5,001 research outputs found

    Summer extreme cyclone impacts on arctic sea ice

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    In this study the impact of extreme cyclones on Arctic sea ice in summer is investigated. Examined in particular are relative thermodynamic and dynamic contributions to sea ice volume budgets in the vicinity of Arctic summer cyclones in 2012 and 2016. Results from this investigation illustrate that sea ice loss in the vicinity of the cyclone trajectories during each year was associated with different dominant processes: thermodynamic processes (melting) in the Pacific sector of the Arctic in 2012, and both thermodynamic and dynamic processes in the Pacific sector of the Arctic in 2016. Comparison of both years further suggests that the Arctic minimum sea ice extent is influenced by not only the strength of the cyclone, but also by the timing and location relative to the sea ice edge. Located near the sea ice edge in early August in 2012, and over the central Arctic later in August in 2016, extreme cyclones contributed to comparable sea ice area (SIA) loss, yet enhanced sea ice volume loss in 2012 relative to 2016. Central to a characterization of extreme cyclone impacts on Arctic sea ice from the perspective of thermodynamic and dynamic processes, we present an index describing relative thermodynamic and dynamic contributions to sea ice volume changes. This index helps to quantify and improve our understanding of initial sea ice state and dynamical responses to cyclones in a rapidly warming Arctic, with implications for seasonal ice forecasting, marine navigation, coastal community infrastructure, and designation of protected and ecologically sensitive marine zones

    Dark-adapted red flash ERGs in healthy adults

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    Purpose: The x-wave of the dark-adapted (DA) ERG to a red flash reflects DA cone function. This exploratory study of healthy adults aimed to investigate changes in the DA red ERG with flash strength and during dark adaptation to optimise visualisation and therefore quantification of the x-wave. Methods: The effect of altering red flash strength was investigated in four subjects by recording ERGs after 20 minutes dark adaptation to red flashes (0.2–2.0 cd s m-2) using skin electrodes and natural pupils. The effect of dark adaptation duration was investigated in 16 subjects during 20 minutes in the dark, by recording DA 1.5 red ERGs at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15 and 20 minutes. Results: For a dark adaption period of 20 minutes, the x-wave was more clearly visualised to weaker (< 0.6 cd s m-2) red flash strengths: to stronger flashes it became obscured by the b-wave. For red flashes of 1.5 cd s m-2, the x-wave was most prominent in ERGs recorded after 1–5 minutes of dark adaptation: with longer dark-adaptation, it was subsumed into the b-wave’s rising edge. Conclusions: This small study suggests that x-wave visibility in healthy subjects after 20 minutes dark adaptation is improved by using flashes weaker than around 0.6 cd s m-2; for flash strengths of 1.5 cd s m-2, x-wave visibility is enhanced by recording after only around 5 minutes of dark adaptation. No evidence was found that interim red flash ERGs affecting the dark-adapted state of the normal retina

    A randomised controlled trial of a code-word enuresis alarm

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    Objective: To compare a novel code-word alarm with a commercially available wireless alarm for treating enuresis Design: Randomised controlled trial with blinding of study personnel and outcome assessors Setting: A tertiary paediatric centre Patients: Children aged six to eighteen with at least three wet nights per week in the previous 6 months referred by doctors Outcomes: Primary outcome: the proportion who achieved a full response (14 consecutive dry nights) by 16 weeks. Secondary outcomes: change in frequency of wetting, duration of alarm training, percentage of wet nights that the child woke to the alarm, adherence to treatment, adverse events and satisfaction with treatment. Results: Of the 353 participants, 176 were assigned to the code-word alarm and 177 to control. At 16 weeks, 54% (95% CI, 47% to 61%) in the experimental group and 47% (95% CI, 40% to 55%) in the control group had achieved a full response (p=0.22), with 74% and 66% respectively attaining a 50% or more reduction in wetting frequency (p=0.14). The experimental group woke more often than the control group (median percentage of waking 88% versus 77%, p=0.003) and had greater reduction in wet nights (median reduction 10 versus 9 nights per fortnight). Fewer in the experimental group discontinued therapy before achieving a full response (27% versus 37% discontinued, p=0.04). There were no significant differences in relapse rates at 6 months, adverse events or satisfaction between the two alarms. In a post hoc subgroup analysis of children with monosymptomatic enuresis, more in the experimental group achieved a full response (66% versus 52%, p=0.047), with higher median percentage of waking (89% versus 79%, p=0.006) and greater reduction in wet nights (median reduction 12 versus 9 nights per fortnight). Conclusions: Although the code-word alarm increased waking, no difference in full response rates was demonstrated between the two alarms.The study was funded by an NHMRC Project Grant (570761). AT was supported by an NHMRC Program Grant (633003) to the Screening & Test Evaluation Program

    Sequestration of Martian CO2 by mineral carbonation

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    Carbonation is the water-mediated replacement of silicate minerals, such as olivine, by carbonate, and is commonplace in the Earth’s crust. This reaction can remove significant quantities of CO2 from the atmosphere and store it over geological timescales. Here we present the first direct evidence for CO2 sequestration and storage on Mars by mineral carbonation. Electron beam imaging and analysis show that olivine and a plagioclase feldspar-rich mesostasis in the Lafayette meteorite have been replaced by carbonate. The susceptibility of olivine to replacement was enhanced by the presence of smectite veins along which CO2-rich fluids gained access to grain interiors. Lafayette was partially carbonated during the Amazonian, when liquid water was available intermittently and atmospheric CO2 concentrations were close to their present-day values. Earlier in Mars’ history, when the planet had a much thicker atmosphere and an active hydrosphere, carbonation is likely to have been an effective mechanism for sequestration of CO2

    Does timing of decisions in a mixed duopoly matter?

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    We determine the endogenous order of moves in a mixed pricesetting duopoly. In contrast to the existing literature on mixed oligopolies we establish the payo equivalence of the games with an exogenously given order of moves if the most plausible equilibrium is realized in the market. Hence, in this case it does not matter whether one becomes a leader or a follower. We also establish that replacing a private firm by a public firm in the standard Bertrand-Edgeworth game with capacity constraints increases social welfare and that a pure-strategy equilibrium always exists

    Overview of (pro-)Lie group structures on Hopf algebra character groups

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    Character groups of Hopf algebras appear in a variety of mathematical and physical contexts. To name just a few, they arise in non-commutative geometry, renormalisation of quantum field theory, and numerical analysis. In the present article we review recent results on the structure of character groups of Hopf algebras as infinite-dimensional (pro-)Lie groups. It turns out that under mild assumptions on the Hopf algebra or the target algebra the character groups possess strong structural properties. Moreover, these properties are of interest in applications of these groups outside of Lie theory. We emphasise this point in the context of two main examples: The Butcher group from numerical analysis and character groups which arise from the Connes--Kreimer theory of renormalisation of quantum field theories.Comment: 31 pages, precursor and companion to arXiv:1704.01099, Workshop on "New Developments in Discrete Mechanics, Geometric Integration and Lie-Butcher Series", May 25-28, 2015, ICMAT, Madrid, Spai

    Socio-Economic Instability and the Scaling of Energy Use with Population Size

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    The size of the human population is relevant to the development of a sustainable world, yet the forces setting growth or declines in the human population are poorly understood. Generally, population growth rates depend on whether new individuals compete for the same energy (leading to Malthusian or density-dependent growth) or help to generate new energy (leading to exponential and super-exponential growth). It has been hypothesized that exponential and super-exponential growth in humans has resulted from carrying capacity, which is in part determined by energy availability, keeping pace with or exceeding the rate of population growth. We evaluated the relationship between energy use and population size for countries with long records of both and the world as a whole to assess whether energy yields are consistent with the idea of an increasing carrying capacity. We find that on average energy use has indeed kept pace with population size over long time periods. We also show, however, that the energy-population scaling exponent plummets during, and its temporal variability increases preceding, periods of social, political, technological, and environmental change. We suggest that efforts to increase the reliability of future energy yields may be essential for stabilizing both population growth and the global socio-economic system

    Mouse allergen, lung function, and atopy in Puerto Rican children

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    Objective: To examine the relation between mouse allergen exposure and asthma in Puerto Rican children. Methods: Mus m 1, Der p 1, Bla g 2, and Fel d 1 allergens were measured in dust samples from homes of Puerto Rican children with (cases) and without (controls) asthma in Hartford, CT (n = 449) and San Juan (SJ), Puerto Rico (n = 678). Linear or logistic regression was used for the multivariate analysis of mouse allergen (Mus m 1) and lung function (FEV1 and FEV1/FVC) and allergy (total IgE and skin test reactivity (STR) to ≥1 allergen) measures. Results: Homes in SJ had lower mouse allergen levels than those in Hartford. In multivariate analyses, mouse allergen was associated with higher FEV1 in cases in Hartford (+70.6 ml, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 8.6-132.7 ml, P = 0.03) and SJ (+45.1 ml, 95% CI = -0.5 to 90.6 ml, P = 0.05). In multivariate analyses of controls, mouse allergen was inversely associated with STR to ≥1 allergen in non-sensitized children (odds ratio [OR] for each log-unit increment in Mus m 1 = 0.7, 95% CI = 0.5-0.9, P<0.01). In a multivariate analysis including all children at both study sites, each log-increment in mouse allergen was positively associated with FEV1 (+28.3 ml, 95% CI = 1.4-55.2 ml, P = 0.04) and inversely associated with STR to ≥1 allergen (OR for each log-unit increment in Mus m 1 = 0.8, 95% CI = 0.6-0.9, P<0.01). Conclusions: Mouse allergen is associated with a higher FEV1 and lower odds of STR to ≥1 allergen in Puerto Rican children. This may be explained by the allergen itself or correlated microbial exposures. © 2012 Forno et al