15 research outputs found

    Pembuatan Mesin Perontok Padi

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    Indonesia is one of the largest rice producing countries in the world (6,905,612,600 tons with a harvested area of 1,344,552,400 Ha). Rice is a national strategy commodity and is consumed by most of the Indonesian population. Rice consumption continues to grow along with population growth. Therefore, rice production must also increase according to the demand for rice needs. The increase in rice production has generally been successful, but the added value obtained has not been fully enjoyed by farmers, especially the high yield loss. The purpose of this research is to make/build a rice thresher machine with a capacity of 100 kg/hour and to get a value for the production capacity of a rice thresher machine with a 6.5 HP machine. This research uses the Research and Development (R&D) method or experimental-based development research, namely by developing a rice thresher machine (thresher). The thresher design used Solidworks 2014 software with a length of 730 mm, a circumference of 370 mm in diameter and a threshing tooth length of 8 cm. The threshing cylinder is made using a shaft iron material with a thickness of 1 inch, 9 screw threads with a diameter of 9 mm circumference, a strip plate with a thickness of 2 mm iron and concrete iron with a length of 8 cm. The test results of the rice thresher machine produced 63 kg/30 minutes with a 6.5 hp engine with a capacity of 3600 rpm with a gas opening of 3/4 and fuel consumption of 1 liter/half hour

    Multi-class of endocrine disrupting compounds in aquaculture ecosystems and health impacts in exposed biota

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    Fishes are a major protein food source for humans, with a high economic value in the aquaculture industry. Because endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) have been introduced into aquatic ecosystems, the exposure of humans and animals that depend on aquatic foods, especially fishes, should be seriously considered. EDCs are emerging pollutants causing global concern because they can disrupt the endocrine system in aquatic organisms, mammals, and humans. These pollutants have been released into the environment through many sources, e.g., wastewater treatment plants, terrestrial run-off (industrial activities, pharmaceuticals, and household waste), and precipitation. The use of pharmaceuticals, pesticides, and fertilizers for maintaining and increasing fish health and growth also contributes to EDC pollution in the water body. Human and animal exposure to EDCs occurs via ingestion of contaminated matrices, especially aquatic foodstuffs. This paper aims to review human EDC exposure via fish consumption. In respect to the trace concentration of EDCs in fish, types of instrument and clean-up method are of great concerns

    Quantification of multi-classes of endocrine-disrupting compounds in estuarine water

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    Emerging pollutants known as endocrine-disrupting compounds (EDCs) are a contemporary global issue, especially in aquatic ecosystems. As aquaculture production through mariculture activities in Malaysia supports food production, the concentration and distribution of EDCs in estuarine water ecosystems may have changed. Therefore, this current study aims to prepare a suitable and reliable method for application on environmental samples. Besides, this study also presented the occurrence of EDCs pollutant in Pulau Kukup, Johor, where the biggest and most active mariculture site in Malaysia takes place. Analytical methods based on a combination of solid-phase extraction with liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (Solid-phase extraction (SPE)-LC-MS/MS) have been modified and optimised to examine the level of targeted EDCs contaminant. In the current study, this method displays high extraction recovery for targeted EDCs, ranging from 92.02% to 132.32%. The highest concentration detected is diclofenac (<0.47–79.89 ng/L) followed by 17β-estradiol (E2) (<5.28–31.43 ng/L) and 17α-ethynylestradiol (EE2) (<0.30–7.67 ng/L). The highest percentage distribution for the targeted EDCs in the current study is diclofenac, followed by EE2 and dexamethasone with the percentages of 99.44%, 89.53% and 73.23%, respectively. This current study can be a baseline assessment to understand the pollution profile of EDCs and their distribution in the estuarine water of the mariculture site throughout the world, especially in Malaysia. Owing to the significant concentration of targeted EDCs detected

    Pharmaceuticals, hormones, plasticizers, and pesticides in drinking water

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    Humans are exposed to endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) in tap water via drinking water. Currently, most of the analytical methods used to assess a long list of EDCs in drinking water have been made available only for a single group of EDCs and their metabolites, in contrast with other environmental matrices (e.g., surface water, sediments, and biota) for which more robust methods have been developed that allow detection of multiple groups. This study reveals an analytical method of one-step solid phase extraction, incorporated together with liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry for the quantification of multiclass EDCs (i.e., pharmaceuticals, hormones, plasticizers, and pesticides) in drinking water. Fifteen multiclass EDCs significantly varied in amount between field samples (p < 0.05), with a maximum concentration of 17.63 ng/L observed. Daily exposure via drinking water is unlikely to pose a health risk (risk quotient < 1). This method serves as an analytical protocol for tracing multiclass EDC contamination in tap water as part of a multibarrier approach to ensure safe drinking water for good health and well-being. It represents a simpler one-step alternative tool for drinking water analysis, thereby avoiding the time-consuming and expensive multiextraction steps that are generally needed for analyzing multiclass EDCs

    Occurrence and distribution of endocrine-disrupting chemicals in mariculture fish and the human health implications

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    The presence and distribution of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in the mariculture fish from Pulau Kukup, Johor of Malaysia have been studied along with the impact on human health. Six different species of mariculture fish were collected, due to their high consumption in the Asian region—especially Malaysia, to assess their levels of EDCs. The highest concentration of EDCs detected in the muscle was dexamethasone (2.37–15.84 ng/g) and (0.77–13.41 ng/g), in the liver was dexamethasone (<2.54–43.56 ng/g) and progesterone (2.23–9.78 ng/g), and in the reproductive organ are dexamethasone (<2.54–37.23 ng/g) and caffeine (0.21–18.92 ng/g). The human health risk assessment in the current study suggested that there is no potential risk to the consumer because the hazard index was below 1 (HI < 1). The present study provides information on the pollution profile of EDCs and the associated human health risk with EDCs in mariculture fish

    Organophosphorus pesticide multiresidues in commercialized Asian rice

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    The organophosphorus pesticides (OPPs) commonly used in agricultural practices can pose a risk of potential exposure to humans via food consumption. We describe an analytical method for solid-phase extraction coupled with high-performance liquid chromatography–diode array detector (SPE–HPLC–DAD) for the detection of OPPs (quinalphos, diazinon, and chlorpyrifos) in rice grains. The isolation of targeted residues was initiated with double extraction before SPE–HPLC–DAD, crucially reducing matrix interferences and detecting a wide range of multiple residues in rice grains. Coefficients of 0.9968 to 0.9991 showed a strong linearity, with limits of detection and quantification ranging from 0.36 to 0.68 µg/kg and from 1.20 to 2.28 µg/kg, respectively. High recoveries (80.4–110.3%) were observed at 3 spiking levels (50, 100, and 200 µg/kg), indicating good accuracy. The relative standard deviations of all residues (0.19–8.66%) validated the method precision. Sample analysis of 10 rice grain types (n = 30) available in the Asian market revealed that quinalphos, diazinon, and chlorpyrifos at concentrations of 1.08, 1.11, and 1.79 µg/kg, respectively, remained far below the maximum residue limits (0.01–0.5 mg/kg). However, regular monitoring is necessary to confirm that multiresidue occurrence remains below permissible limits while controlling pests. Environ Toxicol Chem 2020;39:1908–1917

    Simultaneous determination of endocrine disrupting compounds in estuarine water, sediment and mariculture fishes through extraction coupled with liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and human health risk management

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    Endocrine disrupting compounds ( EDCs) are emerging pollutants causing global concern because they can disrupt the endocrine system in aquatic organisms, mammals, and humans. Because EDCs have been introduced into aquatic ecosystems, the exposure of humans and animals that depend on aquatic foods, especially fishes, should be seriously considered. These pollutants have been released into the environment through many sources, e.g., wastewater treatment plants, terrestrial run-off (industrial activities,pharmaceuticals, and household waste), and precipitation. The use of hormone, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, and fertilizers for maintaining and increasing fish health and growth also contributes to EDC pollution in the water body. Pulau Kukup, Johor, Malaysia is one of the biggest mariculture areas that is actively involved in marine fish export to other countries. As aquaculture production through mariculture activities in Malaysia support food production, the concentration and distribution of EDCs in aquatic ecosystem need to bemonitored to secure the food safety. The aim of this study i s to optimize a suitable and reliable method to be applied on environmental samples (estuarine water and sediment) and biota sample (mariculture fish) and for the determination of EDCs pollutant in Pulau Kukup, Johor. Besides, this study also presented the human health risk assessment associated with the consumption of fish from Pulau Kukup, Johor, Malaysia. The method displays a high extraction recovery for estuarine water sample, sediment, and mariculture fish in current study, ranging from 92.02% to 132.32 %, 50.39 to 129.10%, and 52.94- 125.95% respectively. The highest concentration EDCs detected in estuarine water sample is diclofenac (< 0.47-79.72 ng/L) followed by E2 (< 5.28-31.11 ng/L) and EE2 (< 0.30-7.69 ng/L). In sediment, bisphenol A (0.072-0.389 ng/g dry weight) was observed as the highest concentration, followed by diethylstilbestrol (< 0.208-0.331 ng/g dry weight) and propranolol (< 0.250-0.275 ng/g dry weight). Meanwhile in fish, the highest concentration of EDCs were detected in muscle, liver, and reproductive organ is dexamethasone (15.84 ng/g, dried muscle), dexamethasone (43.56 ng/g), andE2 (44.85 ng/g) respectively. Based on human health risk calculation in this study, five targeted EDCs (progesterone, bisphenol A, primidone, sulfamethoxazole, and diclofenac) shown no potential health risk (HQ < 1) with the consumption of fish from this mariculture site. This current study can be a baseline assessment for EDCs pollution profile and distribution in the coastal ecosystem from mariculture site throughout the world especially in Malaysia. The data obtained should be relevance to decision-making legislation and policy ratification for food safety to improve the quality of protein based food and reduce environmental pollution. Owing to the significant concentration of targeted EDCs detected in estuarine water sample, sediment, and mariculture fish, the need to further monitoring in future are required. Although the concentration of targeted compounds obtained are low but their effects may appear in the long term period and this situation alarms not only the environment health but also cause the potential risk to human

    Preliminary study on larvae production of green spotted puffer, tetraodon nigroviridis

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    Scientific name for green-spotted puffer is Tetraodon nigroviridis and this species belongs to the family of Tetraodontidae. T. nigroviridis is distributed along the brackish water, mangrove area, river and flood plains. T. nigroviridis is importance in genomic study and also famous as ornamental fish. The morphology of T. nigroviridis was examined according to their body weight, standard length and total length. Range of body weight for male T. nigroviridis is 74.92±30.1 g and for female is 106.00±36.96 g. In larvae production, T. nigroviridis was cultured in the laboratory and the artificial breeding was induced by Ovaprim hormone. Ovaprim hormone was used in ornamental finfish brood stock only and it was injected according to the fish body weight. Chromatography analyses (TLC, HPLC and LC-MS) were carried out to analyse the toxic level in the different tissues of brood stock of T. nigroviridis. Among the tissues, egg was found to have the highest concentration of TTX with the result 1330.91 MU/g, followed by intestine and muscle. The baseline data for culturing T. nigroviridis in captivity can be used as a guideline for larvae production in the future. On the other side, the TTX data in T. nigroviridis tissues could be important information and can be used in order to mitigate puffer fish poisoning cases especially in East Malaysia water

    Bisphenol A and alkylphenols concentrations in selected mariculture fish species from Pulau Kukup, Johor, Malaysia

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    Endocrine disrupting compound (EDC) contamination in food is a global concern. Concerning potential environmental and human health exposed to EDCs via food intake, an experiment was conducted on the selected EDCs concentration in the mariculture fish, Trachinotus blochii (golden pomfret), Lutjanus campechanus (snapper), and Lates calcarifer (sea bass) at Pulau Kukup, Johor. Mariculture activity at Pulau Kukup involves active export of fishes to Singapore and Indonesia. The recovery of BPA (bisphenol A), 4OP (4-octylphenol), and 4NP (4- nonylphenol) were 61.54%–93.00%, 16.79%–17.13%, and 61.24%–71.49%, respectively. Relatively high concentration of BPA was recorded in T. blochii (0.322 ng/g), followed by L. calcarifer (0.124 ng/g) and L. campechanus (0.023 ng/g). Furthermore, 4OP and 4NP were detected only in T. blochii at concentrations of 0.084 ng/g and 0.078 ng/g, respectively. The results of the present study provide insights on monitoring and managing mariculture activity in relation to environmental protection and food safety