676 research outputs found

    Implementasi Kebijakan Rehabilitasi Sosial Penyandang Tuna Grahita Di Panti Sosial Bina Grahita Nipotowe Palu

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    This study aimed to analyze the implementation of the policy of the Social Rehabilitation of Persons with Tuna Grahita in Panti Sosial Bina Grahita Nipotowe Palu, as well as supporting and inhibiting factors. Methods: The qualitative research with descriptive method, the informant as much as 7 people and are selected based on purposive sampling. Data collection techniques with interview, observation and documentation. Results of the study explained that, the implementation of rehabilitation policy of mentally disabled persons. because of the four dimensions studied, there is one dimension that implementation is not maximized, namely: first communication, especially the aspect of socialization maximum, second, human resources quality is adequate but the quantity is still lacking, infrastructure and funding shows the results sufficient for implementation of the policy, namely the third disposition implementer support and attitude regarding honesty, democratic nature and a commitment has been executed by the implementer, but not maximized, so that the implementation is less effective. While the bureaucratic structure that is SOP and the division of tasks was clear, so there is no fragmentation, and be flexible. Factors that inhibit the lack of professiona lhuman resource

    Message of Peace in the Teaching of Islam

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    This study aims to (1) describe the message of peace in the Qur'an, (2) describe the message of peace in the Hadith, and (3) describe the message of peace in the Medina Charter. The focus of this research is the message of peace in the teachings of Islam, which is broken down into three subfocus, namely (1) the message of peace in the Qur'an, (2) the message of peace in the Hadith, and (3) message of peace in Medina Charter. This study uses literature review. Data of this research is the theory and concepts of Islam, peace and war. The source of research data are books, papers, journals, and articles, as well as relevant research reports. It is concluded that (1) Messages of peace in the Qur'an is the outline (the main points), (2) Messages of peace in the Hadith is more detailed (description in detail), and (3) Messages peace in the Medina Charter is applicable (implementable). Al-Quran, the Hadith, and the Medina Charter, as well as historical facts have proved that Islam is a religion of peace (rahmatan lil Alamin) which is recognized not only by Muslims but also recognized by people of other faiths. Therefore, believers of other religions no longer need to worry about the development of Islam

    Legal Protection Against Women Victims by the Indonesian Domestic Violence Act 23, 2004

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    Domestic Violence, particularly against women is a social phenomenon which tends to increase from year to year and even from day to day. Many countries enacted special legislation to protect women from domestic violence based on the United Nation Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women (CEDAW). Indonesia adopted the conventions based on the Indonesian Act No. 7 of 1984 on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, and issued Presidential Decree No. 9 of 1998 concerning the Commission on Violence against Women. Indonesia then enacted special legislation on domestic violence in 2004, namely Domestic Violence Act 23, 2004. This paper aims to understand how the Domestic Violence Act 23, 2004 protects women victims of domestic violence. The sources of law study are the basic rules and regulations, International conventions which have binding force legally. This is a library research using normative judicial approach, and the analysis is descriptive qualitative. The legal protection of women victims of domestic violence is an obligation, especially for countries that uphold human rights, because of the domestic violence constitutes crimes against humanity that are outstanding. This crime happens at any time either known or not, so it is described as an iceberg phenomenon. In addition, because this matter is private, many people do not want to intervene the matter. The strong culture of not interfering ones' affairs also influences the police in law enforcement. Police often gives less respect for the report of the victims, and even ask the victims to go back to her husband or famil

    Perilaku Menyimpang Praktik Bisnis Periklanan dalam Perspektif Hukum Pidana dan Penegakan Hukumnya

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    This research is aimed to analyze the criteria and form of deviation behaviour in business practice of advertisement and the deviation behaviour in business practice in the perspective of criminal law and its legal enforcement. This is a normative legal research using the regulation approach and concept approach. The data was collected and analysed using the descriptive – qualitative method. The result of the research showed that first; there are two criteria to show the deviation behaviour: fact of material and rationale consumers. Meanwhile, a number of deviations in presenting the information of advertisement through mass media including presenting the information falsely (false statement), revealing the fact misleadingly (mislead statement), giving the description incompletely (omission), giving the exaggerating opinion without any support of fact (puffery), and advertisement is contradicting with politeness, moral and ethics. Second, in the perspective of criminal law, the deviation behaviour can be categorized as the criminal act. The problem in this research is related to the legal enforcement particularly related to the unequal perception between society and the law enforcers in responding the deviation behaviour in the business practice of advertisement whether it is included in business tort or business crime. Other factor that is also impacting the enforcement of criminal law is related to the evidence, mentality of the law enforcers and society and political will of government in doing an action towards the business activity of deviating advertisement

    Politik Kriminal terhadap White Collar Crime

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    Merebaknya White Collar Crime (WCC), bagaimanapun juga memerlukan sebuah terapi yang antisipatif dengan upaya yang multidimensi. Berikut ini, secara panjang lebar mengulas tentang politik kriminal terhadap WC

    Kreativitas Seni melalui Kegiatan Bermain Membentuk Bebas Terarah pada Anak Kelompok B di Tk Pariama Kecamatan Wawotobi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kreativitas seni anak dalam kegiatan bermain membentuk bebas terarah pada anak kelompok B di TK Pariama Kec. Wawotobi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari 2018, semester genap tahun pelajaran 2018-2019. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh anak kelompok B di TK Pariama Kec. Wawotobi yang terdaftar pad asemeste genap tahun ajaran 2018/2019. Metode pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan observasi dan dokumentasi Data dalam penelitian ini adalah dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik deskriptif kualitatif melalui pengamatan selama kegiatan berlangsung, melalui diskusi, dan hasil akhir dari pengamatan kegiatan dianalisis dengan memberikan kriteria baik, cukup maupun kurang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kreativitas seni anak dalam kegiatan bermain membentuk bebas terarah pada anak kelompok B di TK Pariama Kec. Wawotobi mengalami kenaikan dari pertemuan pertama yaitu tidak ada anak yang memiliki kriteria sangat baik, 4 anak dengan kriteria baik, 9 anak dengan kriteria cukup dan 4 anak dengan kriteria kurang, pada pertemuan kedua jumlah anak yang memiliki kriteria sangat baik adalah 2 anak, 7 anak dengan kriteria baik, 8 anak dengan kriteria cukup dan tidak ada anak dengan kriteria kurang. Pada pertemuan ketiga jumlah anak yang memiliki kriteria sangat baik adalah 3 anak, 10 anak dengan kriteria baik, 4 anak dengan kriteria cukup dan tidak ada anak dengan kriteria kuran

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Treffinger untuk Meningkatkan Aktifitas dan Prestasi Belajar Siswa SMP

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    Penyebab suasana belajar tidak hidup dan membuat siswa jenuh terhadap materi pelajaran yang berakibat pada rendahnya aktivitas dan prestasi belajar siswa. berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut maka rumusan masalahnya adalah bagaimanakah menerapkan model pembelajaran Treffinger untuk meningkatkan aktivitas dan prestasi belajar siswa pada pembelajaran PKn kelas VIII SMP. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendiskripsikan cara penggunaan model pembelajaran Treffinger untuk meningkatkan aktivitas dan prestasi belajar siswa pada pembelajaran PKn kelas VIII SMP. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitan tindakan kelas dengan pendekatan yang di gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dan pendekatan kuantitatif. Pendekatan kualitatif di gunakan untuk mengolah data hasil observasi dalam pelaksanaan, sedangkan pendekatan kuantitatif di gunakan untuk mengolah data prestasi belajar. Berdasarkan hasil penelian dan hasil analisis data yang di lakukan, maka dapat menarik di simpulkanbahwa terjadi peningkatan ketuntasan klasikal siswa yaitu pada siklus I 66% dan pada siklu II sebesar 88%, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran Treffinger dapat meningkatkan aktivitas dan prestasi belajar siswa PKn kelas VIII SMP
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