1,341 research outputs found


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    Background: Technological developments must be in line with lecture methods that make students havethe ability to study independently, learn to be more interesting, interactive, and easy to do, such as theintegration of the Resistasi lecture method and Field Trip learning methods which provide the widestopportunity for students to find and have the concept or material being studied. The purpose of this researchis to apply the recitation lecture method (assignment) and also the Field Trip method (tourist visits to certainplaces).Methods: This study uses a descriptive type by applying the Resistasi and Field Trip methods to theconcept or material of Biosystematics and Evaluation involving 31 students in the sixth semester of theBiology Education Study Program. Assessment is carried out on student learning outcomes and creativethinking is carried out by considering (1) the ability of students to carry out the integration of the Resistanceand Field Trip methods (2) The ability of students to answer critical thinking questions (3) The ability ofstudents to solve biosystematic and evolutionary knowledge questions (4 ) Assessment of skills andattitudes during the integration of the Resistance Method and Field Trip. To determine the effect of theintegration of the Resistasi and Field Trip methods, using the SPSS 20 program of Anova.Results: The Anova test on the integration of resistasi and field trip methods has an effect on mastery ofknowledge and critical thinking skills in biosystematics and evolution courses where the significant value is0.000, and the standard knowledge of coofecients beta is 0.802.Conclusion: the application of the integration course of the Resistasis and Field Trip methods onbiosystematics and evolutionary course materials for students of the biology education study programshowed a very good score

    Hybrid intelligent approach for network intrusion detection

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    In recent years, computer networks are broadly used, and they have become very complicated. A lot of sensitive information passes through various kinds of computer devices, ranging from minicomputers to servers and mobile devices. These occurring changes have led to draw the conclusion that the number of attacks on important information over the network systems is increasing with every year. Intrusion is the main threat to the network. It is defined as a series of activities aimed for exposing the security of network systems in terms of confidentiality, integrity and availability, as a result; intrusion detection is extremely important as a part of the defense. Hence, there must be substantial improvement in network intrusion detection techniques and systems. Due to the prevailing limitations of finding novel attacks, high false detection, and accuracy in previous intrusion detection approaches, this study has proposed a hybrid intelligent approach for network intrusion detection based on k-means clustering algorithm and support vector machine classification algorithm. The aim of this study is to reduce the rate of false alarm and also to improve the detection rate, comparing with the existing intrusion detection approaches. In the present study, NSL-KDD intrusion dataset has been used for training and testing the proposed approach. In order to improve classification performance, some steps have been taken beforehand. The first one is about unifying the types and filtering the dataset by data transformation. Then, a features selection algorithm is applied to remove irrelevant and noisy features for the purpose of intrusion. Feature selection has decreased the features from 41 to 21 features for intrusion detection and later normalization method is employed to perform and reduce the differences among the data. Clustering is the last step of processing before classification has been performed, using k-means algorithm. Under the purpose of classification, support vector machine have been used. After training and testing the proposed hybrid intelligent approach, the results of performance evaluation have shown that the proposed network intrusion detection has achieved high accuracy and low false detection rate. The accuracy is 96.025 percent and the false alarm is 3.715 percent


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    Project based learning (PjBL) is a learning model that uses problems as a first step in collecting and integrating new knowledge based on real experience, Picture and picture (PaP) is a model using media in the form of images so that students are more focused and learning conditions pleasant. Integration between these two learning models to complement each other's strengths and cover each other's weaknesses so that what is expected after the learning process can be achieved, Integration of project based learning (PjBL) and Picture and Picture (PaP) learning models as independent variables, process skills, critical thinking and learning outcomes as the dependent variable. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of the integration of Project Based Learning (PjBL) and Picture and Picture (PaP) learning models on the ability of processing skills, critical thinking and learning outcomes of class X IPA SMA Muhamadiyah Masohi and SMA Negeri 15 Maluku Tengah. The research method is Quasi Experiment with 2 control classes (lecture method), 2 experimental classes (PjBL & PaP integration). The results showed that there was an increase in learning outcomes (87.08), process skills (85.14) critical thinking (84.20) students of class X IPA SMAN 15 Maluku Tengah, increased learning outcomes (83.10), process skills (83 .93), critical thinking (80.00) class X IPA SMA Muhamadiyah Masohi. The LSD test shows that there is an effect of integration of PjBL & PaP on process skills with critical thinking (0.020) Class X IPA 2 SMA Muhamadiyah Masohi, there is an effect of integration of PjBL & PaP on process skills with learning outcomes (0.014), and on learning outcomes with critical thinking (0.030). The conclusion is that there is an influence of the integration of Project Based Learning (PjBL) and Picture and Picture (PaP) learning models on the ability of processing skills, critical thinking and learning outcomes of class X IPA SMA Muhamadiyah Masohi and SMA Negeri 15 Maluku Tengah

    Ludwig's Angina—A Controversial Surgical Emergency: How We Do It

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    Objectives. To review the current protocols used for management of Ludwig's angina and to assess the efficacy of conservative measures in these cases. Methods. A retrospective review of patients who were admitted to our institution for management of Ludwig's angina between 2003 and 2010. Results. Two patients were identified. Both were managed successfully with conservative measures and close airway observation. None needed an emergency intubation or surgical tracheostomy. There were no mortalities, and both had a short hospital stay. Conclusion. Recently, management of Ludwig's angina has evolved from aggressive airway management into a more conservative one. This is based on close airway observation on a specialised airway unit and a serial clinical airway assessment. Improved imaging modalities, antibiotic therapy, surgical skills, and clinical experience are the key factors behind this change in practice

    Association patterns of seagrass with gastropods types in the intertidal zone of coastal waters, Suli village, Salahutu district, Ambon island

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    Seagrass beds play an important role in coastal aquatic ecosystems and are one of the tidal areas that are widely used by the community as a forum for the interests of educational institutions in research activities, conservation of various marine biota. Ecologically, the seagrass ecosystem acts as a shelter and a place to eat various marine biota, including gastropods. The purpose of this research is not only to explore the diversity of gastropods, but also to examine the interactions of gastropod species, both between the same species and between different species in a community of seagrass ecosystems. The diversity index calculation shows the diversity index value H = 3.982 > 3, this means that the diversity of gastropod species is quite good. The results of the basic analysis obtained the calculated X2 value of 0.656, > X2 table with a significant level of 0.05%. There is an association relationship between seagrass ecosystems and the types of gastropods that live in seagrass ecosystems in coastal waters of Suli Village, Ambon.               Keywords: Gastropods, Seagrass meadows, Associatio

    Achievable Rates and Training Overheads for a Measured LOS Massive MIMO Channel

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    This paper presents achievable uplink (UL) sumrate predictions for a measured line-of-sight (LOS) massive multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) (MMIMO) scenario and illustrates the trade-off between spatial multiplexing performance and channel de-coherence rate for an increasing number of base station (BS) antennas. In addition, an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) case study is formed which considers the 90% coherence time to evaluate the impact of MMIMO channel training overheads in high-speed LOS scenarios. It is shown that whilst 25% of the achievable zero-forcing (ZF) sumrate is lost when the resounding interval is increased by a factor of 4, the OFDM training overheads for a 100-antenna MMIMO BS using an LTE-like physical layer could be as low as 2% for a terminal speed of 90m/s.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Adaptive User Grouping Based on EVM Prediction for Efficient & Robust Massive MIMO in TDD

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    A comparative study of smart THD-based fault protection techniques for distribution networks

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    The integration of Distributed Generators (DGs) into distribution systems (DSs) leads to more reliable and efficient power delivery for customers. However, the possibility of bi-directional power flow creates new technical problems for protection schemes. This poses a threat to conventional strategies because the relay settings have to be adjusted depending on the network topology and operational mode. As a solution, it is important to develop novel fault protection techniques to ensure reliable protection and avoid unnecessary tripping. In this regard, Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) can be used as a key parameter for evaluating the grid’s waveform quality during fault events. This paper presents a comparison between two DS protection strategies that employ THD levels, estimated amplitude voltages, and zero-sequence components as instantaneous indicators during the faults that function as a kind of fault sensor to detect, identify, and isolate faults. The first method uses a Multiple Second Order Generalized Integrator (MSOGI) to obtain the estimated variables, whereas the second method uses a single SOGI for the same purpose (SOGI-THD). Both methods rely on communication lines between protective devices (PDs) to facilitate coordinated protection. The effectiveness of these methods is assessed by using simulations in MATLAB/Simulink considering various factors such as different types of faults and DG penetrations, different fault resistances and fault locations in the proposed network. Moreover, the performance of these methods is compared with conventional overcurrent and differential protections. The results show that the SOGI-THD method is highly effective in detecting and isolating faults with a time interval of 6–8.5 ms using only three SOGIs while requiring only 447 processor cycles for execution. In comparison to other protection methods, the SOGI-THD method exhibits a faster response time and a lower computational burden. Furthermore, the SOGI-THD method is robust to harmonic distortion, as it considers pre-existing harmonic content before the fault and avoids interference with the fault detection process.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
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