1,047 research outputs found

    Time-dependent radiative transfer with PHOENIX

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    Aims. We present first results and tests of a time-dependent extension to the general purpose model atmosphere code PHOENIX. We aim to produce light curves and spectra of hydro models for all types of supernovae. Methods. We extend our model atmosphere code PHOENIX to solve time-dependent non-grey, NLTE, radiative transfer in a special relativistic framework. A simple hydrodynamics solver was implemented to keep track of the energy conservation of the atmosphere during free expansion. Results. The correct operation of the new additions to PHOENIX were verified in test calculations. Conclusions. We have shown the correct operation of our extension to time-dependent radiative transfer and will be able to calculate supernova light curves and spectra in future work.Comment: 7 pages, 12 figure

    A 3D radiative transfer framework IX. Time dependence

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    Context. Time-dependent, 3D radiation transfer calculations are important for the modeling of a variety of objects, from supernovae and novae to simulations of stellar variability and activity. Furthermore, time-dependent calculations can be used to obtain a 3D radiative equilibrium model structure via relaxation in time. Aims. We extend our 3D radiative transfer framework to include direct time dependence of the radiation field; i.e., the ∂I/∂t\partial I/ \partial t terms are fully considered in the solution of radiative transfer problems. Methods. We build on the framework that we have described in previous papers in this series and develop a subvoxel method for the ∂I/∂t\partial I/\partial t terms. Results. We test the implementation by comparing the 3D results to our well tested 1D time dependent radiative transfer code in spherical symmetry. A simple 3D test model is also presented. Conclusions. The 3D time dependent radiative transfer method is now included in our 3D RT framework and in PHOENIX/3D.Comment: A&A in press, 7 pages, 14 figure

    Preliminary Spectral Analysis of SN 1994I

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    We present optical spectra of the Type Ic supernova 1994I in M51 and preliminary non-LTE analysis of the spectra. Our models are not inconsistent with the explosions of C+O cores of massive stars. While we find no direct evidence for helium in the optical spectra, our models cannot rule out small amounts of helium. More than 0.1~\msol\ of helium seems unlikely.Comment: LaTeX, MN style, psfig, and natbib substyles, 7 pages, 4 figures, to appear in MNRAS. Postscript file available from http://www.nhn.uoknor.edu/~baro

    Gravitational microlensing as a test of stellar model atmospheres

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    We present calculations illustrating the potential of gravitational microlensing to discriminate between classical models of stellar surface brightness profiles and the recently computed ``Next Generation'' models of Hauschildt et al. These spherically-symmetric models include a much improved treatment of molecular lines in the outer atmospheres of cool giants -- stars which are very typical sources in Galactic bulge microlensing events. We show that the microlensing signatures of intensively monitored point and fold caustic crossing events are readily able to distinguish between NextGen and the classical models, provided a photometric accuracy of 0.01 magnitudes is reached. This accuracy is now routinely achieved by alert networks, and hence current observations can discriminate between such model atmospheres, providing a unique insight on stellar photospheres.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Astronomy & Astrophysics (Letters), vol. 388, L1 (2002
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