1,721 research outputs found

    Phytophthora nicotianae e Rhizoctonia solani: dois novos patógenos da vinca no Brasil.

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    Propranolol in Infantile Hemangioma Treatment. Experience in 2 Cases

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    Introdução: O Hemangioma infantil é o tumor benigno mais frequente na idade pediátrica. A maioria tem evolução favorável, no entanto dependendo da sua localização, podem levar à distorsão de estruturas anatómicas ou a outras complicações locais ou sistémicas, tornando necessária uma abordagem terapêutica precoce e eficaz. Neste contexto, desde que Léauté-Labréze e colaboradores publicaram a sua experiência com o propranolol em 2008, têm-se multiplicado na literatura internacional, casos clínicos e pequenas séries em que este fármaco é utilizado “off-label” como terapêutica de primeira linha. O presente trabalho visa reportar a experiência de um serviço na utilização de propranolol como terapêutica de primeira linha no tratamento do hemangioma infantil em 2 doentes. Casos clínicos: O doente 1, do sexo feminino, tinha um hemangioma infantil desde as 5 semanas, localizado na pirâmide nasal. O doente 2, do sexo masculino, tinha dois hemangiomas infantis ulcerados: um localizado na face, com atingimento do mento, lábio inferior, mucosa gengival e labial; um segundo de localização escrotal. Ambos os doentes realizaram indução terapêutica com propranolol em regime de internamento com uma dose alvo de 2 a 3 mg/Kg/dia. Ao fim de 6 meses de follow-up, assistiu-se a uma resposta muito satisfatória, sem complicações documentadas. Discussão: O propranolol constitui uma alternativa segura e eficaz no tratamento do hemangioma. Embora não tenham ocorrido complicações, elas estão descritas e ocorrem principalmente durante a fase de indução terapêutica, tornando importante a monitorização durante esse período

    Liver MRI: From basic protocol to advanced techniques

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    Liver MR is a well-established modality with multiparametric capabilities. However, to take advantage of its full capacity, it is mandatory to master the technique and optimize imaging protocols, apply advanced imaging concepts and understand the use of different contrast media. Physiologic artefacts although inherent to upper abdominal studies can be minimized using triggering techniques and new strategies for motion control. For standardization, the liver MR protocol should include motion-resistant T2-w sequences, in-op phase GRE T1 and T2-w fast spin echo sequences with fat suppression. Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) is mandatory, especially for detection of sub-centimetre metastases. Contrast-enhanced MR is the cornerstone of liver MR, especially for lesion characterization. Although extracellular agents are the most extensively used contrast agents, hepatobiliary contrast media can provide an extra-layer of functional diagnostic information adding to the diagnostic value of liver MR. The use of high field strength (3T) increases SNR but is more challenging especially concerning artefact control. Quantitative MR belongs to the new and evolving field of radiomics where the use of emerging biomarkers such as perfusion or DWI can derive new information regarding disease detection, prognostication and evaluation of tumour response. This information can overcome some of the limitations of current tests, especially when using vascular disruptive agents for oncologic treatment assessment. MR is, today, a robust, mature, multiparametric imaging modality where clinical applications have greatly expanded from morphology to advanced imaging. This new concept should be acknowledged by all those involved in producing high quality, high-end liver MR studies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Aspectos computacionais da implementaçao da formulaçao diferencial aplicada à análise reológica de barragens de concreto

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    Neste artigo sáo apresentadas as formulaçóes integral e diferencial para a modelizacão matemática do problema reológico do concreto, assim como a correspondencia entre as duas formulaçoes. Sáo então apresentados exemplos numéricos visando uma comparacáo da eficiencia computacional de algoritmos baseados nos dois tipos de modelizaçao.Peer Reviewe

    Dieta, crecimiento y reproducción de cuatro especies de peces planos en la costa portuguesa

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    Four flatfish species were collected between January 2003 and June 2005 from commercial fishing vessels operating with gill nets and bottom trawls along the Portuguese coast in order to examine feeding habits, age and growth and reproduction. Citharus linguatula (Linnaeus, 1758), Lepidorhombus boscii (Risso, 1810) and Microchirus azevia (de Brito Capello, 1867) fed mainly on crustaceans, whereas Platichthys flesus (Linnaeus, 1758) fed mainly on echinoderms and crustaceans. Feeding activity was highest in spring and summer; females and small individuals showed the lowest vacuity index values. For all the species, significant differences were found in the proportion of prey items according to season, sex and size class. M. azevia had the largest diet spectrum. Ages were determined from sagittal otoliths. The von Bertalanffy growth equation coefficients differed between sexes. The asymptotic length L∞ of females was higher than that of males, except in C. linguatula. The lowest growth coefficient was obtained for P. flesus (k=0.11 for males and k=0.10 for females) and M. azevia showed the highest growth coefficient estimates (k=0.40 for females and k=0.30 for males). The highest proportion of individuals at spawning stage was recorded in winter for L. boscii, P. flesus and M. azevia, and in autumn for C. linguatula.Cuatro especies de peces planos fueron capturadas desde enero de 2003 hasta junio de 2005 por embarcaciones comerciales operando con redes de enmalle y arrastre de fondo, a lo largo de la costa portuguesa, con objeto de examinar los hábitos alimenticios, la edad, el crecimiento y el ciclo sexual. Citharus linguatula (Linnaeus, 1758), Lepidorhombus boscii (Risso, 1810) y Microchirus azevia (de Brito Capello, 1867), se alimentaron sobre todo de crustáceos. La dieta de Platichthys flesus (Linnaeus, 1758) estuvo compuesta principalmente por equinodermos y crustáceos. La mayor actividad alimenticia se observó en la primavera y el verano. Las hembras y los individuos más pequeños presentaron valores de índices de vacuidad más bajos. Para todas las especies se encontraron diferencias significativas en la proporción de ítems alimenticios según la estación, el sexo y la talla. M. azevia presentó el espectro más amplio de dieta. Las edades fueron determinadas a partir de los otolitos sagittae. Los coeficientes de la ecuación de crecimiento de von Bertalanffy fueron diferentes para los dos sexos. La talla asintótica L∞ de las hembras fue mayor que la de los machos, excepto para C. linguatula. El coeficiente de crecimiento más bajo se observó para P. flesus (k=0.11 para los machos y k=0.10 para las hembras), M. azevia presentó el mayor coeficiente de crecimiento (k=0.40 para hembras y k=0.30 para machos). La mayor proporción de individuos maduros en L. boscii, P. flesus y M. azevia se observó en invierno y en C. linguatula en otoño

    Changes of the energetic profile in masters' swimmers over a season

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    The aim of this study was to track and compare the changes of performance and energetic profile of male and female masters swimmers during a season. Eleven female (age: 34.7±7.3-y) and fourteen male (age: 35.6±7.4-y) with 4.2±3.7-y and 3.9±1.6-y of experience in masters, respectively, performed an all-out 200 m freestyle to evaluate total energy expenditure (Etot), aerobic (Aer), anaerobic lactic (AnL) and alactic (AnAl) contributions. The oxygen uptake (VO2) was measured immediately after the 200 m trial and the VO2 reached during the trial was estimated through the backward extrapolation of the O2 recovery curve. Fingertip capillary blood samples were collected before the 200 m trial and 3, 5, and 7 minutes after its end. Significant differences were observed between male (TP1:177.50±30.96s; TP2:174.79±29.08s; TP3:171.21±22.38s) and female (TP1:205.18±24.47s; TP2: 197.45±20.97s; TP3: 193.45±18.12s) for 200 m freestyle performance at the three time periods (TPs). Male presented higher Etot in all TPs (TP1:230.40±48.40kJ; TP2:242.49±37.91kJ; TP3:257.94±46.32kJ) compared with that found for female swimmers (TP1:188.51±35.13kJ; TP2:193.18±20.98kJ; TP3:199.77±25.94kJ). Male presented higher AnL (TP1:33.42±6.82kJ; TP2:30.97±8.73kJ; TP3:30.66±8.27kJ) and AnAl (TP1:30.61±3.48kJ; TP2:30.61±3.48kJ; TP3:30.60±3.48kJ) than female (TP1:18.83±8.45kJ; TP2:14.98±4.17kJ; TP3:18.33±8.66kJ) and (TP1:24.32±2.22kJ; TP2:24.31±2.23kJ; TP3: 24.31±2.23kJ). Aerobic metabolism is the major contributor for Etot both in male (TP1:71.63±4.99%; TP2:74.05±5.03%; TP3:76.14±4.46%) and female swimmers (TP1:76.87±3.86%; TP2:79.40±3.63%; TP3:78.40±5.54%). The better performance obtained by male compared to female swimmers may be due to the different contributions of the energetic pathways. Aerobic metabolism was the major contributor to Etot in a 200 m race, in both genders. Partial aerobic contribution was higher in female, while partial anaerobic contribution was greater in male.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluation of the fertilizer potential of Chlorella vulgaris and Scenedesmus obliquus grown in agricultural drainage water from maize fields

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    Producing microalgae with agricultural drainage water (ADW) allows recycling water and nutrients, with the produc- tion of a biofertilizer, avoiding receiving waters' contamination. Chlorella vulgaris and Scenedesmus obliquus were culti- vated using ADW and standard media supplementation and presented higher productivities, relatively to the control industrial growth medium (using freshwater). Selected strains were grown outdoors in pilot flat panel photobioreactors, reaching 2.20 g L−1 for S. obliquus and 1.15 g L−1 for C. vulgaris, and degrading herbicides in the ADW to non-quantifiable concentrations. The potential of the C. vulgaris and S. obliquus suspensions to replace 50% of nitrogen (N) mineral fertilization of lettuce (0.5 g pot−1) was evaluated through a pot trial, also using a 2-times (1.0 g pot−1) and 5-times (2.5 g pot−1) higher dose, applied 31 days before lettuce transplanting. Even the lower dose of N, applied via C. vulgaris or S. obliquus suspensions, was able to provide significantly higher lettuce fresh matter yield, relatively to the mineral fertilized control. Soil enzymatic activities were improved, with significantly higher de- hydrogenase, β-glucosidase, and acid phosphatase activities for the 2.5 g pot−1 dose, more marked for S. obliquus, which was also able to increase soil organic matter content. Both the non-fertilized control and microalgae fertilized pots led to similar soil electrical conductivities, 3-fold lower than in the N-mineral fertilized pots, evidencing the capac- ity of microalgae fertilizers to avoid soil secondary salinization. Results suggest benefits from using ADW from maize cultivation to produce C. vulgaris or S. obliquus suspensions, that can be further used as liquid organic slow-release fertilizer.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effect of boundary conditions on diffusion in two-dimensional granular gases

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    We analyze the influence of boundary conditions on numerical simulations of the diffusive properties of a two dimensional granular gas. We show in particular that periodic boundary conditions introduce unphysical correlations in time which cause the coefficient of diffusion to be strongly dependent on the system size. On the other hand, in large enough systems with hard walls at the boundaries, diffusion is found to be independent of the system size. We compare the results obtained in this case with Langevin theory for an elastic gas. Good agreement is found. We then calculate the relaxation time and the influence of the mass for a particle of radius RsR_s in a sea of particles of radius RbR_b. As granular gases are dissipative, we also study the influence of an external random force on the diffusion process in a forced dissipative system. In particular, we analyze differences in the mean square velocity and displacement between the elastic and inelastic cases.Comment: 15 figures eps figures, include