3,859 research outputs found


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    Due to increasing numbers of wind energy converters, the accurate assessment of the lifespan of their structural parts and the entire converter system is becoming more and more paramount. Lifespan-oriented design, inspections and remedial maintenance are challenging because of their complex dynamic behavior. Wind energy converters are subjected to stochastic turbulent wind loading causing corresponding stochastic structural response and vibrations associated with an extreme number of stress cycles (up to 109 according to the rotation of the blades). Currently, wind energy converters are constructed for a service life of about 20 years. However, this estimation is more or less made by rule of thumb and not backed by profound scientific analyses or accurate simulations. By contrast, modern structural health monitoring systems allow an improved identification of deteriorations and, thereupon, to drastically advance the lifespan assessment of wind energy converters. In particular, monitoring systems based on artificial intelligence techniques represent a promising approach towards cost-efficient and reliable real-time monitoring. Therefore, an innovative real-time structural health monitoring concept based on software agents is introduced in this contribution. For a short time, this concept is also turned into a real-world monitoring system developed in a DFG joint research project in the authors’ institute at the Ruhr-University Bochum. In this paper, primarily the agent-based development, implementation and application of the monitoring system is addressed, focusing on the real-time monitoring tasks in the deserved detail

    Object Oriented Finite Element Analysis for Structural Optimization using p-Elements

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    The optimization of continuous structures requires careful attention to discretization errors. Compared to ordinary low order formulation (h-elements) in conjunction with an adaptive mesh refinement in each optimization step, the use of high order finite elements (so called p-elements) has several advantages. However, compared to the h-method a higher order finite element analysis program poses higher demands from a software engineering point of view. In this article the basics of an object oriented higher order finite element system especially tailored to the use in structural optimization is presented. Besides the design of the system, aspects related to the employed implementation language Java are discussed

    Scenarios for the deployment of distributed engineering applications

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    Although there are some good reasons to design engineering software as a stand-alone application for a single computer, there are also numerous possibilities for creating distributed engineering applications, in particular using the Internet. This paper presents some typical scenarios how engineering applications can benefit from including network capabilities. Also, some examples of Internet-based engineering applications are discussed to show how the concepts presented can be implemented

    Lebensdauerorientierter Entwurf der Hängestangen bei Bogenbrücken - Modellierung als Mehrebenenproblem

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    Der lebensdauerorientierte Entwurf von Stabbogenbrücken, mit Zuschnitt auf die Auslegung von Hängern, die durch Ermüdung infolge wirbelinduzierter Querschwingungen gefährdet sind, wird als stochastisches semi-infinites Optimierungsproblem formuliert. Zur Lösung dieses Problems sind mehrere Modellierungsebenen erforderlich, so dass ein Mehrebenenproblem entsteht. Es wird der derzeitige Entwicklungs- und Implementierungsstand bei der Umsetzung des Mehrebenenproblems in ein Entwurfsleitsystem (Software) aufgezeigt. Außerdem werden die Konzepte der noch ausstehenden Forschungsarbeit, die bereits erfolgreich beim lebensdauerorientierten Entwurf von Industriehallen mit Rahmensystem als Haupttragwerk eingesetzt wurden, diskutiert und ihre Einbildung in die bisher umgesetzte Forschungsarbeit erläutert

    Ignition of dispersed coal in local conductive heating conditions

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    Present work studies the ignition of a brown coal by a hot metal particle. The experiments establish the limits of the gas-phase ignition and ignition delay times in conditions whee the metal particle situated on the surface of dispersed coal layer. The coal particle size was different in different series of experiments, and it was ranged from 0.1 to 1 mm; the shapes of the metal particles were sphere, disk, and cube; their initial temperature varied between 1000 and 1400 K. Three modes of gas-phase ignition of coal were established with the ignition zone of volatiles located in the vicinity of the hot particle. The practical application of obtained results is the development of fire prevention guidelines for tightening fire safety management at productions dealing with coal mining, transportation

    Spin Domains Generate Hierarchical Ground State Structure in J=+/-1 Spin Glasses

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    Unbiased samples of ground states were generated for the short-range Ising spin glass with Jij=+/-1, in three dimensions. Clustering the ground states revealed their hierarchical structure, which is explained by correlated spin domains, serving as cores for macroscopic zero energy "excitations".Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, accepted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Agentenbasiertes Kooperationsmodell zur Unterstützung vernetzter Planungsprozesse in der Tragwerksplanung

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    Die heutige Situation in der Tragwerksplanung ist durch das kooperative Zusammenwirken einer größeren Anzahl von Fachleuten verschiedener Disziplinen (Architektur, Tragwerksplanung, etc.) in zeitlich befristeten Projektgemeinschaften gekennzeichnet. Bei der Abstimmung der hierdurch bedingten komplexen, dynamischen und vernetzten Planungsprozesse kommt es dabei häufig zu Planungsmängeln und Qualitätseinbußen. Dieser Artikel zeigt auf, wie mit Hilfe der Agententechnologie Lösungsansätze zur Verbesserung der Planungssituation erreicht werden können. Hierzu wird ein Agentenmodell für die vernetzt-kooperative Tragwerksplanung vorgestellt und anhand der Planung einer Fußgängerbogenbrücke anschaulich demonstriert. Das Agentenmodell erfasst (1) die beteiligten Fachplaner und Organisationen, (2) die tragwerksspezifischen Planungsprozesse, (3) die zugehörigen (Teil-)Produktmodelle und (4) die genutzte (Ingenieur-)Software. Hieraus leiten sich die drei Teilmodelle (1) agentenbasiertes Kooperationsmodell, (2) agentenbasierte Produktmodellintegration und (3) Modell zur agentenbasierten Software-Integration ab. Der Fokus des Artikels liegt auf der Darstellung des agentenbasierten Kooperationsmodells

    Object Oriented Finite Element Analysis for Structural Optimization using p-Elements

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    The optimization of continuous structures requires careful attention to discretization errors. Compared to ordinary low order formulation (h-elements) in conjunction with an adaptive mesh refinement in each optimization step, the use of high order finite elements (so called p-elements) has several advantages. However, compared to the h-method a higher order finite element analysis program poses higher demands from a software engineering point of view. In this article the basics of an object oriented higher order finite element system especially tailored to the use in structural optimization is presented. Besides the design of the system, aspects related to the employed implementation language Java are discussed


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    Due to increasing numbers of wind energy converters, the accurate assessment of the lifespan of their structural parts and the entire converter system is becoming more and more paramount. Lifespan-oriented design, inspections and remedial maintenance are challenging because of their complex dynamic behavior. Wind energy converters are subjected to stochastic turbulent wind loading causing corresponding stochastic structural response and vibrations associated with an extreme number of stress cycles (up to 109 according to the rotation of the blades). Currently, wind energy converters are constructed for a service life of about 20 years. However, this estimation is more or less made by rule of thumb and not backed by profound scientific analyses or accurate simulations. By contrast, modern structural health monitoring systems allow an improved identification of deteriorations and, thereupon, to drastically advance the lifespan assessment of wind energy converters. In particular, monitoring systems based on artificial intelligence techniques represent a promising approach towards cost-efficient and reliable real-time monitoring. Therefore, an innovative real-time structural health monitoring concept based on software agents is introduced in this contribution. For a short time, this concept is also turned into a real-world monitoring system developed in a DFG joint research project in the authors’ institute at the Ruhr-University Bochum. In this paper, primarily the agent-based development, implementation and application of the monitoring system is addressed, focusing on the real-time monitoring tasks in the deserved detail

    Scenarios for the deployment of distributed engineering applications

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    Although there are some good reasons to design engineering software as a stand-alone application for a single computer, there are also numerous possibilities for creating distributed engineering applications, in particular using the Internet. This paper presents some typical scenarios how engineering applications can benefit from including network capabilities. Also, some examples of Internet-based engineering applications are discussed to show how the concepts presented can be implemented