152 research outputs found

    The Importance of Marriagein the 19thCentury British England: Jane Austen’s Prideand Prejudice Represents Love and Marriage, which are not only the Embellishment of Life but the Economic Needs for the People

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    Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudicewas the novel of Victorian period. This Victorian era was the timeof traditions when many aspectshas emerged in the field of literature. As a writer of Victorian period Jane Austenwas very much successfulwith the work of romantic fictions.Pride and Prejudicehas been considered herfirst novel and the story of it was located in the country of Hertfordshire. The prominent family of this novel was known as the Bennet family. They used to live in a peaceful place called Longbourn. The main attraction of the Bennet family was centered around their daughters' marriage issue. In this novel the two main male characters were Mr. Bingley and his friend Darcy, and other characters did playsomevital role regarding the concepts of love and marriage. Surrounded by the wealthy handsome men, Mrs. Bennet was finding the possible match among those opulent persons for her daughters. At first glance Mr. Bingley has found his love towards Jane, while on the other hands Mr. Darcy proved to be the perfect match for Elizabeth. With these two wealthy and decent man, there was the presence of a villain like person named Mr. Wickham, who has settled himself finally with Lydia, the youngest girl of the Bennet family. The main female protagonist of this novel was Elizabeth. She was not a complicated character rather than funny and witty in nature. Her perfect match Mr. Darcy was different than her. He was snobbish, proud and reservedtype of character. They both were always sunk in teasing and quarrelling but somehow they were essentially attracted with each other. Elizabeth has confessed that she hate him and also said it frankly after knowing that Mr. Darcy will forgive her. With all those small and big incidents mixed with sadness and happiness, they both eventually got married and lived happily ever after.This paper will actually present the importance of love and marriage in human's life and how Jane Austen beautifully portrayed these themes of love and marriage which are not only the embellishment of life but also urged for the economical needs for the people through her famous novel Pride and Prejudice


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    The study presents a plant recognition system that uses image and data processing techniques for recognition. A lot of research has been going on to identify plants by their leaves and one of the features that is used is the shape of the leaf but the accuracy is not high and therefore other features should also be considered to increase the accuracy. This system designed has three main steps which are image pre-processing, feature extraction and matching. Image pre-processing performs basic operations on the leaf image for segmentation which helps in making feature extraction easy. Seven (7) leaf features derived from geometric parameters of leaf shape were extracted from the pre-processed image and the simple principle of minimum Euclidean distance was used for finding the closest match to the input leaf image. The system used 10 species of leaves with a total of 50 leaf images from the flavia dataset for testing and obtained an accuracy above 90%. The algorithm is accurate and is easy to implement. However, it is slow and not tested on a large dataset. It is hoped that this proposed system will be exploited further and the speed will be improved and will also be able to give more information on the plant

    Modelling proton relays in molybdenum-containing metalloenzymes

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    Molybdenum is found in the active site of a number of metalloenzymes. It is supported in these systems by one or more sulphide ligands. This combination allows access to a range of oxidation states in which catalysis can take place. Mimicking this intriguing chemistry in synthetic models offers the potential to develop new catalysts for important industrial processes. In this thesis, we explore the possibility of developing molybdenum-based mimics of two important systems: Nitrogenase and Formate Dehydrogenase (FDH). Central to this modelling is the introduction of a proton relay. These are present in the native enzyme but are largely absent in the currently known synthetic models. Two approaches were explored in developing nitrogenase mimics. We first utilised a range of N -heterocyclic carbenes around molybdenum centre to enhance its electron density. Regrettably we were unable to isolate the target systems. Our second approach was to have molybdenum complexes supported by PNP ligands. Novel PNP ligands were synthesised and coordinated to molybdenum. Crystallisation showed that these ligands gave a mixture of mono- and bis(PNP) complexes. This precluded the study of the reactivity of the individual systems. Shifting our attention to FDH models, we first developed a new synthetic route to functionalised molybdenum bis dithiolenes. The overall synthetic strategy utilised a 1,3-dithiolone as the key intermediate. Our ligand included a pendant hydroxy group for proton relay. Our initial aim was to explore the effect of a range of protecting groups on the oxygen of the hydroxy group by deprotecting the ligand once it was coordinated to molybdenum. Unfortunately, the deprotection step was too harsh for our molybdenum carbonyl complex and it decomposed within minutes. We then switchedsw to using the well established technique of transmetallation via nickel. Whilst this impacted on yield, this allowed us to access the target complexes. Computational simulation is a powerful method for studying difficult to access systems. Here, we employed Density Functional Theory (DFT) to model the behaviour of our target complexes. We established that there is not one strongly preferred isomer. Electrochemical methods are central to understanding the catalysis of redox active metals. We have studied the fundamental electrochemistry of our nickel and molybdenum dithiolenes and found them to be comparable to literature complexes. We explored the ability of our novel molybdenum dithiolene to catalyse electroreduction, revealing two competing pathways

    Depiction of Victorian Era in the Novel Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

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    Charles Dickens’ Great Expectation actually did reflect the Victorian society and therefore the morality of that era’s people inside of the novel. Since we know that Victorian era basically present some features such as virtue, strength, thrift, manners, cleanliness, honesty and chastity. These are the morals that Victorian people used to hold with high esteem. In this novel Great Expectations, Dickens has created some Victorian characters whom we have seen both in good working way or not at all. But the protagonist named Pip was dynamic and he went through some several changes and dealt with different and significant moral issues. Somehow Pip left behind all the values he was raised with. Because Miss Havisham and Estella have corrupted Pip with rich life. Greed, beauty and arrogance were his ingredient of immoral life. The other characters like Joe and Biddy were static characters throughout the entire novel and became noticeable to be the manifestation of what we call as ideal Victorians. The main heroin of this novel was Estella with whom Pip thought he had some love connection. Hence, Estella has been presented as a good in the sense of potentiality and turned morally bad. Miss Havisham, who was basically a corrupt woman and she engraved the center of the novel. Great Expectations did disclose how was the situation of Victorian society through some important features such as higher class, corrupted judicial system between rural and urban England. Here in this novel, Dickens was concern about the education system in Victorian era where the lower class people get less opportunities of getting proper education. From the beginning to the end of this novel, Dickens explored some significant issues regarding higher and lower class system of Victorian society which did fluctuate from the greatest woeful criminal named Magwitch to the needy people of the swamp country, where Joe and Biddy were the symbol of that regime. After that we can proceed to the middle class family where Pumblechook was the person to represent that regime. Last but not the least Miss Havisham symbolized and bear flag of very rich and sophisticated Victorian woman who has represented the higher class society in the novel Great Expectations. Hence we can say Great Expectations has talked and displayed the class system of Victorian England and the characters of this novel therefore also did uphold the true reflection of Victorian era

    Role of Zinc in patients with Nephrotic syndrome

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    Introduction:  Nephrotic syndrome(NS) is one of the most common cause of chronicmorbidity in developing countries. This study is aimed to assess the effect of zincsupplementation in patients with NS and to evaluate its association with serum albuminlevel, relapse rate and infection frequency. Materials & method:  In this randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled trial study, 60patients with NS, both with the first episode and first relapse, age between2-10 years were included. Among the 60 patients, 30 patients of NS getting zinc were inzinc group and 30 patients of nephrotic syndrome getting placebo were in placebogroup. Zinc status was assessed before and after giving zinc or placebo..Results; Serum zinc level has been found significantly lower during relapse (0.54±0.18and 0.56±0.22), it has increased during remission, which is (0.85±0.42) normal in zincgroup and remained low (0.69±0.14) in placebo group. The mean serum albumin levelduring relapse were low in both groups,14 days later it was increased but still low.The difference of mean percentage of increase of height after 6 months was notstatistically significant (3.3±1.2 % vs. 3.3±1.9 %) in two groups.19 patients (63.3%) in zinc group developed relapse compared to 15 patients (50%) in placebo group, the difference was not statistically significant. Infection had occurred 73.3% after zincsupplementation as compared with 63.3% in placebo group. Conclusion: When zinc was given in RDA for short duration doesn’t reduce relapsein NS and doesn’t significant increase zinc level compared to placebo

    Integrating STEM Approach in Primary Education of Bangladesh: Perception and Challenges of the Teachers

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    Bangladesh is aspiring to develop a competitive workforce for the 21st century To reach this aspiration STEM education can be a good way as it has widely been considered to have the potential to prepare students with 21stcentury skills The potentiality of STEM can be fully utilized only when teachers apply STEM approaches effectively in their practices Since teachers prior views and perceptions influence their STEM teaching the study aims to explore the teachers perception of STEM education This study also analyzes the challenges of introducing STEM at primary education in Bangladesh A qualitative research design is adopted in this study Teachers perception of STEM education was explored through semi-structured interviews Additionally in-depth and semi-structured interviews were conducted to examine the challenges of implementing STEM education at the primary level Data were analyzed thematically following an inductive approach One of the key discoveries made in this research is that a large majority of teachers have limited knowledge about STEM education Despite this lack of familiarity it was observed that these teachers occasionally apply the STEM approach unintentionally Most teachers perceive STEM education as effective however it has several challenges to implement such as a lack of teachers knowledge about the discipline and pedagogical approach inadequate physical facilities lack of STEM-related training the mindset of stakeholders etc The findings of the study can be practical guidelines for academic institutions curriculum developers teachers trainers and policymaker

    Deficient DNA mismatch repair and persistence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA shedding: a case report of hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer with COVID-19 infection

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    Background: Several independent risk factors have been reported to influence viral shedding following COVID-19 infection, but the influence of host-related molecular factors has not yet been described. We report a case of a cancer patient with Lynch syndrome (hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer, HNPCC) who manifested SARS-CoV-2 PCR (polymerase chain reaction) positivity for at least 54 days after contracting mild COVID-19 illness. We propose that deficient mismatch repair (MMR) may play a role in the prolonged SARS-CoV-2 RNA shedding. Case presentation: A patient with Lynch syndrome was under surveillance for metastatic adenocarcinoma after completing palliative chemotherapy in October 2019. Between the period of April 2020 to June 2020, he was admitted multiple times to address several clinical needs mainly related to his underlying malignancy. These included progressive disease observed in the aortocaval lymph nodes leading to recurrent episodes of upper gastrointestinal bleeding, dehydration resulting in acute kidney injury and a short-lived episode of pyrexia. A SARS-CoV-2 PCR of the nasopharyngeal swab (NPS) was positive at his initial admission with mild COVID-19 symptoms. He remained positive on subsequent admissions when tested routinely for SARS-CoV-2 without demonstrating any apparent clinical features of COVID-19 infection. The MMR pathway, a component of DNA damage response (DDR), is impaired in Lynch syndrome due to an inherited genetic mutation. This pathway is also required for viral clearance from the host cells following certain RNA viral infections like infuenza virus and other coronaviridae. Here we provide a current understanding of the importance of DDR defciencies in the clearance of RNA virus and suggest how this may play a similar role in the clearance of COVID-19, as evident in our case that demonstrated persistent positivity. Conclusion: The importance of understanding the scientific basis of extended viral shedding during the COVID19 pandemic is now centre-stage in the establishment of robust track and trace services to allow the recovery and function of societies and economies. This patient with Lynch syndrome recovered from infection but had prolonged viral positivity, which might merit further investigation to better understand the effect of this condition on infection duration and outcome


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    Objectives: Piper chaba, native to South and Southeast Asia, has been traditionally used as a medicinal plant. Aim of this study was to evaluate the antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipidemic activities of P. chaba root extracts (RE) in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats along with its antimicrobial activity. Methods: Diabetes was induced in Wister rats through the intraperitoneal administration of STZ (50 mg/kg b.w.). Antidiabetic and antilipidemic activities of the RE (in methanol, ethanol, ethyl acetate and distilled water) were evaluated by administering oral dose (200 mg/kg b.w.) for 21 days. Metformin (12.1 mg/kg b.w.) was used as a positive control. Blood samples of rats were drawn by tail vein puncture and cardiac puncture to determine the fasting blood glucose (FBG) and serum level of total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and high-density lipoprotein (HDL), respectively. Standard protocols were followed to determine the antimicrobial and antibiofilm activities against two different strains of bacteria. Results: Oral administration of P. chaba RE for 21 days resulted in a significant (p< 0.001) decrease in FBG and TC, TG, and LDL levels (p<0.001), when compared to the untreated diabetic rats. Significant (p<0.001) increase of HDL was observed when ethyl acetate and aqueous RE were administered. Out of four, two extracts showed varying antimicrobial activities, particularly against the gram-positive bacteria.  Conclusion: It became evident for the first time that P. chaba extracts possess antimicrobial activities and can serve as biochemical compounds with great alternative therapeutic potential in the management of diabetes and hypercholesterolemia

    Role of Mothers’ Nutritional Knowledge, Nutritional Factors on The School Performance

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    A cross sectional study was carried out to investigate the effects of mothers’ nutritional knowledge, health and nutritional factors and socio-economic parameters on school performance among class five students of University Laboratory School, Dhaka. All of the eighty students were selected for this study. This study found there is a strong relationship between mother’s knowledge score and school performance. It was found that mothers’ knowledge score was responsible for 91.1 percent change in school performance. The mean BMI of the mothers was 20.44. We found that the school performance measured by class roll number of the students is significantly related with mothers BMI. There was an imperfect negative association between socio-economic parameters and school performance. But the relationship between the school performances with socio-economic parameters was strongly significant. This study also observed the relationship between Individual Dietary Diversity Score (IDDS) of respondent and marks achieved in class 4 final exam. It is alarming that consumption percentage were low for eggs (30) and milk and milk products (37.5), but majority of the students who consumed milk and milk products (63.3%) and eggs (66.7%) got the highest marks
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