9 research outputs found

    Proper and incorrect body posture in students from music schools

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    Introduction. The basic activity of a musician playing an instrument is movement and the related physical work of specific muscle slings. With contemporary curricula to teach playing instruments and the related load to the bone, muscular, cardiovascular and nervous systems, several properties of the specific physical activity should be taken into account.Material and Method. The statistical analysis concerned 190 girls and 203 boys. Mean age of the girls was 14.25 years, with mean playing experience of 7.25 years. The test stand for evaluation of body posture and feet using the photogrammetric method is composed of a personal computer, software, screen and printer, projection-reception device with a camera for measurement of selected characteristics.Conclusion1. Long-term regular playing an instrument has a major effect on the angle of body bent in the sagittal plane. 2. Playing six of the analysed instruments leads to deepening of physiological spinal curvature: 3. The magnitude of selected sagittal spinal characteristics in students from music schools found in the study suggests implementation of prevention and correction programs.Wstęp. Podstawową aktywnością muzyka w czasie gry na instrumencie jest ruch i związana z tym praca fizyczna wybranych taśm mięśniowych.. Współczesny proces nauczania gry na instrumencie i związane z nim obciążenia układu kostnego, mięśniowego, krwionośnego i nerwowego wymagają uwzględnienia szeregu właściwości realizowanej aktywności fizycznejMateriał i metoda. Do analizy statystycznej zakwalifikowano 190 dziewcząt i 203 chłopców. Średnia wieku wśród dziewcząt wynosiła 14,25 roku, a staż gry 7,25 roku. Stanowisko do pomiaru wielkości cech postawy ciała i stóp metodą fotogrametryczną składa się z komputera i karty, programu, monitora i drukarki, urządzenia projekcyjno - odbiorczego z kamerą do pomiaru wybranych cech.Wnioski1. Wymuszona i długotrwała gra na wybranym instrumencie wpływa głownie na kąt zgięcia i wyprostu tułowia w płaszczyźnie strzałkowej. 2. Wykonawstwo na sześciu analizowanych instrumentach powoduje pogłębienie krzywizn fizjologicznych kręgosłupa: 3. Stwierdzone wielkości wybranych cech strzałkowych kręgosłupa u uczniów szkół muzycznych wymaga wprowadzenia postępowania profilaktyczno-korekcyjne

    Sexual dimorphism of the frequency of significant correlations between selected characteristics of body trunk and feet in young people aged 14 to 18 years

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    Hadlich R. Sexual dimorphism of the frequency of significant correlations between selected characteristics of body trunk and feet in young people aged 14 to 18 years. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2017;7(7):675-702 eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.841080 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/4677 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 1223 (26.01.2017). 1223 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Author (s) 2017; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 25.06.2017. Revised 2.07.2017. Accepted: 10.07.2017. Sexual dimorphism of the frequency of significant correlations between selected characteristics of body trunk and feet in young people aged 14 to 18 years Dymorfizm płciowy częstości istotnych związków wybranych cech tułowia z cechami stóp wśród 14 - 18-letniej młodzieży Hadlich Roland Kręg-Clinic, Strzeszyńska 192, Poznań, Poland Keywords: relationships, dimorphism, characteristics of body posture, feet, sex Słowa kluczowe: związki, dymorfizm, cechy postawy ciała, stóp, płeć I would like to thank very much Mirosław Mrozkowiak, PhD, for his invaluable help and access to a part of study results. Abstract Introduction. Sexual dimorphism in children aged 4 to 6 years, which concerns the number of characteristics of body trunk with significant correlations with the characteristics of feet and differentiating female from male individuals, is greater, with the characteristics showing more frequent correlations with the characteristics of feet in boys compared to girls. Furthermore, the number of the characteristics in the sagittal and frontal planes that differentiate girls is the same, whereas the characteristics that differentiate boys are those in the transverse, sagittal and frontal planes. Material and Method. The examinations conducted in a group of young people aged 14 to 18 years allowed for recording 2343 observations, including 1148 girls and 1195 boys, and values of 89 characteristics that describe body trunk and feet. The diagnostic stand used to measure selected characteristics using the photogrammetric method was composed of a personal computer, software, screen and printer, and a projection-reception device with a camera. Conclusion 1. Frequency of significant correlations between the characteristics of body trunk and feet that differentiate between boys and girls is higher, with boys showing more frequent correlations. Characteristics of frontal and transverse planes differentiate between the female individuals, whereas the characteristics of frontal and sagittal planes differentiate between male individuals. 2. The frequency of feet characteristics that most often show significant correlations between the characteristics of body trunk is the highest in boys compared to girls. These are morphological characteristics and those that characterize the longitudinal and transverse arches of the feet and finger disturbances. The characteristics that differentiate between girls describe only the longitudinal arch of the feet

    Wpływ wysiłku fizycznego stosowanego w ramach programu „Trzymaj się prosto” na wybrane cechy postawy ciała w płaszczyźnie strzałkowej dzieci w wieku 7-9 lat

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    Increasing attention is being paid to health and healthcare of pupils in Polish schools.The aim of the study was determining the impact of physical activity in the correction ‘Keep your body straight’ program on incorrect body postures in children aged 7-9 years.The study included 1864 children. The children participated in corrective activities within the ‘Keep your body straight’ program. Methodology of carrying out the analysis involved the measurement of physiological spinal curvatures and torso verticality in the habitual posture using a photogrammetric method in six half-year editions under the 3-year research program. Gender-based differences are statistically insignificant as regards: the inclination angle of the thoracic-lumbar spine (Beta) and the upper thoracic spine (Gamma), depth of lumbar lordosis (GLL-), depth of thoracic kyphosis (GKP), thoracic kyphosis length (DKP), height (RKP) and angle (KKP), lumbar lordosis length (DLL), height (RLL) and angle (KLL), torso flexion angle (KPT-). Statistically significant differences concerned: the inclination angle of the lumbar-sacral spine (Alfa), the sum of partial angles Delta (Alfa, Beta, Gamma) and torso extension angle (KPT).ConclusionsCorrective activities in the ‘Keep your body straight’ program combined with education of parents are effective means in the correction process of body postures concerning physiological spinal curvatures in children aged 7-9 years.Physical activity applied within the program significantly influenced all the features describing lumbar lordosis, thoracic kyphosis and trunk verticality.The effectiveness of the program can be enhanced by an individual approach to every ‘incorrect’ posture in a child, which could not be achieved due to insufficient school funds.W polskich szkołach coraz więcej uwagi poświęca się problematyce zdrowia i opieki zdrowotnej ucznia.Określenie wpływu wysiłku fizycznego w ramach programu korekcyjnego „Trzymaj się prosto” na błędy postawy ciała 7-9 letnich dzieci.Badaniami objęto 1864 dzieci. Dzieci uczestniczyły w programowych zajęciach korekcyjnych „Trzymaj się prosto”. Metodyka badań obejmowała pomiar metodą fotogrametryczną strzałkowych krzywizn fizjologicznych kręgosłupa i wertykalności tułowia w postawie habitualnej w 6 edycjach 3-letniego programu badawczego.Różnice międzypłciowe są statystycznie nieistotne w: kącie nachylenia odcinka piersiowo-lędźwiowego (Beta) i piersiowego górnego (Gamma), głębokości lordozy lędźwiowej (GLL-), głębokości kifozy piersiowej (GKP), długości (DKP), wysokości (RKP) i kącie kifozy piersiowej (KKP), długości (DLL), wysokości (RLL) i kącie (KLL) lordozy lędźwiowej, kącie zgięcia tułowia (KPT-). Natomiast statystycznie istotnie: kącie nachylenia odcinka lędźwiowo-krzyżowego kręgosłupa (Alfa), sumy kątów cząstkowych Delta (Alfa, Beta, Gamma) i kącie wyprostu tułowia (KPT).   WnioskiZastosowany program ćwiczeń korekcyjnych „Trzymaj się prosto” połączony z edukacją rodziców jest skutecznym środkiem w procesie naprawczym postawy ciała  dzieci w obrębie krzywizn fizjologicznych kręgosłupa w wieku od 7 do 9 lat.Zastosowany wysiłek fizyczny wpłynął w znaczącym stopniu na wszystkie cech opisujące lordozę lędźwiową, kifozę piersiową i wertykalność tułowia.Efektywność programu można zwielokrotnić, indywidualnym podejściem do każdej „błędliwej” postawy dziecka, czego nie udało się zrealizować ze względu ograniczone środki finansowe szkoły

    Correlations and coexistence of characteristics describing body posture and feet in children of both sexes aged 4 to 6 years

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    Introduction. The process of development of physiological curvatures and the foot arch has been explored by numerous researchers in various fields of science. From the standpoint of current state of knowledge, this problem should be considered in spatial terms and with regard to the several-level biokinetic chain formed by spine, pelvis and lower limbs.The aim of this study was to determine the significance of the correlation between selected characteristics that describe the system of pelvis, spine and feet in the population of both sexes aged 4 to 6.Material and methods. The examinations conducted in a group of children and young people aged 4 to 6 years allowed for recording 2,978 observations, including 1,472 girls and 1,506 boys, and values of 121 characteristics that describe body posture and feet across individual age and sex categories. The test stand for evaluation of body posture and feet using the photogrammetric method is composed of a personal computer, software, screen and printer, and projection-reception device with a camera for measurement of selected characteristics. Conclusions.The most frequent and strongest correlations and their coexistence with the characteristics in the area of feet occur among girls and boys aged 5 years with characteristics of the spine-pelvis system at the age of 4 and 6 years.No regularities and logical relationships were found between the parameters of the pelvis-spine-feet system in any age range and any sex.Among the characteristics which describe the pelvis-spine system and are most often correlated with feet characteristics are the characteristics of the frontal plane, followed by the characteristics of the transverse plane. Furthermore, among the characteristics of the feet which are most often correlated with the parameters of the pelvis and spine system are the characteristics that describe  valgus and varus deformities of hallux and fifth toe

    Związki oraz współwystępowanie cech opisujących postawę ciała i stóp u dzieci i młodzieży obojga płci wieku od 7 do 13 lat

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    Introduction. Few publications have addressed the static-dynamic correlations of characteristics concerning the regions of feet and pelvic girdle. The problem was explored by Mięsowicz. Development of IT solutions allows for a more comprehensive approach to evaluation of body posture and examination of temporal and spatial relationships between individual components and evaluation of spatial balance in the vertical body posture. The aim of this study was to determine the significance of the correlation between selected characteristics that describe the system of the pelvis, spine and feet in the population of children of both sexes aged 7 to 13. Material and methods. The examinations conducted in a group of children and young people aged 7 to 13 years allowed for recording 12,898 observations, including 6,938 girls and 5,960 boys, and values of 121 characteristics that describe body posture and feet across individual age and sex categories. The test stand for evaluation of body posture and feet using the photogrammetric method is composed of a personal computer, software, screen and printer, and projection-reception device with a camera for measurement of selected parameters. Conclusions: 1. The most frequent and strongest correlations and their coexistence with the characteristics in the area of feet occur in the groups of girls aged 11 and 12 years and boys aged 11, 12 and 13 years. 2. No regularities and logical relationships were found between the parameters of the pelvis-spine-feet system in any age range and any sex. Among the characteristics which describe the pelvis-spine system and are most often correlated with feet characteristics are the characteristics of the sagittal and frontal planes, followed by less pronounced characteristics of the transverse plane. Furthermore, among the characteristics of the feet which are most often correlated with the parameters of the pelvis and spine system are the characteristics that describe valgus and varus deformities of the fifth toe and varus deformity of the hallux of the right foot

    Ocena wpływu stosowania ćwiczeń równoważnych, przy użyciu zestawu mebli "Kivak", na poprawę wybranych wskaźników stabilometrycznych u 7–letnich dzieci = Evaluation of the impact of balance exercises with the "Kivak" furniture set on the improvement of the selected stabilometric factors in 7-year-old children

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    Szurmik Tomasz, Kurzeja Piotr, Bibrowicz Karol, Hadlich Roland. Ocena wpływu stosowania ćwiczeń równoważnych, przy użyciu zestawu mebli „Kivak”, na poprawę wybranych wskaźników stabilometrycznych u 7–letnich dzieci = Evaluation of the impact of balance exercises with the “Kivak” furniture set on the improvement of the selected stabilometric factors in 7-year-old children. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(12):424-440. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.205827 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/4073 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 754 (09.12.2016). 754 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Author (s) 2016; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 01.12.2016. Revised 12.12.2016. Accepted: 16.12.2016. OCENA WPŁYWU STOSOWANIA ĆWICZEŃ RÓWNOWAŻNYCH, PRZY UŻYCIU ZESTAWU MEBLI „KIVAK”, NA POPRAWĘ WYBRANYCH WSKAŹNIKÓW STABILOMETRYCZNYCH U 7–LETNICH DZIECI EVALUATION OF THE IMPACT OF BALANCE EXERCISES WITH THE “KIVAK” FURNITURE SET ON THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE SELECTED STABILOMETRIC FACTORS IN 7-YEAR-OLD CHILDREN Tomasz Szurmik1, Piotr Kurzeja2, Karol Bibrowicz3, Roland Hadlich4 1 Uniwersytet Śląski, Wydział Etnologii i Nauk o Edukacji w Cieszynie 2 Podhalańska Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Nowym Targu 3 Wyższa Szkoła Edukacji i Terapii w Poznaniu 4 Kręg-Clinic, 192 Strzeszyńska, Poznań Tomasz Szurmik1, Piotr Kurzeja2, Karol Bibrowicz3, Roland Hadlich4 1 University of Silesia, Faculty of Ethnology and Educational Science in Cieszyn 2 Podhale State College of Applied Sciences in Nowy Targ 3 College of Education and Therapy in Poznań 4 Kręg-Clinic, 192 Strzeszyńska, Poznań Streszczenie Cel. W prezentowanym doniesieniu podjęto problem oceny wpływu stosowania ćwiczeń równoważnych przy użyciu zestawu mebli “KIVAK” na poprawę wybranych wskaźników stabilometrycznych u 7 letnich dzieci. Metoda: Badaniami objęto 66 osobową grupę dzieci w wieku 7 lat. Dla oceny wpływu ćwiczeń równoważnych przy użyciu zestawu „KIVAK” na badane zmienne, badaną grupę podzielono na dwie trzydziestotrzyosobowe podgrupy: badawczą używającą zestaw mebli „KIVAK” oraz wykonującą ćwiczenia równoważne z użyciem siedziska oraz kontrolną, dzieci nie używających zestawu. Program badań obejmował ocenę zmian kontroli stabilności posturalnej. Badania przeprowadzono dwukrotnie z wykorzystaniem dwupłytowej platformy balansowej CQ-electronic). Wyniki: Zastosowana terapia przyniosła pozytywne zmiany większości parametrów w obu badanych grupach. Zaobserwowano bardziej wyraźną poprawę w grupie badawczej. Szczególnie w grupie eksperymentalnej dziewcząt, w badaniu przy oczach otwartych, zanotowano istotne zmniejszenie średniej wielkości pola powierzchni stabilogramu ( Sway Area ). Wnioski: 1. Analiza zmiennych stabilometrycznych wskazała na pozytywny wpływ w większości parametrów w grupie badawczej i kontrolnej. Wyraźniej poprawę badanych zmiennych obserwowano w grupie wykonującej ćwiczenia równoważne przy użyciu zestawu mebli „Kivak”. 2. Płeć nie różnicuje w istotny sposób uzyskiwanych efektów. W większości badanych zmiennych nie zaobserwowano zróżnicowania wyników w zależności od płci. Jedynie w grupie eksperymentalnej dziewcząt, w badaniu przy oczach otwartych zaobserwowano istotne zmniejszenie średniej wielkości pola powierzchni stabilogramu. Słowa kluczowe: równowaga, postawa ciała, ćwiczenia równoważne, stabilografia. Abstract Objective. The report presents the problem of evaluation of the impact of balance exercises with the “KIVAK” furniture set on the improvement of the selected stabilometric factors in 7-year-old children. Method: The tests were conducted in a group of 66 children, 7 years of age. In order to evaluate how the balance exercises with the use of the “KIVAK” furniture set affect the studied variables, the group was divided into two subgroups of 33 children each: tested group using “KIVAK” furniture set and performing balance exercises with the seat, and control group, that is, children who did not use the set. Changes in postural stability were assessed through the study program. The tests were conducted twice, by means of two-board CQ-electronic balance platform. Results: The applied therapy resulted in positive changes of most parameters in both studied groups. More visible improvement was observed in the tested group. In particular, in the tested group of girls, the test with eyes open revealed a significant reduction of the average sway area. Conclusions: 1. The analysis of the stabilometric variables revealed the positive changes in most of the parameters in both, tested and control group. The improvement of parameters was more observable in the group that performed balance exercises with the “KIVAK” furniture set. 2. Gender does not affect the results in any significant way. As for most investigated variables, the results did not differ according to gender. Only in the tested group of girls, the tests with the eyes open revealed a significant reduction of the average stabilogram sway area. Keywords: balance, body posture, balance exercises, stabilograph

    Ethnic policy adopted by Brigadier General Mieczysław Makary Smorawiński – commander of the Second Corps Area – towards the Volhynia province

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    Autorzy artykułu omawiają politykę wschodnią (tzw. program wzmacniania polskiej racji stanu) realizowaną w latach 1935-1939 przez gen. bryg. Mieczysława Makarego Smorawińskiego, ówczesnego dowódcę Okręgu Korpusu II oraz zmianę taktyki i strategii działań władzy w odniesieniu do mniejszości na Wołyniu. Na przestrzeni dziejów wolność i niepodległość Polski zależała od zaangażowania i poświęcenia narodu, jak również od mądrej polityki rządzących. Gdy te warunki nie zostały spełnione, należało się liczyć z niepowodzeniem. Przykład tego stanowi fiasko programu wzmacniania polskości na części międzywojennej Polski, na kresach wschodnich, głównie na Wołyniu – poniesione wskutek błędnej polityki opartej na administracyjno-policyjnych metodach rządzenia, radykalizacji polityki mniejszościowej oraz dodatkowych czynników takich jak: wzajemne stosunki osadników i rdzennej ludności, trudności z przekwalifikowaniem się żołnierzy w osadników, brak infrastruktury (sieci dróg, komunikacji kolejowej, kościołów, szkół), wreszcie wpływ nacjonalistycznej i sowieckiej propagandy.The article discusses the Polish eastern policy implemented in the years 1935-1939 and the change in tactics and strategy of the authorities with regard to minorities in Volhynia. Throughout history, Poland’s freedom and independence depended on the commitment and sacrifice of the nation, as well as on the wise policies of those in power. When these conditions were not met, failure was to be expected. A clear example of this was the fiasco of the programme to strengthen Polishness among the population of the so-called Eastern Borderlands, mainly in Volhynia (Wołyń). Among the reasons for the failure were faulty administrative-police methods of governance, the radicalisation of minority politics and such factors as: the mutual relations of settlers and the local population, the difficulty of converting former soldiers into settlers, the lack of proper infrastructural facilities (road networks, rail transport, churches, schools), and finally the influence of nationalist and Soviet propaganda

    Correlations and coexistence of characteristics describing body posture and feet in young people of both sexes aged 14 to 18 years

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    Introduction. With the multitude of procedures used for assessment of body posture and the lack of a reliable method without any drawbacks, the choice should depend on the aim of examinations. Contemporary diagnostics allows for determination of the most of characteristics of body posture in quantitative terms, thus reflecting the relationships between each other. The available literature in Poland and abroad has often failed to address this problem. The aim of this study was to determine the significance of the correlation between selected characteristics that describe the system of the pelvis, spine and feet in the population of children of both sexes aged 14 to 18. Materials and research tools The examinations conducted in a group of young people aged 14 to 18 years allowed for recording 2,343 observations, including 1,148 girls and 1,195 boys, and values of 121 characteristics that describe body posture and feet across individual age and sex categories. The test stand for evaluation of body posture and feet using the photogrammetric method is composed of a personal computer, software, screen and printer, and projection-reception device with a camera for measurement of selected parameters. Conclusion • Detailed analysis of the distribution of significance of correlations in any age range and gender groups demonstrated their incidentalness and accidentalness, which prevented from establishing any patterns and relationships between the characteristics. The coexistence of these characteristics can be only found. • Among the characteristics which describe the pelvis-spine system and are most often correlated with feet characteristics at the age of 14 to 17 years are the characteristics of the frontal and sagittal planes, followed by less pronounced characteristics of the transverse plane. • The most frequent and strongest correlations and their coexistence with the characteristics in the area of feet occur in the groups of girls aged 18 years and boys aged 15 and 18 years