35,238 research outputs found

    Predicting and improving the recognition of emotions

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    The technological world is moving towards more effective and friendly human computer interaction. A key factor of these emerging requirements is the ability of future systems to recognise human emotions, since emotional information is an important part of human-human communication and is therefore expected to be essential in natural and intelligent human-computer interaction. Extensive research has been done on emotion recognition using facial expressions, but all of these methods rely mainly on the results of some classifier based on the apparent expressions. However, the results of classifier may be badly affected by the noise including occlusions, inappropriate lighting conditions, sudden movement of head and body, talking, and other possible problems. In this paper, we propose a system using exponential moving averages and Markov chain to improve the classifier results and somewhat predict the future emotions by taking into account the current as well as previous emotions


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    One of important things that a speaker should pay attention in delivering a speech is constructing appeals. By constructing appeals in the speech, it will make the well-organized content of speech to be more influencing and convincing. In addition, constructing appeals in the speech is also primarily essential as it particularly impacts to the audience’s feeling. As Baird stated (1981: 19) the feelings toward the speaker are important determinants of listeners’ acceptance of the speaker’s message. Constructing audience’s appeals is an important point in communication in the objective of persuading audience (Baird, 1981:199). By constructing appeals in the message, the speaker can also motivate the listeners to attend the message and to persuade them. In addition, the speaker not only needs to give people reasons for doing or thinking things, we also need to stir their emotions so that those actions or thought are strong and long lasting. As a matured politician having well experienced in public speaking, Obama has many inspiring speeches which achieved immediate popularity around the world. Many of his speeches are broadcasted in video sharing web site like YouTube, garnering many views and being watched by million views around the world. One of his inspiring speeches is his victory speech delivered right after he won U.S. presidential election. Obama's victory speech is a powerful example speech in communication on how to connect with and inspire audiences. He gave his victory speech at Grant Park in his home city of Chicago, Illinois. There were tears of joy in Chicago when America's new president-elect Barack Obama took to the stage to speak to his supporters. It was watched by an estimated crowd of 240,000. Considered one of the most widely-watched and repeated political addresses in recent history, Obama's speech focused on the major issues facing the United States and the world, all echoed through his campaign slogan of change. Obama’s victory speech consists of influencing people's beliefs, values, attitudes, and behaviors. He persuaded people when he somehow convinced them, to think what he wanted them to think, feel what he wanted them to feel, or do what he wanted them to do. As a learner, I am interestingly interested to analyze strategies of constructing appeals in Obama’s victory speech as it is a model of great powerfully inspiring speech

    The alternative of green open space management in Jakarta City, Indonesia

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    At the present time, the application of policy management of urban green open space of Jakarta have many weakness that caused by overlapping management. There are three institutions of management of urban green open space, those are Park Service (Dinas Pertamanan),, Forest Service (Dinas Kehutanan),, and Agricultural Service (Dinas Pertanian), which are all of them are under the scope of local government of DKI Jakarta. The management consists of several basic activities, including planning and controlling, organizing, human resources, coordination and financing. The prominent indicator associated with the managing urban green open space that related to the aspect of "market failure", it is commonly indicated by public goods, asymmetry of information, externality and aspect of “government failure”. It is also indicated by problems lingered around regulation of law, bureaucracy and bureaucrat agent. The core of the main problems in the policy of management formulation of urban green open space in Jakarta is the lack of managements" of urban green open space of DKI Jakarta. This was indicated by variety of critics coming from the members of society in DKI Jakarta about the function of it, where it will result the impact of environment.In the relation to that problem, there are two questions raised: a. What caused the management of the urban green open space in DKI Jakarta unsuccessful? b. What kind of factors that hampered the management of the urban green open space? As the follow up of the questions above is giving the alternatives to solve that hampered, then, the question is, How is the policy alternative to solve the lack of management of the urban green open space in DKI JakartaThe objective of study is getting the policy to manage the urban green open space in DKI Jakarta. The reflecting of the objective above was explained in the set of policy such as in the regulation and the institutional

    Instruments as Playthings: An Alternative Methodology for the Study of Scientific Artefacts

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    This article proposes that thinking of scientific instruments as playthings or philosophical toys offers a method for looking at the ways in which we learn from made things and from the act of making in investigating the world. Rather than approaching artefacts as stable ob- jects, definable and categorisable in terms of their function, this method puts forward the instability and mobility of artefacts on several levels: in terms of their movements between hands, social contexts and systems of knowledge, in terms of their physical articulations and of their changing functions, and in terms of the flows and processes of materials at work within and through them

    Diversity of secondary metabolites from Genus Artocarpus (Moraceae)

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    Abstrak. Hakim A. 2010. Keanekaragaman metabolit sekunder Genus Artocarpus (Moraceae). Nusantara Bioscience 2:146-156. Beberapa spesies dari genus Artocarpus (Moraceae) telah diteliti kandungan bahan alamnya. Metabolit sekunder yang berhasil diisolasi dari genus Artocarpus terdiri dari terpenoid, flavonoid, stilbenoid, arilbenzofuran, neolignan, dan adduct Diels-Alder. Kelompok flavonoid merupakan senyawa yang paling banyak ditemukan dari tumbuhan Artocarpus. Senyawa flavonoid yang telah berhasil diisolasi dari tumbuhan Artocarpus memiliki kerangka yang beragam seperti calkon, flavanon, flavan-3-ol, flavon sederhana, prenilflavon, oksepinoflavon, piranoflavon, dihidrobenzosanton, furanodihidrobenzosanton, piranodihidrobenzosanton, kuinonosanton, siklolopentenosanton, santonolid, dihidrosanton. Kata kunci: Artocarpus, Moraceae, flavonoid, Diels-Alder, metabolit sekunder


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    Berdasarkan Perda Nomor 1 Tahun 2009 menjelaskan developer Jakarta harus menyerahkan fasos dan fasum sebesar 40% dan 60% untuk pembangunan perumahan, akan tetapi tidak semua developer menyerahkan fasos dan fasum berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut penulis memilih masalah ini. Penelitian ini dilakukan di kota Jakarta dengan sasaran penelitian pada Perumahan yang terdiri dari : perumahan milik pemerintah dan perumahan swasta, yang mana perumahan milik pemerintah yaitu Perumnas dan perumahan swasta yaitu PT. Baratama dan PT. Prima Karya Manunggal. Selain itu juga dilakukan penelitian pada Pemerintah Kota Jakarta Selatan yaitu pada Dinas Tata Ruang dan Bangunan kota Jakarta, Balai Kota Jakarta pada bagian Perlengkapan Sekretariat Kota Jakarta. Berdasarkan ini menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder dari hasil kuesioner, wawancara dan bahan-bahan hukum kemudian diuraikan dalam tabel frekuensi secara kualitatif dan deskriptif sehingga penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang bagaimana proses pengadaan dan penyerahan fasilitas sosial dan fasilitas umum dari developer kepada Pemerintah Daeah, dan bagaimana tanggung jawab Pemerintah Daerah dalam hal pengelolaan fasilitas-fasilitas tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelaksanan perjanjian penyediaan fasos dan fasum oleh devloper yakni hanya delapan yang menyediakan fasos dan fasum, sedangkan lainya tidak menyediakan karena penyediaan fasos dan fasum tidak diatur dalam (PPJB). Adapun tanggung jawab pemerintah daerah dalam penyediaan fasos dan fasum pemerintahan di Jakarta yaitu memanfaatkan fasos dan fasum sesuai dengan peruntukanya serta melakukan perawatany

    Equilibrium Relativistic Mass Distribution

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    The relativistic Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution for the system of NN events with motion in space-time parametrized by an invariant ``historical time'' τ\tau is considered without the simplifying approximation m2≅M2m^2\cong M^2, where MM is a given intrinsic property of the events. The relativistic mass distribution is obtained and the average values of mm and m2m^2 are calculated. The average value of the energy in nonrelativistic limit gives a correction of the order of 10\% to the Dulong-Petit law. Expressions for the pressure and the density of events are obtained and the ideal gas law is recovered.Comment: TAUP-2048-9

    Are Status of Women and Contraceptive Prevalence Correlated in Pakistan?

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    Pakistan with an estimated population of around 142.5 million in mid 2001 is the seventh most populous country in the world and fourth in Asia and Pacific countries. The historical trends indicate a continuously increasing growth in population (Table 1). The population of the area now constituting Pakistan was 16.6 million in 1901. Since then the population has increased over eight-fold. Annual growth rates have risen from 1 percent in the first three decades of the century to around 2 percent in the next three decades and after peaking at little over 3 percent in the 1960s, has started showing a declining trend. Currently it is estimated that Pakistan’s population is growing at around 2.1 percent, still a very high rate of annual growth in population. Major contributing factor to the fast growth in population of Pakistan has been high fertility which has remained high for a very long period. It is evident that nearly 100 million population has been added to the population of Pakistan since 1961, that is, during the last four decades. Such rapid growth in population has several adverse implications for the socio-economic development of the country which has been offsetting the gains in social and economic development.
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