2,362 research outputs found

    Plant species first recognised as naturalised for New South Wales in 2002 and 2003, with additional comments on species recognised as naturalised in 2000–2001

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    Information is provided on the taxonomy and distribution of 71 taxa of naturalised or naturalising plants newly recorded for the state of New South Wales during the period 1 January 2002 to 31 December 2003. Of these taxa, 32 are new records for Australia (prefaced with a †). These species are: Abutilon pictum, Acanthus mollis, †Aesculus indica (naturalising), Agapanthus praecox subsp. orientalis, Ajuga reptans, †Anigozanthos flavidus, Aquilegia vulgaris, Arbutus unedo, †Athertonia diversifolia (naturalising), †Bergenia x schmidtii (naturalising), Bromus catharticus subsp. stamineus, Bryophyllum daigremontianum, Bryophyllum fedtschenkoi, Calyptocarpus vialis, †Ceiba speciosa (naturalising), Cereus uruguayanus, †Cestrum x cultum, †Chamaecyparis lawsoniana, Cistus salviifolius, †Clematis montana, †Coprosma x cunninghamii, Coprosma robusta, Cornus capitata, Cotoneaster simonsii, Cotoneaster x watereri group, Crinum moorei, Cupressus lusitanica, †Cylindropuntia fulgida var. mamillata forma monstrosa, †Cylindropuntia prolifera, Cylindropuntia tunicata, Desmanthus virgatus, Drosanthemum candens, †Elaeagnus umbellata (naturalising), †Eragrostis trichophora, †Eupatorium lindleyanum, †Gibasis pellucida, Glechoma hederacea, †Hesperis matronalis, Hieracium aurantiacum subsp. carpathicola, †Inga edulis (naturalising), †Juniperus conferta (naturalising), †Justicia caudata, Lamium galeobdolon, Lathyrus tingitanus, †Lysimachia fortunei, †Maackia amurensis, †Monstera deliciosa, †Murdannia keisak, Odontonema tubaeforme, Oxalis vallicola, Phoenix canariensis, †Physostegia virginiana, Pinus patula, Pittosporum eugenioides, †Pittosporum ralphii, Pittosporum tenuifolium, Plectranthus ecklonii, †Potentilla vesca, †Prunus campanulata, †Rhododendron ponticum, Rosa luciae, Rubus rugosus, Ruellia squarrosa, †Senna multijuga, Stapelia gigantea, Stephanophysum longifolium, Strobilanthes anisophylla, †Tabebuia chrysotricha, †Tabebuia impetiginosa, †Tradescantia pallida and Ulmus x hollandica. Additional notes and name changes are recorded for plants first recognised as naturalised for New South Wales over the period 2000–2001. The identification of several naturalised taxa occurring in New South Wales has been corrected. Plants formerly identified as Pinus nigra var. corsicana are now considered to be Pinus halepensis; Cylindropuntia arbuscula is Cylindropuntia kleiniae, Cylindropuntia tunicata is Cylindropuntia rosea, Abrus precatorius subp. precatorius is now Abrus precatorius subsp. africanus and Cotoneaster ?horizontalis is Cotoneaster microphyllus. Further field studies have revealed that Cylindropuntia leptocaulis, Cylindropuntia spinosior, Hypericum kouytchense and Chamaesyce ophthalmica are more widespread than previously thought

    A Bibliography of Australian Literary Responses to 'Asia'

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    NOTE: A revised version of the Bibliography, progressively compiled and updated through AustLit, can be found at http://www.austlit.edu.au/specialistDatasets/ARA This version is for archival purposes only.This bibliography records Australian literary responses to Asia in poetry, short-stories, novels and plays, from the beginnings of the colony to 1995, and forms the basis for an on-going bibliographic study. Oral and visual narratives depicting indigenous pre-1788 perceptions of Asia are beyond the province of this investigation, however the work of contemporary Aboriginal writers is included. Entries are restricted to writings in English. Translations from languages other than English and writing in other generic modes (like diaries, biography, life-writing, travel narratives, ethnographies and criticism) represent further research potential

    The Rayleigh—Taylor problem with a vertical magnetic field, including the effects of Hall current and resistivity

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    The influence of resistivity and Hall current on the Rayleigh-Taylor problem involving two superposed fluids of finite density in the presence of gravitational and magnetic fields normal to the fluid interface is examined. Unlike the related problem in which the magnetic field is parallel to the interface, it appears that the dispersion relation does not exhibit singular behaviour in the zero resistivity limit. The ‘potentially stable' situation is considered throughout. The results are compared with earlier ideal and resistive theories, and an apparent anomaly regarding the existence of normal modes in such systems is resolve

    Case report: Pathological fracture of the manubrium sternum of unknown aetiology

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    A 26-year-old male professional football player presented with sternal discomfort after performing upper limb exercises. X-rays and a computed tomography (CT) scan of the manubrium sternum indicated an area of lysis with a fracture line. An MRI showed bone marrow oedema as well as presternal and retrosternal soft tissue mass. An incision biopsy of the site and the soft tissue were performed under general anaesthesia. Additional investigations included a bone marrow biopsy from the left iliac crest, a full blood count and C-reactive protein test, all of which were normal. The morphological features were mostly in keeping with a healing fracture site, and the investigations revealed no evidence of a tumour or structural abnormality. In bone injuries, where the level of force is not commensurate with the degree of injury or where the anatomical area and other factors in the presentation are unusual, they require careful investigation. Treating physicians should actively exclude the multitude of potential causes when investigating pathological fractures.Keywords: pathology, manubrium, stress fractur

    Future circulation changes off West Antarctica: Sensitivity of the Amundsen Sea Low to projected anthropogenic forcing

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    The Amundsen Sea Low (ASL) is a major driver of West Antarctic climate variability, with the potential to accelerate the loss of glacial ice. Using the 11 global climate models which most reliably simulate the seasonality in ASL location, we assess the ASL sensitivity to projected future changes using the CMIP5 historical (1951–2000) and representative concentration pathway experiment RCP8.5 (2051–2100). For the first time, we show that the future ASL will likely migrate poleward in summer (December, January, and February) and autumn (March, April, and May), and eastward in autumn and winter (June, July, and August). The autumn-winter changes drive colder southerly winds over the Ross Sea and warmer northerly winds toward the Antarctic Peninsula. This is consistent with recent trends in ERA-Interim reanalysis meridional winds (1979–2014) and reconstructed temperature (1957–2006), suggesting that the impact of anthropogenic forcing on the ASL is likely to play an important role on both past and future patterns of West Antarctic climate variability

    The Beta Generalized Exponential Distribution

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    We introduce the beta generalized exponential distribution that includes the beta exponential and generalized exponential distributions as special cases. We provide a comprehensive mathematical treatment of this distribution. We derive the moment generating function and the rrth moment thus generalizing some results in the literature. Expressions for the density, moment generating function and rrth moment of the order statistics also are obtained. We discuss estimation of the parameters by maximum likelihood and provide the information matrix. We observe in one application to real data set that this model is quite flexible and can be used quite effectively in analyzing positive data in place of the beta exponential and generalized exponential distributions

    Modelling deep convection and its impacts on the tropical tropopause layer

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    The UK Met Office's Unified Model is used at a climate resolution (N216, ~0.83°×~0.56°, ~60 km) to assess the impact of deep tropical convection on the structure of the tropical tropopause layer (TTL). We focus on the potential for rapid transport of short-lived ozone depleting species to the stratosphere by rapid convective uplift. The modelled horizontal structure of organised convection is shown to match closely with signatures found in the OLR satellite data. In the model, deep convective elevators rapidly lift air from 4–5 km up to 12–14 km. The influx of tropospheric air entering the TTL (11–12 km) is similar for all tropical regions with most convection stopping below ~14 km. The tropical tropopause is coldest and driest between November and February, coinciding with the greatest upwelling over the tropical warm pool. As this deep convection is co-located with bromine-rich biogenic coastal emissions, this period and location could potentially be the preferential gateway for stratospheric bromine

    Effects of oilseed meal and grain-urea supplements fed infrequently on digestion in sheep: 1. Low quality grass hay diets

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    An experiment examined intake, growth response and rumen digestion of young sheep fed ad libitum low quality grass hay alone or supplemented with approximately isonitrogenous amounts of barley grain and urea (Bar/N), safflower meal (SAF) or linseed meal (LIN) provided at 3 days intervals. Supplements comprised 13–20% of total DM intake. Sheep fed grass hay alone consumed 60.2gDM/kgLW0.75/day of hay and an estimated 6.09MJ metabolizable energy (ME)/day, and were in liveweight (LW) maintenance. Hay intake was decreased (P<0.05) by the Bar/N supplement with a substitution rate of 0.9, but was not changed by the oilseed meal supplements. Each of the supplements increased (P<0.05) estimated ME intake to a similar extent, but LW gain and wool growth were lower (P<0.05) in sheep supplemented with Bar/N than those supplemented with LIN. Rumen degradabilities of the SAF and LIN CP were estimated to be 0.72 and 0.62, respectively. Rumen ammonia concentrations in sheep fed hay alone (average 97mgNH3/l) were expected to be adequate for microbial activity. Fractional outflow rate (FOR) of liquid from the rumen measured with Co-EDTA (mean 0.109h−1) was greater than that of Cr-mordanted supplements (mean 0.056h−1), which was in turn greater than the FOR of Cr-mordanted hay (mean 0.031h−1). Diet did not affect these FOR. Supplemented sheep accommodated increased DM intake on Day 1 of the 3 day supplementation cycle by increasing rumen digesta load rather than by increasing rate of passage of digesta. Results show that the LW gain of young sheep fed low quality hay was increased more by either oilseed meal than by equivalent amounts of barley grain/urea supplement, apparently due to more efficient utilization of ME for LW gain

    Antarctic sea ice increase consistent with intrinsic variability of the Amundsen Sea Low

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    We investigate the relationship between atmospheric circulation variability and the recent trends in Antarctic sea ice extent (SIE) using Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) atmospheric data, ECMWF Interim reanalysis fields and passive microwave satellite data processed with the Bootstrap version 2 algorithm. Over 1979–2013 the annual mean total Antarctic SIE increased at a rate of 195 × 103 km2 dec−1 (1.6 % dec−1), p < 0.01. The largest regional positive trend of annual mean SIE of 119 × 103 km2 dec−1 (4.0 % dec−1) has been in the Ross Sea sector. Off West Antarctica there is a high correlation between trends in SIE and trends in the near-surface winds. The Ross Sea SIE seasonal trends are positive throughout the year, but largest in spring. The stronger meridional flow over the Ross Sea has been driven by a deepening of the Amundsen Sea Low (ASL). Pre-industrial control and historical simulations from CMIP5 indicate that the observed deepening of the ASL and stronger southerly flow over the Ross Sea are within the bounds of modeled intrinsic variability. The spring trend would need to continue for another 11 years for it to fall outside the 2 standard deviation range seen in 90 % of the simulations