116 research outputs found

    Blood Collections

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    IN MOUSE It is important to select the proper method of blood collection that corresponds to the volume required for your research purposes. Some methods are intended for survival and others are not. Retro-orbital Sinus Blood Collection The retro-orbital sinus is the site located behind the eye at the medial or lateral canthus. This venous sinus is located just underneath the conjunctival membrane. This method is intended for survival blood collection. No more than 10% of the blood volume should be removed at one sampling. The blood volume of a mouse is approximately 8% of the body weight. For example, a 25 gram mouse has a blood volume of approximately 2 ml, so no more than 200 il of blood can be removed at a single bleeding without scientific justification and approval of the Animal Care and Use Committee. Mice should not be bled more frequently than every 3 weeks unless smaller volumes are collected. Restrain the mouse by the scruff method. It is imperative that the mouse bet properly restrained. If the mouse is allowed to move its head, severe injury to the eye or surrounding tissues could occur. A topical ophthalmic anesthetic must be used prior to performing this procedure. Apply one drop of an anesthetic such as proparacaine or tetracaine hydrochloride to the eye. Be careful not to touch the tip of the applicator to any part of the mouse. This will cause contamination of the anesthetic. Wait 5-10 seconds after the anesthetic is applied before attempting this procedure. Gently blot away excess anesthetic with a clean gauze pad, being careful not to scratch the cornea. An alternative to topical anesthesia for this procedure is general anesthesia. With a gentle rotating motion, insert the tube through the sinus membrane. Continue rotating the tube at the back of the orbit until blood flows. Collect the appropriate volume of blood. Upon completion, ensure good hemostasis with a clean gauze pad before returning the anima

    Antiangiogenic Effect of Ficus Carica Linn Leaf Extract on Total Blood Vessels, Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 Expression and Macrophages in the Chik Embryo Chorioallantoic Membrane

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    Background and Aim: Inhibiting angiogenesis is suppose to be more effective in preventing potential cell metastases. Antiangiogenic substances inhibit the supply of nutrients and oxygen to cancer cells so that the development of protooncogens can be inhibited. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of Ficus carica Linn leaf extract as antiangiogenic on total blood vessels, matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) expression and total macrophages on chorioalantoic membranes of chicken embryos. Materials and Methods: A total of 25 chicken embryos were randomly assigned to 5 treatment groups, i.e. (C-) induced by Tris-HCl and 2% DMSO solvent; (C +) induced 60 ng of bFGF and Tris-HCl solvent; (T1) induced 60 ng of bFGF and 20 µg of celecoxib; (T2) induced 90 ng of bFGF and 90 µg of F. carica L. extract in 2% DMSO; (T3) was induced by 60 ng of bFGF and 110 µg of F. carica L. leaf extract in 2% DMSO. The total blood vessels observed macroscopically were counted on the main blood vessel branches around the paper disc. Total macrophages were observed on HE staining and MMP-9 expression on IHC staining. Data were analyzed by ANOVA test followed by Tukey's test (p <0.05). Results: The results show that T3 was significant (p0.05) compared to C- and T1 for all observed parameters. Conclusion: It can be concluded that F. carica L. leaf extract at a dose of 110 µg in DMSO 2% can significantly reduce blood vessel total, MMP-9 expression and total macrophages in chicken embryos induced by bFGF. On the other hand, there was no significant difference between F. carica L. leaf extract at a dose of 110 µg in DMSO 2% with celecoxib treatment, which means that it gave the same effectiveness in reducing the effect of bFGF Key words: Antiangiogenic, Ficus carica Linn, macrophage, matrix metalloproteinas

    Improvement of Feed Processing Skills using Probiotics in Glondok and Panggang Village Communities, Banyuwangi

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    This community empowerment aimed to introduce probiotics and improve breeders' skills in processing feed. Community empowerment activities that have been carried out include providing probiotics for ruminants which are given directly to breeders by visiting the location of the beef cattle pen. The community empowerment program was carried out for 5 months including counseling, training, evaluation, and training for cadres. From the evaluation results, there was an increase in affective from 20% to 60%, cognitive from 28% to 75%, and psychomotor from 8% to 80%. The cadres who were assigned will be assisted so that the development of livestock after being given probiotics can be monitored continuously

    Surat Keputusan Dekan Fakultas Kedokteran tentang Panitia Ujian Tahap Pertama (Tertutup) Program Doktor Program Studi Ilmu Kedokteran Fakultas Kedokteran Atas Nama Didik Dwi Sanyoto, dr.,M.Kes.

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    Kumpulan Surat SK Iwan Sahrial Hamid yang dipergunakan untuk Keperluan Kenaikan Pangkat dan lain-lai

    Uji Organoleptis, pH, Uji Eber dan Cemaran Bakteri pada Karkas yang Diisolasi dari Kios di Banyuwangi

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    Food borne disease merupakan isu bagi dunia kesehatan karena masih belum bisa dikendalikan secara tuntas. Daging merupakan salah satu agen tempat berkembangnya mikroba infeksius, cemaran kimia dan fisik yang memungkinkan timbulnya food poisoning. Penanganan masalah food borne disease melalui penatalaksanaan penyediaan pemotongan melalui Rumah Potong Hewan (RPH) menjadi salah satu kunci untuk mengendalikan bahan pangan. Kualitas daging menjadi prioritas penting dalam menjamin mutu pangan. Penelitian menggunakan kajian cross sectional study dengan metode sampling purposive. Pengujian sampel di wilayah Kecamatan Banyuwangi, Genteng dan Kalibaru menjadi subjek utama dimana terdapat kios daging yang mensuplai kebutuhan konsumen sehingga akan diketahui kualitas daging yang dipotong melalui RPH. Penelitian ini menunjukkan hasil uji organoleptis warna 37% kelainan, bau normal, tekstur konsistensi keras 0,05%, uji pH 50% diatas ambang normal, uji Eber 45% positif mengalami awal kebusukan. Semua sampel daging negative Salmonella spp dan 50% melebihi ambang batas Standart Nasional Indonesia cemaran Escherichia coli

    Study of Thitonia Diversifolia Extract in Histomorphology of Pancreas and Interleukin-1beta expression on Aloxan Induced Wistar Rats

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    The purpose of this study is to determine effect of antiinflammation of Thitonia diversifolia (TD) extracts in histopathology liver and pancretic tissue on alloxan-induced in Wistar rat. Thirty two male Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) with a body weight (bw)150-200 g in 3 month of age, were allocated into four groups, with eight animals per group. The control group received normal saline (P0), positive control group  received CMC Na 0.01% (P1),  the treatment group were received 100 mg/kg bw of the TD extracts (P2) and received 100 mg/kg bw of the metformin (P3)  respectively for 7 days. Bloods serum collected for measuring of  blood glucose (BG). cholesterol and insulin (INS) concentrations. The levels of insulin (INS) concentrations were analysed by Avidin-Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP) Sandwich-ELISA. All animal were sacrified for tissue staining with haematoxylin eosin. Thitonia diversifolia extract significantly decreased the level of blood glucoseand choelsterol concentrations compared to the postive control group (p<0.05). The level of INS could be detected by its level significantly increased in TD treatment group (p<0.05). Histopathological showed that induction of alloxan could effect severe multifocal degeneration, vacuolisation, cell inflammation, acute langerhan cells injury with destruction cells. Immunohistochemical staining labeled with IL-1β monoclonal antibodies (Mab) showed lowering expression of IL-1β reveal as brownish color aggregates on the langerhans cells in the TD treatment group. This study was concluded that TD extract is inhibited hepatic tissue injuries and decreased destruction in langerhan cells by decreasing IL-1β expression on alloxan-induced rats

    Efek anti radang ekstrak torbangun (Coleus amboinicus) pada induksi cisplatin tikus putih wistar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis aktivitas ekstrak torbangun (Coleus amboinicus) terhadap biokimia darah dan gambaran histopatologi ginjal pada induksi cisplatin pada tikus putih Wistar (Rattus norvegicus). Penelitian ini menggunakan 24 tikus putih galur Wistar yang terbagi menjadi 3 kelompok yaitu kelompok kontrol negatif dengan pemberian plasebo (P0), kelompok kontrol positif berupa induksi cisplatin dengan pemberian CMC-Na 0.1 % (P1), dan kelompok induksi cisplatin dengan pemberian ekstrak torbangun 500 mg/ kg bb (P2). Pembuatan nefropati pada kelompok perlakuan dengan injeksi intra peritoneal hari ke-4 dosis tunggal cisplatin 5 mg/kg bb. Seluruh kelompok tikus dikorbankan dan diambil sampel darah untuk diukur kadar blood urea nitrogen (BUN), serum kreatinin (SK) dan alkalin phospatase (ALP) sebagai tes fungsi ginjal. Sampel organ fiksasi dengan BNF 10 % untuk histopatologi. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa pemberian ekstrak Coleus amboinicus menurunkan konsentrasi BUN, serum kreatinin, dan alkalin phospatase pada kelompok dengan ekstrak torbangun (P2) dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol positif (p&lt;0,05). Analisis histopatologi terlihat perdarahan multifokal, infiltrasi interstisial, adanya adesi membrane capsula glomerulus dan nekrotik tubular secara difus pada kelompok kontrol positif dengan induksi cisplatin (P1). Kerusakan pada glomerulus dan tubulus ginjal lebih ringan pada kelompok yang diberi eksrak torbangun (P2). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan pemberian ekstrak torbangun dapat menormalkan gambaran biokimia darah dan menghambat kerusakan ginjal dengan cara menghambat keradangan pada induksi cisplatin pada tikus putih


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    Rabies merupakan salah satu penyakit bersifat zoonosis yang disebabkan oleh virus tergolong dalam Lyssa virus dan family Rhabdoviridae. Penyakit rabies bersifat akut dan menyerang sistem saraf pusat dari penderita. Rabies saat ini masuk kedalam Penyakit Hewan Menular Strategis yang menjadi prioritas pemerintah Indonesia. Perlu adanya upaya untuk menekan tingkat kasus kejadian penyakit rabies baik yang terjadi pada manusia ataupun hewan. Pencegahan yang dapat dilakukan salah satunya dengan melalui pemberian vaksin rabies atau dengan nama lain Vaksin Anti Rabies (VAR) pada hewan penular rabies (HPR). Tujuan dilakukan kegiatan pemberian vaksin rabies secara massal yaitu sebagai suatu langkah pencegahan untuk mengurangi angka kasus kejadian penyakit rabies yang terjadi baik pada manusia maupun hewan. Kota Banjarbaru menjadi wilayah sasaran untuk dilakukan pemberian vaksin secara massal. Kegiatan pemberian vaksin ini dilakukan bersama mahasiswa kedokteran hewan dan dokter hewan yang bertugas di wilayah tersebut. Dengan pemberian vaksin rabies secara massal diharapkan dapat mencegah dan mengurangi kasus kejadian penyakit rabies di Kota Banjarbaru. Kata Kunci: Rabies, Penyakit Hewan Menular Strategis (PHMS), Vaksin Rabies, Kota Banjarbar

    Ekstrak Etanol Kayu Secang (Caesalpinia sappan L.) Secara Topikal Efektif pada Kepadatan Kolagen Masa Penyembuhan Luka Insisi Tikus Putih

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui efektivitas ekstrak etanol kayu secang (Caesalpinia sappan L.) secara topikal dapat mempercepat kepadatan kolagen pada penyembuhan luka insisi tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus). Sebanyak 20 ekor tikus jantan dibagi secara acak menjadi lima kelompok, yakni: kontrol negatif (K-) yang diberi basis salep, kontrol positif (K+) yang diberi salep povidone iodine 10%, kelompok perlakuan (P1; P2; P3) yang diberi salep ekstrak kayu secang 6.5%; 15%; 30%. Perlakuan diberikan pada daerah luka secara topikal sekali sehari selama 14 hari. Data hasil skoring histopatologi diuji dengan uji Kruskal-Wallis dan Mann-Whitney. Kepadatan kolagen luka insisi kelompok P1 berbeda signifikan dengan kelompok P2, P3, K-, dan K+, dan tidak ada kelompok yang berbeda secara signifikan selain itu. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa peningkatan rata-rata kepadatan kolagen pada kelompok P1 adalah dosis optimal

    The Number of Macrophages and Heterophils on Chick Embryo Chorioallantoic Membrane After Gynura procumbens (Lour) Merr Extract Treatment and bFgF Induction

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    Antiangiogenesis (inhibition of new blood vessels formation) has become a strategy to inhibit cancer development. The aim of this experiment was to investigate antiangiogenic effect of Gynura procumbens (Lour) Merr focusing on the decreasing of the number of macrophages and heterophils on chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane. Nine-days-aged-eggs were divided into six groups (eight eggs each group). Group I (positive control) eggs were induced with bFGF+Tris HCl. Group II (negative control) eggs were treated with DMSO+Tris HCl. Group III (treatment I) eggs were induced with 60 ng bFGF and treated with ethanolic extract of G. procumbens leaves with the dose of 60 µg. The following treatment groups, i.e. group IV (treatment II), group V (treatment III), and group VI (treatment IV) were treated with increasing dose of extract, starting from 75 µg, 90 µg, and the last was 110 µg. Eggs were incubated until they reach the age of twelve days to observe macrophages, while to observe heterophils, eggs were incubated until the age of seventeen days. Based on haematoxylin-eosin staining, macrophages in the treatment groups were less than the control positive group (bFGF+Tris HCl), but based on giemsa staining, the effect of Gynura procumbens in decreasing the number of heterophils could not be observed because some blood smears. These analysis suggest that the ethanolic extract of Gynura procumbens leaves can perform as antiangiogenic agent decreasing the number of macrophages.Keywords: antiangiogenic, macrophages, heterophils, Gynura procumben
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