169 research outputs found

    Discrete-time optimal preview control

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    There are many situations in which one can preview future reference signals, or future disturbances. Optimal Preview Control is concerned with designing controllers which use this preview to improve closed-loop performance. In this thesis a general preview control problem is presented which includes previewable disturbances, dynamic weighting functions, output feedback and nonpreviewable disturbances. It is then shown how a variety of problems may be cast as special cases of this general problem; of particular interest is the robust preview tracking problem and the problem of disturbance rejection with uncertainty in the previewed signal. . (', The general preview problem is solved in both the Fh and Beo settings. The H2 solution is a relatively straightforward extension ofpreviously known results, however, our contribution is to provide a single framework that may be used as a reference work when tackling a variety of preview problems. We also provide some new analysis concerning the maximum possible reduction in closed-loop H2 norm which accrues from the addition of preview action. / Name of candidate: Title of thesis: I DESCRIPTION OF THESIS Andrew Hazell Discrete-Time Optimal Preview Control The solution to the Hoo problem involves a completely new approach to Hoo preview control, in which the structure of the associated Riccati equation is exploited in order to find an efficient algorithm for computing the optimal controller. The problem tackled here is also more generic than those previously appearing in the literature. The above theory finds obvious applications in the design of controllers for autonomous vehicles, however, a particular class of nonlinearities found in typical vehicle models presents additional problems. The final chapters are concerned with a generic framework for implementing vehicle preview controllers, and also a'case study on preview control of a bicycle.Imperial Users onl

    The Levy Institute Measure of Economic Well-Being: Estimates for Canada, 1999 and 2005

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    This report presents estimates of the Levy Institute Measure of Economic Well-Being (LIMEW) for a representative sample of Canadian households in 1999 and 2005. The results indicate that there was only modest growth in the average Canadian household’s total command over economic resources in the six years between 1999 and 2005. Although inequality in economic well-being increased slightly over the 1999-2005 period, the LIMEW was more equally distributed across Canadian households than more common income measures (such as after-tax income) in both 1999 and 2005. The median household’s economic well-being was lower in Canada than in the United States in both years.LIMEW, well-being, income, earnings, wealth, public consumption, government expenditure, household production, inequality

    "The Levy Institute Measure of Economic Well-Being: Estimates for Canada, 1999 and 2005"

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    This report presents estimates of the Levy Institute Measure of Economic Well-Being (LIMEW) for a representative sample of Canadian households in 1999 and 2005. The results indicate that there was only modest growth in the average Canadian household’s total command over economic resources in the six years between 1999 and 2005. Although inequality in economic well-being increased slightly over the 1999–2005 period, the LIMEW was more equally distributed across Canadian households than more common income measures (such as after-tax income) in both 1999 and 2005. The median household’s economic well-being was lower in Canada than in the United States in both years.Well-being, Inequality, Income, Wealth, Government Expenditure, Household Production, LIMEW, (Canada)

    The future of small farms for poverty reduction and growth:

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    "The people operating small farms in developing countries have to cope with the risks of these small businesses and have long faced heavy challenges. Today, these challenges are particularly severe, and the aspirations of young people on small farms have changed. Globalization and the integration of international markets are stimulating intense competition, offering some opportunities but also new risks. In light of these pressures and others, many of the world's millions of small farmers are simply not making it. Indeed, half of the world's undernourished people, three-quarters of Africa's malnourished children, and the majority of people living in absolute poverty live on small farms. The transformation of the small-farm economy is one of the biggest economic challenges of our time. For some, it entails growth into specialized, market-oriented farms; for others, part-time farming combined with off-farm rural jobs; and for others, a move out of agriculture. The pathways of transformation differ by region and location and will take decades. Policy must take a long-run view to support and guide this process efficiently, effectively, and in social fairness. The role of women farmers and their livelihoods requires particular attention. In this paper, Peter Hazell, Colin Poulton, Steve Wiggins, and Andrew Dorward address several crucial questions. Do small farms in fact have a future? In what situations can small farms succeed? What strategies are most appropriate for helping to raise small-farm productivity? The authors review both sides of the debate over the future of small farms before coming to their conclusions. Coming down firmly on the side of policy support for small farms, they point to small farms' significant potential for reducing poverty and inequity. They also clarify the differing roles of and needs for small farms in different country contexts and spell out a policy agenda for promoting small-farm development. This discussion paper is based on a literature review and the deliberations of an international workshop, “The Future of Small Farms,” organized by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) 2020 Vision Initiative, the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), and Imperial College London in Wye, England, from June 26 to 29, 2005. (A proceedings volume for this workshop is available from IFPRI, www.ifpri.org/events/seminars/2005/smallfarms/sfproc.asp.) We hope that this discussion paper will help stimulate renewed attention among many stakeholders— including policymakers, researchers, the private sector, and nongovernmental organizations—to small-scale agricultural development. Healthy and productive small farms could serve as a crucial mechanism for achieving the poverty and hunger Millennium Development Goals. " From Foreword by Joachim von BraunPro-poor growth, Agriculture, Economic development, small farms, Poverty reduction, Sustainable livelihoods, Non-farm development, Rural-urban linkages, small farms,

    "A Comparison of Inequality and Living Standards in Canada and the United States Using an Expanded Measure of Economic Well-Being"

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    We use the Levy Institute Measure of Economic Well-being (LIMEW), the most comprehensive income measure available to date, to compare economic well-being in Canada and the United States in the first decade of the 21st century. This study represents the first international comparison based on LIMEW, which differs from the standard measure of gross money income (MI) in that it includes noncash government transfers, public consumption, income from wealth, and household production, and nets out all personal taxes. We find that, relative to the United States, median equivalent LIMEW was 11 percent lower in Canada in 2000. By 2005, this gap had narrowed to 7 percent, while the difference in median equivalent MI was only 3 percent. Inequality was notably lower in Canada, with a Gini coefficient of 0.285 for equivalent LIMEW in 2005, compared to a US coefficient of 0.376-a gap that primarily reflects the greater importance of income from wealth in the States. However, the difference in Gini coefficients declined between 2000 and 2005. We also find that the elderly were better off relative to the nonelderly in the United States, but that high school graduates did better relative to college graduates in Canada.Well-Being; Living Standards; Inequality; Income; International Comparisons

    The Levy Institute Measure of Economic Well-Being: Estimates for Canada, 1999 and 2005

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    This report presents estimates of the Levy Institute Measure of Economic Well-Being (LIMEW) for a representative sample of Canadian households in 1999 and 2005. The results indicate that there was only modest growth in the average Canadian household's total command over economic resources in the six years between 1999 and 2005. Although inequality in economic well-being increased slightly over the 1999-2005 period, the LIMEW was more equally distributed across Canadian households than more common income measures (such as after-tax income) in both 1999 and 2005. The median household's economic well-being was lower in Canada than in the United States in both years

    Evasion of the toxic effects of oxygen

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    Oxygen is an efficient terminal electron acceptor in respiratory pathways. During aerobic respiration the electron transport chain generates free radical oxygen species as a result of electron leakage; this generation of toxic species is proportional to the oxygen tension (51). In addition, toxic oxygen species (TOS) may be formed exogenously, for example, by chemical processes or through radiation. TOS also result from the oxidative burst of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN). Infection with Helicobacter pylori induces an inflammatory response (gastritis), which leads to an increase in the level of TOS in the gastric mucosa and the gastric juice (4, 24–26, 59). This increase in the level of toxic metabolites is probably the result of the generation of the superoxide anion (O2·− ), a reactive TOS, formed as part of the oxidative burst of PMN and enzymic activities of gastric epithelial cells. There is evidence that H. pylori infection leads to increased production of O2·− via NADPH oxidase in gastric cells, stimulated by lipopolysaccharide as well as xanthine oxidase, another mechanism for the generation of oxygen-derived free radicals (8, 80). In response to increased superoxide anion production in gastric tissue, changes have been detected in the level of expression of human superoxide dismutase (SOD) (12). Human gastric SOD exists as a cytoplasmic copper-zinc-superoxide dismutase (Cu, Zn-SOD) found in gland cells of the gastric body and antral mucosa, and as a manganese-superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD) within mitochondria (63). An increase in the amount and activity of Mn-SOD has been observed in response to H. pylori infection and gastritis, whereas the amount and activity of the Cu, Zn-SOD remained constant or decreased slightly (39). It has been suggested that the induction of Mn-SOD is in response to increased cytokine production within the inflamed gastric mucosa (39). This situation is reversed following successful treatment of the infection (38). The data suggest that within the gastric environment H. pylori may be exposed to increased levels of TOS. In such an environment it is important for bacterial survival that the impact of such TOS be neutralized

    Agricultural labour productivity, food prices and sustainable development impacts and indicators

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    In the last few years high and unstable food and agricultural commodity prices and concerns about population growth, increasing per capita food demands and environmental constraints have pushed agriculture and food production up national and international political, policy and research agendas. Drawing on both theory and empirical evidence, this paper argues that fundamental impacts of links between agricultural productivity sustainability and real food price changes are often overlooked in current policy analysis. This is exacerbated by a lack of relevant and accessible indicators for monitoring agricultural productivity sustainability and real food prices. Two relatively simple and widely applicable sets of indicators are proposed for use in policy development and monitoring. Historical series of these indices are estimated for selected countries, regions and the world. Their strengths, weaknesses and potential value are then discussed in the context of the need for better sustainable agricultural development and food security indicators in any post 2015 successors to the current MDGs

    Advancing leadership in surgery : a realist review of interventions and strategies to promote evidence-based leadership in healthcare

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    Background: Healthcare systems invest in leadership development of surgeons, surgical trainees, and teams. However, there is no agreement on how interventions should be designed, or what components they must contain to be successful. The objective of this realist review was to generate a programme theory explaining in which context and for whom surgical leadership interventions work and why. Methods: Five databases were systematically searched, and articles screened against inclusion considering their relevance. Context-mechanism-outcome configurations (CMOCs) and fragments of CMOCs were identified. Gaps in the CMOCs were filled through deliberation with the research team and stakeholder feedback. We identified patterns between CMOCs and causal relationships to create a programme theory. Results: Thirty-three studies were included and 19 CMOCs were developed. Findings suggests that interventions for surgeons and surgical teams improve leadership if timely feedback is delivered on multiple occasions and by trusted and respected people. Negative feedback is best provided privately. Feedback from senior-to-junior or peer-to-peer should be delivered directly, whereas feedback from junior-to-senior is preferred when delivered anonymously. Leadership interventions were shown to be most effective for those with awareness of the importance of leadership, those with confidence in their technical surgical skills, and those with identified leadership deficits. For interventions to improve leadership in surgery, they need to be delivered in an intimate learning environment, consider implementing a speak-up culture, provide a variety of interactive learning activities, show a genuine investment in the intervention, and be customised to the needs of surgeons. Leadership of surgical teams can be best developed by enabling surgical teams to train together. Conclusions: The programme theory provides evidence-based guidance for those who are designing, developing and implementing leadership interventions in surgery. Adopting the recommendations will help to ensure interventions are acceptable to the surgical community and successful in improving surgical leadership. Trial registration: The review protocol is registered with PROSPERO (CRD42021230709)

    Protein distribution during human erythroblast enucleation in vitro

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    Enucleation is the step in erythroid terminal differentiation when the nucleus is expelled from developing erythroblasts creating reticulocytes and free nuclei surrounded by plasma membrane. We have studied protein sorting during human erythroblast enucleation using fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) to obtain pure populations of reticulocytes and nuclei produced by in vitro culture. Nano LC mass spectrometry was first used to determine the protein distribution profile obtained from the purified reticulocyte and extruded nuclei populations. In general cytoskeletal proteins and erythroid membrane proteins were preferentially restricted to the reticulocyte alongside key endocytic machinery and cytosolic proteins. The bulk of nuclear and ER proteins were lost with the nucleus. In contrast to the localization reported in mice, several key erythroid membrane proteins were detected in the membrane surrounding extruded nuclei, including band 3 and GPC. This distribution of key erythroid membrane and cytoskeletal proteins was confirmed using western blotting. Protein partitioning during enucleation was investigated by confocal microscopy with partitioning of cytoskeletal and membrane proteins to the reticulocyte observed to occur at a late stage of this process when the nucleus is under greatest constriction and almost completely extruded. Importantly, band 3 and CD44 were shown not to restrict specifically to the reticulocyte plasma membrane. This highlights enucleation as a stage at which excess erythroid membrane proteins are discarded in human erythroblast differentiation. Given the striking restriction of cytoskeleton proteins and the fact that membrane proteins located in macromolecular membrane complexes (e.g. GPA, Rh and RhAG) are segregated to the reticulocyte, we propose that the membrane proteins lost with the nucleus represent an excess mobile population of either individual proteins or protein complexes. © 2013 Bell et al