5 research outputs found

    Demo Buruh Menolak Kenaikan Harga BBM dalam Fotografi Jurnalistik

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    There was a demonstration of workers refusing to increase fuel prices in the Arjuna Wijaya Horse Statue Area, Central Jakarta, on October 10, 2022. This situation also closed the Medan Merdeka Barat Road. The author is interested in documenting labour demonstrations using journalistic photography. It is one of the communication media that combines verbal and visual elements. Verbal elements in the form of words called caption, and visual elements aims to complete the information of an image. The reason is that a photo without a caption can lose the meaning. Technical of taking picture used the EDFAT method to add variety to the composition of each photo and help to determine the important things that need to be captured. This study aims to document the situation of labour demonstrations using the EDFAT method in journalistic photography, which provides factual information about an incident. The research method used by the author is observation and literature study. Observations was carried out by observing journalistic photographs created by Henri Cartier-Bresson and M Risyal Hidayat. Literature study was conducted by reading journals and books about photojournalism. The results of the study involved the work of photo documentation about labour demonstration using the EDFAT method and the decisive moment theory in capturing the decisive moment with accuracy, reading the situation, and setting the composition. This study concludes that the use of the EDFAT method is quite useful for photojournalism shooting because it helps photographers to capture important things, for example, the entire that includes the whole place

    Peduli kemanusiaan dan keutuhan ciptaan: Melacak pesan penatalayanan ciptaan di era pandemi

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has hit the world and become a global problem today. Various theological responses are also present to interpret suffering, worship to pastoral care. However, this pandemic cannot be separated from the problem of the relationship between humans and other creations of God. Humanitarian issues and environmental problems are interrelated. So, there needs to be a theological reflection related to the integrity of creation in the midst of a pandemic. The author uses the term stewardship of creation to describe the relationship between humans and other creations of God. This article uses a descriptive-analytic research method with a qualitative approach. The author found that important themes in the Bible can encourage human involvement in the stewardship of creation even though there are certainly various challenges that will be faced. AbstrakPandemi Covid-19 telah melanda dunia dan menjadi persoalan glo-bal saat ini. Berbagai respons teologispun hadir untuk memaknai mengenai penderitaan, peribadahan hingga pelayanan pastoral. Namun, pandemi ini tidak bisa dilepaskan dari persoalan relasi antara manusia dan ciptaan Allah lainnya. Persoalan kemanusiaan dan persoalan lingkungan saling berkelindan, sehingga, perlu ada refleksi teologis yang berkaitan dengan keutuhan ciptaan di tengah pandemi. Kajian ini menggunakan istilah penatalayanan ciptaan untuk menggambarkan relasi manusia dengan ciptaan Allah lainnya. artikel ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif-analitik dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Apa yang ditemukan adalah, bahwa tema-tema penting dalam Alkitab bisa ditarik untuk mendorong keterlibatan manusia dalam penatalayanan cip-taan sekalipun tentu ada berbagai tantangan yang akan dihadapi


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    Kerusakan Lingkungan adalah isu yang seakan tidak pernah usai. Para ahli terus mencoba merumuskan etika lingkungan yang bersahabat dengan lingkungan. Namun, perdebatan mengenai definisi dan konsep etika lingkungan seakan tidak menemui jalan akhir. Tulisan ini ingin menjelaskan bahwa kecenderungan moralisme para ahli etika lingkungan justru tidak akan berdampak besar pada kenyataan kerusakan lingkungan saat ini. melalui metode kajian kepustakaan, penulis menemukan bahwa kerusakan lingkungan tidak berasal dari etika buruk seseorang, namun ada faktor lain juga yang turut memengaruhi kerusakan lingkungan, yakni kapitalisme. Hal ini tidak berarti perilaku merusak yang dilakukan manusia tidak perlu dikutuk secara moral, namun yang perlu dihindari adalah kecenderungan moralisme, yakni menganggap persoalan lingkungan dapat diselesaikan dengan menghasilkan gagasan etika lingkungan yang bersahabat dengan seluruh alam