80 research outputs found


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    Kūkai 空海(774-835) developed his theory on the ten stages of the thought of Awakening (Skt. bodhicitta; Ch. 菩提心) on the basis of the passage on the generation of the mental flow 心續生段found in the Mahāvairocanasūtra 大日經.1 It is organised into ten items which actually encapsulate Kūkaiʼs views on the hierarchical classification of the Buddhist teachings 教判and provides a fundamental piece in the doctrinal system of the Shingon school 眞言宗. Kūkai expounded this theory in the Himitsu mandara jūjūshin ron 秘密曼荼羅十住心論and the Hizō hōyaku 秘蔵寶鑰. The former, usually considered to be the earlier work, has survived in an unfinished form. There are quite a few details concerning its formation as well as content which remain unclear. Kūkaiʼ s theory of the ten stages of the thought of Awakening has presented generations of scholars and followers us with many doctrinal problems. Most notable is his allotment of the eighth stage (the so-called ichidō mui jūshin 一道無爲住心) to the Tiantai/Tendai school 天台宗 and the ninth one (goku mujishō jū shin 極無自性住心) to the Huayan/Kegon 華嚴tradition. This hierarchy which became an unmovable truth for the Shingon exponents was, quite understandably, unacceptable to the Tendai followers. The long-standing controversy has continued into modern timesand is still traceable in the studies of such representative scholars as Shishio Enshin 獅子王圓信2 and Nasu Seiryu 那須政隆.3 Nonetheless, one gets the impression that the polemical dispute between modern academics still retains an air of sectarian bias not unlike the works of many mediaeval and pre-modern scholastics. This, I believe, actually hampers any effort to tackle the problem in its essence. My view is that the controversy surrounding the allotment of the eighth and ninth stages brought significant changes to the understanding of the theory of the ten stages of the thought of Awakening in its entirety. A systematic view of the relevant opinions expressed by Tōmitsu (Shingon) exponents from the end of the Heian period throughout the first half of the Middle Ages as well as a good understanding of the background of the ideas put forward by earlier scholars is indispensible in any endevour to disentangle the intricacies surrounding this problem. This will, I hope, ultimately help us to elucidate the original meaning of Kūkaiʼs theory and its historical context. The present paper is part of this larger research project. It mainly deals with a critical text which may have influenced the Jū jū shanan shō 十住遮難抄, a work which I examined in some of my earlier studies

    An Intratracheal Instillation Bioassay System for Detection of Lung Toxicity Due to Fine Particles in F344 Rats

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    It is an urgent priority to establish in vivo bioassays for detection of hazards related to fine particles, which can be inhaled into deep lung tissue by humans. In order to establish an appropriate bioassay for detection of lung damage after particle inhalation, several experiments were performed in rats using quartz as a typical lung toxic particle. The results of pilot experiments suggest that Days 1 and 28 after intratracheal instillation of 2 mg of fine test particles in vehicle are most appropriate for detection of acute and subacute inflammatory changes, respectively. Furthermore, the BrdU incorporation on Day 1 and the iNOS level on Day 28 proved to be suitable end-point markers for this purpose. An examination of the toxicity of a series of particles was performed with the developed bioassay. Although some materials, including nanoparticles, demonstrated toxicity that was too strong for sensitive assessment, a ranking order could be clarified. The bioassay thus appears suitable for rapid hazard identification with a possible ranking of the toxicity of various particles at single concentrations


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    背景:アルコール依存症では,支えとなる婚姻の有無が,問題行動に大きな影響を与え,それが治療方針や予後を決定する因子となることが多い. 目的:本研究では,婚姻の有無がアルコール依存に関連する問題と断酒継続にどのような影響を与えるかについて検討した. 方法:調査対象者は断酒会会員294人を調査対象とした.回収率は56.8%(167名:男性150名,女性17名)であった.調査内容は,婚姻の有無に加え,①飲酒による問題行動(飲酒で喧嘩・警察沙汰になった)の有無,②飲酒による対人関係の崩壊の有無,③アルコール依存症の認知の有無,④現在の節酒の可能性の有無,⑤機会飲酒(冠婚葬祭・会合等)の経験の有無,⑥断酒会に入会する前の断酒の経験の有無,⑦断酒後の生活の変化,⑧スリップ(再飲酒)の経験の有無,⑨飲酒欲求の有無,⑩問題飲酒の経験の有無,⑪断酒会以外への所属状況であった. 結果:飲酒による問題行動(飲酒で喧嘩・警察沙汰になった)(▯2=3.98,P<0.05),断酒会以外への所属状況(▯2=4.00,P<0.05)では,未婚者が有意に多かった. 結論:既婚者の場合には,配偶者が飲酒による問題行動を警察沙汰にまでしないように制止もしくは緩衝する役割を果たしていると推察された.また未婚者は断酒を日々継続していく生活の工夫として断酒外以外の他の組織にも所属していると推察された.AIM : Alcoholism is a relevant problem in public health. Family intervention is a necessary condition for the complete recovery of the alcoholic and their partners. The family system is a more powerful force than the addiction itself and has great potential for overcoming or sustaining the alcoholism. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the marriage status and the problem associated with alcohol dependence and abstinence. METHOD : A mail survey and/or a placement method survey of alcohol dependency were conducted in two prefectures. Subjects were 294 recovering alcoholic and they were members of “Danshu-kai” (Japan Sobriety Association)for total abstinence. The response rate was 56.8% (150males,17females). Survey contents were a marriage status, problem associated with alcohol dependence, and items related to continue abstinence. RESULTS : In the item of problem behavior(fight or a problems with police)by drinking(▯2=3.98,P< 0.05) and belonging to the Danshu-kai and the other group(▯2=4.00,P<0.05),there were many replies of unmarried people significantly compared with married people. CONCLUSION : The findings suggest that alcohol-dependent clients’ partner was repressing or adjusting the alcohol problems in the case of the married person, the unmarried person belonged also to the Danshukai and the other group as a device to continue abstinence

    Notices about using elementary statistics in psychology

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    Improper uses of elementary statistics that were often observed in beginners' manuscripts and papers were collected and better ways were suggested. This paper consists of three parts: About descriptive statistics, multivariate analyses, and statistical tests


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    本研究は,断酒会に入会するまでの飲酒をしていた時のアルコール依存者の行動と現在の状況を調査し,更に婚姻と飲酒による問題に関連した各調査項目および断酒に関する認識との関係を明らかにすることが目的である.調査項目は,①対象者の婚姻の有無別平均年齢・飲酒期間・断酒期間に加えて,②婚姻別断酒会に入会するまでの飲酒をしていた時の状況の9項目,および③断酒会入会後の現在の状況についての4項目の計13項目である.調査の結果,既婚者で酒の影響による疾患があると回答した人が有意に多かった.断酒歴は既婚者が11.6±10.4年,未婚者4.8±6.0年で,既婚者が有意に長かった.要因として考えられることは,①既婚者の平均年齢が高く,飲酒歴が長いことから身体的疾患を抱えている割合が高いこと,②イネイブラーの存在が飲酒行動を助長している可能性があること,③配偶者の存在が治療継続意欲に結びついたことで医療機関への受診に繋がり,④身体合併症の発見率が高くなること,そして,⑤既婚者,未婚者ともに常時再飲酒行動への不安を抱いていることから,断酒継続の動機要因になっていると考えられた.The aim of this paper is to examine the associations between marital status, drinking problems, awareness of alcohol addiction. The questionnaire is composed of 13 items that (1)marital status, average age, average length of alcohol drinking and average length of abstinence(ALA),(2)drinking problems before admission into the group of alcoholics “Danshu-kai” (Japan Sobriety Association, JSA)for total abstinence, and (3)the present situation after admission into the JSA. Statistically significant difference was obtained in alcohol-related health problems in the married group. ALA of the married group (11.6±10.4 yrs)shows significantly longer than unmarried group (4.8±6.0 yrs). These results suggest that: (1)average age of the married group was high, also length of alcohol drinking is long, therefore this group have a high prevalence of physical illness; (2)enabler may be promoting problem drinking; (3) possibility health problems would be discovered by the spouse; (4)the existence of a spouse is related to the motive for abstinence continuation and this has contributed to the successful abstinence; (5)both group have a profound understanding of alcohol dependence, because they worry about alcohol slip

    Study of life satisfaction and quality of life of patients receiving home oxygen therapy

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    An investigation was conducted by mail using a questionnaire regarding the life satisfaction and quality of life (QOL) of patients receiving home oxygen therapy (HOT) to evaluate their support. QOL was evaluated according to 4 scales : (1) activities, (2) state of health and quality of living, (3) physical symptoms, and (4) economic state. The answers of 90 patients (recovery rate : 60%) who responded to the investigation were analyzed, and the following points were clarified. 1. Most of the subjects visited the hospital regularly, and about half the subjects (50.6%) had been treated by hospitalization during the 3 years prior to the investigation. 2. A large majority of the subjects (77.4%) answered they were satisfied with life. 3. Life satisfaction was closely related to the patients’ roles and hobbies, and their activities in their communities and families. 4. The quality of living and the state of health were closely related to mental activity. 5. The economic state was closely related to all items of life satisfaction, quality of living, and state of health. From these results, expansion of the range of activities of patients receiving HOT and providing an economic basis for their living as well as preventing exacerbation of the disease are considered to be important for improving their life satisfaction

    Home nursing skills of the registered visiting nursing stations

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    本研究の目的は,T県内の訪問看護ステーション(以下ステーション)に所属する看護師が実施している看護技術の実態を明らかにすることである.研究対象は,T県において登録されているステーション57ヵ所の管理者であった.調査票の郵送により4段階の選択肢による回答を求め,以下のことが明らかになった. 1)回答のあった41ヵ所のステーションで1ヵ月に1度以上実施していた項目は「日常生活援助技術」では,関節可動域訓練,歩行介助,移動の介助,寝衣交換などの衣生活援助であった.「適切な医療ケアを支援する技術」ではバイタルサインの観察であった.「安全・安楽援助技術」では適切な体位の保持であった. 2)「日常生活援助技術」では,回答のあったステーションの90%以上が1ヵ月に1度以上実施していた項目は,療養生活環境調整,排便を促す援助,オムツ交換,体位変換,移乗の介助,部分浴,入浴介助,清拭,陰部ケア,整容,洗髪,口腔ケアであった. 3)「適切な医療ケアを支援する技術」では,80%以上のステーションが1ヵ月に1度以上実施していた項目は褥瘡ケア(予防も含む),創傷処置,経口薬の服薬方法の説明,外用薬の使用方法の説明,パルスオキシメータであった. 4)「安全・安楽援助技術」では,80%以上のステーションが1ヵ月に1度以上実施していた項目は療養生活の安全確保,転倒・転落・外傷予防,マッサージであった. 5)救命・救急に関する項目については実施頻度が低かった. 教育上の課題としては,実施頻度が高い項目においては,訪問先の状況に応じた実施ができるように学内演習を進める必要がある.また,臨地での経験が困難と予測される項目や救急時の技術,高度な医療技術項目については視聴覚機器を活用し,知識面での理解を深める必要があると考えられた.Purpose : The purpose of this study was to investigate the study items of home nursing skills of the registered Visiting Nursing Stations(VNS). Method : The questionnaire survey was mailed to fifty seven managers of registered VNS in T prefecture. Results : The effective answer rate was 71.9%(n=41).The nursing skills in the three domains that were carried out at least once or more in a month by nurses who belong to all VNS are as follows : 1)In the domain of daily life support skills, four items of “range of motion exercises”,“walking assistance”, “assistance of transferring”, and “changing night clothes” were identified. 2)In the domain of skills for helping effective medical care,“check-up of vital signs” was identified. 3)In the domain of skills for safety/ comfort, “maintaining comfortable positions” was identified. And nursing skills that were required in emergency medical care/treatments were observed in a very low frequency in the same domain. Discussion : The nursing faculty should provide exercises in the university settings for the students to acquire these fundamental nursing skills, so that they can perform adequate nursing care at the time of home visits. In addition, it might be necessary for the faculty to utilize an audiovisual aid effectively in order to promote a better understanding of the students on the nursing skills/knowledge that would be rarely experienced during their clinical training, such as emergency clinical care and advanced therapeutic technologies. In order to build the effective study support system for the nursing students, we need to develop a collaborative education system between the University and the VNS

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