1,056 research outputs found

    Total ozone derived from UV spectrophotometer measurements on the NASA CV-990 aircraft for the fall 1976 latitude survey flights

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    An ultraviolet interference filter spectrophotometer was modified to use a photodiode and was flown on latitude survey flights in the fall of 1976. Comparison with Dobson station total ozone values shows agreement between UVS and Dobson total ozone of + or - 2 percent. The procedure used to convert UVS measured ozone above the aircraft altitude to total ozone above ground level introduces an additional 2 percent deviation for very high altitude UVS ozone data. Under stable aircraft operating conditions, the UVS derived ozone values have a variability, or reproducibility, of better than + or -1 percent. The UVS data from the latitude survey flights yield a detailed latitude profile of total ozone over the Pacific Ocean during November 1976. Significant latitudinal structure in total ozone is found at the middle latitudes (30 deg to 40 deg N and S)

    Feasibility study of alpha particle densitometers for measuring planetary atmospheric density Final report, Jul. 1968 - May 1969

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    Radioactive alpha particle density measuring system for atmospheric analyse

    The consoling power of music:The role of emotions and musical aspects

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    Music and emotions are inextricably linked to one another. Music's ability to evoke emotion in listeners, is one of the reasons why people turn to music to improve their mood or express what they are feeling. Even though music is able to console, little systematic research has considered how music can offer consolation. This dissertation investigates music's consoling properties and considers related behavior, such as crying over music. Our research shows that listening to music is one of the foremost ways for people to console themselves, even more so than looking for support from others, eating, or crying. Moreover, it is a very private and intimate activity that mostly occurs when alone after the experience of a personal loss, such as the loss of a loved one or feeling misunderstood. Songs of consolation elicit feelings of being moved, sadness, and nostalgia, but also give rise to feeling strengthened, and relaxed. According to listeners it is the music itself (e.g., the melody), the lyrics (in case of pop music), and the memories that music evokes, which brings solace. It provides listeners with a sense of connection in which music can function as an understanding friend. In follow-up research, we investigated a possible association between emotional eating and several ways of regulating one's mood through music listening, including consolation, and discharge. We found an association between emotional eating and discharge, but not between emotional eating and consolation. Discharge is the venting of one's emotions, for instance, by listening to very loud music. Discharge appears to be the opposite of consolation. Crying over music is a common behavior. It mostly occurs when alone, and crying episodes tend to be short with mostly moist eyes and some sobbing. Listeners experience feelings of being moved, sadness, nostalgia and powerless when crying over music. They attribute their tears to sad memories evoked by music, nostalgia, the music itself, and the lyrics. Women cry more often and more intense than men, but the typical gender differences that are reported in the general crying literature, appear to be smaller when crying over music. Normally, these smaller differences are reported in case of severe distress or profound joy (e.g., a wedding, birth, or loss of a loved one). Lastly, we compared the linguistic and musical characteristics of often-used Dutch and English sung funeral music to popular hit music by the same artists. Funeral music sounds sadder, is less energetic, and more acoustic than popular music. Funeral music is also more often in a major key. This suggests a mixture between positive and negative feelings that also found in consolation through music and crying over music. We also find this mixed affect in the lyrics, which has more positive than negative words, and most of these negative words express sadness. We further found interesting differences in the use of second-person pronouns, and verbs in the future tense; second-person pronouns, and future tense verbs were more common in funeral songs. These pronouns express a personal connection with somebody else, while the future-focused words give this connection some permanence. A clear example is: "I will always love you." The acoustic character of the music allows one to focus and emphasize the lyrics. The emotions listeners experience when experiencing consolation or when crying over music have recently been linked to prosocial behavior and processes underlying social connections. Our findings can prove useful in the field of mood-regulation through music, and the general understanding of consolation. _ Muziek en emoties zijn onlosmakelijk met elkaar verbonden. Het gegeven dat het luisteren naar muziek emoties oproept bij luisteraars, is een reden waarom mensen zich vaak tot muziek wenden om hun stemming te verbeteren of om uiting te geven aan wat zij voelen. Hoewel het luisteren naar muziek kan troosten, is er nog weinig systematisch onderzoek gedaan naar hoe muziek troost biedt. Deze dissertatie onderzoekt de troostende eigenschappen van muziek en gedrag dat daarmee samenhangt, waaronder huilen met muziek. Uit ons onderzoek blijkt dat muziek luisteren een van de belangrijkste manieren is om je getroost te voelen, meer nog dan bijvoorbeeld steun zoeken bij anderen, eten of in tranen uitbarsten. Het is bovendien een zeer persoonlijke, intieme aangelegenheid, die plaatsvindt wanneer men alleen is en volgt op het ervaren van persoonlijk verlies, bijvoorbeeld het overlijden van een dierbare of je onbegrepen te voelen. Troostliederen wekken gevoelens op van ontroering, verdriet en nostalgie, maar geven ook een gevoel van kracht en ontspanning. Luisteraars schrijven het troostende vermogen van muziek toe aan de muziek zelf (bijv. de melodie), de teksten (bij popmuziek) en de herinneringen die de muziek oproept. Het zorgt voor gevoelens van verbinding, waarbij muziek kan dienen als een begripvolle vriend. In vervolgonderzoek keken we naar een mogelijke samenhang tussen emotioneel eten en diverse manieren van stemmingsregulatie door middel van het luisteren naar muziek, waaronder troost en ontlading. We vonden geen samenhang tussen emotioneel eten en troost, maar wel tussen emotioneel eten en ontlading. Ontlading is het ventileren van emoties door bijvoorbeeld naar harde muziek te luisteren en lijkt tegenovergesteld te zijn aan troost. Huilen met muziek komt veel voor, gebeurt meestal wanneer men alleen is, is doorgaans kort van duur en gaat gepaard met vochtige ogen en wat snikken. Luisteraars ervaren vooral ontroering, verdriet, nostalgie en machteloosheid en schrijven hun tranen toe aan droevige herinneringen, de muziek zelf, nostalgie en de teksten. Vrouwen huilen vaker en intenser bij muziek dan mannen, maar de sekseverschillen die doorgaans gerapporteerd worden in regulier huilonderzoek zijn kleiner wanneer muziek in het spel is. Die kleinere verschillen ziet men normaliter bij zeer emotionele situaties van blijdschap of verdriet (bruiloft, geboorte, overlijden). Tot slot vergeleken we de tekstuele en muzikale eigenschappen van veelgebruikte Nederlands- en Engelstalige begrafenismuziek met populaire hits van dezelfde artiesten. Begrafenismuziek klinkt droeviger, is minder energiek en vaker akoestisch dan populaire muziek. Bovendien is begrafenismuziek vaker in majeur. Er is dus sprake van een mix van positieve en negatieve gevoelens die we eerder vonden bij muziek als troost en huilen met muziek, en ook terugzien in de teksten. De emotionele toon van de teksten is namelijk veelal positief, met minder negatieve woorden dan positieve. Het merendeel van die negatieve woorden drukt verdriet uit. Interessante verschillen zitten er in het gebruik van tweede persoons voornaamwoorden (je, jij, jouw) en toekomstgerichte werkwoorden. Die vonden we namelijk meer bij begrafenismuziek. Deze voornaamwoorden drukken een verbinding met iemand anders uit, terwijl de toekomstgerichte woorden deze relatie iets blijvends geven. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan "I will always love you." Het akoestische karakter van de muziek zorgt ervoor dat de nadruk op deze teksten kan worden gelegd. De emoties die luisteraars ervaren wanneer ze huilen met muziek of wanneer ze getroost worden, zijn recent in verband gebracht met prosociaal gedrag en sociale verbindingsprocessen. Onze bevindingen kunnen nuttig zijn op het gebied van stemmingsregulatie via muziek en het algemene begrip van troost

    The Politics of Competition: Review of Clifford Winston\u27s Government Failure Versus Market Failure: Microeconomics Policy Research and Government Performance and Mark K. Landy, Martin A. Levin & Martin Shapiro, eds., Creating Competitive Markets: The Politics of Regulatory Reform

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    Two recent books focus attention on the role of regulation in the modem economy and the reasons why efforts at deregulation succeed or fail. Clifford Winston\u27s Government Failure Versus Market Failure: Microeconomics Policy Research and Government Performance reviews empirical studies of regulation and its alternatives, arguing that economic regulation has quite often done more harm than good. In Creating Competitive Markets: The Politics of Regulatory Reform, editors Mark K. Landy, Martin A. Levin and Martin Shapiro collect essays addressing the political dangers faced by those pursuing market liberalization, both before and (especially) after reform is enacted. Read together, these books help to explain the sometimes perplexing legacy of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, which embodied ambitiously deregulatory goals but has resulted in an increasingly complex regulatory framework. They also offer critical guidance to those who will craft and implement future telecommunications legislation, urging such decisionmakers to focus not only on policy but also on politics if they hope to enact durable reform

    Design, fabrication and calibration of alpha particle densitometers for measuring planetary atmospheric density

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    An alpha particle densitometer was developed for possible application to measurement of the atmospheric density-altitude profile on Martian entry. The device uses an Am-241 radioactive-foil source, which emits a distributed energy spectrum, located about 25 to 75 cm from a semiconductor detector. System response - defined as the number of alphas per second reaching the detector with energy above a fixed threshold - is given for Ar and CO2. The altitude profile of density measurement accuracy is given for a pure CO2 atmosphere with 5 mb surface pressure. The entire unit, including dc-dc converters, requires less than 350 milliwatts of power from +28 volts, weighs about 0.85 lb and occupies less than 15 cubic inches volume

    Flight of a UV spectrophotometer aboard Galileo 2, the NASA Convair 990 aircraft

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    An ultraviolet interference-filter spectrophotometer (UVS) fabricated for aircraft-borne use on the DOT Climatic Impact Assessment Program (CIAP) has been successfully tested in a series of flights on the NASA Convair 990, Galileo II. UV flux data and the calculated total ozone above the flight path are reported for several of the flights. Good agreement is obtained with the total ozone as deducted by integration of an ozone sonde vertical profile obtained at Wallops Island, Virginia near the time of a CV-990 underpass. Possible advantages of use of the UVS in the NASA Global Atmospheric Sampling Program are discussed


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) Mengetahui kesesuaian kondisi fisik dengan syarat tumbuh tanaman lada di Desa Sahan, (2) Mengetahui peranan kondisi non fisik dalam usahatani lada, (3) Mengetahui pengelolaan usaha tani lada di Desa Sahan, (4) Menganalisis hambatan-hambatan apa saja dalam pengelolaan usahatani lada di Desa Sahan, serta upaya apa yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi hambatan tersebut, (5) Mengetahui produktivitas usahatani lada di Desa Sahan. Penelit ian ini merupakan penelit ian deskriptif. Variabel dalam penelit ian ini yaitu syarat tumbuh tanaman lada di Desa Sahan, faktor pengelolaan usahatani lada di Desa Sahan, hambatan yang dihadapi usahatani lada dan produktivitas. Populasi dalam penelit ian ini berjumlah 315 rumah tangga petani lada dan pengambilan sampel 25% yaitu sampel 80 kepala rumah tangga usahatani lada, teknik sampling yang digunakan yaitu proportionate simple random atau sampel campuran. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik pengolahan data edit ing, kodit ing, dan tabulasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelit ian ini adalah analisis deskriptif yaitu proses penyederhanaan data secara deskriptif dengan data frekuensi (tabel tunggal). Hasil penelit ian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Kesesuaian kondisi fisik yang mempengaruhi usahatani lada memiliki t ingkat kesesuaian yang baik yaitu faktor iklim, sedangkan untuk faktor fisik seperti tanah di daerah penelit ian misalnya seperti pH tanah yang kurang sesuai untuk syarat tumbuh tanaman lada, karena bersifat asam, (2) Peranan kondisi non fisik yang mempengaruhi usahatani lada berkaitan dengan modal, tenaga kerja, pemasaran, transportasi, dan teknologi, (3) Pengelolaan usahatani lada di Desa Sahan adalah pengelolaan lada putih dan lada hitam sebesar 63,75 % dari 80 total keseluruhan responden, (4) Hambatan yang paling besar dihadapi petani lada di Desa Sahan adalah hambatan hama penyakit. Upaya yang dilakukan petani lada di Desa Sahan untuk mengatasi hambatan-hambatan seperti hama penyakit selain dengan cara manual dan pest isida, (5) produktivitas usahatani lada di Desa Sahan dalam satu kali panen per tahun dengan luas lahan 1 ha atau 10.000 m 2 adalah sebesar 2002 kg. Kata kunci : Usahatani Lad

    A Phenomenological Analysis of Music in Childbirth

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    Monitoring Temporal Trends in Catostomidae Larvae in Large Sized River Tributaries

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    Large river ecosystems can support a complex network of tributaries that provide optimal habitat for fish reproduction. Anthropogenic alteration of rivers and tributaries has been shown to have adverse effects on river fish communities, but few studies have focused on the effects river regulation may have on the reproduction of native suckers (Family Catostomidae). In this study, I evaluated differences in biotic and abiotic factors associated with catostomid reproduction between tributaries of an altered and free-flowing river. I conducted ichthyoplankton sampling using drift nets and larval push nets in tributaries of the Illinois River, which is regulated for navigation, and the lower Wabash River, which is free-flowing and not used for navigation. I sampled three tributaries of the Illinois River (Mackinaw River, Sangamon River, and Spoon River) and three tributaries of the Wabash River (Little Wabash River, Embarras River, and Vermilion River). I collected catostomid larvae from each system twice each month from April until September during 2016 – 2018. I analyzed total relative abundance, catch per unit effort (CPUE), and trends in abiotic variables such as discharge, water temperature, gauge height, dissolved oxygen, pH, and conductivity between the two systems. I also created multiple logistic regression models to determine which variables increased probability of sampling catostomid larvae. For all sample years, the Wabash River tributaries contributed more catostomid larvae than the Illinois River tributaries. My results indicate that the Wabash River system is more influenced by gauge height and water temperature whereas the Illinois River system is more influenced by dissolved oxygen and discharge. Within each system, the tributary that had the highest discharge levels also consistently had the highest number of catostomid larvae. Multivariate analysis of variance also revealed that there was a significant interaction between tributary and all abiotic variables. With a few exceptions, I found that mean CPUE of larval catostomids was greater with larval push nets than drift nets. Drift nets were still an effective gear for sampling and should be continued to be used to collect larvae, especially in shallow habitats that preclude the use of larval push nets. The multiple logistic regression models showed that increasing discharge and water temperature increased probability of larvae capture for the Illinois River tributaries. The model for the Wabash River tributaries had all variables except discharge as significant variables for increasing probability of larvae capture. Overall, my results indicate that there are differences in water quality and catostomid reproduction between the Wabash and Illinois River system. However, specific tributaries contribute the majority of larvae to each system. Assessments of catostomid reproduction should target tributaries in each system with the highest discharge values and use both gear types to effectively sample larval fishes across tributary habitats
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