20 research outputs found

    Issues and Innovation for Setting and Infrastructure Management in the Islamic University of Lebanon in the Time of Pandemic

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    The Islamic University of Lebanon (IUL) is committed to providing faith and knowledge as a source of inspiration for the Lebanese nation, citizen, state and society as a whole. IUL has paid special attention to the environment and to the green metrics when establishing the new campus in Wardanieh, the rules related to green buildings and the preservation of the environment were taken into account. The COVID-19 pandemic has created the largest disruption of education systems in human history, affecting nearly 1.6 billion learners in more than 200 countries. In this paper we will describe how the setting and infrastructure of Wardanieh campus has helped in managing the Covid-19 crisis at the university through different levels: the physical distancing, the effect of the large campus buildings area according to the campus population, moreover the large forest spaces, the natural ventilation of buildings, the sanitization and sterilization procedures with setting guidelines for Covid-19 such as the obligation of wearing masks. Furthermore, we will describe the influence of ICT technologies into education in many different ways for distance learning, and how the university has evolved its ICT infrastructure to support the increase in demand on the internet capacity and on university servers.Keyword: IUL university, Green, SDGs, Covid-19 prevention, education, settings and infrastructur

    Investigation the Coating of Hydroxyapatite on Titanium Substrate by Pulse Laser Deposition

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    بحثت هذه الدراسة وأعدت طلاء مركب للمزروعات الجراحية باستخدام المواد السيراميكيه النشطه بايولوجيا (bioactive) مثل الهيدروكسيابتايت كطلاءات للمزروعات المعدنيه التي تشجع النمو الطبيعي للعظام عند نقاط التماس بينها وبين العظم الحي. ان الهيدروكسيابتايت (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2)) او فوسفات الكالسيوم يستخدم كطلاء للمعادن بسبب توافقيته الحياتيه الممتازه كما انه ذو هيكل مشابه للانسجه الصلبه في جسم الانسان. إن تطبيق الطلاء HA على ركائز التيتانيوم أنتجت باستخدام تقنية الترسيب بالليزر النبضي (Pulsed Laser Deposition). في هذا البحث استخدم (HA) كهدف ((Target تم كبسه عند ضغط (150MPa) مع حجم حبيبي مقداره 2.745 µm)) واستخدامه في عملية الطلاء بواسطة تقنية(PLD). أجريت عدة اختبارات لتوصيف طبقة الطلاء مثل XRD وSEM وAFM وEDX لتحديد كمية كلا من الكالسيوم (Ca) والفسفور (P) في طبقة الطلاء. وبعدها تم اختبار الصلاده وخشونة السطح لطبقه الطلاء HA)). تم اجراء اختبار التآكل باستخدام طريقة استكمال منحني تافل في محلول Hank's solution لكل النماذج المطليه وغير المطليه، حيث حصلنا في هذا الاختبار على تحسن كبير في مقاومة التآكل للعينات المطليه عند عدد نبضات 4000 نبضة بمقدار 99.88%.This study investigated and prepared a coating for surgical implants by using hydroxyapatite (HA) empowers characteristic bone that developed at a medium for prosthetic the parts of human body. HA is the generally manufactured from both Calcium (Ca) and Phosphate (P) to produce (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2) that used as a base material for covering mineral embeds because of its incredible biocompatibility and comparable the synthesis and structure to sclerous tissues of the human body. HA, coatings on titanium substrates have been produced by Pulses laser deposition (PLD) techniques. HA used in this search pressed at pressure (150MPa) with particle size (2.745 µm) and used as a target in coating by (PLD) techniques. Surface characterization studies of the coatings such as XRD, SEM, AFM and EDX to detect the amount of (Ca) and (P) in coating layer were carried out. Then test the micro-hardness, surface roughness for HA coating .Corrosion behavior for uncoated and coated samples with various number of pulses in Hank’s solution by using OCP and the potentially static polarization test were achieved also, , in this test we obtained a greatly improved in corrosion resistance of the samples B1 after coating by 99.88%

    Prise de décision orientée QoS dans les réseaux hétérogènes

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    Les réseaux mobiles et sans fil ont connu une évolution remarquable durant ces dernières années, ils sont devenus des techniques essentielles dans notre vie quotidienne. Dans ce contexte, la sélection d un réseau d accès est considérée un thème principal puisqu un nœud mobile peut se déplacer entre les différents réseaux hétérogènes supportant des technologies différentes. Chaque système dans ces réseaux est caractérisé par différents paramètres. En conséquence, une stratégie de sélection doit prendre en considération les besoins de l utilisateur et les intérêts des opérateurs, qui visent à maximiser leurs revenus, tout en maintenant des niveaux acceptables de satisfaction des utilisateurs. Le travail effectué dans le cadre de cette thèse s est basé sur le problème de sélection d accès dans lequel nous avons traité les points suivants : -Conception et implémentation d une plateforme de simulation pour les réseaux hétérogènes appelée ABCDecision . -Proposition de deux algorithmes de sélection : le premier est basé sur l équilibrage de charge et permet de distribuer le trafic aux différents RANs disponibles pour réaliser un équilibre de la charge entre les RANs selon les critères adoptés, et le second algorithme est basé sur les préférences de l utilisateur et permet de distribuer la charge selon ces préférences. Ensuite, nous proposons deux versions améliorées du second algorithme tout en introduisant un seuil fixe pour contrôler le nombre d utilisateurs acceptés par un réseau autre que leurs réseaux préférés. -Conception d une stratégie de sélection dynamique utilisant la logique floue, cette stratégie consiste au remplacement du seuil fixe par un autre dynamiquePARIS-BIUSJ-Mathématiques rech (751052111) / SudocSudocFranceF

    A statistical detection mechanism for node misbehaviours in wireless mesh networks

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    Wave Performance Analysis and Enhancement for Safety Applications in Vehicular Networks

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    IEEE 802.11p performance enhancement based on Markov chain and neural networks for safety applications

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    International audienceVehicular communication is recently considered as one of the key future technology to improve the safety of vehicles, the efficiency of traffic and the comfort for both drivers and pedestrians. Vehicular communications, based on IEEE 802.11p, use the Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA) algorithm to support different levels of Quality of Service (QoS). In this paper, a machine learning neural network with Markov chain approach is proposed to ensure the delivery of urgent safety messages to the receiver whatever the situation of the network. We propose to control the rate of periodic messages in Control Channel (CCH), by modifying the back-off parameters according to the state of the buffer. We also use Radial Basis Function Neural Network (RBFNN) to adjust the EDCA back-off parameters, using the following parameters: the priority of message (P), the sensitivity of road (S), the threshold of buffer (T), and the type of vehicle (V). Our simulation is done using SUMO 0.22 simulator, NS 2.34 and awk scripts; the simulation was applied on Hamra area (Lebanon). The results show that our proposed models perform better compared to the IEEE 802.11p in terms of packet delivery ratio, throughput and end-to-end delay