13 research outputs found

    Faktor Determinan Status Kesehatan Bayi Neonatal di Rskdia Siti Fatimah Makassar

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    Background : Aim of the research was to acknowledge the effect of neonatal baby weight, age of birth giving, breast milk feeding on neonatal babys health status.Methode : The research design was a cross sectional study, with interview method and homevisit of 160 respondents. Samples were withdrawn with simple random sampling method. Data was analyzed with simple linier regression test, continued with multiple linier regression test.Results : Results of the research indicated that the weight of neonatal baby, the age of birth giving mother, age of pregnancy, and breast milk feeding have influences on the neonatal babys health status. Of the four variables, two of them were observed to have dominant influences of the baby health status in neoantal period in Siti Fatimah RSKDIA Makassar, i.e (?) 0.374 p=0,000 (37.4%) and mother breast feeding (?) 0.306 p=0.000 (30.6%)

    Status Gizi dan Riwayat Komplikasi Kehamilan sebagai Determinan Kejadian Komplikasi Persalinan di Kab. Mamuju

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    Komplikasi persalinan adalah keadaan yang mengancam jiwa ibu ataupun janin karena gangguan sebagai akibat langsung dari kehamilan atau persalinan yang membutuhkan manajemen obstetri tanpa ada perencanaan sebelumnya dan merupakan salah satu penyebab terbesar kematian ibu di Indonesia, tetapi dapat dicegah melalui deteksi dini terhadap kehamilan maupun persalinan dengan risiko. Penelitian ini bertujuan menetapkan besarnya risiko (status gizi, penyakit ibu, riwayat komplikasi kehamilan, riwayat persalinan sebelumnya dengan tindakan, kualitas ANC, dan penolong persalinan), serta mengetahui variabel yang memberi risiko dominan terhadap kejadian komplikasi persalinan di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kabupaten Mamuju. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah case control study. Penarikan sampel dilakukan dengan metode simple random sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 174 responden yang terdiri dari 58 responden untuk kasus dan 116 responden untuk kontrol pada ibu yang bersalin di lokasi penelitian dan memenuhi kriteria yang telah ditetapkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari enam variabel yang diduga berisiko terhadap kejadian komplikasi persalinan hanya ada dua yang secarasignifikan berisiko terhadap kejadian komplikasi persalinan yaitu status gizi (OR=2,862) dan riwayat komplikasi kehamilan (OR=5,587). Dari dua variabel tersebut variabel yang paling dominan berisiko terhadap kejadian komplikasipersalinan adalah riwayat komplikasi kehamilan

    Determinants Affecting Toddler Nutritional Status in Public Health Centre of Yomdori, Biak Numfor

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    Toddlers are included in the nutrition community groups vulnerable groups. Nutritional status of children have an enormous influence in creating quality human resources in the future. Direct factor as a cause of nutritional status is nutrition and infectious diseases related to diet, number of family members and social culture. This study aims to determine the effect of diet, family size, family income level, social culture and history of infectious diseases of the status of children in the health center GIZ Yomdori Noemfoor Biak district. This study was an observational study with case control study design. Samples taken as many as 90 people as respondent to control the number of cases 45 and 45. The data was collected from interviews and questionnaires nutrition status of medical records. Data were analyzed by the odds ratio. The results showed that the diet (OR = 4.529; 95% CI: 1.852 to 11.077; p = 0.001), number of family members (OR = 13.054; 95% CI: 22,797- 60.922; p = 0.000), the level of family income (OR = 4.529; 1.852 to 11.077; p = 0.001) and a history of infectious disease (OR = 8.125; 2.868 to 23.019; p = 0.000) affect the nutritional status of children in the health center Yomdori Biak Numfor. While socio-cultural (OR = 42.406; 0.995 to 5.818; p = 0.079) did not affect the nutritional status of children in the health center Yomdori Biak Numfor. The dominant factor affecting the status of GIZ toddler is eating, family size and family income level history of infectious diseases. Determinants of the nutritional status of children is diet (p = 0.002; OR = 7.992), number of family members (p = 0.003; OR = 18.901), the level of family income (p = 0.025; OR = 4.863) and a history of infectious disease (p = 0.000; OR = 11.957)

    Analisis Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Ketidaklancaran Produksi ASI pada Ibu Nifas di Ruang Nifas BLUD RSU Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara Tahun 2011

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    According to WHO’s data, the coverage of exclusive breastmilk is still low for both develop and poor countries. One of the reasons of that condition is low breastmilk production of porturition woman. It reveals that the failure of giving breastmilk, particularly exclusive breastmilk is caused by breastmilk production deficiency since the first day of baby’s birth. Therefore, the baby is more often given prelactal food which is not good. This research investigated relationship of nutrient state, breast treatment, ANC Story, and IMD with breastmilk production deficiency. A cross sectional design study was conducted for 138 samples (samples were determined with simple random sampling method). There were two statistic test, those were bivariate statistic test by chi square and multivariate by logistic regression.The results showed that nutrient state (p = 0.000), breast treatment (p = 0.000), ANC Story (p = 0.000) and IMD (p = 0.000) had a relationship to breastmilk production deficiency. It was obtained from logistic regression test that IMD was the most influent factor involved in breastmilk production deficiency (wald 23.670; p = 0.000).Those results indicated that counseling training program for midwife about giving breastmilk need to be increased and IMD implementation acquire to be optimized. It is also important to increase elucidation and socialization about the importance of giving exclusive breastmilk everytime the pregnant woman doing checkup.Key words : Breastmilk production deficiency, IM

    The Effect of propolis to blood glucose and total cholesterol of prediabetes patients

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    Prediabetes is considered as the initial phase of macrovaskular disease associated with increase of blood glucose and cholesterol level. The effect of propolis to treat fasting blood glucose, glucose tolerance, total cholesterol was examined. Experimental Research with Randomized Clinical Trial (RCT) design was utilized in the study. Intervention given was propolis at dose 50 mg/kg bwt and health education administered for 20 days. The quality of propolis was 20%extract and quercetin content 25.29 mg/L tested by Biofarmaka Laboratory Test of Hasanuddin University, health education used counseling strategy. Thesamples were 64 prediabetic patients consist of 32 patients treated with propolis and 32 treated with health education. The result of Wilcoxon with significant level of 0.05 has proved significantly decreased fasting blood glucose, glucose tolerance and total cholesterol respectively 14.28 (p=0.000), 23.16 (p=0.000) and 16.3 (p=0.000) The result of group given propolis as significant as health education group respectively fasting blood glucose 14.9 (p=0.001), glucose tolerance 13.98 (p=0.000) and total cholesterol 9.76 (p=0.021). Giving propolis and health education are effective for the change of fasting blood glucose,glucose tolerance and total cholesterol. Propolis is potential to use as a pharmacology therapy for prediabetes

    Factors Affecting of Pure K1

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    Maternal mortality rate in Indonesia is still high. Efforts handling is performed with the frequency of antenatal care visits four times during pregnancy. But the tendency of mothers in antenatal care regularly and on time is still low. This study aims to investigate the influence of age, education, work, knowledge, attitudes, affordability of health facilities, support her husband and family income of the pure K1 and K4 visit in Kanda Health Centre, Jayapura district. This is an observational study with cross sectional design. Samples taken as many as 131 people as respondents. The data collection questionnaire from the interview. Data were analyzed by chi-square test and prevalence ratio. The results showed that age is not a factor affecting to visit pure K1 and K4 in the Kanda health centre, district of Jayapura (p = 1.000; RP = 0.973; 0.390 to 2.292). Education (P = 0.000; RP = 1.963; 1.481 to 2.601), occupation (p = 0.010; RP = 1.753 (1.123 to 2.737), knowledge (p = 0.000; RP = 5.464; 2.715 to 11.000). Attitude (p = 0.000 ; RP = 3.245; 1.886 to 5.584), the support of her husband (p = 0.044; RP = 1.523; 1.016 to 2.285) and the affordability of health facilities (p = 0.000; RP = 3.102; 1.887 to 5.097) as well as income family (p = 0.004; RP = 1.772; 1.186 to 2.647) are factors that influence the pure K1 and K4 visit in Kanda Health Centre, Jayapura district


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    JURNAL MASYARAKAT EPIDEMIOLOGI INDONESIAAbstract\ud \ud Teenstodaysusceptiblevariousthreatsespeciallyhealthrisksrelated sexualandreproductivehealth. This studyaimed todetermine effect ofthe simulationgameand brainstormingmethod on knowledgeandattitudesPIK-R SMA about adolescent reproductive healthin SMA5, SMA15andSMA21Makassar. This study uses aquasi-experimentaldesignwith arandomized control grouppretest-posttest design. Samples114PIK-R broad member.Samplingby simple randomsampling.Data was collectedusing questionnaire. Datawere analyzedbypaired t test, Wilcoxon, Mann-Whitney, andOne-Way ANOVA. Results of this studyindicatethatrespondentswithfemale genderin all threestudygroups, simulationgame86.8%, 52.6% brainstorming, andcontrol92.1%. The averageage ofrespondentswas 15years. There is statistically significant difference inaverageimprovementscore ofknowledgeandattitudeamonggroupsimulationgames, brainstorming, andcontrolat the time ofpost-test(p =0.000). There isthe influence ofsimulationgametoincreaseknowledge score(p =0.000) andattitude(p =0.000) respondentsaboutreproductive health. There isinfluence ofbrainstormingmethodstoincreaseknowledge score(p =0.000) andattitude(p =0.000) respondentsaboutreproductive health. Gamesimulation methodwas more effective thanbrainstormingmethodto improvethe attitudescoreswhilebrainstormingmethodis moreeffectivethan themethod ofsimulationgamesin improvingknowledge score. Healtheducationon adolescent reproductive healthusingsimulationgamesandbrainstormingcan increasetheir knowledge andattitudesasprimary prevention inadolescentboys and girlsin Makassar.\ud \ud Keywords :Simulationgames, brainstorming, knowledge, attitudes, reproductivehealt