9 research outputs found

    Graph Theoretic Lattice Mining Based on Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) Theory for Text Mining

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    The growth of the semantic web has fueled the need to search for information based on the understanding of the intent of the searcher, coupled with the contextual meaning of the keywords supplied by the searcher. The common solution to enhance the searching process includes the deployment of formal concept analysis (FCA) theory to extract concepts from a set of text with the use of corresponding domain ontology. However, creating a domain ontology or cross-platform ontology is a tedious and time consuming process that requires validation from domain experts. Therefore, this study proposed an alternative solution called Lattice Mining (LM) that utilizes FCA theory and graph theory. This is because the process of matching a query to related documents is similar to the process of graph matching if both the query and the documents are represented using graphs. This study adopted the idea of FCA in the determination of the concepts based on texts and deployed the lattice diagrams obtained from an FCA tool for further analysis using graph theory. The LM technique employed in this study utilized the adjacency matrices obtained from the lattice outputs and performed a distance measure technique to calculate the similarity between two graphs. The process was realized successively via the implementation of three algorithms called the Relatedness Algorithm (RA), the Adjacency Matrix Algorithm (AMA) and the Concept-Based Lattice Mining (CBLM) Algorithm. A similarity measure between FCA output lattices yielded promising results based on the ranking of the trace values from the matrices. Recognizing the potential of this method, future work includes refinement in the steps of the CBLM algorithm for a more efficient implementation of the process


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    Cultivating reading habits among children from the early stage is a big challenge in information age. Reading habits is a starting point to be a literate person; who is able to read and have formal or informal education. Indeed, children’s with healthcare condition needs special support from all parties include parents, caregivers, teachers and hospital administrators to nurture reading habits among them. Bibliotherapy technique has been applied to help pediatric patients in solving problems and coping with life changes by using books or reading materials especially related to their health. This technique will help them to undergo recovery process and treatment from caregivers. Book Buddies project conducted by Hamdan Tahir Library implements this technique on paediatric patients at Hospital USM. The impacts of the project measure via observation, discussion and involvement of pediatric patients in activities scheduled. A mobile library service was introduced as an extended of library services to pediatric patients and guardian. The service will help the needy people to increase knowledge and spend their leisure time with a benefit activity. The number of book loan transactions increased from time to time which is achieved the project’s objectives. May this project will create a good dimension and increase reputation of library and university’s role in the eyes of Malaysian society

    Let’s read together: getting close with pediatric patients at Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia

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    Cultivating reading habits among children from the early stage is a big challenge in information age. Reading habits is a starting point to be a literate person; who is able to read and have formal or informal education. Indeed, children’s with healthcare condition needs special support from all parties include parents, caregivers, teachers and hospital administrators to nurture reading habits among them. Bibliotherapy technique has been applied to help pediatric patients in solving problems and coping with life changes by using books or reading materials especially related to their health. This technique will help them to undergo recovery process and treatment from caregivers. Book Buddies project conducted by Hamdan Tahir Library implements this technique on paediatric patients at Hospital USM. The impacts of the project measure via observation, discussion and involvement of pediatric patients in activities scheduled. A mobile library service was introduced as an extended of library services to pediatric patients and guardian. The service will help the needy people to increase knowledge and spend their leisure time with a benefit activity. The number of book loan transactions increased from time to time which is achieved the project’s objectives. May this project will create a good dimension and increase reputation of library and university’s role in the eyes of Malaysian society

    The criteria of language learning website

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    This research attempts to investigate the important elements in language learning websites based on the preference of future English as Second Language (ESL) teachers. Apart from that, other purposes of this study are to investigate the purpose of accessing the websites as well as additional elements that can contribute in improving language learning websites. Subjects are taken from final year undergraduates taking Teaching English as a Second Language as their major. A set of questionnaires was used to collect data and the data were analyzed using quantitative and descriptive analysis. Evaluation was based on frequencies and averages. The findings of this study show that the Internet is one of the most popular sources for learning a language, and websites that introduce language learning are found to be very useful and had been accessed frequently. Users accessed the websites mainly to search for language notes, activities and materials. The elements contributing to the importance of language learning websites are the language of the text as well as users’ control. This study can be used to improve existing language learning websites or to be referred as a guide for future website development

    Progesterone and estradiol profiles of co-administration of exogenous progesterone and estradiol benzoate during estrus synchronization in cows

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    This study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of estrous synchronization method in cow and to document the profile of progesterone and estradiol levels in three breed (Charolais, Brahman and local indigenous, Kedah-Kelantan) of cows. Twenty eight cycling cows received CIDR (controlled intravaginal drug release) insertion containing 1.38 g of progesterone with 10 mg estradiol benzoate (Day 0). The cows were given 2 mg i.m injection of estradiol benzoate (EB) 24 hours after CIDR removal (Day 8). A single insemination was carried out to each of the synchronized cow using rectovaginal method, 24 hours after EB injection (Day 9). Pregnancy diagnosis was carried out on day 60 post-insemination using rectal palpation. Blood samples were collected on day 0, 3, 7, 8, 9, 12 and 14 after CIDR insertion. Collected blood samples were centrifuged at 2,000 r.p.m for 10 minutes and blood plasma was stored at -20 degrees C until assayed. Concentrations of progesterone and estradiol in blood plasma were assayed using RIA kits. Progesterone reached the highest level on day 3, 9.03 ng/ml (Brahman) and 27.16 ng/ml (Kedah-Kelantan). However, after CIDR removal on day 7, progesterone level continued to decrease and reached the lowest levels, 2.12 ng/ml (Charolais), 0.53 ng/ml (Brahman), and 0.47 ng/ml (Kedah-Kelantan). Insertion of CIDR (Day 0) caused a slight drop in estradiol levels in Charolais (0.00 pg/ml), Brahman (5.01 pg/ml) and Kedah-Kelantan (4.60 pg/ml) cows. Estradiol level reached the highest level, 77.26 pg/ml (Charolais), 34.20 pg/ml (Brahman) and 27.43 pg/ml (Kedah-Kelantan) after estradiol benzoate injection on day 8. It was concluded that synchronization method in the present study managed to give good percentage of pregnancy and similar pattern of progesterone and estradiol profiles regardless breed of the cows

    Sosialisasi Organisasi Melalui Pementoran di Perpustakaan USM

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    Pementoran merupakan elemen penting dalam proses sosialisasi organisasi namun ia bukan suatu konsep baharu dalam pengurusan sumber manusia mana-mana organisasi. Walaupun pementoran jarang dibincangkan, namun terdapat pelaksanaan secara tidak formal dalam persekitaran perpustakaan akademik Malaysia. Perpustakaan Hamdan Tahir, Kampus Kesihatan, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) baru-baru ini melaksanakan program pementoran untuk menyokong inisiatif peningkatan kemahiran dan sebagai proses penyesuaian staf yang baharu dipindahkan ke jabatan baharu hasil penstrukturan fungsi Perpustakaan. Pandemik Covid-19 semakin mengukuhkan lagi kepentingan program ini kerana kakitangan perlu bekerja secara bebas dari rumah atau dari pejabat pada gilirannya. Penulisan ini menerangkan tentang program pementoran, manfaatnya kepada Perpustakaan dan mengapa program ini harus diperbaiki dan diteruskan sebagai sebahagian daripada program latihan dalaman bagi meningkatkan pengembangan kompetensi staf perpustakaan untuk mengatasi perubahan dalam persekitaran perpustakaan akademi

    Development and validation of Malaysia Medication Adherence Assessment Tool (MyMAAT) for diabetic patients.

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    Medication non-adherence remains a significant barrier in achieving better health outcomes for patients with chronic diseases. Previous self-reported medication adherence tools were not developed in the context of the Malaysia population. The most commonly used tool, MMAS-8, is no longer economical because it requires a license and currently every form used is charged. Hence, there is a need to develop and validate a new medication adherence tool. The Malaysia Medication Adherence Assessment Tool (MyMAAT) was developed by a multidisciplinary team with expertise in medication adherence and health literacy. The face and content validities of the MyMAAT was established by a panel of experts. A total of 495 patients with type 2 diabetes were recruited from the Ministry of Health facilities consisting of five hospitals and five primary health clinics. A test-retest was conducted on 42 of the patients one week following their first data collection. Exploratory factor analysis was performed to evaluate the validity of the MyMAAT. The final item for MyMAAT was compared with SEAMS, HbA1c%, Medication Possession ratio (MPR) score, and pharmacist's subjective assessment for its hypothesis testing validity. The MyMAAT-12 achieved acceptable internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0.910) and stable reliability as the test-retest score showed good to excellent correlation (Spearman's rho = 0.96, p = 0.001). The MyMAAT has significant moderate association with SEAMS (Spearman's rho = 0.44, p = < 0.001) and significant relationship with HbA1c (< 8% and ≥ 8%) (χ2(1) = 13.4, p < 0.001), MPR (χ2(1) = 13.6, p < 0.001) and pharmacist's subjective assessment categories (χ2(1) = 31, p < 0.001). The sensitivity of MyMAAT-12, tested against HbA1c% was 72.9% while its specificity was 43%. This study demonstrates that the MyMAAT-12 together with other methods of assessment may make a better screening tool to identify patients who were non-adherence to their medications