine parts; each part consisted of two powered wheels, one wheel for cutting the residue and the other wheel for removing them away from no-till drill furrow openers. This equipment was attached with the no-till drill with inverted "T" type furrow opener and the experiments have been conducted to compare the no-till drill with RME and same no-till drill without RME. No-till drill with RME increased the fuel consumption and time required by 29.6 % and 13.14 %, respectively. Adding RME to the no-till drill decreased the amount of residue clogged by 33% and increased the percentage of cut hill from 14.9 to 63.7%. The average numbers of effective tiller, spike length and plant heights were more for no-till drill with RME. Furthermore, the grain yield was increased by 12.4% for fields with no-drill with RME

    Parameter estimation of electric power transformers using Coyote Optimization Algorithm with experimental verification

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    In this work, the Coyote Optimization Algorithm (COA) is implemented for estimating the parameters of single and three-phase power transformers. The estimation process is employed on the basis of the manufacturer's operation reports. The COA is assessed with the aid of the deviation between the actual and the estimated parameters as the main objective function. Further, the COA is compared with well-known optimization algorithms i.e. particle swarm and Jaya optimization algorithms. Moreover, experimental verifications are carried out on 4 kVA, 380/380 V, three-phase transformer and 1 kVA, 230/230 V, single-phase transformer. The obtained results prove the effectiveness and capability of the proposed COA. According to the obtained results, COA has the ability and stability to identify the accurate optimal parameters in case of both single phase and three phase transformers; thus accurate performance of the transformers is achieved. The estimated parameters using COA lead to the highest closeness to the experimental measured parameters that realizes the best agreements between the estimated parameters and the actual parameters compared with other optimization algorithms

    Standards Affecting Increasing the Resistance of Laboratory Clothing Fabrics to Chemicals

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    This study focuses on identifying the criteria that affect the harm and danger laboratory workers and students face from chemical reactions and combustion resulting from mixing chemicals. The study investigates the impact of fabric type, weave structure, and weft density on the resistance of laboratory clothing fabrics to chemicals. Laboratory tests were conducted to produce textile products that meet resistance specifications. The study found that the processing method used had a significant effect on improving the properties of ignition resistance and resistance to fluid permeability within the fabrics. The study used an experimental descriptive approach and statistical analysis with the SPSS program to process the data

    Influence of lysozyme utilization with lactic acid bacteria in yoghurt on some foodborne pathogens

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    Despite the existence of many different food preservation methods, foodborne pathogens are still the most common related problems to dairy products. Developing naturally alternative techniques to control such problems is necessary. This research was planned to assess the bacteriological quality of yoghurt samples commercially available in Kafr El-Sheikh city, Egypt. Also to study the impact of natural antibacterial agents on the inhibition of selected foodborne pathogens artificially inoculated in yoghurt samples. The obtained results revealed poor bacteriological quality of the examined yoghurt samples, as total staphylococci and coliforms were detected in 80% and 90% yoghurt samples, with mean values of 2.4 ×103±0.13× 103cfu/gm and 3.6×105± 2.4×105 MPN/gm, respectively. S. aureus was noticed in 4% of examined samples, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) confirmed the pres­ence of virulence adhesion gene (clfA) in one isolate. E. coli was detected in 14% of yoghurt samples, then serologically identified as O146:H5 (2), O111:H2 (2), O125:H11 (1), O26:H10 (1) and O158:H7 (1). Artificially inoculated yoghurt with S. aureus (7.39 log cfu/gm) and E. coli (8.3 log cfu/gm), were used to investigate the ability of hen egg-white lysozyme either with LAB classic or with ABT-5 (L. acidophilus LA5+ S. thermophiles + Bifidobacterium Bb12) starter cultures to inhibit the growth of these pathogens. During refrigerated storage, all yoghurt batches showed a reduction in pH value. It was observed that both pathogens couldn't be detected in the yoghurt batch containing LAB classic starter + heated lysozyme. Furthermore, S. aureus was completely inhibited in that containing ABT-5 cultures alone, while E. coli decreased by 6.23 log. Conversely, there was not complete inhibition in other batches containing (LAB classic starter, LAB classic starter+ native lysozyme, ABT-5 culture+ native lysozyme and ABT-5 culture+ heated lysozyme) as the reduction rate during all storage periods for S. aureus count was 1.66, 2.63, 4.47  and 4.19 log, While for E. coli count was  3.3, 3.81, 5.53 and 4.89 log,  respectively. This study highlighted the importance of adding natural antibacterial agents like lysozyme with LAB culture to yoghurt as a bio-control strategy to overcome foodborne pathogens that cause a public health hazard

    Diagnostic Dilemma of Cardiac Syncope in Pediatric Patients

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    Aims Syncope is defined as temporary loss of consciousness and postural tone resulting from an abrupt transient decrease in cerebral blood flow. The present work aimed at determining how diagnostic tests are used in the evaluation of pediatric syncope at a tertiary pediatric referral center and to report on the utility and the yield of these tests.Settings and Design Retrospective study conducted at a tertiary referral arrhythmolology serviceMethods and Material The clinical charts of 234 pediatric patients presenting with a primary complaint of syncope with an average age of 7.48 ± 3.82(3.5-16) years were reviewed by the investigators.Statistical analysis used Statistical Package of social science (SPSS) version 9,0 was used for analysis of data.Results The commonest trigger for syncope in the study population was early following exercise (n=65) and the commonest prodrome was palpitation, noted in 25 patients. A murmur was present in 19 of our patients (8.3%) while 10.7% (n=25) had abnormal ECGs. Of the 106 echocardiograms done, 14 (13.2%) were abnormal. Only two of them were missed by ECG. All patients were offered ambulatory 24 hour ECG. One patient with sick sinus syndrome was diagnosed only with Holter.Conclusions Clues to the presence of cardiac syncope may include acute onset of syncope, frequent episodes, low difference between blood pressure readings in supine and erect positions (after standing for 2 minutes) and most importantly an abnormal 12 lead ECG. Transthoracic echo and Holter monitoring have low yield in pediatric syncope

    Validated Chromatographic Methods for the Simultaneous Determination of Sodium Cromoglycate and Oxymetazoline Hydrochloride in a Combined Dosage Form

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    Two chromatographic methods were developed and validated for the simultaneous determination of Sodium Cromoglycate (SCG) and Oxymetazoline Hydrochloride (OXMT). SCG and OXMT are administered in combination for effective treatment of nasal congestion and allergy. The first chromatographic method was based on usingaluminum TLC plates pre-coated with silica gel GF254 as the stationary phase and chloroform: methanol: toluene: triethylamine (5: 2: 4:1, by volume) as the mobile phase followed by densitometric measurement of the separated bands at 235 nm. The second method is a high performance liquid chromatographic method for separation and determination of SCG and OXMT using reversed phase C18 column with isocratic elution. The mobile phase composed of acetonitrile: methanol (2: 1, v/v) at flow rate of 1.0 mL/ min. Quantitation was achieved with UV detection at 220 nm. The validity of the proposed methods was assessed using the standard addition technique. The obtained results were statistically compared with those obtained by the official methods, showing no significant difference with respect to accuracy and precision at p = 0.05

    Patients’ satisfaction with sedoanalgesia versus subarachnoid analgesia in endourology

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    AbstractObjectiveIn this study the effectiveness and safety of sedoanalgesia technique compared to spinal anesthesia in endourology procedure as well as patients’ satisfaction was assessed.Patients and methodsA prospective randomized study was performed in 80 adult patients, ASA I, II, and III who underwent various endoscopic procedures randomly allocated into two groups 40 patients each: Sedoanalgesia group, received local anesthesia (2% lignocaine gel), i.v. midazolam incremental doses 0.015mg/kg on demand, and i.v. fentanyl 2μg/kg, and 0.5μg/kg on demand interaoperative, and Spinal anesthesia group received 2.5ml heavy bupivacaine 0.5% to achieve around T10 level. We recorded vital parameters, and the number of cases with hemodynamic, respiratory complications, nausea and vomiting, and conversion to general anesthesia (failure). Postoperatively the intensity of pain (VAS 0-100mm), time to first analgesic request (VAS ⩾30), patient satisfaction (complete, partial or not satisfied) and time to readiness for discharge were assessed.ResultsThere was no significant difference in intra, postoperative hemodynamic changes and complications between groups but hypotension was more frequent in Spinal group. Immediate postoperative, there was no significant difference in pain score between groups, but 1 and 2h postoperatively there were higher pain scores in Sedoanalgesia group. Time to first analgesic request and readiness for discharge were significantly less in Sedoanalgesia group, but the difference was not significant as regard satisfaction scores.ConclusionSedoanalgesia is an effective, safe and simple alternative to Spinal anesthesia for endourology, with good patients’ satisfaction and less time to discharge

    Crude Coal Tar and Ultraviolet (UV) A radiation (Modified Goeckerman Technique) in Treatment of Psoriasis

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    Background: Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory dermatosis that has a substantial impact on the quality of life. Goeckerman\u27s technique (GT) has been recruited for the treatment of psoriasis with high clearance rates and long periods of remission.Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory dermatosis that has a substantial impact on the quality of life. Goeckerman’s technique (GT) has been implemented for the treatment of psoriasis with high clearance rates and long periods of remission. The objective of this article was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of modified GT (crude coal tar 2.5% plus UVA) as an alternative therapeutic modality for psoriatic patients with skin types III-V. Twenty two patients with moderate, severe, and erythrodermic psoriasis were included in this study. All patients received modified GT (crude coal tar 2.5% plus UVA) six days per week for a period of 3 months. Assessment of the rate of reduction of psoriasis area severity index (PASI) was performed, as well as photographic documentation of each patient at baseline and after completion of therapy. There was a significant reduction in PASI scores after therapy in all patients (P=0.001). The rate of PASI reduction after therapy was &gt;50% in 63.6% of patients; 27.3% of patients achieved &gt;75% reduction and 9.1% of patients achieved 26-50% reduction. No serious side effects were reported in any of the patients. Modified GT is a safe and effective therapeutic option for patients with moderate and severe psoriasis.</p