12 research outputs found

    Women Scientists Who Made Nuclear Astrophysics

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    Female role models reduce the impact on women of stereotype threat, i.e., of being at risk of conforming to a negative stereotype about one's social, gender, or racial group. This can lead women scientists to underperform or to leave their scientific career because of negative stereotypes such as, not being as talented or as interested in science as men. Sadly, history rarely provides role models for women scientists; instead, it often renders these women invisible. In response to this situation, we present a selection of twelve outstanding women who helped to develop nuclear astrophysics

    From long-term follow-up Recommendations for clinical practice to plain language summaries for childhood, adolescent, and young adult cancer survivors

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    \ua9 2024 The AuthorsBackground: Having sufficient knowledge of cancer diagnosis, treatment and late effects in survivors of childhood, adolescent, and young adult (CAYA) cancer is important for effective self-management and optimising health outcomes. Therefore, in collaboration with different stakeholders, the PanCare PLAIN Information Group converted the PanCareFollowUp Recommendations for late effects surveillance into information summaries that are Person-centred, written in Lay language, Accessible, Internationally relevant, and Navigable (PLAIN). Methods: The PanCare PLAIN Information Group, comprising 21 stakeholders from seven European countries, collaborated to provide concise information for survivors and their families. The aim was to deliver PLAIN summaries that are clear and accessible for the majority of survivors, while providing links to additional sources of information. The PLAIN summaries were drafted by the PanCare PLAIN Information Group and subjected to two internal and one external consultation round, the latter involving experts, CAYA cancer survivors and parents/caregivers. Results: In total, 45 PLAIN summaries were developed, each corresponding to one of the PanCareFollowUp Recommendations for late effects surveillance. The summaries provide information about late effects, personal health risks, important symptoms and signs, recommended surveillance strategies, possible referral and treatment options, and self-care. Conclusions: The PLAIN summaries are meant to increase knowledge in survivors and their families, while they may also inform healthcare professionals. Along with their translations, the PLAIN summaries will be made freely available on the PanCare website, with a link provided on the European Network of Youth Cancer Survivors information platform. In addition, they will become and integral part of the Survivorship Passport

    A comprehensive gene expression analysis at sequential stages of in vitro cardiac differentiation from isolated MESP1-expressing-mesoderm progenitors

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    In vitro cardiac differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) closely recapitulates in vivo embryonic heart development, and therefore, provides an excellent model to study human cardiac development. We recently generated the dual cardiac fluorescent reporter MESP1mCherry/w NKX2-5eGFP/w line in human embryonic stem cells (hESCs), allowing the visualization of pre-cardiac MESP1+ mesoderm and their further commitment towards the cardiac lineage, marked by activation of the cardiac transcription factor NKX2-5. Here, we performed a comprehensive whole genome based transcriptome analysis of MESP1-mCherry derived cardiac-committed cells. In addition to previously described cardiac-inducing signalling pathways, we identified novel transcriptional and signalling networks indicated by transient activation and interactive network analysis. Furthermore, we found a highly dynamic regulation of extracellular matrix components, suggesting the importance to create a versatile niche, adjusting to various stages of cardiac differentiation. Finally, we identified cell surface markers for cardiac progenitors, such as the Leucine-rich repeat-containing G-protein coupled receptor 4 (LGR4), belonging to the same subfamily of LGR5, and LGR6, established tissue/cancer stem cells markers. We provide a comprehensive gene expression analysis of cardiac derivatives from pre-cardiac MESP1-progenitors that will contribute to a better understanding of the key regulators, pathways and markers involved in human cardiac differentiation and development

    Continuous deep sedation and homicide: an unsolved problem in law and professional morality

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    When a severely suffering dying patient is deeply sedated, and this sedated condition is meant to continue until his death, the doctor involved often decides to abstain from artificially administering fluids. For this dual procedure almost all guidelines require that the patient should not have a life expectancy beyond a stipulated maximum of days (4–14). The reason obviously is that in case of a longer life-expectancy the patient may die from dehydration rather than from his lethal illness. But no guideline tells us how we should describe the dual procedure in case of a longer life-expectancy. Many arguments have been advanced why we should not consider it to be a form of homicide, that is, ending the life of the patient (with or without his request). I argue that none of these arguments, taken separately or jointly, is persuasive. When a commission, even one that is not itself life-shortening, foreseeably renders a person unable to undo the life-shortening effects of another, simultaneous omission, the commission and the omission together should be acknowledged to kill her. I discuss the legal and ethical implications of this conclusion