3,820 research outputs found
Pesantren and Entrepreneurship Education
Studi ini membahas perkembangan pesantren, sistem nilai, tantangan, dan responsnya melalui kurikulum. Pesantren adalah bagian dari menghasilkan generasi untuk pembangunan nasional melalui pembentukan wirausaha di masyarakat. Pesantren ini telah ada sejak zaman kolonial dan ada sampai sekarang, telah mengalami perkembangan dalam bentuk salafiyah, kombinasi dan dalam bentuk Ashriyah. Pendidikan ini berada di tengah perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan yang pesat dengan efek positif dan negatif, era ini juga ditandai dengan kerja sama ekonomi antar negara di dunia yang harus ditanggapi dengan pendidikan pesantren. Penelitian menggunakan metode pustaka dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil kajian menunjukan bahwa baik kitab suci maupun fakta empiris menunjukan bahwa pesantren dan semangat wira USAha merupakan hal yang sejalan. Oleh karena itu, maka pesantren yang memiliki jutaan siswa adalah bagian penting dalam membangun bangsa melalui lulusan wirausaha. Melalui kurikulum, dapat dibentuk sehingga mereka dapat bersaing di era ini
Abstrack: Tinjauan Kinerja Ruas Jalan Terhadap Lalulintas Harian Rata-Rata (Studi Kasus: Ruas Jalan H.Andi Kaddi Raja Kota Palopo). Jalan merupakan prasarana transportasi darat yang sangat penting bagi masyarakat untuk menghubungkan suatu daerah dengan daerah lainnya. Jalan kolektor Merupakan prasarana jalan umum yang berfungsi untuk melayani jaln kolektor atau pembagi dengan ciri perjalanan jarak menengah, kecepatan rata-rata sedang, dan jumlah jalan yang terbatas. Dengan kecepatan rencana > 40 km/jam, lebar jalan > 7,0 m. Kapasitas jalan lebih besar atau sama dengan volume lalu lintas rata-rata. Volume lalu lintas didefinisikan sebagai jumlah kendaraan yang melewati suatu titik pada suatu ruas jalan selama selang waktu tertentu. Jalan masuk dibatasi secara efisien sehingga kecepatan desain dan kapasitas jalan tidak boleh terganggu oleh aktivitas lokal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghitung volume lalu lintas harian rata-rata (LHR per minggu), menghitung kinerja kecepatan dan menentukan kapasitas Jalan H. Andi Kaddi Raja Kota Palopo. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif, dengan menggunakan instrumen Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia (MKJI), Bina Marga 1997. Hasil penelitian ini; Volume kendaraan maksimal yang melintas terdapat pada hari Jumat dan Sabtu sebanyak 147 kendaraan/minggu. sedangkan volume kendaraan yang melintas terendah terjadi pada hari selasa dengan jumlah kendaraan sebanyak sebanyak 111 kendaraan/minggu, kapasitas ruas Jalan H. Andi Kaddi Raja Kota Palopo adalah 2915.892 smp/jam. nilai kecepatan pada ruas jalan H. Andi Kaddi Raja Kota Palopo adalah 40,50 km/jam.
Kata Kunci: Volume Lalu Lintas Harian (LHRT) dan Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia (MKJI), Bina Marga 1997
Abstract: Overview of Road Performance Against Average Daily Traffic (Case Study: H.Andi Kaddi Raja Road Section, Palopo City). Roads are a very important land transportation infrastructure for the community to connect one area to another. Collector road Is a public road infrastructure that serves to serve collector or divider roads with the characteristics of medium distance travel, medium average speed, and a limited number of roads. With design speed > 40 km/hour, road width > 7.0 m. Road capacity is greater than or equal to the average traffic volume. Traffic volume is defined as the number of vehicles that pass a point on a road segment during a certain time interval. The driveway is efficiently restricted so that the design speed and capacity of the road should not be disturbed by local activities. The purpose of this study is to calculate the average daily traffic volume (LHR per week), calculate speed performance and determine the capacity of Jalan H. Andi Kaddi Raja Palopo City. . This research method is descriptive quantitative, using the Indonesian Road Capacity Manual (MKJI) instrument, Bina Marga 1997. The results of this study; The maximum volume of vehicles that pass on Friday and Saturday is 147 vehicles/week. while the lowest volume of passing vehicles occurred on Tuesday with a total of 111 vehicles/week, the capacity of Jalan H. Andi Kaddi Raja Palopo City was 2915,892 pcu/hour. the speed value on the H. Andi Kaddi Raja road section of Palopo City is 40.50 km/hour.
Keywords: Daily Traffic Volume (LHRT) and Indonesian Road Capacity Manual (MKJI), Bina Marga 199
Keberadaan perseroan di Indonesia tunduk pada ketentuan Undang-
Undang No. 40 tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas. Direksi yang
berwenang mewakili persero di dalam maupun di luar pengadilan sesuai
dengan ketentuan perundang-undangan dan anggaran dasar. Mekanisme
pengangkatan, penggantian, maupun pemberhentian Direksi ini menjadi
penting karena mekanisme tersebut akan menentukan sah atau tidaknya
perbuatan hukum seorang Direksi dalam melakukan pengurusan untuk
kepentingan Perseroan.
Dari uraian di atas dapat diambil permasalahan sebagai berikut:
Mengapa terjadi proses pemilihan Direksi tidak sesuai Undang-Undang
No. 40 Tahun 2007 Tentang Perseroan Terbatas? Dan Bagaimana
tanggungjawab direksi pada proses pengangkatan yang tidak sesuai
dengan Undang-Undang PT terhadap perbuatan hukum yang
Metode pendekatan termasuk penelitian Yuridis Empiris. Penelitian
hukum ini menggunakan bahan hukum primer dengan sumber data baik
primer maupun sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan
adalah studi kepustakaan dan analisa Normatif Kualitatif.
Hasil penelitian dapat dikemukan bahwa setiap perbuatan hukum
yang dilakukan oleh direksi yang diangkat bukan dari hasil RUPS dan
tidak memenuhi syarat menurut Undang-Undang No. 40 Tahun 2007
menjadikan pengangkatan itu batal demi hukum. Hal tersebut berakibat
pada penolakan permohonan atau pemberitahuan Perubahan Direksi oleh
Menkumham pada saat pendaftaran perubahan organ perseroan karena
tidak dibuatkan akta notariilnya. Penelitian terhadap mekanisme
pengangkatan direksi ini terbukti dengan adanya kasus PT. AS yang
mengangkat Direksi dengan cara surat kuasa dan lisan, tanpa melalui
RUPS maupun Circular Resolution.
Pengangkatan direksi tidak melalui RUPS dapat disimpulkan, yaitu: a).
Efisiensi waktu karena terjadi kekosongan jabatan; b). Faktor kekuasaan
dari pemegang saham mayoritas; c). Faktor kepentingan dari pihak-pihak
yang mengambil keuntungan dari pengangkatan direksi tersebut. Saran
yang dapat disampaikan, yaitu perlu adanya penegasan dalam UUPT
tentang pertanggungjawaban atas akibat perbuatan hukum Direksi yang
diangkat tanpa keputusan RUPS
Speech Function in the Withdrawal Speech of Prabowo-hatta on the Indonesia Presidential Election 2014-2019
The study deals with the types of speech function used in the withdrawal speechof Prabowo-Hatta on the Indonesia presidential election 2014-2019. Theobjectives of this research were to find out the types of speech function and todescribe the implication of the most dominant type of speech function. Thisresearch was conducted by using descriptive qualitative design. The data were 55clauses taken from the withdrawal speech of Prabowo-Hatta on the Indonesiapresidential election 2014-2019 which were collected by applying documentarytechnique. The three types of speech function occurred in this speech, namelystatement (87,3%) , offer (1,8%), and command (10,9%). The most dominant typeof speech function was statement. The implication of using statement dominantlywas Prabowo-Hatta can declare all of aspects that they consider as their evidencesthat to prove their argumentation to withdraw from Indonesia presidential election2014-2019. The dominant statement also made more powerful speech to influencethe public opinion that will realize Prabowo-Hatta has already known about theincident occurred in Indonesia Presidential Election 2014-2019. It can beillustrated through the use of statement by Prabowo-Hatta that is in a practiceconsidered as a representative of a power to state a strong degree of certainty
Social and Institutional Analysis of the Sustainability of Fish Fishing Practices in the Tempe Flood (Case Study on Palawang Practices)
One form of fishing practice in Tempe Lake that still takes place today is palawang, which is a particular place on the edge of the lake whose boundaries have been determined to be controlled by using a splint, which is a fishing tool made of woven bamboo which is installed around it according to predetermined limits. This study aims to determine the potential sustainability of the palawang practice in terms of its social and institutional dimensions. The qualitative method used in this research uses the primary data collection instrument, namely interview guidelines. The results showed that the sustainability of palawang practices in Tempe Lake depends on the bonds of fishing traditions institutionalized through the Maccera Tappareng tradition as well as compliance with the rules set in the palawang practice from the time of the auction to the time of work starting with the installation of fishing aids until the completion of the fishing period in the palawang land area
The Impact of Economic Factors on Changing Carbon Emission Landscape in ASEAN With ARDL Approach
This study aims to analyze the factors influencing carbon emissions in the member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The data used in this study covers the period from 1990 to 2021, utilizing the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) analysis method. All independent variables show a significant impact on carbon emissions in both the short and long term. This research provides evidence that factors such as urbanization, foreign direct investment, population, and economic growth significantly contribute to the increase in carbon emissions in ASEAN countries. The findings also validate the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis for carbon emissions in ASEAN countries. In other words, economic growth leads to a reduction in carbon emissions. The ASEAN region has experienced substantial economic growth over the past few decades. However, carbon dioxide (CO2) remains a socio-economic issue in the ASEAN region. The results of this study can be highly beneficial for policymakers in the region regarding sustainability and economic development
Abstrak: Tinjauan kinerja pelayanan angkutan umum di jalan arteri primer Kota Palopo (Studi Kasus : Trayek Mancani, Pontap, Dangerakko Songka Kota Palopo). Transportasi mempunyai peranan penting dalam kehidupan manusia, karena transportasi mempunyai pengaruh besar terhadap perorangan, masyarakat, pembangunan ekonomi, dan social suatu negara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan pengguna Angkutan umum Kota PalopoTrayek Mancani, Pontap, Dangerakko Songka Kota Palopo dan untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh pelyanan terhadap tingkat kepuasan peumpang, metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Teknik surfei langsung dan wawancara menggunakan kuisioner dan menganalisis menggunakan alat analisis regresi linear. Berdasarkan hasil analisis regresi linear diperoleh hasil penelitian bahwa kualitas pelayanan memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan pada Angkutan umum Kota Palopo Trayek Balandai-Palopo, direkomendasikan untuk waktu pelayanan dapat ditambah dengan konsekuensi adanya subsidi tambahan/insentif untuk angkutan kota yang beroperasi hingga malam hari dan fasilitas yang meningkatkan kenyamanan perjalan angkutan umum seperti tempat duduk atau kaca jendela perlu menjadi pertimbangan untuk meningkatkan ketertarikan pelanggan lebih memanfaatkan jasa angkutan kota .
Abstract: Overview of the performance of public transportation services on the primary arterial roads of Palopo City (Case Study: Mancani, Pontap, Dangerakko Songka routes, Palopo City). Transportation has an important role in human life, because transportation has a major influence on individuals, society, economic and social development of a country. This study aims to determine the level of satisfaction of users of public transportation in Palopo City, the Mancani, Pontap, Dangerakko Songka route, Palopo City and to determine the effect of service on the level of passenger satisfaction. linear regression. Based on the results of linear regression analysis, it was found that service quality has a positive and significant influence on customer satisfaction on public transportation in Palopo City, the Balandai-Palopo route, it is recommended that service time can be increased with the consequence of additional subsidies/incentives for city transportation that operates until the evening. and facilities that increase the comfort of public transportation trips such as seats or window panes need to be considered to increase customer interest in using city transportation services.
Volatility Modelling Using Hybrid Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH) - Support Vector Regression (SVR)
High fluctuations in stock returns is one problem that is considered by the investors. Therefore we need a model that is able to predict accurately the volatility of stock returns. One model that can be used is a model Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH). This model can serve as a model input in the Support Vector Regression (SVR) model, known as Hybrid ARCH-SVR. This modeling is one of the alternatives in modeling the volatility of stock returns. This method is able to show a good performance in modeling the volatility of stock returns. The purpose of this study was to determine the stock return volatility models using a Hybrid ARCH-SVR model on stock price data of PT. Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk. The result shows that the determination of the input variables based on the ARIMA (3,0,3)-ARCH (5), so that the SVR model consists of 5 lags as input vector. Using a this model was obtained that the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) of 1,98% and R2 =99,99%
Volatility Modelling Using Hybrid Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH) - Support Vector Regression (SVR)
High fluctuations in stock returns is one problem that is considered by the investors. Therefore we need a model that is able to predict accurately the volatility of stock returns. One model that can be used is a model Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH). This model can serve as a model input in the Support Vector Regression (SVR) model, known as Hybrid ARCH-SVR. This modeling is one of the alternatives in modeling the volatility of stock returns. This method is able to show a good performance in modeling the volatility of stock returns. The purpose of this study was to determine the stock return volatility models using a Hybrid ARCH-SVR model on stock price data of PT. Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk. The result shows that the determination of the input variables based on the ARIMA (3,0,3)-ARCH (5), so that the SVR model consists of 5 lags as input vector. Using a this model was obtained that the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) of 1,98% and R2 = 99.99%.
Keywords: ARCH; ARIMA; SVR; Volatilit
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