271 research outputs found

    GIS-based multicriteria analysis as decision support in flood risk management

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    In this report we develop a GIS-based multicriteria flood risk assessment and mapping approach. This approach has the ability a) to consider also flood risks which are not measured in monetary terms, b) to show the spatial distribution of these multiple risks and c) to deal with uncertainties in criteria values and to show their influence on the overall assessment. It can furthermore be used to show the spatial distribution of the effects of risk reduction measures. The approach is tested for a pilot study at the River Mulde in Saxony, Germany. Therefore, a GISdataset of economic as well as social and environmental risk criteria is built up. Two multicriteria decision rules, a disjunctive approach and an additive weighting approach are used to come to an overall assessment and mapping of flood risk in the area. Both the risk calculation and mapping of single criteria as well as the multicriteria analysis are supported by a software tool (FloodCalc) which was developed for this task. --

    A glimpse into the future of exposure and vulnerabilities in cities? Modelling of residential location choice of urban population with random forest

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    The most common approach to assessing natural hazard risk is investigating the willingness to pay in the presence or absence of such risk. In this work, we propose a new, machine-learning-based, indirect approach to the problem, i.e. through residential-choice modelling. Especially in urban environments, exposure and vulnerability are highly dynamic risk components, both being shaped by a complex and continuous reorganization and redistribution of assets within the urban space, including the (re-)location of urban dwellers. By modelling residential-choice behaviour in the city of Leipzig, Germany, we seek to examine how exposure and vulnerabilities are shaped by the residential-location-choice process. The proposed approach reveals hot spots and cold spots of residential choice for distinct socioeconomic groups exhibiting heterogeneous preferences. We discuss the relationship between observed patterns and disaster risk through the lens of exposure and vulnerability, as well as links to urban planning, and explore how the proposed methodology may contribute to predicting future trends in exposure, vulnerability, and risk through this analytical focus. Avenues for future research include the operational strengthening of these linkages for more effective disaster risk management.Peer Reviewe

    Didaktische Konzeption einer Augmented-Reality-Experimentierumgebung

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    Ziel des Forschungsprojekts “Erfahrungsbasiertes Lernen durch interaktives Experimentieren in erweiterten Realumgebungen - ELIXIER” ist die Verbesserung experimenteller Praktika in der naturwissenschaftlichen sowie ingenieurstechnischen Bildung. Eine adaptive Mixed-Reality-Experimentierumgebung ermöglicht dazu eine nahtlose Lernbegleitung (Seamless Learning) ĂŒber alle Phasen des Experimentierzyklus (Orientieren - Vorbereiten - DurchfĂŒhren - Nachbereiten). Die Integration multimedialer und interaktiver Elemente soll die Experimentiererfahrung erweitern und den experimentellen Kompetenzerwerb verbessern. Der Lernprozess wird durch die Analyse von Handlungen, ExperimentzustĂ€nden und ĂŒber die intelligente Vernetzung aller Komponenten in einer webbasierten Infrastrukturlösung im “Seamless Smart Lab (S2L)” unterstĂŒtzt. Eine virtuelle, tutorielle Assistenz begleitet den Experimentierzyklus und stellt bedarfsgerecht Informationen und weiterfĂŒhrende Hinweise zur VerfĂŒgung. In ersten Nutzerstudien wurde das System als nĂŒtzlich zum Lernen eingestuft und die Funktionen als sinnvoll erachtet

    Activation and molecular recognition of the GPCR rhodopsin – Insights from time-resolved fluorescence depolarisation and single molecule experiments

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    The cytoplasmic surface of the G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) rhodopsin is a key element in membrane receptor activation, molecular recognition by signalling molecules, and receptor deactivation. Understanding of the coupling between conformational changes in the intramembrane domain and the membrane- exposed surface of the photoreceptor rhodopsin is crucial for the elucidation of the molecular mechanism in GPCR activation. As little is known about protein dynamics, particularly the conformational dynamics of the cytoplasmic surface elements on the nanoseconds timescale, we utilised time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy experiments and site-directed fluorescence labelling to provide information on both, conformational space and motion. We summarise our recent advances in understanding rhodopsin dynamics and function using time-resolved fluorescence depolarisation and single molecule fluorescence experiments, with particular focus on the amphipathic helix 8, lying parallel to the cytoplasmic membrane surface and connecting transmembrane helix 7 with the long C-terminal tail

    Von den AnfÀngen bis zu ELIXIER

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    Auf der Suche nach einem Medium, mit dem sich reale Experimente multimedial reprĂ€sentieren und damit didaktisch flexibler als mit dem zeitbasierten Film einsetzen ließen, wurden 1996 erst-mals Beispiele Interaktiver Bildschirmexperimente (IBE) entwickelt. Erste Erprobungen fanden an der TU Berlin in der Vorlesung ”EinfĂŒhrung in die Physik fĂŒr Ingenieure” statt, wo reale De-monstrationsexperimente aus praktischen GrĂŒnden nicht möglich waren. Die vielversprechenden Ergebnisse fĂŒhrten in der Folge zu zahlreichen Projekten didaktischer Anwendungen in Schule und Hochschule. Zentrale Probleme dabei waren der hohe Aufwand fĂŒr die Entwicklung, die Ein-bettung von IBE in multimediales Lernmaterial sowie deren Verbreitung. Ausgehend davon ent- wickelte die AG Didaktik an der FU Berlin die Web-Applikation ”tet.folio”, die unter anderem ei-ne Plattform zur effizienten Herstellung und Einbettung von IBE bietet. Im aktuellen Projekt ”ELIXIER” sind IBE und das tet.folio eine der SĂ€ulen fĂŒr die Entwicklung einer personalisierten Mixed-Reality- Experimentierumgebung, die eine nahtlose und mobil verfĂŒgbare Fortsetzung indi-vidueller Experimentierprozesse in virtuellen Umgebungen ermöglichen wird

    Affektive ZustÀnde und Finanzentscheidungen: eine experimentelle Studie

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    Am Kapitalmarkt agierende Investoren zeigen Verhaltensweisen, die dem klassischen VerstĂ€ndnis von einem rational handelnden Individuum (Homo oeconomicus) widersprechen. Hierzu zĂ€hlt auch das PhĂ€nomen des Dispositionseffektes. Der Dispositionseffekt fĂŒhrt zu einer schlechteren Wertentwicklung des Portfolios. Ein Ansatz, den Dispositionseffekt zu eliminieren, besteht darin, das Entscheidungsverhalten der Investoren zu moderieren. Hier knĂŒpft die vorliegende Arbeit an, indem die Wirkung von affektiven ZustĂ€nden auf die Halteentscheidung in einem Laborexperiment untersucht wird

    Innovative e-Learning Training Modules to Improve Animal Welfare during Transport and Slaughter of Pigs: A Pretest–Posttest Study to Pre-Evaluate the General Didactical Concept

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    In addition to the information on the possession of a certificate of competence, there are no concrete obligations for repetitive training for personnel handling live animals at transport and slaughter. Deficiencies in the animal-welfare-friendly handling of pigs are known. The developed pilot modules “Handling of pigs” and “Electrical stunning” were tested in a pretest–posttest study in German and Romanian using questions of knowledge before and after the implementation of the modules. In this study, 45 and 46 datasets of participants could be analyzed. The mean percentages of correctly answered questions in the posttest increased by 5.6% in the module “Handling of pigs” and by 10.6% in the module “Electrical stunning”. A significant interaction was found for the language match and trend categories in the module “Handling of pigs”. No Romanian native speaker had a positive trend in this module. For both modules separately, participant education level significantly interacted with the language match and the presence or absence of a certificate of competence. Comparing the percentages of the correct given answers, significant interactions in the subgroups were more common in the module “Electrical stunning”. One question in “Electrical stunning” was correctly answered significantly more often in the posttest. Because of the positive mean trends of knowledge within this pre-evaluation, we assume the didactical concept was suitable for our target groups. Holders of a certificate of competence also gave more correct answers in the post-test. This underlines the importance of repetitive training. Differences in the trends of knowledge gain seem to be topic and experience related

    The (co-)production of arrival neighbourhoods. Processes governing housing markets in three german cities

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    In recent years, an emerging strand of research has focused on the role arrival neighbourhoods play for newcomers finding their footing in a new urban context. However, little is known about the underlying factors and drivers influencing their function(ing). This concerns in particular the role of the local housing market and its players in shaping their emergence and development. The paper deals with the question of how arrival neighbourhoods are (co-)produced by housing market players and how the latter are embedded in local governance structures. Looking at three German arrival neighbourhoods, the article illustrates how they are co-produced by ownership structures and the allocation practices of different housing market players. However, the strengthening of an arrival neighbourhood®s function not only depends on ownership structures but also on the capacities of municipal housing providers and civil society organisations, their strategic goals and the will for (concerted) action. Our findings show that arrival neighbourhoods can take on an important citywide function, enabling newcomers to gain a foothold in the city if three criteria are met: they are accessible/affordable for low-income groups, are equipped with infrastructures for newcomers, and are permeable with regard to residents’ relocation to other neighbourhoods

    tet.folio: Neue AnsĂ€tze zur digitalen UnterstĂŒtzung individualisierten Lernens

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    Zur UnterstĂŒtzung der Physikausbildung stehen zahlreiche multimediale Elemente zur VerfĂŒgung, von Simulationen ĂŒber Interaktive Bildschirm Experimente (IBE) bis hin zu Remote-Laboratories. Mit tet.folio stellen wir hier eine Plattform vor, die es Autoren ermöglicht, diese digitalen Bausteine in Lernumgebungen einzubinden. Das Technology Enhanced Textbook (tet.folio) unterstĂŒtzt dabei individuelle Arbeitserfahrungen und aktive Lernmethoden der Studierenden. Durch das Aufheben der Grenzen zwischen Autoren und Lernenden ermutigt das sowohl Lehrende als auch Lernende, ihre Lehr-Lern-Materialien an ihre individuellen Anforderungen und BedĂŒrfnisse anzupassen

    Teaching small animal reproduction via virtual patients

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    Virtual patients have become an interesting alternative in medical education. Due to increasing demands regarding theoretical and clinical teaching and to improve an interdisciplinary approach, a new blended learning concept including virtual patients was developed and implemented in the veterinary curriculum of the Freie UniversitĂ€t Berlin. In the presented project, three virtual patients from the field of canine reproduction were developed. They focus on pregnancy diagnosis with suspected luteal insufficiency, pyometra and benign prostatic hyperplasia, respectively. The results of an evaluation by veterinary students of the 7th semester showed a high acceptance of virtual patients in a blended learning reproduction module in the interdisciplinary lectures. Students especially preferred videos, such as video lectures, hands‐on videos and animations as well as a glossary for background information, to successfully and autonomously work on a virtual case. The content covered by the new modules that were developed in the context of this project is part of a spiral curriculum; they will be revised and enhanced during the clinical year
