3,487 research outputs found

    Linguistic argumentation and logic: An alternative method approach in Arabic grammar

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    Rozprawa podkreśla związek między językową argumentacją a logiką. Argumentacja językowa jest systemem językowym, który stosuje znaczenie wyrażeń ujętych w zdania do zarysowania pełnego znaczenia zdań, w nich bowiem konstytuują się zależności między wyrażeniami. Rzeczywiście, to powiązanie między wyrażeniami wzmacnia całościowe znaczenie począwszy od samych podstaw struktury zdania w logicznym powiązaniu idei. W nim znajduje się relacja między słowami a umysłem, zależna od logiki powiązanych ze sobą wypowiedzi. Aby podkreślić znaczenie przedstawionego wyżej sposobu myślenia, autorka zwraca się ku teorii wczesnej gramatyki arabskiej, ogniskującej się raczej wokół analogii niż anomalii. Nastawienie w systemie na analogię opiera się na podstawowej teorii, która implikuje wspomnianą wyżej relację, choć niektóre współczesne ujęcia odrzucają tę interpretację. W podsumowaniu swojej analizy, autorka uwzględnia podobne teorie gramatyki łacińskiej, które wykazują nastawienie logiczne, będące następstwem powiązania językowej argumentacji z logiką. Konkludując, autorka stwierdza, iż powiązanie słów i logiki okazuje się pojęciem uniwersalnym

    Quantitative inheritance of leaf shape characters in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Agricultural Science in Plant Science at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

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    An F₁ half diallel cross experiment with 8 parents (i.e. ½ p (p = 1) combinations) was used to study the quantitative inheritance of leaf shape characters in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.). The effect of stalk positions on the inheritance of these characters was also included. The study was carried out under a glasshouse conditions. The parental lines used in the crosses represent a random sample of leaf shape characters available in New Zealand germplasm collection. Except for wing area (2nd leaf), phenotypic analysis showed that there was a high genetic variability for other characters. The genetic analysis of the diallel indicated that inter-locus interaction (epistasis) was of little importance for most of the characters studied. Additive genetic variance was the main component of the total genetic variance. Heritability estimates ranged from moderate (approximately 40 %) to moderately high (approximately 70 %) for most characters. Near similar values were obtained from both the narrow and broadsense heritability estimates. Very little hybrid vigour was observed for both leaf area and leaf dry weight. Both the phenotypic and genotypic correlation coefficients between selected pairs of characters were in good agreement with each other in terms of direction and levels of significance. The estimates were generally high and highly significant. The components of genetic variance (i.e. additive and dominance genetic variance), heritability and correlation coefficient estimates were generally larger in the middle as compared to the top or bottom leaves

    Pengaruh penginapan ke atas disiplin pelajar di Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

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    Kajian pengaruh penginapan ke atas disiplin pelajar di Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) ini memfokuskan kepada tiga objektif iaitu mengenal pasti tahap kriteria penginapan dari aspek fizikal dan bukan fizikal yang memberi kesan terhadap penginapan pelajar di UTHM, mengenal pasti kesalahan disiplin pelajar terhadap peraturan tempat penginapan mereka dan mengkaji hubungan signifikan antara disiplin pelajar dengan tahap kriteria tempat penginapan mereka. Sampel kajian dipilih secara rawak yang terdiri daripada 350 pelajar dari lima kolej kediaman iaitu Kolej Kediaman Tun Syed Nasir, Kolej Kediaman Tun Dr. Ismail, Kolej Kediaman Tun Fatimah, Kolej Kediaman Melewar dan Kolej Kediaman Perwira. Data-data kajian diperolehi daripada soal selidik dan statistik kesalahan disiplin pelajar terhadap peraturan kolej yang direkod oleh setiap Kolej Kediaman. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan kriteria penginapan pelajar dari aspek fizikal dan bukan fizikal berada pada tahap sederhana masing-masing mendapat skor min 3.01 dan 3.47. Kesalahan disiplin pelajar menunjukkan setiap 25 orang pelajar yang tinggal di Kolej Kediaman melakukan satu kes kesalahan. Dari segi hubungan signifikan antara disiplin pelajar dengan tahap kriteria penginapan pelajar di UTHM menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan berdasarkan perbandingan yang dilakukan. Hubungan ini wujud berdasarkan kajian yang dijalankan di UTHM sahaja namun hubungan ini tidak semestinya wujud di penginapan pelajar di tempat lain

    Knowledge management : Emerging roles and challenges of library and information professionals

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    With globalization the credibility of the workforce is determined by how best they can accommodate themselves in the growing challenges of k-economy. Knowledge Management (KM) has been in operation for quite some time. Its close affinity to library and information management is undeniable. Library has not relinquished its role and interest as information and knowledge providers. It is fitting then to recognize that a well planned strategy, involving the library and the management of the institution could provide significant influence to achieve the KM objectives. Librarians and information professionals (IPs) should be dedicated to fulfilling the varied information needs of the users, amidst the k-economy by providing accurate and relevant bibliographic and physical access and offer referral to the multidimensional range of information within the library premise and outside. KM is a challenge to the information professionals and for the fields of librarianship and information science and needs to be taken seriously to leverage the intellectual assets and to facilitate knowledge utilization and creation

    Exploring the effectiveness of using big books in teaching primary English in Malaysian classrooms

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    There are many benefits of using stories for language and literacy development particularly in the areas of vocabulary(Cameron, 2001; Elley, 1989; Penno, Wilkinson & Moore 2002;Hargrave & Senechal, 2000) and reading comprehension. Yet, much is still unknown in second language (L2) contexts. This paper investigates the use of Big Books in primary English in Malaysia where English is taught as an official second language. It draws on transcript data from one teacher from one primary school to illustrate how students’ active participation and interest in language learning emerged as the teacher introduced Big Books instead of the textbook. Our data shows that practice with Big Books changes the interaction patterns and learning opportunities. Students were actively involved and they contributed to the discussions and made spontaneous comments about the stories. Most importantly,the teacher’s elicitation skill is essential in enhancing students’ learning. The Ministry of Education’s hopes to provide more active engagement and to increase students’ interests and motivation through stories were achieved

    Multivariable & vector calculus

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    This book is written for students who take Engineering Mathematics subject in Engineering Faculties at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. The book is also suitable for science students who study mutivariable and vector calculus in higher learning institutions. The emphasis of this book is on the geometrical approach. Whenever possible, figures are used in this book to help students understand the concept under discussions. An appendix has been prepared by the authors for readers to recall elementary facts used in the book

    Performance of treated and untreated asymmetric polysulfone hollow fiber membrane in series and cascade module configurations for CO2/CH4 gas separation system

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    This study investigates the effects of one-, two- and three-stage membrane system configurations in series arrangement for theCO2/CH4 separation for both untreated and treated membranes. Asymmetric polysulfone hollow fiber membranes were fabricated from 33 wt.% of polysulfone polymer using dry/wet phase inversion process. The produced membranes were characterized by pure gas permeation experiments, Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), density measurement and Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA). For both untreated and treated membranes, the pressure-normalized flux of CO2 decreased with increasing of the membrane stages. In addition, the selectivities of asymmetric hollow fiber membrane showed a more constant trend with feed pressure. Treated membrane exhibited lower pressure-normalized flux than untreated membranes due to skin layer densification which increased the transport resistance, thus lead to the reduction in pressure-normalized fluxes. Among all the three configurations studied, two-stage membrane configuration showed the most constant trend in term of selectivity. However, three-stage cascade configuration produced the highest CO2/CH4 selectivity especially when tested at low feed pressure range. Effect of stage cut on feed pressure showed an increasing trend with increasing of CO2 and CH4 feed pressure for all configurations. This is due to the increase of the permeation driving force, which caused the passage of larger amounts of more permeable gas through the membrane. This study showed that, three-stage cascade configuration exhibited the smallest stage cut values thus produced higher purity of CO2 in permeate stream

    Novel binary search algorithm for fast tag detection in robust and secure RFID systems

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    Novel binary search algorithm for fast tag detection (BSF1) and (BSF2) in robust and secure RFID systems is presented in this paper. These algorithms introduce fast tag detection with the new method of inquiry. Tags were grouped in two groups and tag collisions of each group were solved by implementing dynamic searching and backtracking procedure. By grouping the tags, time for solving collision was reduced. It performed fast detection in a robust situation, a group of tags with all possibilities of ID arrangements. Tags attached to the products of different manufacturers may considerably have robust ID. For the security of RFID system, the number of bit (n) will be increased to provide allocation of 2n unique ID. The increasing number of bit and the uniqueness of ID will increase the security of the system from counterfeiting. However it will also increase time identification, but our algorithms will provide fast detection in the situation of high security

    Satisfying customers using total quality management: the mediating role of control systems

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    The premise of this paper is that Total Quality Management (TQM) must be adopted as a way of life for employees and not just as a slogan per se, so that the intended goal of implementing TQM can be fully realised. In order to internalise the philosophy of TQM into each organisational member, control systems play an important role. Control systems, among others, are implemented as systems for aligning the intended objectives of TQM and the individual objectives of each employee. The findings of this study supported the contingency theory that suggested the control systems being practised should be aligned with the strategy pursued to achieve the intended objectives. This paper extends the current existing knowledge by investigating the mediating role of control systems in explaining the relationship between TQM and customer satisfaction

    Investigation of angular distribution on copper ions using faraday cup technique

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    A Q-switched Nd:YAG laser with fundamental wavelength of 1064 nm delivering pulse energy of 125 mJ and pulse duration of 8 ns was employed as a source of energy to generate plasma. The laser was focused on copper as a target material. The angular distribution of ejected ions species were collected by a developed Faraday cup. The cups were arranged radialy at the range of angles from 5o to 90o with two radiuses of 5 cm and 10 cm. The cups were coupled to high speed oscilloscope to display and measure the ion flux and charge state. The exposed Faraday cup was also studied by metallurgical technique. The results obtained show that the maximum flux of copper ion collected by Faraday cup was 11.7 x 1016 charge /sec. The maximum number of charge state was Cu+4 at 5 cm and Cu+3 at 10 cm. In general the angular distribution of ions flux is maximum in axial direction and decreases in radial direction. Various elements are found deposited on Faraday cup with majority lines of copper cluste