127 research outputs found
An extended car following approach using agent based model on evacuation system of micro traffic
We proposed an extended car-following approach on evacuation system of micro traffic. It is based on the agent model. Parameter which is owned by the agent is the velocity. We added one driving behavior in the car-following a smart driver. Characteristics of smart driver he has a concern for the distance between his vehicle with the vehicle in front of him so that he will change the speed based on aforementioned conditions. Smart driver is determined randomly, and he can become an agent. In the simulation, we observed the evacuation time toward the smart driver and the mean speed respectively based on the number of agents. Keyword: car-following, micro traffic, smart driver, agent based model, evacuation tim
Deceleration in The Micro Traffic Model and Its Application to Simulation for Evacuation from Disaster Area
Referring to the NagelâSchreckenbergâs (NaSch) model, we have studied the impact of agent and diligent driver into the micro traffic model in the case of evacuation. This study is attention to the deceleration that added in the micro traffic model. The effect of deceleration to simulation for evacuation from disaster area is considered. The traffic flow property is studied by analyzing the time-space diagram. The simulation results show that deceleration caused the evacuation time increases when we compare it by without deceleration
ABSTRAK Salak merupakan jenis dari marga Salacca (Arecaceae) yang tersebar di kawasan Malesiana, dengan pusat keanekaragamannya di Kalimantan.  Dari 24 jenis salak yang sudah dikenal secara taksonomi ada beberapa jenis yang sudah dibudidayakan dan dikonsumsi, selebihnya hidup liar di kawasan hutan dan tepi hutan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan data jenis salak budidaya dan etnobotaninya di Indonesia. Riset dilakukan langsung ke beberapa lokasi di Padangsidempuan, Condet, Tasikmalaya, Gondang Legi, Bangkalan, Banjarnegara dan Karangasem-Bali. Pengamatan langsung ke kebun petani dan melakukan wawancara kepada warga di sekitar sentra salak. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa : (1) Ada tiga macam salak yang dibudidayakan di Indonesia yaitu Salaccazalacca var. Zalacca(Salak Jawa), Salaccazalacca var. amboinensis (Salak Bali), dan Salaccasumatrana (Salak Padangsidempuan). (2). Salak Jawa, salak Bali dan Salak Padangsidempuan masih terbagi lagi menjadi beberapa varian (3). Nilai etnobotani salak mencakup nilai pangan, nilai ekonomi, nilai budaya, obat obatan, anyam anyaman, keamanan. Kata Kunci : Salak (Salacca), persebaran, etnobotani, Indonesia
Penelitian ini berjudul âAnalisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Tabungan Masyarakat di Indonesia Tahun 1981-2007â. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tabungan masyarakat pada kerangka waktu jangka pendek dan jangka panjang. Penelitian ini menggunakan ECM (Error correction model). Dari hasil pengolahan data dengan menggunakan program Eviews menunjukkan bahwa pada uji stasioneritas variabel menunjukkan telah stasioner, terlihat nilai statistik ADF lebih besar nilai kritis mackinnon volue pada derajat kepercayaan 5%. Ada dalam penelitian ini masalah multikolinearitas dan tidak terdapat masalah autokorelasi dalam model. Dalam uji t diketahui variable suku bunga dan pendapatan nasianal riil secara jangka pendek berpengaruh terhadap tabungan, sedangkan dalam jangka panjang tidak berpengaruh terhadap tabungan masyarakat. Pendapatan nasional bruto dan inflasi baik secara jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang tidak berpengaruh terhadap tabungan masyarakat pada tingkat Îą sampai dengan 10%. Nilai F terhitung sebesar 2.263784, dalam uji F baik dalam jangka pendek dan jangka panjang variasi variable pendapatan nasional bruto, suku bunga, Inflasi, dan pendapatan nasional riil secara bersama-sama mempengarui tabungan masyarakat. Nilai R2 adalah sebesar 0,560126 berarti bahwa 56,0126 % variasi Tabungan masyarakat dapat dijelaskan oleh variasi variabel Pendapatan nasional bruto, Suku bunga, Inflasi dan Pendapatan Nasional Riil, sedangkan sisanya 43,9874% dijelaskan oleh faktor lain di luar model
Selama ini di Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) yang memproduksi plat bergelombang untuk pembuatan cetakan roti, pemotong kue dan lain-lain masih belum efisien. Hal ini karena di UKM tersebut proses produksinya masih menggunakan peralatan manual. Oleh karena itu diperlukan usaha untuk membantu industri tersebut dalam meningkatkan produktifitasnya, yaitu dengan cara dibuatkan mesin pengerol plat bergelombang. Untuk mengetahui unjuk kerja mesin pengerol plat bergelombang yang telah dibuat maka dilakukan pengujian kinerja mesin pengerol tersebut. Mesin pengerol yang dibuat ini mempunyai dimensi panjang 550 mm, lebar 400 mm, dan tinggi 1200 mm. Komponen utama mesin adalah motor listrik 1400 rpm, speed reducer 1:50 dan sprocket dengan diameter 980 mm, 780 mm, 650 mm, dan 600 mm. Pada pengujian pertama menggunakan sprocket diameter 650 mm pada as pengerol dan sprocket diameter 600 mm pada as speed reducer menghasilkan putaran pada pengerol 25 rpm. Untuk mengerol 5 lembar plat ukuran 480 mm x 300 mm x 0,5 mm diperlukan waktu 10 detik. Bentuk gelombang yang dihasilkan kurang baik, yaitu bentuk gelombang kurang lurus, dan tinggi gelombang kurang seragam. Pada pengujian kedua menggunakan sprocket diameter 780 mm pada as pengerol dan sprocket diameter 600 mm pada as speed reducer menghasilkan putaran pada pengerol 21 rpm. Untuk mengerol 5 lembar plat ukuran 480 mm x 300 mm x 0,5 mm diperlukan waktu 12 detik. Bentuk gelombang yang dihasilkan sangat baik. Pada pengujian ketiga menggunakan sprocket diamater 980 mm pada as pengerol dan sprocket diameter 600 mm pada as speed reducer menghasilkan putaran 17 rpm. Untuk mengerol 5 lembar plat ukuran 480 x 300 x 0,5 mm diperlukan waktu 15 detik. Bentuk gelombang yang dihasilkan sangat baik, sama baiknya dengan pengerolan pada putaran pengerol 21 rpm namun membutuhkan waktu yang lebih lama. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian unjuk kerja mesin pengerol plat bergelombang diatas maka untuk meningkatkan produktifitas UKM yang memproduksi plat bergelombang direkomendasikan untuk menggunakan kecepatan putar pengerol 21 rpm.
Kata Kunci: Mesin Pengerol Plat Bergelomban
Dankesis Fund Management (Student Welfare Fund) to realize Studet Well-being at Prawira Marta Kartasura High School
The purpose of this study was to find out the management of funds, accountability, and the benefits of Dankesis at Prawira Marta Kartasura High School. Dankesis is used for all student activities both for participating in competitions outside of school or for activities made by the students themselves. To support student welfare, it is necessary to have activities that make students happy while at school. The student fund planning is designed by the school principal and deputy of the school. This type of research uses qualitative by taking real data from the school. The data were obtained from interviews and observations at the school
Evacuation System in a Building Using Cellular Automata for Pedestrian Dynamics
The sense of safety in public facilities for pedestrians can be shown by the availability of good infrastructure, particularly the building. One of the aspects that can make pedestrians feel comfortable and safe is the availability of evacuation facilities in emergency situation. When a disaster strikes, people would start to panic and this will cause problems, especially during an evacuation.During panic in an evacuation process, pedestrians tend to act blindly and walk randomly and mindlessly. They might follow one another when they get panic. This is called as herding behavior. Regarding the evacuation systems, cellular automata is the basic method used to represent human motion. The movement of pedestrian is an important aspect during an evacuation process and this can be analyzed and implemented by using Cellular Automata. It is a simple method yet it can solve complex problems.Total evacuation time becomes the indicators in measuring the efficiency of this system. The result of comparison method shows that the proposed method could work better in certain conditions. In addition, the results of the experiments during panic and normal situation show similar characteristics especially regarding density aspect, yet evacuation time during panic situation takes longer time. The experimentââŹâ˘s results by using the actual data also has similar tendency with the evacuation time.Keywords: evacuation time, cellular automata, panic behavior,Ă pedestria
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Mengidentifikasi dan mengamati pelajaran yang terjadi di kelas dan Meningkatkan aktifitas dan hasil belajar siswa dengan menggunakan model koopertif Think, Pair, Share .objek penelitian ini adalah Siswa Kelas IV SDN 010214 Tanah Merah.yang terdiri dari 40 siswa. Pada saat siklus I pada pelajaran IPA nilai rata-rata siswa 64,28 dan yang tuntas 55% setelah dilakukan tindakan yaitu pada siklus II mengalami peningkatan yakni nilai rata-rata  siswa memningkat signifikan menjadi 80 dan yang tuntas 96%.hal ini menyatakan bahwa pengunaan model kooperatif Think, Pair, Share (TPS) dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Kata Kunci : Koopertif, Hasil Belajar, TP
Improvement of Segmentation Performance for Feature Extraction on Whirlwind Cloud-based Satellite Image using DBSCAN Clustering Algorithm
Images contain a lot of information that can be used in a variety of areas. One of the images that have much information inside is satellite image. In order to extract the information properly, the image processing step should be performed properly. The segmentation process plays an important role in image processing, especially for feature extraction. Many ways were developed to perform the segmentation image. In this study, we apply DBSCAN clustering to segment images on whirlwind cloud feature extraction problems. DBSCAN is a density-based classifier method which means it is suitable to group a density-based data. While the image used in the segmentation process is the Himawari 8 satellite image which also contains density-based data. It contains various information about clouds condition like cloud type, cloud temperature, cloud humidity, rainfall potential based on cloud temperature, etc. This study uses Himawari 8 satellite images as input where the images taken are images several hours before a wirlwind event in an area, while the cluster method used is the DBSCAN algorithm. Clustering is done to get the extraction features of a wirlwind in the form of centroid points that characterize the movement of a cloud. Segmentation performance was observed based on the number of centroid points as a result of clustering several types of clouds in an area before a wirlwind occurred. Based on segmentation testing using the DBSCAN algorithm for cloud data in an area for several hours before a wirlwind, better segmentation performance was obtained compared to the segmentation results of the Meng hee heng k-means algorithm for the same test data specifications. DBSCAN separates a type of cloud in more detail that makes it easier to record each centroid of each cluster around the scene. It is even able to cluster small groups of clouds independently so that these small groups of clouds can also be detected as features
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