55 research outputs found

    Solyanik estimates and local H\"older continuity of halo functions of geometric maximal operators

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    Let B\mathcal{B} be a homothecy invariant basis consisting of convex sets in Rn\mathbb{R}^n, and define the associated geometric maximal operator MBM_{\mathcal{B}} by MBf(x):=supxRB1RRf M_{\mathcal{B}} f(x) :=\sup_{x \in R \in \mathcal{B}}\frac{1}{|R|}\int_R |f| and the halo function ϕB(α)\phi_{\mathcal{B}}(\alpha) on (1,)(1,\infty) by ϕB(α):=supERn:0<E<1E{xRn:MBχE(x)>1/α}.\phi_{\mathcal B}(\alpha) :=\sup_{E \subset \mathbb{R}^n :\, 0 < |E| < \infty}\frac{1}{|E|}|\{x\in \mathbb{R}^n : M_{\mathcal{B}} \chi_E (x) >1/\alpha\}|. It is shown that if ϕB(α)\phi_{\mathcal{B}}(\alpha) satisfies the Solyanik estimate ϕB(α)1C(11α)p\phi_{\mathcal B}(\alpha) - 1 \leq C (1 - \frac{1}{\alpha})^p for α(1,)\alpha\in(1,\infty) sufficiently close to 1 then ϕB\phi_{\mathcal{B}} lies in the H\"older class Cp(1,) C^p(1,\infty). As a consequence we obtain that the halo functions associated with the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator and the strong maximal operator on Rn\mathbb{R}^n lie in the H\"older class C1/n(1,)C^{1/n}(1,\infty).Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure, minor typos corrected, incorporates referee's report, to appear in Adv. Mat

    Tauberian conditions, Muckenhoupt weights, and differentiation properties of weighted bases

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    We give an alternative characterization of the class of Muckenhoupt weights A,BA_{\infty, \mathfrak B} for homothecy invariant Muckenhoupt bases B\mathfrak B consisting of convex sets. In particular we show that wA,Bw\in A_{\infty, \mathfrak B} if and only if there exists a constant c>0c>0 such that for all measurable sets ERnE\subset \mathbb R^n we have w(xRn:MB(1E)(x)>1/2)<cw(E). w({x\in \mathbb R^n: M_{\mathfrak B} (\mathbf {1}_E)(x)>1/2}) < c w(E). This applies for example to the collection R\mathfrak R of rectangles with sides parallel to the coordinate axes, giving a new characterization of strong (multiparameter) Muckenhoupt weights. We also show versions of these results under the presence of a doubling measure. Thus the strong maximal function MR,μM_{\mathfrak R,\mu}, defined with respect to a product-doubling measure μ\mu, is bounded on Lp(μ)L^p(\mu) for some p>1p>1 if and only if μ(xRn:MR,μ(1E)(x)>1/2)<cμ(E)\mu({x\in \mathbb R^n: M_{\mathfrak R,\mu} (\mathbf{1}_E)(x)>1/2}) < c \mu(E) for all measurable sets ERnE\subset \mathbb R^n. Finally we discuss applications in differentiation theory, proving among other things that Tauberian conditions as above imply that the corresponding bases differentiate L(μ)L^\infty(\mu), with respect to the measure μ\mu.Comment: 35 pages, 1 figure, minor typos corrected, one reference added, incorporates referee's report; to appear in Trans. Amer. Math. So

    Lp(R2)L^p(\mathbb{R}^2) bounds for geometric maximal operators associated to homothecy invariant convex bases

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    Let B\mathcal{B} be a nonempty homothecy invariant collection of convex sets of positive finite measure in R2\mathbb{R}^2. Let MBM_\mathcal{B} be the geometric maximal operator defined by MBf(x)=supxRB1RRf  .M_\mathcal{B}f(x) = \sup_{x \in R \in \mathcal{B}}\frac{1}{|R|}\int_R |f|\;. We show that either MBM_\mathcal{B} is bounded on Lp(R2)L^p(\mathbb{R}^2) for every 1<p1 < p \leq \infty or that MBM_\mathcal{B} is unbounded on Lp(R2)L^p(\mathbb{R}^2) for every 1p<1 \leq p < \infty. As a corollary, we have that any density basis that is a homothecy invariant collection of convex sets in R2\mathbb{R}^2 must differentiate Lp(R2)L^p(\mathbb{R}^2) for every 1<p1 < p \leq \infty

    Weak Type Inequalities for Maximal Operators Associated to Double Ergodic Sums

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    Given an approach region Γ ∈ Z+2 and a pair U, V of commuting nonperiodic measure preserving transformations on a probability space (Ω, Σ, μ), it is shown that either the associated multiparameter ergodic averages of any function in L1(Ω) converge a.e. or that, given a positive increasing function ϕ on [0,∞) that is o(log x) as x → ∞, there exists a function g ∈ Lϕ(L)(Ω) whose associated multiparameter ergodic averages fail to converge a.e