272 research outputs found

    The Network of Perspectives - Between the Division of Labor and Occupational Subcultures

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    This article was originally a lecture held at the Conference on "Building Bridges between Cultures of Users, Practitioners and Researchers within the Field of Architecture and Environmental Design" at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, November 13, 1995

    Anthropology's World

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    A work that reassesses the issues that have always affected anthropology: what is anthropology for; how do anthropologists want their work to be understood; for whom do they write, and in what language? In his panoramic new book, Ulf Hannerz cements his reputation as one of anthropology's finest writers. He describes how anthropology came to be a major intellectual discipline, why it is vital that it remains so, and the problems it might face in the immediate future. Turning the anthropologist’s toolkit upon the discipline itself, and asking searching questions of the purpose, ethics and future of the subject, Anthropology's World should be required reading for all students and practitioners of anthropology

    Conexões e entrecruzamentos: configurações culturais e direitos em um circuito migratório entre La Paz e Buenos Aires

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    A partir de um conflito entre imigrantes bolivianos em Buenos Aires em torno do “trabalho escravo” nas oficinas de costura da cidade, o artigo trata da relação entre direitos (“ocidentais”) e formas culturais aymaras ou andinas. Como são qualificadas essas relações de trabalho quando envolvem trabalhadores e proprietários (ou administradores) bolivianos/andinos? A cultura aymara problematiza a ideia de exploração laboral e a exploração laboral problematiza a cultura aymara. O artigo foca o circuito migratório transnacional e a circulação heterogênea que o conforma (pessoas, dinheiro, objetos, saberes e práticas culturais) para tentar compreender aquele conflito. Com base na análise da convivência enredada de direitos e traços culturais aymaras, proponho que o cruzamento e a sobreposição de instituições e de “lógicas” culturais, sociais, econômicas e políticas são um componente constitutivo desses processos de circulação.Based upon the study of a conflict that erupted between Bolivian immigrants in Buenos Aires over the concept of “slave labor” in the city’s sweatshops, the present article deals with the relationship between (western) rights and Aymara or Andean cultural forms. How are these work relations qualified when they involve Bolivian/Andeanworkers and owners (or administrators)? Aymara culture problematizes the concept of labor exploitation and vice versa. The present article focuses on the transnational migratory circuit and heterogeneous circulations (of people, money, objects, knowledge and practices) that it contains in order to better comprehend this conflict. Based upon an analysis of the lived, networked experience of rights and Aymara cultural traces, I propose to interlink and juxtapose the social, cultural economic and political logics and institutuions that are constituitive components of these processes of circulation

    Aboriginal youth, hip hop and the politics of identification

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    This paper explores the identity work taking place around contemporary subcultural hip hop amongst Australian indigenous youth in two disadvantaged urban locations. Previous work on Aboriginal hip hop has been attentive to the interface between tradition and modernity. However, existing scholarship has lacked a deeper ethnographic understanding of the dynamics between youth and parent cultures, and the tensions between the two generations. This article is based on research with young hip hop enthusiasts, community activists and educators. It deals with the cultural politics of identification and sees hip hop practice as associated with a process in which Aboriginality is crystallized as a principal affiliation and as offering an account for experiences of social marginalization. Far from being an outlet for expressing a prior or essential Aboriginality, hip hop as cultural practice is associated with the production of particular identifications