108 research outputs found

    Character Education Children According to Abdullah Nashih Ulwan

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    The purpose of this study is to explore the urgency of Islamic education for children and how the theory of character formation of children according to Abdullah Nashih Ulwan. This research is a qualitative research with a type of library research, and the data analysis technique uses inductive and deductive. The findings of this study can be concluded: first, Islamic education is education oriented to the five pillars of religion, namely faith, etiquette, morals, worship, and muamalat. Two pillars are closely related to the affairs of the afterlife namely faith and worship. While the other three pillars are related to world affairs, namely morals, manners and muamalat. If the five pillars are considered in education, the education will give birth to human beings who have strong faith, true worship, good morals and manners, and are able to interact with the community and be involved in life in accordance with the skills (expertise) they have. Second, according to Ulwan, the theory of character formation of children starts from the time children are born, and the formation of children's character in order to become a human being (perfect human) is not enough just to reform the morals, but must pay attention to several aspects of coaching, both religious education, religious education, moral education, scientific education, and physical education. Because humans are not only like walking objects, but humans consist of spirits and bodies. The morals that are seen are the fruit of the faith and spirituality that exists in the soul and heart. Likewise man was created not to live alone, but he is a social creature that lives and mates with others. Keywords: Character Education, children, Ulwa

    Implementation Of Habituation Program Of Tadarus Al-Qur'an In Love Building Of Al-Quran At Students Of Smp Muhammadiyah 15 Sedayulawas Brondong Lamongan

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    AbstractThis study aims to delve into the implementation of program habituation oftadarus Qur'an in coaching love of the Qur'an at students of SMPMuhammadiyah 15 SedayulawasBrondongLamongan. This study used aqualitative research, with descriptive approach. The process of datacollection was done by using the instrument of observation, interviews anddocumentation. The data have been collected and analyzedby the collection,reduction, and presentation of data and the conclusion in accordance withthe scope of the problem. The results of this study indicated that habituationof tadarus Qur'an program in SMP Muhammadiyah 15SedayulawasBrondongLamongan is for students to read the Qur'an heldevery morning before starting the lesson, the program of conditioningtadarus the Qur'an aims to establish thestudent Islamic character that isloving Qur'an more by reading or listening happily. Therefore, this activitybecomes a tradition that is deemed suitable for the students in religiousactivities and as a means of well habituation in daily activities in the realmof religion that led to the approach of the Qur'an. Keywords: Tadarusal-Qur’an, Habituation, Buildinglove of the al-Qur’a

    Hadith Education in Forming Character of Early Childhood

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    Early childhood is a very brilliant time in the process of character formation, because early age is a time where children absorb a lot of knowledge to be applied in the future. We see the character of the nation's children in this era, the term "Kids of the Age Now" is well known in the public. Examined the origin of the term because of the behavior of children today who are far from the behavior of children should be. Indeed, not all the behavior of children "Kids Zaman Now" has negative implications, when viewed through the eyes of art they have good creativity and mental value. This type of research is library research, namely research whose main object is books or other sources of literature. That is, data are sought and found through literature review from books that are relevant to the discussion. To overcome this incident the role of Islamic education or the inculcation of religious values in daily life can be an alternative in shaping character. Character education is the safeguarding of essential values with learning and assistance so that students as individuals are able to understand, experience, and integrate values that become core values into their personalities. One branch of Islam that can be taught is Hadith. The purpose of teaching hadith in early childhood is to shape and develop good personality and character. Keywords: early childhood, character formation, Hadith


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    The purpose of this study is to discuss the urgency of Islamic education for children and how the theory of character formation of children according to Abdullah Nashih Ulwan. This research is a qualitative study with the type of library research (library research), and the data analysis technique uses inductive and deductive. The findings of this study can be concluded: first, Islamic education is education oriented to the five pillars of religion, namely faith, etiquette, morals, worship, and muamalat. Two pillars are closely related to the afterlife, namely faith and worship. While the other three pillars are related to world affairs, namely morals, manners and muamalat. If you accept the pillars as intended in education, this education will give birth to people who have strong faith, truly worship, both moral and ethical, and are able to involve the community and be involved in life in accordance with the skills (expertise) they have. Second, the theory of the formation of children's characters in accordance with Ulwan began since the creation, and the formation of children's characters to become a being insan kamil (perfect human being) is not enough just to reform the morals, but must discuss some aspects of coaching, good faith education, religious education, moral education, scientific education, and physical education. Because humans are not only like walking objects, but humans consist of spirits and bodies. The morality that is seen is the fruit of the faith and spirituality that is in the soul and feelings. Likewise man was created not to live alone, but he is a social creature that lives and bermuamalah with others

    Implementation Of Habituation Program Of Tadarus Al-Qur'an In Love Building Of Al-Quran At Students Of Smp Muhammadiyah 15sedayulawas Brondong Lamongan

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    Abstract This study aims to delve into the implementation of program habituation of tadarus Qur'an in coaching love of the Qur'an at students of SMP Muhammadiyah 15 SedayulawasBrondongLamongan. This study used a qualitative research, with descriptive approach. The process of data collection was done by using the instrument of observation, interviews and documentation. The data have been collected and analyzedby the collection, reduction, and presentation of data and the conclusion in accordance with the scope of the problem. The results of this study indicated that habituation of tadarus Qur'an program in SMP Muhammadiyah 15 SedayulawasBrondongLamongan is for students to read the Qur'an held every morning before starting the lesson, the program of conditioning tadarus the Qur'an aims to establish thestudent Islamic character that is loving Qur'an more by reading or listening happily. Therefore, this activity becomes a tradition that is deemed suitable for the students in religious activities and as a means of well habituation in daily activities in the realm of religion that led to the approach of the Qur'an. Keywords: Tadarusal-Qur’an, Habituation, Buildinglove of the al-Qur’a


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    AbstractThis research aims to reveal the basis of the halaqah practice in the Pesantrenal-Islam Lamongan, the implementation of the learning and formation ofcharacter through halaqah, and the way the system may build Islamic personality.The method used in this reseach was qualitative. The results of this researchare as follows. Firstly, the halaqah practiced in the pesantren al-Islam was basedon the ideas presented by the kyais and the management as formulized inthe khiththah of the pesantren namely to have a rabbani generation with faithand sincerity, good morals, high spirituality, wide knowledge insights, healthyand strong physical condition, and readiness to make some propaganda aboutIslam. Secondly, the implementation of halaqah in Pesantren al-Islam maybe classified into two categories. (1) halaqah taklim, intended to give someinsights to the santries on the right aqidah and the correct worship. Theemployed techniques of the halaqah implementation were bandongan, soroganor the combination of the two. (2) halaqah tarbiyah, intended to build santriesto become muslims with noble morals and with some awareness and spirits ofteaching and of struggling Islam. The technique of the halaqah implementationis to give materials of tazkiyat al-nafs accompanied with ‘amaliah ibadah sunnah,and teaching and harakah materials and also guidance in reciting the HolyQur’an and in guiding the characters. Keywords: Halaqah, Character Building, Pesantren

    Enzyme activity of Ascaridia galli Llarvae was inhibited by Phenil Methanyl Methane Sulfonyl Fluoride

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    Enzyme catalyse a broad spectrum of important biological reactions, including protein metabolism and immune reactions. A study was carried out to partial characterize enzyme from exretory/secretory of A. galli L3 stage based on influence of inhibitor. A. galli L3 were recovered from intestines of 100 heads chickens 7 days after oesophagus inoculation with 6000 L2. L3 recovered in this manner were cultured (5 – 10 ml-1) in flasks containing rosswell park memorial institute (RPMI) 1640 media, pH 6.8, without phenol red. Cultures were incubated at 370C in 5% CO2 and culture fluid was collected after 3 days in culture. Excretory/secretory was prepared from metabolic product of L3 released in culture medium. The enzyme activity was assayed against casein 2%. The amount of concentration was determined from the absorbance at 595 nm. Inhibitor sensitivity on enzyme activity was studied in phenil methanyl methane sulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) 0,5 and 1 mM.    The result showed that enzyme activity of A. galli larvae was inhibited by PMSF 0.5 and 1 mM, which enzyme activity remainded 1,8 and 0%, respectively. The results indicate that the excretory/secretory secreted by L3  A. galli contained serine proteas

    Use of Learning Resources to Improve Learning Quality of Islamic Education in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah of Mutiara Bunda Surabaya

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    Use of learning resource in improving the quality of learning in Islamic Religious Education Subjects at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) in Mutiara Bunda Surabaya, Thesis of Islamic Education Study Program, Postgraduate Program, Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya. The research was motivated by educational problems, starting from the lack of enthusiasm for student learning, student apathy towards lessons, not conducive to the learning process and the rise of student online games. The formulation of the problem of this thesis, First, how to use learning resources in improving the quality of learning in Islamic Religious Education subjects in MI that was elementary school. Mutiara Bunda Surabaya. Second, how was the function of using learning resources in MI. Mutiara Bunda Surabaya. Third, what was the impact of the use of learning resources in MI. Mutiara Bunda Surabaya. This type of research was a field research that collected primary data through interviews with the deputy head of Madrasah, MI teachers and students in Mutiara Bunda. Secondary data was from literature and MI documents in Mutiara Bund. After all the data collected were analysed qualitatively, in descriptive form. The results were concluded that the use of appropriate and maximum learning resources can improve the quality of learning, namely first using modules or worksheets, libraries, internet, resource persons and the environment. The two functions of learning sources as sources of information were motivating, providing comprehensive experiences and instilling new concepts to students. The three impacts of using learning resources provided positive motivation and direct learning experiences. Supporting factors were policies of the principal of madrasah, motivation of teachers and families. Inhibiting factors were limited facilities and infrastructure, time, and low intention and motivation

    The Leadership of School Principals in Management Student at SMPI Alhuda Brondong Lamongan

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    This study is intended to discuss: 1) How leadership head school islamic junior high school al-huda brondong lamongan? 2) How management in junior high school student islamic al-huda brondong lamongan? 3) The extent to which leadership school principals in the junior high school student islamic al-huda brondong lamongan? The kind of research this is qualitative using descriptive analysis. Qualitative Engineering data collection in this research: observation , interview and documentation. While engineering analysis of the research is, data collection data, display data reduction and data conclution. The result of this research concluded: 1) Junior high school principals islam al-huda brondong lamongan has run its role in accordance with its scope. In his leadership school principals have tried to improve school, put out the quality of education and his leadership. 2) A form of implementation student managemen

    Saintific Approach on Islamic Religious Education Curriculum in The Perspective of Al-Qur’an

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    The purpose of this study is to find out how to conceptualize scientific approaches on Islamic education curriculum, and how to analyze the scientific approach in Islamic religious education curriculum in the perspective of the Qur'an. This study used the library research method, while the data collection method used the documentation method. In data analysis or processing, the author used thematic methods. The results of this study are the concept of a scientific approach consisting of five activities including observing, asking, exploring/trying, reasoning/associating, and communicating which in relation to the  perspective of Qur’an is that the five processes are demands for humans to be able to observe everything around them that is also a science, and should ask everything that has not been understood to the experts, then be able to practice or try to understand what has been received and used reason as best as possible so that there are no unfavorable perceptions that have no basis or just to conclude without any consideration of how it can strengthen that knowledge, then in the process of communicating we should be able to convey a knowledge that we have understood to others who do not understand it as in the verse, and overall it also demands in order to be able to think intellectually. Keywords: Scientific, Curriculum and Islamic Religious Educatio
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