141 research outputs found

    An integrated approach for monitoring structural deformation of aquaculture net cages

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    The majority of present marine finfish production is conducted in flexible net cages which can deform when they are subjected to water movements generated by currents. The ability to monitor net deformation is important for performing cage operations and evaluation of fish health and welfare under changing environment. This paper presents a new method for real-time monitoring of net cage deformations that is based on an integrated approach where positioning sensor data is incorporated into a numerical model. An underwater positioning system was deployed at a full-scale fish farm site, with three acoustic sensors mounted on a cage measuring positions of the net at different depths. A novel numerical model with an adaptive current field was used to simulate net cage deformations, where the magnitude and direction of the current could be adapted by continuously assessing deviations between the simulated and the measured positions of the net. This method was found to accurately predict the pre-defined current velocity profiles in a set of simulated experiments. In the field experiment, a good agreement was also obtained between the simulated positions of the net and the acoustic sensor data. The integrated approach was shown to be well suited for in-situ real-time monitoring of net cage deformations by using a significantly reduced number of sensors.publishedVersio

    Maternal cell phone use in early pregnancy and child's language, communication and motor skills at 3 and 5 years: the Norwegian mother and child cohort study (MoBa)

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    BACKGROUND: Cell phone use during pregnancy is a public health concern. We investigated the association between maternal cell phone use in pregnancy and child's language, communication and motor skills at 3 and 5 years. METHODS: This prospective study includes 45,389 mother-child pairs, participants of the MoBa, recruited at mid-pregnancy from 1999 to 2008. Maternal frequency of cell phone use in early pregnancy and child language, communication and motor skills at 3 and 5 years, were assessed by questionnaires. Logistic regression was used to estimate the associations. RESULTS: No cell phone use in early pregnancy was reported by 9.8% of women, while 39%, 46.9% and 4.3% of the women were categorized as low, medium and high cell phone users. Children of cell phone user mothers had 17% (OR = 0.83, 95% CI: 0.77, 0.89) lower adjusted risk of having low sentence complexity at 3 years, compared to children of non-users. The risk was 13%, 22% and 29% lower by low, medium and high maternal cell phone use. Additionally, children of cell phone users had lower risk of low motor skills score at 3 years, compared to children of non-users, but this association was not found at 5 years. We found no association between maternal cell phone use and low communication skills. CONCLUSIONS: We reported a decreased risk of low language and motor skills at three years in relation to prenatal cell phone use, which might be explained by enhanced maternal-child interaction among cell phone users. No evidence of adverse neurodevelopmental effects of prenatal cell phone use was reported

    Nordic Specialist Course in Palliative Medicine: Evaluation and Impact on the Development of Palliative Medicine in the Nordic Countries: A Survey among Participants from Seven Courses 2003-2017

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    Background: The five Nordic Associations for palliative medicine (PM) have since 2003 organized a common specialist course for six weeks in two years. Aim: To describe the course: participants, evaluations, impact on participants' careers, and on the development of PM in the Nordic countries. Methods: Information on participants taken from the course archive and national registries. A web survey sent to graduates from the courses 2003–2013 (n = 150) and 2013–2017 (n = 72). Results: Mean age at course start was 46.9 years; 66% were women. Mean overall evaluation score 5.7 (range 5.4–6.0, max 7.0). Survey response rate 84% (n = 186); 80% of respondents were working in PM, the majority as leaders, >90% engaged in teaching PM. About 40% were active in PM associations, lobbying, and guideline development. Conclusion: The Nordic Specialist Course in PM has had a profound impact on the participants' postcourse careers, influencing the development of PM in the Nordic countries.publishedVersio

    Associations of pre-pregnancy body mass index and gestational weight gain with pregnancy outcome and postpartum weight retention: a prospective observational cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Excessive gestational weight gain (GWG) is associated with pregnancy complications, and Norwegian Health Authorities have adopted the GWG recommendations of the US Institute of Medicine and National Research Council (IOM). The aim of this study was to evaluate if a GWG outside the IOM recommendation in a Norwegian population is associated with increased risk of pregnancy complications like hypertension, low and high birth weight, preeclampsia, emergency caesarean delivery, and maternal post-partum weight retention (PPWR) at 6 and 18 months. METHODS: This study was performed in 56 101 pregnant women included in the prospective national Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa) in the years 1999 to 2008. Women who delivered a singleton live born child during gestational week 37 to 42 were included. Maternal prepregnant and postpartum weight was collected from questionnaires at 17(th) week of gestation and 6 and 18 months postpartum. RESULTS: A weight gain less than the IOM recommendations (GWG < IOM rec.) increased the risk for giving birth to a low weight baby among normal weight nulliparous women. A weight gain higher than the IOM recommendations (GWG > IOM rec.) significantly increased the risk of pregnancy hypertension, a high birth weight baby, preeclampsia and emergency cesarean delivery in both nulliparous and parous normal weight women. Similar results were found for overweight women except for no increased risk for gestational hypertension in parous women with GWG > IOM rec. Seventy-four percent of the overweight nulliparous women and 66% of the obese women had a GWG > IOM rec. A GWG > IOM rec. resulted in increased risk of PPWR > 2 kg in all weight classes, but most women attained their prepregnant weight class by 18 months post-partum. CONCLUSIONS: For prepregnant normal weight and overweight women a GWG > IOM rec. increased the risk for unfavorable birth outcomes in both nulliparous and parous women. A GWG > IOM rec. increased the risk of a PPWR > 2 kg at 18 months in all weight classes. This large study supports the Norwegian Health authorities’ recommendations for normal weight and overweight women to comply with the IOM rec

    Power market models for the clean energy transition: State of the art and future research needs

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    As power systems around the world are rapidly evolving to achieve decarbonization objectives, it is crucial that power system planners and operators use appropriate models and tools to analyze and address the associated challenges. This paper provides a detailed overview of the properties of power market models in the context of the clean energy transition. We review common power market model methodologies, their readiness for low- and zero‑carbon grids, and new power market trends. Based on the review, we suggest model improvements and new designs to increase modeling capabilities for future grids. The paper highlights key modeling concepts related to power system flexibility, with a particular focus on hydropower and energy storage, as well as the representation of grid services, price formation, temporal structure, and the importance of uncertainty. We find that a changing resource mix, market restructuring, and growing price uncertainty require more precise modeling techniques to adequately capture the new technology constraints and the dynamics of future power markets. In particular, models must adequately represent resource opportunity costs, multi-horizon flexibility, and energy storage capabilities across the full range of grid services. Moreover, at the system level, it is increasingly important to consider sub-hourly time resolution, enhanced uncertainty representation, and introduce co-optimization for dual market clearing of energy and grid services. Likewise, models should capture interdependencies between multiple energy carriers and demand sectors.publishedVersio

    Nordic Specialist Course in Palliative Medicine: Evaluation and Impact on the Development of Palliative Medicine in the Nordic Countries: A Survey among Participants from Seven Courses 2003-2017.

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked DownloadBackground: The five Nordic Associations for palliative medicine (PM) have since 2003 organized a common specialist course for six weeks in two years. Aim: To describe the course: participants, evaluations, impact on participants' careers, and on the development of PM in the Nordic countries. Methods: Information on participants taken from the course archive and national registries. A web survey sent to graduates from the courses 2003-2013 (n = 150) and 2013-2017 (n = 72). Results: Mean age at course start was 46.9 years; 66% were women. Mean overall evaluation score 5.7 (range 5.4-6.0, max 7.0). Survey response rate 84% (n = 186); 80% of respondents were working in PM, the majority as leaders, >90% engaged in teaching PM. About 40% were active in PM associations, lobbying, and guideline development. Conclusion: The Nordic Specialist Course in PM has had a profound impact on the participants' postcourse careers, influencing the development of PM in the Nordic countries

    Nordic Specialist Course in Palliative Medicine: Evaluation and Impact on the Development of Palliative Medicine in the Nordic Countries: A Survey among Participants from Seven Courses 2003-2017

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    Background: The five Nordic Associations for palliative medicine (PM) have since 2003 organized a common specialist course for six weeks in two years. Aim: To describe the course: participants, evaluations, impact on participants' careers, and on the development of PM in the Nordic countries. Methods: Information on participants taken from the course archive and national registries. A web survey sent to graduates from the courses 2003-2013 (n = 150) and 2013-2017 (n = 72). Results: Mean age at course start was 46.9 years; 66% were women. Mean overall evaluation score 5.7 (range 5.4-6.0, max 7.0). Survey response rate 84% (n = 186); 80% of respondents were working in PM, the majority as leaders, >90% engaged in teaching PM. About 40% were active in PM associations, lobbying, and guideline development. Conclusion: The Nordic Specialist Course in PM has had a profound impact on the participants' postcourse careers, influencing the development of PM in the Nordic countries.</p

    Placental histology predicted adverse outcomes in extremely premature neonates in Norway-population-based study

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    Aim We evaluated the role of placental pathology in predicting adverse outcomes for neonates born extremely preterm (EPT) before 28 weeks of gestation. Methods This was a prospective observational study of 123 extremely preterm singletons born in a hospital in western Norway, and the placentas were classified according to the Amsterdam criteria. The associations between histologic chorioamnionitis (HCA), by the presence or the absence of a foetal inflammatory response (FIR+ or FIR−), maternal vascular malperfusion (MVM) as a whole and adverse neonatal outcomes were evaluated by logistic regression analyses. Adverse outcomes were defined as perinatal death, necrotising enterocolitis (NEC), bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), brain pathology by magnetic resonance imaging at term-equivalent age, retinopathy of prematurity and early-onset neonatal sepsis. The results are reported as odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Results HCA was associated with NEC (OR 12.2, 95% CI 1.1 to 137.1). HCA/FIR+ was associated with BPD (OR 14.9, 95% CI 1.8–122.3) and brain pathology (OR 9.8, 95% CI 1.4–71.6), but HCA/FIR− was not. The only neonatal outcome that MVM was associated with was low birthweight. Conclusion Placental histology provided important information when assessing the risk of adverse neonatal outcomes following EPT birth.publishedVersio

    Strength and Power Testing of Athletes: A Multicenter Study of Test-Retest Reliability

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    Author's accepted manuscriptAccepted author manuscript version reprinted, by permission, from International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance (IJSPP), 2022, 17 (7): 1103-1110, https://doi.org/10.1123/ijspp.2021-0558. © Human Kinetics, Inc.Purpose:This study examined the test–retest reliability of common assessments for measuring strength and power of the lowerbody in high-performing athletes.Methods:A total of 100 participants, including both male (n=83) and female (n=17) athletes(21 [4] y, 182 [9] cm, and 78 [12] kg), were recruited for this study, using a multicenter approach. The participants underwentphysical testing 4 times. Thefirst 2 sessions (1 and 2) were separated by∼1 week, followed by a period of 2 to 6 months, whereasthe last 2 sessions (3 and 4) were again separated by∼1 week. The test protocol consisted of squat jumps, countermovementjumps, jump and reach, 30-m sprint, 1-repetition-maximum squat, sprint cycling, and a leg-press test.Results:The typical error(%) ranged from 1.3% to 8.5% for all assessments. The change in means ranged from−1.5% to 2.5% for all assessments, whereasthe interclass correlation coefficient ranged from .85 to .97. The smallest worthwhile change (0.2 of baseline SD) ranged from1.2% to 5.0%. The ratio between the typical error (%) and the smallest worthwhile change (%) ranged from 0.5 to 1.2. Whenobserving the reliability across testing centers, considerable differences in reliability were observed (typical error [%] ratio: 0.44–1.44).Conclusions:Most of the included assessments can be used with confidence by researchers and coaches to measurestrength and power in athletes. Our results highlight the importance of controlling testing reliability at each testing center and notrelying on data from others, despite having applied the same protocol.acceptedVersio
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