7,192 research outputs found

    The relationship between infectious diseases and housing maintenance in indigenous Australian households

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    © 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This research aimed to identify systemic housing-level contributions to infectious disease transmission for Indigenous Australians, in response to the Government program to ‘close the gap’ of health and other inequalities. A narrative literature review was performed in accordance to PRISMA guidelines. The findings revealed a lack of housing maintenance was associated with gastrointestinal infections, and skin-related diseases were associated with crowding. Diarrhoea was associated with the state of food preparation and storage areas, and viral conditions such as influenza were associated with crowding. Gastrointestinal, skin, ear, eye, and respiratory illnesses are related in various ways to health hardware functionality, removal and treatment of sewage, crowding, presence of pests and vermin, and the growth of mould and mildew. The research concluded that infectious disease transmission can be reduced by improving housing conditions, including adequate and timely housing repair and maintenance, and the enabling environment to perform healthy behaviours

    Surprises in the suddenly-expanded infinite well

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    I study the time-evolution of a particle prepared in the ground state of an infinite well after the latter is suddenly expanded. It turns out that the probability density ∣Ψ(x,t)∣2|\Psi(x, t)|^{2} shows up quite a surprising behaviour: for definite times, {\it plateaux} appear for which ∣Ψ(x,t)∣2|\Psi(x, t)|^{2} is constant on finite intervals for xx. Elements of theoretical explanation are given by analyzing the singular component of the second derivative ∂xxΨ(x,t)\partial_{xx}\Psi(x, t). Analytical closed expressions are obtained for some specific times, which easily allow to show that, at these times, the density organizes itself into regular patterns provided the size of the box in large enough; more, above some critical time-dependent size, the density patterns are independent of the expansion parameter. It is seen how the density at these times simply results from a construction game with definite rules acting on the pieces of the initial density.Comment: 24 pages, 14 figure

    Flavor Structure in F-theory Compactifications

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    F-theory is one of frameworks in string theory where supersymmetric grand unification is accommodated, and all the Yukawa couplings and Majorana masses of right-handed neutrinos are generated. Yukawa couplings of charged fermions are generated at codimension-3 singularities, and a contribution from a given singularity point is known to be approximately rank 1. Thus, the approximate rank of Yukawa matrices in low-energy effective theory of generic F-theory compactifications are minimum of either the number of generations N_gen = 3 or the number of singularity points of certain types. If there is a geometry with only one E_6 type point and one D_6 type point over the entire 7-brane for SU(5) gauge fields, F-theory compactified on such a geometry would reproduce approximately rank-1 Yukawa matrices in the real world. We found, however, that there is no such geometry. Thus, it is a problem how to generate hierarchical Yukawa eigenvalues in F-theory compactifications. A solution in the literature so far is to take an appropriate factorization limit. In this article, we propose an alternative solution to the hierarchical structure problem (which requires to tune some parameters) by studying how zero mode wavefunctions depend on complex structure moduli. In this solution, the N_gen x N_gen CKM matrix is predicted to have only N_gen entries of order unity without an extra tuning of parameters, and the lepton flavor anarchy is predicted for the lepton mixing matrix. We also obtained a precise description of zero mode wavefunctions near the E_6 type singularity points, where the up-type Yukawa couplings are generated.Comment: 148 page

    A review of physical supply and EROI of fossil fuels in China

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    This paper reviews China’s future fossil fuel supply from the perspectives of physical output and net energy output. Comprehensive analyses of physical output of fossil fuels suggest that China’s total oil production will likely reach its peak, at about 230 Mt/year (or 9.6 EJ/year), in 2018; its total gas production will peak at around 350 Bcm/year (or 13.6 EJ/year) in 2040, while coal production will peak at about 4400 Mt/year (or 91.9 EJ/year) around 2020 or so. In terms of the forecast production of these fuels, there are significant differences among current studies. These differences can be mainly explained by different ultimately recoverable resources assumptions, the nature of the models used, and differences in the historical production data. Due to the future constraints on fossil fuels production, a large gap is projected to grow between domestic supply and demand, which will need to be met by increasing imports. Net energy analyses show that both coal and oil and gas production show a steady declining trend of EROI (energy return on investment) due to the depletion of shallow-buried coal resources and conventional oil and gas resources, which is generally consistent with the approaching peaks of physical production of fossil fuels. The peaks of fossil fuels production, coupled with the decline in EROI ratios, are likely to challenge the sustainable development of Chinese society unless new abundant energy resources with high EROI values can be found

    Sampling strategies and biodiversity of influenza A subtypes in wild birds

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    Wild aquatic birds are recognized as the natural reservoir of avian influenza A viruses (AIV), but across high and low pathogenic AIV strains, scientists have yet to rigorously identify most competent hosts for the various subtypes. We examined 11,870 GenBank records to provide a baseline inventory and insight into patterns of global AIV subtype diversity and richness. Further, we conducted an extensive literature review and communicated directly with scientists to accumulate data from 50 non-overlapping studies and over 250,000 birds to assess the status of historic sampling effort. We then built virus subtype sample-based accumulation curves to better estimate sample size targets that capture a specific percentage of virus subtype richness at seven sampling locations. Our study identifies a sampling methodology that will detect an estimated 75% of circulating virus subtypes from a targeted bird population and outlines future surveillance and research priorities that are needed to explore the influence of host and virus biodiversity on emergence and transmission

    Dirac Equation with Spin Symmetry for the Modified P\"oschl-Teller Potential in DD-dimensions

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    We present solutions of the Dirac equation with spin symmetry for vector and scalar modified P\"oschl-Teller potential within framework of an approximation of the centrifugal term. The relativistic energy spectrum is obtained using the Nikiforov-Uvarov method and the two-component spinor wavefunctions are obtain are in terms of the Jacobi polynomials. It is found that there exist only positive-energy states for bound states under spin symmetry, and the energy levels increase with the dimension and the potential range parameter α\alpha.Comment: 9 pages and 1tabl

    A novel pathway producing dimethylsulphide in bacteria is widespread in soil environments

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    The volatile compound dimethylsulphide (DMS) is important in climate regulation, the sulphur cycle and signalling to higher organisms. Microbial catabolism of the marine osmolyte dimethylsulphoniopropionate (DMSP) is thought to be the major biological process generating DMS. Here we report the discovery and characterisation of the first gene for DMSP-independent DMS production in any bacterium. This gene, mddA, encodes a methyltransferase that methylates methanethiol (MeSH) and generates DMS. MddA functions in many taxonomically diverse bacteria including sediment-dwelling pseudomonads, nitrogen-fixing bradyrhizobia and cyanobacteria, and mycobacteria, including the pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The mddA gene is present in metagenomes from varied environments, being particularly abundant in soil environments, where it is predicted to occur in up to 76% of bacteria. This novel pathway may significantly contribute to global DMS emissions, especially in terrestrial environments, and could represent a shift from the notion that DMSP is the only significant precursor of DMS

    Epigenetics as a mechanism driving polygenic clinical drug resistance

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    Aberrant methylation of CpG islands located at or near gene promoters is associated with inactivation of gene expression during tumour development. It is increasingly recognised that such epimutations may occur at a much higher frequency than gene mutation and therefore have a greater impact on selection of subpopulations of cells during tumour progression or acquisition of resistance to anticancer drugs. Although laboratory-based models of acquired resistance to anticancer agents tend to focus on specific genes or biochemical pathways, such 'one gene : one outcome' models may be an oversimplification of acquired resistance to treatment of cancer patients. Instead, clinical drug resistance may be due to changes in expression of a large number of genes that have a cumulative impact on chemosensitivity. Aberrant CpG island methylation of multiple genes occurring in a nonrandom manner during tumour development and during the acquisition of drug resistance provides a mechanism whereby expression of multiple genes could be affected simultaneously resulting in polygenic clinical drug resistance. If simultaneous epigenetic regulation of multiple genes is indeed a major driving force behind acquired resistance of patients' tumour to anticancer agents, this has important implications for biomarker studies of clinical outcome following chemotherapy and for clinical approaches designed to circumvent or modulate drug resistance
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