344 research outputs found

    Atypical bodily self-awareness in vicarious pain responders

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    Vicarious perception refers to the ability to co-represent the experiences of others. Prior research has shown considerable inter-individual variability in vicarious perception of pain, with some experiencing conscious sensations of pain on their own body when viewing another person in pain (conscious vicarious perception / mirror-pain synaesthesia). Self-Other Theory proposes that this conscious vicarious perception may result from impairments in self-other distinction and maintaining a coherent sense of bodily self. In support of this, individuals who experience conscious vicarious perception are more susceptible to illusions of body ownership and agency. However, little work has assessed whether trait differences in bodily self-awareness are associated with conscious vicarious pain. Here we addressed this gap by examining individual difference factors related to awareness of the body, in conscious vicarious pain responders. Increased self-reported depersonalisation and interoceptive sensibility was found for conscious vicarious pain responders compared with non-responders, in addition to more internally-oriented thinking (associated with lower alexithymia). There were no significant differences in trait anxiety. Results indicate that maintaining a stable sense of the bodily self may be important for vicarious perception of pain, and that vicarious perception might also be enhanced by attention towards internal bodily states

    Sparse Exploratory Factor Analysis

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    Sparse principal component analysis is a very active research area in the last decade. It produces component loadings with many zero entries which facilitates their interpretation and helps avoid redundant variables. The classic factor analysis is another popular dimension reduction technique which shares similar interpretation problems and could greatly benefit from sparse solutions. Unfortunately, there are very few works considering sparse versions of the classic factor analysis. Our goal is to contribute further in this direction. We revisit the most popular procedures for exploratory factor analysis, maximum likelihood and least squares. Sparse factor loadings are obtained for them by, first, adopting a special reparameterization and, second, by introducing additional [Formula: see text]-norm penalties into the standard factor analysis problems. As a result, we propose sparse versions of the major factor analysis procedures. We illustrate the developed algorithms on well-known psychometric problems. Our sparse solutions are critically compared to ones obtained by other existing methods

    Theoretical Insights into the Use of Structural Similarity Index In Generative Models and Inferential Autoencoders

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    Generative models and inferential autoencoders mostly make use of 2\ell_2 norm in their optimization objectives. In order to generate perceptually better images, this short paper theoretically discusses how to use Structural Similarity Index (SSIM) in generative models and inferential autoencoders. We first review SSIM, SSIM distance metrics, and SSIM kernel. We show that the SSIM kernel is a universal kernel and thus can be used in unconditional and conditional generated moment matching networks. Then, we explain how to use SSIM distance in variational and adversarial autoencoders and unconditional and conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). Finally, we propose to use SSIM distance rather than 2\ell_2 norm in least squares GAN.Comment: Accepted (to appear) in International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR) 2020, Springe

    Sparsest factor analysis for clustering variables: a matrix decomposition approach

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    We propose a new procedure for sparse factor analysis (FA) such that each variable loads only one common factor. Thus, the loading matrix has a single nonzero element in each row and zeros elsewhere. Such a loading matrix is the sparsest possible for certain number of variables and common factors. For this reason, the proposed method is named sparsest FA (SSFA). It may also be called FA-based variable clustering, since the variables loading the same common factor can be classified into a cluster. In SSFA, all model parts of FA (common factors, their correlations, loadings, unique factors, and unique variances) are treated as fixed unknown parameter matrices and their least squares function is minimized through specific data matrix decomposition. A useful feature of the algorithm is that the matrix of common factor scores is re-parameterized using QR decomposition in order to efficiently estimate factor correlations. A simulation study shows that the proposed procedure can exactly identify the true sparsest models. Real data examples demonstrate the usefulness of the variable clustering performed by SSFA

    Semi-sparse PCA

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    It is well-known that the classical exploratory factor analysis (EFA) of data with more observations than variables has several types of indeterminacy. We study the factor indeterminacy and show some new aspects of this problem by considering EFA as a specific data matrix decomposition. We adopt a new approach to the EFA estimation and achieve a new characterization of the factor indeterminacy problem. A new alternative model is proposed, which gives determinate factors and can be seen as a semi-sparse principal component analysis (PCA). An alternating algorithm is developed, where in each step a Procrustes problem is solved. It is demonstrated that the new model/algorithm can act as a specific sparse PCA and as a low-rank-plus-sparse matrix decomposition. Numerical examples with several large data sets illustrate the versatility of the new model, and the performance and behaviour of its algorithmic implementation

    Does zero temperature decide on the nature of the electroweak phase transition?

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    Taking on a new perspective of the electroweak phase transition, we investigate in detail the role played by the depth of the electroweak minimum (“vacuum energy difference”). We find a strong correlation between the vacuum energy difference and the strength of the phase transition. This correlation only breaks down if a negative eigen-value develops upon thermal corrections in the squared scalar mass matrix in the broken vacuum before the critical temperature. As a result the scalar fields slide across field space toward the symmetric vacuum, often causing a significantly weakened phase transition. Phenomenological constraints are found to strongly disfavour such sliding scalar scenarios. For several popular models, we suggest numerical bounds that guarantee a strong first order electroweak phase transition. The zero temperature phenomenology can then be studied in these parameter regions without the need for any finite temperature calculations. For almost all non-supersymmetric models with phenomenologically viable parameter points, we find a strong phase transition is guaranteed if the vacuum energy difference is greater than −8.8 × 107 GeV4. For the GNMSSM, we guarantee a strong phase transition for phenomenologically viable parameter points if the vacuum energy difference is greater than −6.9×107 GeV4. Alternatively, we capture more of the parameter space exhibiting a strong phase transition if we impose a simultaneous bound on the vacuum energy difference and the singlet mass

    Dichotomous factor analysis of symptoms reported by UK and US veterans of the 1991 Gulf War

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    BACKGROUND: Factor analysis is one of the most used statistical techniques to analyze the inter-relationships among symptoms reported by Gulf War veterans. The objective of this study was to apply factor analyses to binary symptom data from the UK study of Gulf War illness and the US Air Force study of Gulf War veterans, and to compare the symptom domains derived from the distinct samples. METHODS: UK veterans of the 1991 Gulf War (n = 3,454), individuals deployed to Bosnia on U.N. peacekeeping operations (n = 1,979) and Gulf War-era servicemen (n = 2,577) who were not deployed to the Gulf were surveyed in 1997–1998, and US 1991 Gulf War veterans from four Air Force units (n = 1,163) were surveyed in 1995 to collect health characteristics including symptoms. Each sample was randomly split in half for exploratory and confirmatory dichotomous factor analyses with promax oblique rotation. RESULTS: Four correlated factors were identified in each of the samples. Three factors (Respiratory, Mood-Cognition, Peripheral Nervous) overlapped considerably across the UK cohorts. The Gastrointestinal/Urogenital factor in the UK Gulf cohort was noticeably different from the Gastrointestinal factor identified from the Bosnia and Era cohorts. Symptoms from Gulf War UK and U.S cohorts yielded similar Gastrointestinal, Respiratory and Mood-Cognition factors, despite differences in symptom inventories between the two surveys. A Musculoskeletal factor was only elicited from the US Gulf sample. CONCLUSION: Findings of this report are consistent with those from other factor analysis studies that identified similar symptom dimensions between Gulf and non-Gulf War veterans, except that the Gastrointestinal factor in Gulf veterans included other symptom types. Correlations among factors raise the question as to whether there is a general illness, even if not unique to Gulf veterans, representing the common pathway underlying the identified factors. Hierarchical factor analysis models may be useful to address this issue